Photos of Greenville


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Photo Gallery: Greenville, Mississippi Delta

Faulkner mentions "the perfectly flat Delta land to the west [of Yoknapatawpha] near Greenville" in The Mansion (358). The Aldridge plantation, where the last photo here was taken, was near Greenville. By the 1930s this plantation contained about 4,000 acres, and was worked by tractors rather than mules - but even then picking cotton remained much the same kind of hard labor you can see in the first photo below, taken at the end of the 19th century. The next two photographs were made during the Depression by Marion Post Wolcott and Dorothea Lange, two of the most famous of the Farm Security Administration's photographers. The Aldridge plantation was in existence as early as the 1890s, so it's possible that all 3 of these photos could have been taken at that site.


Picking cotton


Negro Church       Owner with One of the Plantation Children