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BibliographyListed here are the secondary sources that we consulted while creating the project. Aiken, Charles S. William Faulkner and the Southern Landscape. University of Georgia Press, 2009. Arnold, Edwin T. and Dawn Trouard, Reading Faulkner: Sanctuary. University Press of Mississippi, 1996. Blotner, Joseph. Faulkner: A Biography, 2 volumes. Random House, 1974. Blotner, Joseph, editor. Selected Letters of William Faulkner. Vintage Books, 1978. Blotner, Joseph, editor. William Faulkner: Uncollected Stories. Vintage International, 1997. Brodsky, Louis Daniel. "The Textual Development of William Faulkner's 'Wash': An Examination of Manuscripts in the Brodsky Collection." Studies in Bibliography 37, 1984, pp. 248-81. Brodsky, Louis Daniel and Robert Hamblin, Faulkner: A Comprehensive Guide to the Brodsky Collection, Volume 5: Manuscripts and Documents. University Press of Mississippi, 1988. 114-137. Brooks, Cleanth. William Faulkner: The Yoknapatawpha Country. Yale University Press, 1963. Brown, Calvin S. A Glossary of Faulkner's South. Yale University Press, 1976. Burg, Jennifer, Anne Boyle, and Sheau-Dong Lang. "Using Constraint Logic Programming to Analyze the Chronology in 'A Rose for Emily,'" Computers and the Humanities 34, 2000, pp. 377-392. Connolly, Thomas E. Faulkner's World: A Directory of His People and Synopses of Actions in His Published Works. University Press of America, 1988. Cowley, Malcolm. The Faulkner-Cowley File: Letters and Memories, 1944-1962. Viking Press, 1966. Cowley, Malcolm, ed. The Portable Faulkner, Revised and Expanded Edition. Viking Press, 1967. Creighton, Joanne V. William Faulkner’s Craft of Revision: The Snopes Trilogy, The Unvanquished and Go Down, Moses. Wayne State University Press, 1977. Dabney, Lewis M. The Indians of Yoknapatawpha: A Study in Literature and History. Louisiana State University Press, 1974. Dain, Martin J. Faulkner's Country: Yoknapatawpha. New York: Random House, 1964. Dain, Martin J. and Tom Rankin. Faulkner's World: the Photographs of Martin J. Dain. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 1997. Dalziel, Pamela. "Absalom, Absalom!: The Extension of Dialogic Form," Mississippi Quarterly, Summer 1992, pp. 277-94. Dasher, Thomas E. William Faulkner's Characters: An Index to the Published and Unpublished Fiction. Garland, 1981. Davis, Thadious. Games of Property: Law, Race, Gender, and Faulkner's Go Down, Moses. Duke University Press, 2003. Dennis, Stephen Neal. "The Making of Sartoris: A Description and Discussion of the Manuscript and Composite Typescript of William Faulkner's Third Novel," Dissertation, Cornell University, 1969. Doyle, Don H. Faulkner's County: The Historical Roots of Yoknapatawpha. University of North Carolina Press, 2001. Duvert, Elizabeth. "Faulkner's Map of Time," The Faulkner Journal, Fall 1986, pp. 14-28. Fargnoli, A. Nicholas, and Michael Golay. William Faulkner A to Z: The Essential Reference to His Life and Work. 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William Faulkner Manuscripts. Garland Publishing, Inc., 1986-1987. 2, Thomas L. McHaney, ed. Father Abraham, and The Wishing Tree. 5, Volume I: Joseph Blotner, ed. Flags in the Dust: Holograph Manuscript. 5, Volume II: Joseph Blotner, ed. Flags in the Dust: Ribbon Typescript. 6, Volume I: Noel Polk, ed. The Sound and the Fury: Holograph Manuscript and Miscellaneous Pages. 6, Volume II: Noel Polk, ed. The Sound and the Fury: Carbon Typescript and Miscellaneous Typescript Pages. 7: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. As I Lay Dying: Holograph Manuscript and Carbon Typescript. 8, Volume I: Noel Polk, ed. Sanctuary: The Holograph Manuscript and Miscellaneous Pages. 8, Volume II: Noel Polk, ed. Sanctuary: The Carbon Typescript and Miscellaneous Pages. 9: Noel Polk, ed. These Thirteen: Holograph Manuscripts and Typescripts. 10, Volume I: Joseph Blotner, ed. Light in August: Holograph Manuscript. 10, Volume II: Joseph Blotner, ed. Light in August: Typescript Setting Copy. 11: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. Doctor Martino and Other Stories: Holograph Manuscripts and Typescripts. 14, Volume II: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. The Wild Palms: Publisher's Front Matter and Typescript Setting Copy. 15, Volume I: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. The Hamlet: Miscellaneous Typescripts and Manuscripts. 16, Volume I: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. Go Down, Moses: Typescripts and Miscellaneous Typescript Pages. 16, Volume II: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. Go Down, Moses: Typescript Setting Copy and Miscellaneous Galley Proofs. 17: Noel Polk, ed. Intruder in the Dust: Typescript Draft, Typescript Setting Copy, and Miscellaneous Materials. 18: Thomas L. McHaney, ed. Knight's Gambit: Typescripts and Miscellaneous Typescript Pages. 23, Volume I: Michael Millgate, ed. The Reivers: Typescript Draft Copy. 23, Volume II: Michael Millgate, ed. The Reivers: Typescript Setting Copy. 24: Joseph Blotner, ed. Short Stories: Holograph Manuscripts and Typescripts. |