Articles & Presentations

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Articles & Other Presentations

Listed here are various re-presentations of the Digital Yoknapatawpha project: in print, online, in the media and at conferences.

        Journal Articles|Books or Book Chapters

Digitizing Faulkner: Yoknapatawpha in the Twenty-First Century, ed. Theresa M. Towner. 2022, University of Virginia Press.
  Theresa M. Towner, "Introduction: From Yoknapatawpha to the Virtual World"
  Johannes Burgers, "Yoknapatawpha from 30,000 Feet: Locations, Characters and Events in Digital Yoknapatawpha"
  Jennie Joiner, "Locations, Ownership, and Information Flow"
  Chris Rieger, "'Around a Hundred and at Least Triplets': Exploring Characters"
  Lorie Watkins, "Events in Digital Yoknapatawpha: Making Faulkner's World Move"
  Ben Robbins, "Visualizing Narrative Modes: The Narratological Mapping of Trauma in Faulkner's Sanctuary"
  Erin Penner, "Reading The Portable Faulkner through Digital Yoknapatawpha:
                             Recovering the 'Problems' and 'Difficulties' of 'Appendix Compson'"
  John Michael Corrigan, "Faulkner's Human Hive: Complex Systems in The Hamlet"
  Melanie Benson Taylor, "Digital Yakni Patafa: Plotting Indigenous Space and Race"
  Ren Denton, "Digital Yoknapatawpha: Pedagogical Practices and the Politics of Digital Humanities in the Twenty-First-Century Classroom"
  Stephen Railton, "Work in Progress"

Ben Robbins, Faulkner’s Hollywood Novels: Women between Page and Screen. 2024, University of Virginia Press.

Railton, Stephen. “Yoknapatawpha’s Rhyming Events.” The Faulkner Journal 34: 1 (2020) 85-94.

Cassity, Maxwell. “The Jefferson Outbreak: An Epidemiological Reading of the Snopes Family” In Faulkner’s Families, ed. Jay Watson and James G. Thomas, Jr. (Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2023). 168-193.

Burgers, Johannes. “Absalom, Absalom! and the Digital Humanities: Charting Characters, Events, and Language.” In Absalom, Absalom! A Norton Critical Edition, ed. Susan Scott Parish (New York: Norton, 2023). 677-692.

Beach, Maxine. "Voices in Faulkner's 'Barn Burning.'" Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 40 (Fall 2022):

Railton, Stephen. "Teaching with Digital Yoknapatawpha; or The Sound and the Fury and the Bi-Partite Graph." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 40 (Fall 2022):

Penner, Erin. "Digital Yoknapatawpha When You Only Know One Faulkner Story." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 39 (Fall 2021):

Burgers, Johannes. "Imagining the Continuously Present Past: Visualizing William Faulkner’s Narratives and Digital Yoknapatawpha." Digital Humanities Quarterly 15: 2 (2021):

Penner, Erin. "Grounding 'Pantaloon in Black' in Faulkner Country." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 38 (Fall 2020):

Burgers, Johannes. "Familial Places in Jim Crow Spaces: Kinship, Demography, and the Color Line in William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County." Journal of Cultural Analytics (07-22-2020):

Aili Pettersson Peeker, "Seeing Memory: Using Digital Yoknapatawpha to Teach Cognitive Literary Studies." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 37 (Fall 2019):

Penner, Erin. "More than Running: Redefining Movement in Go Down, Moses," in Faulkner and Slavery: Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha 2018, ed. Jay Watson. 2021, University Press of Mississippi.

Sciuto, Jenna, "Digital Yoknapatawpha and the Pedagogical Pitfalls of Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 35 (Fall 2017):

Robbins, Ben, "Reading for Data: Temporal Speed Shifts in Faulkner's 'Death Drag' and the Process of Textual Digitization." Studies in American Culture 39:1 (October 2016): 7–20.

Denton, Ren, "Faulkner and Innovative Teaching: Using Digital Yoknapatawpha in the Classroom." Teaching Faulkner Newsletter 34 (Fall 2016):

"Digital Yoknapatawpha: A Written Roundtable," Mississippi Quarterly, Summer-Fall 2015
  "Digitizing Yoknapatawpha," Stephen Railton
  "Digital Yoknapatawpha in the Context of the Digital Humanities," Elizabeth Cornell
  "Digital Yoknapatawpha: Where We Are," Theresa M. Towner
  "Using the Digital Yoknapatawpha Database for Research," Johannes H. Burgers
  "Encoding Yoknapatawpha: Considering Faulkner in the Information Age," John Michael Corrigan
  "Digital Yoknapatawpha as a Resource for Teachers and Students," Jennie J. Joiner
  "Humanism, Faulkner, and the Digital," Taylor Hagood
  "What it Looks Like to this Bear: An Old Faulknerian Learns to Read Digitally," James B. Carothers

        Selected Media Coverage|Interviews

"Keuka College’s Dr. Jennie Joiner Selected for National NEH-Faulkner Project," Keuka College Blog, February 2, 2022

"Revisiting William Faulkner with Prof. Johannes Burgers," Ashoka University News, February 2, 2022

"Southeast Professor Awarded $147k NEH Grant for Digital Humanities Project," Southeast Missouri State University News, January 26, 2022

"Stephen Railton and John B. Padgett on Digital Yoknapatawpha," Interviewed by Francesca Mancino, Lost Modernists, June 18, 2021

"International Team Collaborating to Digitize Faulkner's World," Anne Bromley, UVA Today, July 17, 2019

"Following Faulkner's Footsteps," Anna Schaeffer, The Mercury, February 5, 2018

"Mapping Faulkner’s Fiction through Digital Space and Time," Queensborough Community College News, September 19, 2016

"The Search for Truth: 10 UVA Research Projects in Action," Rob Seal, UVA Today, August 31, 2016

"UVA Spearheads Effort to Digitally Map Faulkner's Literary World," Anne Bromley, UVA Today, August 15, 2016

"Digital Humanities and Faulkner: Digital Yoknapatawpha, an Interview of Stephen Railton," in
Studies in American Culture, October 2015

"William Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha County Goes Online," by Lareeca Rucker, The Oxford Eagle, July 24, 2015

"The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project," an interview with Taylor Hagood, in Southern Spaces, January 22, 2014


June 2024 - "Teaching Southern Literature Workshop: Digital Yoknapatawpha," Lorie Watkins and John B. Padgett; Society for the Study of Southern Literature Biennial Conference, Gulfport, Mississippi.

July 2023 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha and As I Lay Dying: Giving Everyone Access to Faulkner," Haley Tate; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2023 - "Escaping Digital Yoknapatawpha: How to Use a Digital Escape Room with DY," Taylor Bryant; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2023 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha and Multimodal Composition," Jonathan Hayes; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2023 - "Using Digital Yoknapatawpha to Explore the World of Chapter-less Caddy in William Faulkner’s The Sound and the Fury," Nikki Magaziner Mills; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

October 2022 - "Tell about DH: Modernism and Computationally-Mediated Collaborative Scholarship, Pedagogy, and Publishing," Johannes Burgers, Erin Penner, Worthy Martin; Modern Studies Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon.

July 2022 - "The Digital Topography of Post-War Dread in Flags in the Dust," Erin Penner; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2022 - "Jest Another Snopes": The Mansion, Late Modernist Aesthetics, and the Proliferation of Character," Ben Robbins; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2022 - "Digitizing Faulkner: Yoknapatawpha in the Twenty-First Century," Theresa Towner, Johannes Burgers, Jennie Joiner, Stephen Railton; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2022 - "Digitizing Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha," Johannes Burgers, Worthy Martin, John Padgett, Stephen Railton, Lorie Watkins; Society for the Study of Southern Literature Biennial Conference, Atlanta.

July 2021 - "Navigating Faulkner's World Through Digital Yoknapatawpha: New Features and Updates," Stephen Railton, John Padgett, Erin Penner, Johannes Burgers, Theresa M. Towner; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

May 2021 - "The Bitter Sum: Accounting for Racist Words in Absalom, Absalom!," Susan Scott Parrish and Johannes Burgers; Faulkner's Fetishized Words International Symposium, University of Picardie-Jules Verne, University of Richmond

May 2021 - "Faulkner's Hollywood Allusions and the Semantic Fields of Contagion, Commodification, and Deception," Ben Robbins; Faulkner's Fetishized Words International Symposium, University of Picardie-Jules Verne, University of Richmond

October 2019 - "Like a Horse in a Duck Pond: Digital Humanities, GIS, and the Critical Geographies of William Faulkner," Johannes Burgers; James Madison University

July 2019 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha Panel," Johannes Burgers, Erin Penner, Jenna Sciuto; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

April 2019 - "Visualizing Narratives and Beyond: Digital Yoknapatawpha," Worthy Martin, British Society of Literature and Science, Royal Holloway, University of London.

2019 - "Digital Humanities and Practice-oriented Pedagogies for the 21st Century," Johannes Burgers; International Career and College Counseling Conference, Tiruchirappalli, and International Career and College Counseling Conference, Dubai.

2019 - "Gender Trouble, Digital Solutions: Computational Perspectives on Retrieval, Discovery, and Representation of Intersectionality," Johannes Burgers, Representing Women in the 21st Century Conference. Delhi University.

2018 - "Mapping at the Cross-Roads: The Digital Humanities and the Spatial Turn," Johannes Burgers, University of Chicago Center, New Delhi.

December 2018 - "Alternative Visualizations of Relationships in Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha Fiction," W.N. Martin, J. Burgers and S. Railton, Digital Humanities and Computer Science, Loyola University, Chicago.

July 2018 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha: Reading the Data of Slavery," Jennie Joiner, Erin Penner, Stephen Railton; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2017 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha in 2017 - and Beyond," John Corrigan, Stephen Railton, Lorie Watkins; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

April 2017 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha," panel discussion with Alison Booth, Worthy Martin, Stephen Railton, Scholars' Lab, UVA Library.

2017 - "William Faulkner's Fictional Demographies: Mapping People and Places Using the Digital Yoknapatawpha Database," Johannes Burgers, Conference of Digital Archives and Digital Humanities, Taipei, Taiwan.

November 2016 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha," Johannes Burgers, Worthy Martin, MSA, Pasadena.

July 2016 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha Panel," John Corrigan, Ren Denton, Theresa M. Towner; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

March 2016 - "Public Digital Humanities Projects," Stephen Railton; NeMLA Presidential Session, Hartford.

2016 - "New Visualization Technologies for The Digital Yoknapatawpha Project," Johannes Burgers, Modernist Studies Association. Pasadena.

2015 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha Advanced Visualization Toolkit." Johannes Burgers, Modernist Studies Association. Boston.

November 2015 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha," Johannes Burgers, Worthy Martin, MSA, Boston.

November 2015 - "William Faulkner and the Digital Humanities," John Corrigan; Asia-Pacific SpatioTemporal Institute of National Chengchi University, Taiwan.

October 2015 - "A Keystone to the Universe: William Faulkner and the Digital Humanities," John Corrigan; National Taiwan Normal University.

July 2015 – "Digital Yoknapatawpha Panel," Johannes Burgers, Stephen Railton, Theresa Towner; Faulkner&Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2014 – "Digital Yoknapatawpha Panel," Dotty Dye, Julie Napolin, Theresa M. Towner; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2014 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha: Interpreting a Palimpsest of Place," Dorothy Dye, Julie Beth Napolin, Elizabeth Cornell, Worthy Martin, Digital Humanities, UNIL and EPFL, Luzanne.

May 2014 - "Visualizing Non?Linearity: Faulkner and the Challenges of Narrative Mapping," Julie Napolin, Worthy Martin, Johannes Burgers, ALA, Washington, D.C.

July 2013 - "Digital Yoknapatawpha: 'A Fur Piece' We've Come," Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

July 2012 – "Digital Yoknapatawpha: Progress Report on a Work in Progress," Elizabeth Cornell, Taylor Hagood, John Padgett, Stephen Railton; Faulkner & Yoknapatawpha Conference, University of Mississippi.

January 2012 – "Digital Yoknapatawpha," Stephen Railton; Faulkner Society Session, MLA Conference, Seattle.