Caledonia, Yoknapatawpha (Location Key)


In The Town, "Caledonia" is a place in Yoknapatawpha where Matt Levitt gets into a fight with Anse McCallum (206). (There is a real Caledonia in Mississippi, a town in Lowndes County, north of Columbus and near the Alabama border; that town is mentioned in The Unvanquished.) "Caledonia" is the Latin name that the Romans gave northern Britain, and it became a synonym for Scotland. As several of the fictions note, many of the first white settlers in Mississippi were of Scotch descent, and so it's not surprising to find more than one 'Caledonia' place name. Presumably in Yoknapatawpha "Caledonia" is a rural hamlet like Frenchman's Bend. In Intruder in the Dust Caledonia Chapel is in the hills northeast of Jefferson, and in Flags in the Dust and elsewhere the McCallums (or MacCallums) live in the northeast corner of Yoknapatawpha, so that is where we have chosen to locate the scene of the fight.

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Caledonia, Yoknapatawpha

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