Displaying 401 - 500 of 5013
CharKey | Text | Name | Occupation |
Rank![]() |
Unnamed Automobile Salesman 1 | The Mansion | Unnamed Automobile Salesman(1) | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Captain Studenmare | "A Courtship" | Studenmare, Captain | Transportation | Minor | view |
Red | Requiem for a Nun | Alabama Red | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Union Lieutenant 3 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Union Lieutenant(3) | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Girl in Car | Light in August | Unnamed Girl in Car | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Elks' Club Members | "A Rose for Emily" | Unnamed Elks' Club Members | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Union Cavalryman 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Union Soldier | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Prostitutes in Max's Restaurant | Light in August | Unnamed Prostitutes in Max's Restaurant | Criminal | Minor | view |
Ringo | The Hamlet | Unnamed Negro | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Whites in Crowd | "Go Down, Moses" | Unnamed Whites in Crowd | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 2 | The Mansion | Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Judge Brummage | The Hamlet | Unnamed Judge(2) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Enslaved Maid 2 | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Enslaved Maid(2) | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Ben Quick | "Tomorrow" | Quick, Mrs. Ben | Minor | view | |
Ike McCaslin's Children | "Delta Autumn" | McCaslin, Unnamed Children of Ike | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Frenchman's Bend Family | The Hamlet | Unnamed Frenchman's Bend Family | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Roommate of Mrs. Mallison | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Roommate of Mrs. Mallison | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Neighbor in the Bend 1 | "Miss Zilphia Gant" | Unnamed Neighbor in the Bend(1) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Wife of Mister Ernest | "Race at Morning" | Unnamed Wife of Mister Ernest | Minor | view | |
Uncle Job 2 | The Town | Job | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Mrs. Church | "That Will Be Fine" | Church, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Calvin BookwrightBookright | The Reivers | Bookwright, Calvin | Criminal | Minor | view |
Jason Lycurgus Compson II | The Sound and the Fury | Compson, Grandfather | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Rachel Samson | As I Lay Dying | Samson, Rachel | Minor | view | |
Ludus 2|Unnamed Husbands of Minnie | The Mansion | Ludus | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Town Wit 3 | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Man in Barber-shop | Minor | view | |
Otis Harker | The Town | Harker, Otis | Production | Minor | view |
Unnamed Hotel Residents | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Hotel Residents | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Waiter 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Negro Drugstore Waiter | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Joby 1 | The Unvanquished | Joby | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Music Teacher | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed Music Teacher | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Soldier in Memphis | "Two Soldiers" | Unnamed Soldier in Memphis | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Jimbo | "The Old People" | Jimbo | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Driver 3 | The Mansion | Unnamed Driver(2) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Judge 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Judge(1) | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed "Feller" 3 | The Mansion | Unnamed "Feller"(2) | Minor | view | |
Dennison Hawk II | "Skirmish at Sartoris" | Hawk, Denny | Minor | view | |
Lee MacCallum | "The Tall Men" | McCallum, Lee | Farming | Minor | view |
Unnamed College Professors 1 | Flags in the Dust | Unnamed College Professors | Professional | Minor | view |
Constable Skipworth | Intruder in the Dust | Skipworth, Constable | Administrative | Minor | view |
Sir Banastre Tarleton | "Appendix: Compson" | Tarleton, Sir Banastre | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Misidentified Victims | "Monk" | Unnamed Misidentified Victims | Minor | view | |
Unnamed People in Want | "A Bear Hunt" | Unnamed People in Want | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Friends of Gavin Stevens | The Town | Unnamed Friends of Gavin Stevens | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Pioneers and Settlers | "A Name for the City" | Unnamed Pioneers and Settlers | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Truck Drivers | Intruder in the Dust | Unnamed Truck Drivers | Transportation | Minor | view |
Will Varner | "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" | Varner, Will | Management | Minor | view |
Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant 3 | The Hamlet | Unnamed Enslaved Body Servant | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Members of Posse 4 | "An Error in Chemistry" | Unnamed Posse | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Jurors 1 | Sanctuary | Unnamed Jurors | Minor | view | |
Kate Tull | As I Lay Dying | Tull, Kate | Minor | view | |
Mrs. Wallstreet Panic Snopes | The Town | Snopes, Mrs. Wallstreet | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Alison Lessep Priest | The Reivers | Priest, Alison Lessep | Minor | view | |
Mink Snopes' Daughter 2 | The Mansion | Snopes, Daughter of Mink(2) | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed Son of Moketubbe | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Son of Moketubbe | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Drummer 1 | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Drummer | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Mrs. Jason Compson II | "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" | Compson, Mrs. | Minor | view | |
Jack Crenshaw | The Town | Crenshaw, Jack | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Confederate Officer | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Confederate Officer | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Men Who Assist Anse | The Sound and the Fury | Unnamed Men Who Assist Anse | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 2 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes(2) | Minor | view | |
Butch | "Dry September" | Butch | Minor | view | |
Gail Hightower I | Light in August | Hightower, Gail I | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Servants at Backus Place | The Mansion | Unnamed Servants at Backus Place | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Old Woman 3 | The Unvanquished | Unnamed Old Negro Woman | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Crap Shooters | "Pantaloon in Black" | Unnamed Negro Crap Shooters | Production | Minor | view |
Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes | "Raid" | Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes | Minor | view | |
Sheriff Hampton 1 | The Hamlet | Hampton, Sheriff Hub | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Congregants at Sutpen's Church | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Congregants at Sutpen's Church | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Half-Grown Boys | "Barn Burning" | Unnamed Half-Grown Boys | Minor | view | |
Reno | Flags in the Dust | Reno | Minor | view | |
Joby 1 | "Vendee" | Joby | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Spectators at Air Show | "Death Drag" | Unnamed Spectators at Air Show | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Father of Fonsiba's Husband | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Father of Fonsiba's Husband | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Confederate Orderly 2 | Absalom, Absalom! | Unnamed Confederate Orderly(2) | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Unnamed Bank Stockholders | The Town | Unnamed Bank Stockholders | Minor | view | |
Willy Ingrum | Intruder in the Dust | Ingrum, Willy | Administrative | Minor | view |
Unnamed Aunts of Judge Allison | "Beyond" | Unnamed Aunts of Judge Allison | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Drummers 4 | Sanctuary | Unnamed Drummers in Kinston | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Fellows | "A Bear Hunt" | Unnamed Fellows | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Anzac Battalion | "All the Dead Pilots" | Unnamed Anzac Battalion | Armed Forces | Minor | view |
Leflore | Requiem for a Nun | Leflore | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Sexual Partners of Susan Reed | "Hair" | Unnamed Sexual Partners of Susan Reed | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Man at Beauchamps | Go Down, Moses | Unnamed Enslaved Man at Beauchamps | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Negro Neighbors of Joanna Burden | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Neighbors of Joanna Burden | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Waiter 3 | "Ad Astra" | Unnamed Waiter | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 3 | "Knight's Gambit" | Unnamed Negro Chauffeur | Domestic Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Wounded Civil War Soldiers | Light in August | Unnamed Wounded Civil War Soldiers | Minor | view | |
Birdie Watts | The Reivers | Watts, Birdie | Criminal | Minor | view |
Sickymo | Go Down, Moses | Sickymo | Administrative | Minor | view |
Aaron Rideout|Grover Cleveland Winbush | The Town | Winbush, Grover Cleveland | Sales and Service | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Husband 1 | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Husband(1) | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Relatives of Young Man Sartoris Killed | The Reivers | Unnamed Relatives of Young Man Sartoris Killed | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Enslaved Girl 2 | Requiem for a Nun | Unnamed Enslaved Girl(2) | Minor | view | |
Flem Snopes | Flags in the Dust | Snopes, Flem | Management | Minor | view |
Unnamed Neighbors of Minnie Cooper | "Dry September" | Unnamed Neighbors of Minnie Cooper | Minor | view | |
Bridger | The Unvanquished | Bridger | Criminal | Minor | view |
Unnamed Negro Woman Wearing Christmas' Shoes | Light in August | Unnamed Negro Woman Wearing Christmas' Shoes | Minor | view | |
Unnamed Pascagoula Lawyer | The Mansion | Unnamed Pascagoula Lawyer | Professional | Minor | view |
Unnamed Confederate Cavalry 2 | Light in August | Unnamed Confederate Cavalrymen(1) | Armed Forces | Minor | view |