Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
3611 | Unnamed Parchman Warden 2 |
During Mink's long confinement at Parchman in The Mansion there is a turnover of wardens. It is not clear when the old warden leaves and this new one arrives. Nevertheless, like his predecessor, this second warden is remarkably kind and sympathetic towards Mink. |
3610 | Unnamed Parchman Warden 1 |
The warden at Parchman when Mink first arrives there in The Mansion is remarkably kind to his prisoner, helping Mink with his correspondence to his wife. |
3571 | Unnamed Parchman Trusty |
This is the "trusty" who leads Mink out of the state penitentiary in The Mansion; he is in Parchman as a "lifer" who "killed his wife with a ball peen hammer" but according to the Warden "was converted and received salvation in jail" (423) - which explains why he would have been made a trusty, that is, a prisoner entrusted by the authorities with various kinds of responsibilities. |
3572 | Unnamed Parchman Trusties |
These "dozen trusties" in the Parchman penitentiary are not described in any detail in The Mansion (74), but "trusty" is the generic term for prison inmates who can be trusted to help the authorities administer the institution. They are typically given (minor) privileges and allowed (limited) freedoms that other inmates aren't. Montgomery Ward Snopes assumes Flem could bribe one of them to kill Mink for "ten grand" - ten thousand dollars (74). |
3570 | Unnamed Parchman Inmates 2 |
"They were picking the cotton now" (100) - after Mink has been released from the penitentiary, this is how in The Mansion he thinks about the inmates who remain in Parchman's, most of whom work as field hands on the farm around the prison. |
2506 | Unnamed Parchman Inmates 1 |
"Monk" includes two separate visits to the state penitentiary, but the only specific reference it makes to the inmate population is when, during an "abortive jailbreak," Monk shoots the warden. "Fifty men" see him do that, and "some of the other convicts" overpower him afterwards (50). One of these men is later identified as Bill Terrel, and some of them, like Bill Terrel, are considered by the Governor's Pardon Board for release. |
3580 | Unnamed Parchman Guard |
"Turnkey" is a colloquial term for jailor; this "turnkey" is the official at Parchman in The Mansion who opens the gate for Mink's release (423). |
3579 | Unnamed Parchman Doctor |
In The Mansion Mink turns to "the prison doctor" for an explanation of how deafness works (454). |
1432 | Unnamed Parchman Chain Gang |
The specific chain gang that Mink works on while at Parchman's in The Mansion consists of eleven men altogether, who go to and from the "mess hall to eat" and the cotton field where they are forced to work "shackled to the same chain" (105). The three who are named - Mink himself, Stillwell and Barron - are all white, and they live inside the penitentiary in "a detached wire-and-canvas-and-plank hut," so it seems safe to assume that in the segregrated South, all eleven are white, but that is an assumption. The gang tries to kill Mink after he objects to their plan to escape. |
1722 | Unnamed Parade Marchers |
In The Sound and the Fury Quentin and Deacon discuss the time the black man marched in the parade "on Decoration Day" (82). Decoration Day was the southern name for Memorial Day, originally created to honor the veterans of the Civil War and in 1910 it would have been celebrated on the last Monday of May. Deacon mentions both "the old vet'runs" and the "ladies" who organize the celebration (98). Deacon was was wearing a "G.A.R. uniform," i.e. the uniform of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Union army (82). |
3569 | Unnamed Painters |
As a symptom of the post-war building- and baby-boom, these house painters can barely finish up their job before eager veterans move into Eula Acres in The Mansion. |
3000 | Unnamed Painter |
The man who makes "Miss Zilphia Gant" a Missus is introduced as "a tramp painter," an itinerant whom her mother hires to repaint the dressmaking shop. His last name is never given, so we cannot know Zilphia's married name. Her husband is described as "a young man with black hair and eyes like wood ashes" (375). Despite his own prejudice against any "woman that wore glasses" (377), he falls in love with Zilphia, and vows to her to "get you out of" the miserable life her mother forces her to live (376). |
1884 | Unnamed Oxford Town Boys |
The three "town boys" who appear as individuals in Chapter 4 of Sanctuary have separate entries. This entry refers to the aggregate group of young men mentioned in the novel who do not go to the University but do have access to cars which make them desirable dates for Temple on "week nights," between the dances and other weekend social activities on the campus (29). Excluded at those times, these "boys" can only watch Temple from a distance that is socio-economic as well as physical. |
2595 | Unnamed Oxford Landlady |
While at the University in Oxford in The Hamlet, Labove lives in a "boarding house" owned by this landlady (129). |
1744 | Unnamed Owner of the Traveling Show |
In The Sound and the Fury, the man who saves Jason from the furious old man who attacks him is the owner the traveling show that just played in Jefferson. He tells Jason that he "runs a respectable show, with a respectable troupe," and has already fired the man Jason is looking for (312). |
3071 | Unnamed Owner of Circus |
He owns the circus at which Milly Hines meets the father of her baby in Light in August. He appears in the novel during Milly's father's murder trial, to testify that the man Hines murders "was a part nigger instead of Mexican" (377). |
2469 | Unnamed Overseers on Virginia Plantations |
As the young Thomas Sutpen moves east across Virginia in Absalom!, he notes these "white men" on "fine horses" (182), the "white men who superintend the work" of the field slaves (184). |
2951 | Unnamed Overseer 2 |
In Intruder in the Dust the "overseer" at the Mallison farm helps Mrs. Mallison look for her missing ring (70). |
2444 | Unnamed Overseer 1 |
The "overseer" Sutpen hires in Absalom! is credited with helping the plantation "run smoothly" (57). He is identified only as the son of the county sheriff. |
3771 | Unnamed Outlanders |
In Intruder in the Dust both Chick Mallison and Gavin Stevens at different points imagine a group they identify as "outlanders" (149, 199). In the second instance Gavin describes them to Chick as the people of "the North and East and West" who are currently seeking to "force on us [the South] laws based on the idea that man's injustice to man can be abolished overnight" (199). |
2247 | Unnamed Other Children |
These "other children" in "Beyond" are the ones who gave the young mother's son the scars he bears "one day when they were playing" (794). It isn't clear if this happened in a previous life, or in Beyond, but what the mother says - "they didn't know they were going to hurt him" (794) - adds to the details in the story that suggest a connection between this anonymous mother and son and Mary and Jesus in the New Testament. |
2167 | Unnamed Orphans |
In Light in August these children in the Memphis orphanage wear "identical and uniform blue denim" (119). Joe seems to live apart from most of them, except a few of the older girls who show him some maternal kindess. According to Hines and the dietitian, at least some of these children call Joe "Nigger" (127). |
2166 | Unnamed Orphanage Workers |
The women who work at the Memphis orphanage where Christmas lives in Light in August include the ones who find him "on that doorstep that Christmas night" and so decide to give him the last name of "Christmas" (383-84). Five years later two young women clean and dress Joe Christmas before he leaves the orphanage with Simon McEachern. |
3568 | Unnamed Original Settlers of Yoknapatawpha |
The Mansion refers to "Yoknapatawpha County's three original settlers" (421) but only gives one of them a name: Alexander Holston (he has his own Character entry). In other Yoknapatawpha fictions this group always includes Samuel Habersham, sometimes along with his (unnamed) son; in "Hand Upon the Waters," the group includes an ancestor of Gavin Stevens as one of the three. |
3093 | Unnamed Original Owner of Dangerous Horse |
In "Knight's Gambit" Rafe McCallum acquires the horse that Max Harriss buys from "some owner" who may have "ruined" it by trying "to break its spirit by fear or violence"; it is rumored that McCallum bought the horse "because its owner wanted to destroy it" (210-11). |
2950 | Unnamed Original Inhabitants of Jefferson |
According to Gavin Stevens in Intruder in the Dust, "all the men" who first came to Jefferson worked together to build it, "to shape a land for their posterity" (49); according to this account, "the jailer then" or the "innkeeper or farrier or vegetable peddler" could be "what the lawyer and planter and doctor and parson called a gentleman" (49). This definition of "all the men" leaves out the ones who were enslaved. |
1842 | Unnamed Orchestra at the Grotto Club 2 |
Musicians play at the Grotto club at two different points in Sanctuary. A second "orchestra," "from a downtown hotel," is hired to provide music at Red's funeral. A dispute arises about what kind of music they should play. "The leader" proposes "the Blue Danube" by "Strauss" (a detail which suggests these musicians are white, 244), another man proposes "jazz." But at the suggestion of the proprietor of the Grotto they first play "Nearer My God, To Thee," and then the "cornetist" plays a solo version of "In That Haven of Rest" (245). |
1841 | Unnamed Orchestra at the Grotto Club 1 |
Musicians play at the Grotto club at two different points in Sanctuary. The first time, this regular club "orchestra" provides the soundtrack to the scene in which Popeye and Red compete fatally for Temple. The dance music they play "swirls slowly about her in a bright myriad wave" (238). But the narrative never describes either the musicians or the music more particularly; given the history of music in Memphis, they may be black. |
3092 | Unnamed Operators |
Passing through Jefferson from preflight to basic training in "Knight's Gambit," Charles Mallison sees "the five- and ten-ton trucks of the bottomland planters and operators" (251). "Operators" here seems to mean 'managers.' |
2024 | Unnamed Operations Officer |
This senior officer in the R.A.F. squadron in "All the Dead Pilots" seems like a by-the-book kind of soldier; he won't release Sartoris from duty just because Sartoris asks. He does have a sense of humor, though, and at least a working knowledge of history and geography: "the operations officer told him that La Fayette awaited him on the Santerre plateau" (522) - in other words, "get back to work." |
2623 | Unnamed Oldest Nephew of Ratliff |
In The Hamlet Ratliff shares a bed with his oldest nephew while Mink Snopes' family stays at his house in Jefferson. Ratliff "had given up his room to them" (288). |
3368 | Unnamed Older Bondsman |
This man, the senior of the two representatives from the company that bonds De Spain in The Town, has "gray hair" and comes to town wearing "striped britches and a gold watch chain big enough to boom logs with and gold eyeglasses and even a gold toothpick and the pigeon-tailed coat and the plug hat" (88). |
1883 | Unnamed Old Woman in Paris |
In Sanctuary, when Temple and her father sit down "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris, this "old woman" comes to them "with decrepit promptitude" to collect the money - four sous - for the seats (316). |
2622 | Unnamed Old Woman 3 |
According to Varner in The Hamlet, this "old woman" told his "mammy" that if "a woman showed her belly to the full moon," she would have "a gal" (339). |
2023 | Unnamed Old Woman 2 |
In "All the Dead Pilots" this "old woman working in a field" works on through the shelling of the French countryside by the Germans, "stooping stubbornly among the green rows" as Sartoris passes her twice going to and from Amiens (521). |
2022 | Unnamed Old Woman 1 |
This woman runs and probably owns the "estaminet, a 'bit of a pub,'" in a back street of Amiens where 'Toinette works in "All the Dead Pilots" (516). She and the girl are not related to one another, which raises the question of the exact nature of their business arrangement; she apparently knows of 'Toinette's affairs with Sartoris and Spoomer but does not object to them. |
2830 | Unnamed Old Testament Prophets |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" mentions "the old fathers in Genesis and Exodus that talked face to face with God" (111), the patriarchs like Abraham and Moses, as a reference point for the age of his father's Grandfather. |
3566 | Unnamed Old People |
While some "old people" are included in the group in The Mansion that goes to the movie in Jefferson ("couples, young men and girls and old people," 36), this entry represents the "old people" that the narrative specifically identifies, who "didn't go to the picture show" but instead sit in their rocking chairs (38). |
650 | Unnamed Old Men, Women and Children |
In both "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished these unnamed people, from various places and social ranks in the county, make up the white portion of the 'congregation' that assembles in the Episcopal Church to hear Rosa confess her sins - her campaign of stealing from the Yankees - and to enjoy the fruits of those sins, the mules and money she disperses into the community. |
2441 | Unnamed Old Men at Holston House |
In Absalom!, as Sutpen moves across the Square after talking with General Compson, the General sees "old Mr McCaslin and two other old men hobble out and stop him" to talk (221). McCaslin has his own entry. The fact that all three are "old" is an indication of how the Civil War has emptied Jefferson of most of its other male residents. |
649 | Unnamed Old Men |
In both "The Unvanquished" and the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, this group of "old men" once captured Grumby, but released him after he showed them what he claimed was a commission from General Forrest (150, 93). |
1394 | Unnamed Old Man 2 |
Sanctuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "an old man in a shabby brown overcoat" sailing a toy boat beside the children (316). |
648 | Unnamed Old Man 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury Quentin sees this "old man eating something out of a paper bag" (112) when he gets off the interurban car in the town near Cambridge. When he passes the same spot later he notes that the man is gone. |
1591 | Unnamed Old Jefferson Lady |
Mentioned only in passing in Flags in the Dust, she is the charitable "old lady of the town" in whose automobile the wife and children of the "family of country people" (also unnamed) take their husband and father to the train station, where he leaves for the War (72). |
1217 | Unnamed Old Indian Men |
In "Red Leaves" the group that pursues the runaway servant does not include the tribe's old men - or its women and children. |
1393 | Unnamed Old Indian |
Shortly after Issetibbeha dies in "Red Leaves," this unnamed man speaks with two Indian women about the old days, before "the world" was "ruined by white men" and slavery (323). |
2242 | Unnamed Old Gentleman |
This "old gentleman" gave the toy soldiers to the boy that the Judge meets in Beyond (793). He himself does not appear, but the boy's mother describes him as having "lived here a long time, they say," and being "quite wealthy," "with a white mustache and that kind of popping eyes that old people have who eat too much" (793). He often sits with the woman and her child, "talking and breathing hard" (793). |
3367 | Unnamed Oil Company Executives |
Only referred to generically in The Town as "the oil company," these faceless men "cuss Mr [Eck] Snopes" for his foolishness in blowing himself and one of their tanks up, but also give his widow $1000, "even if she had married a fool" (117). |
3565 | Unnamed Oil Company Agent |
In The Mansion this unnamed "purchasing agent" of the unnamed oil company comes to Jefferson looking for a place to put a gas station (369); he offers to buy land from Res Snopes and Meadowfill. |
1913 | Unnamed Official on Train |
The "official" on the train in Sanctuary who "shakes his fist" at Temple for jumping off at Taylor may be the conductor, or perhaps a chaperone from the college (36). |
2521 | Unnamed Officers 2 |
In "Hand upon the Waters" Boyd Ballenbaugh "was subdued and thrown into jail once by two officers in Jefferson" (76). |
1882 | Unnamed Officers 1 |
These "officers" in Sanctuary who search the "ramshackle house" of the "old half-crazed white woman" who manufactures "spells for negroes" may be local policemen, or, since they are looking for whiskey, federal revenue agents (201). In any case, there is nothing alcoholic in the "collection of dirty bottles containing liquid" which they find (201). There must be at least three of them, because two of them "hold" the woman during the search (201). |
2689 | Unnamed Nurse |
When deciding if he can safely amputate Buddy McCallum's leg in "The Tall Men," Dr. Schofield realizes that to anesthetize his patient, "I'll need my nurse to help me" (51). The nurse in question is never sent for, though the operation is performed. |
646 | Unnamed Northern White Men 2 |
In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished Bayard identifies the "six or eight strange white men" who are in charge of the black men who want to vote as "the Northern white men" (70, 71; 206, 207). Many of the men whom Bayard calls "the Jefferson men, the men that I knew" (70, 206), would undoubtedly have called these strangers carpetbaggers, the pejorative term coined by the white South to label men who came into the defeated region after the end of the Civil War. |
1216 | Unnamed Northern White Men 1 |
These are the various "white men" in Light in August whom Christmas tricks into "calling him a negro" so that he can fight them (225). The narrative locates him "in the north" at this time (225). |
2165 | Unnamed Northern Prostitute |
This prostitute in Light in August has just had sex with a black patron before Joe's "turn," so she responds with indifference when Christmas tries to provoke her by saying "that he is a negro" (225). In response, he beats her so badly that "at first they thought that the woman was dead" (225). |
2164 | Unnamed Northern Policemen |
In an unidentified northern city or town in Light in August, these "two policemen" subdue Christmas after he nearly beats a prostitute to death (225). |
2440 | Unnamed Northern People |
In Absalom! these are the "Northern people" who, at least in Miss Rosa's mind, have destroyed "the South" (5). |
2783 | Unnamed Northern Laborers |
Ike's account of U.S. history in Go Down, Moses divides the North during the Civil War era into the capitalist class and the workers. That second group is who is represented by this entry: "the New England mechanics who didn't even own land," the factory workers who lived in "rented tenements," and so on (273). |
2720 | Unnamed Northern Businessmen 2 |
Ike McCaslin's account of the Civil War in Go Down, Moses juxtaposes the leaders of the Confederate cause with the various Yankees who opposed them. This entry represents his roster of the economic elite in northern and western states that didn't secede: "the wildcat manipulators" and land speculators, "the bankers," the landlords and factory owners (273). |
1460 | Unnamed Northern Businessmen 1 |
In The Unvanquished, the "some northern people" - presumably bankers or businessmen - sell John Sartoris a locomotive on credit (225). |
3789 | Unnamed Non-Mississippians |
According to Gavin in The Mansion, "the rest of the world, at least that part of it in the United States, rates us folks in Mississippi at the lowest rung of culture" (167). This entry represents those people outside Mississippi - especially in the North. |
2621 | Unnamed Night Station Agent |
This station agent in The Hamlet recalls seeing an unnamed drummer from Memphis "frightened and battered . . . in a pair of ruined ice cream pants" catch the early train south out of town (147-48). |
1124 | Unnamed Night Marshal 4 |
The job of Jefferson's night marshal includes enforcing an informal curfew by trying to get people off the streets during the night, although according to The Mansion his threats to the men who remain in the barbershop or poolroom at "two oclock on Sunday mornings" sound too vague to be effective. "If you boys don't quiet down and go home" - apparently he never finishes that sentence (203). |
645 | Unnamed Night Marshal 3 |
In Intruder in the Dust Jefferson's night marshal is referred to only as the "nocturnal counterpart" of Willy Ingrum, the day marshal (206). To make sure residents can reach him, his office telephone is "connected to a big burglar alarm bell on the outside wall" (207). |
1122 | Unnamed Night Marshal 2 |
In Light in August "the night marshal" joins Percy Grimm's squad of peacekeepers (456). When he does not join their poker game, some of the veterans jokingly call him an "M.P." and give him the Bronx cheer they learned to make during the war (457). |
1123 | Unnamed Night Marshal 1 |
In Sanctuary the town's night marshal, who tries unsuccessfully to disperse the mob that has gathered to lynch Lee Goodwin, is identified by his accoutrements: "a broad pale hat, a flash light, a time clock and a pistol" (294). |
3563 | Unnamed Newspaper Reporters |
These "young fellers from the paper" who report the story of Mink Snopes' attempted prison break in The Mansion repeatedly ask him what his real name is, since "Mink" is "jest a nickname" (98). |
2819 | Unnamed Newspaper Editor 2 |
The "Richmond Editor" mentioned in "My Grandmother Millard" is less a character than a way of locating an event: it is in his newspaper office that Jubal Early calls "Joe Wheeler" an "apostate and matricide" for fighting in the American Army during the Spanish-American War (673). |
2048 | Unnamed Newspaper Editor 1 |
The "editor" of the local newspaper in "Death Drag" also does print jobs, like the handbill advertising the air show that Ginsfarb asks him to print (190). He expresses skepticism about the details of the performance, and when he demands payment in advance - "I ain't in this business for fun," he tells Ginsfarb - the job gets cancelled (191). |
3369 | Unnamed Newspaper Boys 2 |
These are the "two more boys" whom Wall Snopes hires in The Town to help his brother, Admiral Dewey, deliver newspapers and "handbills" around Jefferson (135). |
2021 | Unnamed Newspaper Boys 1 |
The narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" imagines these boys selling newspapers announcing the England's entry into World War I as Spoomer's uncle predicts war "will be the making of the army" (513). |
3562 | Unnamed Newspaper Boy |
In The Mansion this boy "delivers the Memphis and Jackson papers" in Jefferson (371). The town speculates that Meadowfill pays him to "bait his orchard at night," in order to attract Res Snopes' hog (371). |
2679 | Unnamed Newspaper Advertisers |
These advertisers - presumably local businessmen and professionals - appear only hypothetically in "Go Down, Moses," when Mr. Wilmoth, the editor of the Jefferson paper, worries whether he'll lose "what few advertisers I have got" (262) for helping Stevens organize a funeral for a black man, Samuel Beauchamp. |
2357 | Unnamed News Butcher |
In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, when Boon Hogganbeck boards the train to Memphis at Hoke's, he buys "three packages of molasses-covered popcorn and a bottle of soda pop from the news butch" (188, 218 - although in the novel it's a bottle of "beer"). "Butch" is short for "butcher," a term that used to be used to refer to men or boys who sold newspapers, sweets and other goods that would appeal to passengers on a train. |
120 | Unnamed Newest Wife of Issetibbeha |
The Indians in "Red Leaves" - or at least the tribal chief, the Man - practice polygamy, as is clear from the reference to "Issetibbeha dying among his wives" (329). This is Issetibbeha's "newest wife" (321), not Moketubbe's mother but the woman who tells him Moketubbe has hidden the red slippers that he has always coveted. She is unwilling to sleep in the gilt bed that Issetibbeha brought back from Paris, but no other details about her are provided. |
1615 | Unnamed New Yorker |
In Flags in the Dust, as an example of the trouble her great-great-nephews used to get into as college students visiting New York, Jenny mentions "a policeman or a waiter or something" to whom Old Bayard paid fifteen hundred dollars in compensation for "something they did" (381). |
3585 | Unnamed New York Registrar |
As The Mansion notes, the registrar in New York's city hall records marriages in the city - like the one between Linda Snopes and Barton Kohl. |
1589 | Unnamed New York Police Chief |
According to Miss Jenny's account in Flags in the Dust, it is "the chief of police in New York" who writes to Bayard and John's college instructors to complain about the young men's misbehavior in the city (381). |
3561 | Unnamed New York Couple |
In The Mansion this unnamed "newspaper man" and his partner - "a young couple about the same age as them" (191) - are going to occupy Barton and Linda's apartment once they leave for Spain. |
3181 | Unnamed New Settlers |
According to the history of Jefferson provided by Requiem for a Nun, soon after the first whites arrive in Yoknapatawpha come these "new" settlers: "new names and faces too in the settlement now - faces so new as to have (to the older residents) no discernible antecedents other than mammalinity nor past other than the simple years which had scored them" (12). |
3091 | Unnamed New Orleans Friends |
After rebuilding his house in "Knight's Gambit," Mr. Harriss "begins to bring friends up from New Orleans" (162); "strange outlanders" (163); "men and the women with a hard, sleek, expensive unmarried air and look about them even when now and then some of them really were married to each other perhaps" (163). |
3364 | Unnamed New Families in Jefferson |
In The Town these families, including "engineers and contractors and such like" (380), moved to Jefferson with the city's modernization of its streets. |
3800 | Unnamed New Englanders |
This "New Englander" is different from the 'Yankees' and 'Northerners' that Gavin Stevens often disparages in Intruder in the Dust. During his lengthy monologue about race in Chapter 7, Gavin mentions "the New Englander" after telling his nephew that the white South, "alone in the United States," is "a homogeneous people"; he adds that this "New Englander" who lives "back inland" from the cities on the coast is also homogeneous, "but there are no longer enough of him" to preserve what, in Gavin's mind, the white South must defend (150). |
2620 | Unnamed Nephews and Nieces of Ratliff |
When Mink is jailed in Jefferson in The Hamlet, Ratliff invites Mink's wife and two children to stay in the house owned by him and his sister. The two Snopes children are "dressed in cast-off garments of his [Ratliff's] nephews and nieces" (288) when their mother takes them to visit their father in jail. |
3630 | Unnamed Neighbors of Wesley Pritchel |
"An Error in Chemistry" refers to the neighbors of Wesley Pritchel as the "people in the adjacent countryside" (119). It is safe to assume that they are all, like Pritchel himself, farming families. They play several different roles in the story. They gossip about Wesley's relationship with his "son-in-law" (114). Until Pritchel drives them off, they take clay from his clay-pit to make "serviceable though crude pottery" (119). The "man and his wife" who are Pritchel's "nearest neighbors" are summoned to his house by the sheriff to stay with the old man after Ellie's murder (118). |
2504 | Unnamed Neighbors of Mrs. Odlethrop |
After Mrs. Odlethrop dies in "Monk," these neighbors try and fail to catch the young Monk. The story describes the people of this part of the county as violent towards strangers, but in this instance it shows that they can treat their own with kindness: they bury Mrs. Odlethrop and leave food for Monk at the "deserted house" even though they don't see him (44). |
1754 | Unnamed Neighbors of Minnie Cooper |
In "Dry September" over time Minnie Cooper's only social contacts become the women who live in her neighborhood - identified as both "neighbors" and "friends" in the text (175, 180). She occasionally goes to movie with them. While the lynching is going on outside town, a group of them take her to another movie, walking through the streets with her, reassuring her with "voices" that sound "like long, hovering sighs of hissing exultation" that "'there's not a Negro on the Square'" (181). |
2246 | Unnamed Neighbors of Judge Allison |
When he returns to Yoknapatawpha from Beyond, still unable to accept his death, the judge thinks about "the neighbors" who will see his "clocklike passing" as he walks home at the same time he used to (795). |
3559 | Unnamed Neighbors of Houston |
Houston's neighbors in The Mansion "didn't dare knock on his door anymore" after his wife died (8). |
3558 | Unnamed Neighbors of Goodyhay |
The character named Dad in The Mansion speculates that "the rest of the folks in the neighborhood" of Goodyhay's unconventional church won't "put up with no such as this" (300). He assumes they will object to Goodyhay's congregation of ex-soldiers and their families as "a passel of free-loading government-subsidised ex-drafted sons of bitches" who want to do "something" politically radical about the American status quo (300). |
1344 | Unnamed Neighbors at Addie's Funeral |
When Vernon Tull arrives at the Bundren house the day after Addie’s death in As I Lay Dying, he finds "about a dozen wagons was already there" (85). These belong to the group of neighbors who attend Addie’s funeral. Before the service they divide themselves into female and male groups: the "womenfolks" wait inside the house while "the men stop on the porch, talking some, not looking at one another" or "sit and squat" a "little piece from the house" (87). When "the women begin to sing," the men move into the house (91). |
2619 | Unnamed Neighbor of the Houstons |
When Houston's father dies in The Hamlet, this neighbor makes an offer on the Houston family farm - which suggests he is wealthier than most of the small farmers in Frenchman's Bend. |
2439 | Unnamed Neighbor of Sutpen 2 |
This is the man who lives "four miles away" from Sutpen's in Absalom! and who captures Bon's horse two days after Bon's funeral (123). |
2256 | Unnamed Neighbor of Sutpen 1 |
Sutpen's "nearest neighbor" in "Wash" lives a mile away from his plantation; when after the war Sutpen gets too drunk to get home on his own from the store, Wash walks to this man's place and borrows a wagon to carry him in (540). |
3090 | Unnamed Neighbor of Mrs. Harriss |
This man is a "neighbor" of Mrs. Harriss in "Knight's Gambit"; because he passes her property "on his way home," he can provide the people in Jefferson with information about Gualdres' odd behavior at nights (178). |
3556 | Unnamed Neighbor of Meadowfill |
In The Mansion this "paralytic old lady" lived near Meadowfill's; she is mentioned in the story because after her death, he buys her "wheel chair" from her family (362). |
2160 | Unnamed Neighbor of McEachern |
In Light in August this "neighbor" pays Christmas two dollars for chopping wood (197). |
3555 | Unnamed Neighbor of Flem |
After someone opposed to Linda Snopes' attempt to improve black lives in Jefferson writes a racist epithet on the sidewalk in front of Flem's house in The Mansion (250), this neighbor "viciously, angrily" uses a broom to "obscure" the words (251) - not, the narrative notes, because she shares "Linda's impossible dream," but "because she lived on this street" (251). |
479 | Unnamed Neighbor of Emily 2 |
In "A Rose for Emily," this unnamed woman, a neighbor of Emily Grierson, calls on the mayor to complain about the smell emanating from Emily's house. |