Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
2743 | General George Meade |
George Meade was given command of the Army of the Potomac just three days before the battle of Gettysburg, site of the charge by Pickett's confederate troops which proved to be a decisive defeat for the Confederate cause. In Go Down, Moses, Cass is referring to that defeat when he notes, somewhat obscurely, that Jeb Stuart and his cavalry troops were not at the battle, "when Lee should have known of all of Meade just where Hancock was on Cemetery Ridge" (272). |
2744 | Sally Rand |
Sally Rand was a minor actress and nightclub dancer who became famous at the 1933 Chicago World's Fair when she danced apparently naked, using a pair of ostrich feather "fans" to reveal and conceal her body in provocative ways that got her arrested four times in one day (323). |
2745 | Doctor Rideout |
He is the doctor consulted in Go Down, Moses after Molly Beauchamp is found unconscious along the creek (120). |
2746 | Mr. Semmes |
In Go Down, Moses Semmes is a distiller in Memphis to whom Boon and Ike are sent by Major de Spain for whisky during the annual hunting trip. |
2747 | Sickymo |
Sickymo was a U.S. marshal in Jefferson during Reconstruction, a period in which more than 2,000 African-Americans - many of them, like Sickymo, former slaves - held public office. Because he is illiterate, he "signs his official papers with a crude cross" (277).When still a slave, he stole alcohol, diluted it, and stored it in a sycamore tree in order to sell it - hence his name. His character and tenure in office are referred to in Go Down, Moses as an instance of the evils that befell the defeated (white) South after the loss of the Civil War. |
2748 | The Jew |
Go Down, Moses introduces the character it calls "the Jew" into its account of the Reconstruction era in the South. According to that account, "the Jew" arrives in the post-Civil-War South "seeking some place to establish" for his "great-grandchildren"; he is the local type of the "pariah" who was wandered "about the face of the Western earth" for "twenty centuries" (277). The narrator credits him with "a sort of courage," but he remains an essentially stereotypical figure, one of the outsiders who move into the defeated South as parasites (277). |
2749 | Henry Wyatt |
In the "Delta Autumn" chapter of Go Down, Moses Wyatt joins Will Legate, Roth Edmonds, and Ike McCaslin and some other men from Yoknapatawpha on the hunting trip to the Delta. There are five other 'Wyatts' in four other Yoknapatawpha fictions, but how or if Henry is related to any of them is never mentioned. |
2750 | Unnamed "Hunters" |
These "hunters" are created by the narrator at the start of "The Bear" chapter in Go Down, Moses, when he defines "hunters" as a exalted category of its own, a quasi-spiritual group, men who are "not white nor black nor red but men, hunters" (181). Distinguished also from "women," "boys," and "children," hunters tell stories about hunting while drinking liquor "in salute to" their prey (181-82). Even the camp cooks, however, are "hunters first and cooks afterward" (185). |
2751 | Unnamed Archaeologists 1 |
The archaeologists mentioned in Go Down, Moses are "a group of white men, including two women," who descend on the Indian mound to study the ways of the "old people." Most of them are bespectacled and all are dressed in "khaki clothes which had patently lain folded on a store shelf twenty-four hours ago" (37). |
2752 | Unnamed Assistant to Judge Gowan |
Judge Gowan's assistant in Go Down, Moses is described as a “young, brisk, slightly harried white man in glasses” (70). |
2753 | Unnamed Aunt of Nat Beauchamp |
This "aunt" (68) in Vicksburg whom Nat visits in Go Down, Moses is only mentioned once, when Nat tells Roth Edmonds about her trip. Based on the rest of the novel, it's hard to know how this aunt is related to either of Nat's parents, Molly or Lucas. |
2754 | Unnamed Authors of the Bible |
The first time Ike refers to the Bible in Go Down, Moses, he talks about it as the word of God: "He told in the Book," etc. (243). But when Cass challenges him on the subject of race in the Bible, repeating the familiar pro-slavery argument that the enslaved Africans were the accursed "sons of Ham" (246), Ike introduces the idea of "the men who wrote His Book for Him" (246), i.e. the human authors who "transcribed His Words," and often misquoted Him, or misrepresented His will, despite their desire to "write down the heart's truth" (247). |
2755 | Unnamed Bank President 2 |
In Go Down, Moses Ike McCaslin meets with this man in the little town of Midnight, Arkansas, to make sure that Fonsiba gets her legacy in installments over a long period of time. He is describe as a "translated Mississippian" and a former Confederate who, like Ike's father, served under Nathan Bedford Forrest in the Civil War (267). |
2756 | Unnamed Enslaved Man at Beauchamps |
In the "Was" chapter of Go Down, Moses, this unnamed member of the group of slaves who are part of the hunt for Tomey’s Turl is the one who returns to the big house to fetch a fyce, whiskey, and a "piece of red ribbon that had been on Miss Sophonsiba's neck" that she sends to Buck (17). |
2757 | Unnamed Boarding House Tenants 2 |
After Ike renounces his inheritance in Go Down, Moses, he and his wife live for a time in a boarding house in Jefferson whose other tenants are described as "petit juries," countrymen in town to serve as jurors "during court terms," and "itinerant horse- and mule-traders" (285). |
2758 | Unnamed Chancellor |
The Chancellor at the Jefferson courthouse in Go Down, Moses hears the divorce petition that Roth Edmonds has put forth for Lucas and Molly Beauchamp. He is described as “quite old” (123). |
2759 | Unnamed Negro Cook 8 |
The black woman who cooks Roth's food does not appear directly in Go Down, Moses, but he does speak to her "through the kitchen door" when he wants her to bring Lucas into the house (125). |
2760 | Unnamed County Clerk |
In both "A Point of Law" and Go Down, Moses the signature of this "nameless clerk" appears on the marriage license for George Wilkins and Nat Beauchamp (221, 70). |
2761 | Unnamed Ex-Slaves of Carothers McCaslin |
The three paragraph introductory to Go Down, Moses says that "some of the descendants" of the former McCaslin slaves are named McCaslin (5), but curiously no such characters appear in the rest of the story. There the family name of the many people who are descendants of Carothers McCaslin and his slaves is Beauchamp. (There are some of these descendants named McCaslin in The Reivers, published twenty years after Moses.) |
2763 | Unnamed Father-in-Law of Ike McCaslin |
In Go Down, Moses this "bank president," who tells Ike about the bank account in Ike's name that Cass Edmonds has been paying money into (295), is certainly not Bayard Sartoris, who is also a Jefferson bank president at the time of the novel. This "bank president" is never named, but although the text is not explicit, it seems likely that he is the father of the woman - also never named - whom Ike marries. |
2764 | Unnamed Federal Army Provost Marshal 1 |
An A[rmy] P[rovost] M[arshal] is the head of a unit of military police. This "Federal A.P.M." in Go Down, Moses is one of the Yankee troops who are stationed in Mississippi as part of the post-war Reconstruction (277). He has a black mistress, the sister of Sickymo, which is why he ensures that Sickymo is made a marshal in Jefferson. |
2765 | Unnamed Friends of Roth Edmonds |
Roth Edmonds meets with these unnamed friends after church in "The Fire and the Hearth" chapter of Go Down, Moses; their farm is eight miles from the Edmonds plantation. |
2766 | Unnamed Frightened Women and Children |
As part of his description in Go Down, Moses of Reconstruction in the South, Ike McCaslin imagines "women crouched with huddled children behind locked doors," seeking shelter from threats that are not named in the text, but are clearly meant to be understood as a consequence of the defeat of the (white) South and the emancipation of the (black) South (277). |
2767 | Unnamed Grandfather of Will Legate |
When Ike tells the younger hunters in the "Delta Autumn" chapter of Go Down, Moses about the old days "when I first started hunting in this bottom," he mentions that among the men who hunted with him was "Will Legate's" grandfather (328). |
2768 | Unnamed Group of Young Negroes |
One of Roth Edmonds' grievances against Lucas Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses is that, when he would speak to the white man in the presence of "a group of young negroes," he would "lump" black and white "all together as 'you boys'" (112). |
2769 | Unnamed Members of Ku Klux Klan 1 |
As part of the account in Go Down, Moses of Reconstruction in the South, these white men "armed in sheets and masks" who terrorize freed blacks are described (277). The details of the description suggests the Ku Klux Klan, especially "formalized regalia of hooded sheets" and "fiery christian symbols" (276), but this group is never given a label. And astonishingly, the narrator suggests that its original founders were the descendants of the carpetbaggers from the North, lynching "the race their ancestors had come to save" (276). |
2770 | Unnamed Veteran Klansman |
Only one member of the Ku Klux Klan has any individual existence in "By the People" or The Mansion: a "veteran ranking Klansman" who seems to accept defeat at the hands of the "schoolteachers and editors and Sunday School superintendents" who elected Clarence Snopes as their champion (131, 333). |
2771 | Unnamed Victims of the Ku Klux Klan |
During Reconstruction, according to the Cass Edmonds' account of it in Go Down, Moses, the lynched "bodies of white and black both" hung "from lonely limbs" along the road and black men were "shot dead in polling-booths" while trying to vote - victims, still according to Cass' representation, "not so much of hate as of desperation and despair" (277). |
2772 | Unnamed Loggers |
These unarmed loggers who join the hunt for Old Ben in Go Down, Moses travel thirteen miles to get to Major de Spain’s camp. |
2773 | Unnamed Logging Train Engineer |
This "engine-driver" blows the whistle at two different points in Go Down, Moses: after stopping the train on its first run, to scare away the young bear investigating the tracks (303); and to let Ike know they are approaching the area of the hunting camp (306). |
2774 | Unnamed Men in Search Party |
In addition to Roth Edmonds, Oscar, Dan, Lucas Beauchamp, George and Nat Wilkins, the search party that goes looking for Molly Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses includes at least two additional characters, simply referred to first as "some others" and then as "another man" (120). The race of these people is not indicated, which in Faulkner's fiction usually means someone is white. Elsewhere in the novel, however, it is clear that the only white man who lives on the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation is Roth, which explains why we identify these 'other men' as 'Negro.' |
2775 | Unnamed Jefferson Townsmen 3 |
In Go Down, Moses the named men from town who come into the woods to be part of the hunt for Old Men are Bayard and John Sartoris and Jason Compson, but the group also includes these two unnamed men. |
2776 | Unnamed Men Who Live in the Big Bottom |
In Go Down, Moses various combinations of the "gaunt, malaria-ridden" men who live in the wildest parts of the big woods (210) appear in throughout the year to look at the dog named Lion while Sam is training him. Many of them feel invested in the hunt for Old Ben, since the bear often raided their crops and attacked their livestock. |
2777 | Unnamed Biracial Woman at Beauchamp Place |
This young woman who lives in the Beauchamp big house after Emancipation in Go Down, Moses, with skin "even lighter in color than Tomey’s Terrel," is identified by Hubert Beauchamp as his cook (288); however, his sister Sophonsiba is almost certainly right to suspect that she is also his mistress. In response to Sophonsiba's accusation that this woman's presence "defiles" their home, Hubert exclaims "They’re folks too just like we are!" (288). |
2779 | Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver 2 |
In Go Down, Moses the servant who drives Major de Spain's coach is the man who lends Boon the gun he used to shoot at another Negro. |
2780 | Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 4 |
In it clearly implied in Go Down, Moses that the labor on the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation is supplied by Negro tenant farmers. They don't appear in the novel, but when Lucas sees the sun coming up he thinks that in "another hour . . . every field along the creek would have a negro and a mule in it" (40). Like the fields, these mules belong to Roth Edmonds. |
2781 | Unnamed Negro Field Workers |
In its account of the position Sam Fathers occupies on the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation, Go Down, Moses mentions the tenant farmers who "farmed allotted acres" but also acknowledges the existence of the men who do "field-work for daily wages" (161). However, although wage labor was replacing tenantry in parts of the South, no such salaried field-workers appear in the novel. |
2782 | Unnamed Children of Mrs. McCaslin's Sister|Niece |
As a widower, in "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses Ike McCaslin lives in a house in Jefferson with members of his dead wife's family. The short story identifies the woman in that "family" as his wife's niece and says nothing about the rest of them (274). The novel calls her Ike's "sister-in-law" at the beginning of the novel (6) and his "dead wife’s widowed niece" near the end (335), and identifies the rest of the "family" as her children. |
2783 | Unnamed Northern Laborers |
Ike's account of U.S. history in Go Down, Moses divides the North during the Civil War era into the capitalist class and the workers. That second group is who is represented by this entry: "the New England mechanics who didn't even own land," the factory workers who lived in "rented tenements," and so on (273). |
2784 | Unnamed Spectators at Indian Mound |
In Go Down, Moses these "men women and children come at some time during the day and look quietly on" as the archaeologists investigate the Indian mound (37). |
2785 | Unnamed Parents of Rider |
This couple appears in "Pantaloon in Black" as a story and again as a chapter in Go Down, Moses only negatively: Rider "could not remember his parents at all" (130). He was raised by his aunt. |
2786 | Unnamed People in Chancellor's Office |
"There were a few people going in and out of the office; a few inside, not many" on the day that Roth Edmonds takes Molly Beauchamp to seek a divorce from Lucas Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses (122). |
2787 | Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 2 |
The people that Ike sees on the streets of Memphis in Go Down, Moses are well-dressed, "men in starched collars and neckties" and "in fine overcoats" (219), "and the ladies rosy in furs" (221). |
2788 | Unnamed Crop Duster 1 |
In Go Down, Moses this pilot dusts the crops to kill insects on the fields that make up the Edmonds plantation - except for the plot farmed by Lucas Beauchamp. |
2789 | Unnamed Politicians and Orators |
In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of men outside the South who, according to him, were part of the explanation for the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the thundering cannonade of politicians earning votes and the medicine-shows of pulpiteers earning Chautauqua fees" (270) - by which he means the political men and popular orators who campaigned and spoke against slavery. |
2790 | Unnamed Real Estate Speculators |
In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of men who, according to him, were responsible for causing the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the wildcat manipulators of mythical wilderness townsites" (273). |
2791 | Unnamed Restaurant Manager 2 |
Go Down, Moses notes that it is "a woman" who manages the restaurant in Memphis where Boon and Ike stop before returning to the hunting camp (222). |
2792 | Unnamed Biracial Sister of Sickymo |
She is the mistress of a federal official in Yoknapatawpha during Reconstruction, a connection that leads to her brother’s installation as a marshal in Jefferson. She is described in Go Down, Moses as "half-white" (277). |
2793 | Unnamed Slaves on Beauchamp Plantation |
The Beauchamp property in Go Down, Moses is a large cotton plantation, with an unspecified but clearly large number of slaves who work either in the house or in the fields. "Four or five" of these slaves appear in "Was" when they bring horses for the hunt for Tomey's Turl. During the Civil War most of them leave; according to the narrator, the "ones that didn't go" are the ones that their master, Hubert Beauchamp, "could not have wanted" (287). |
2794 | Unnamed Slaves of McCaslins 2 |
In Go Down, Moses Carothers McCaslin owned a number of slaves, including the ones he brought with him from Carolina and the ones he fathered; those named slaves have their own entries. This entry represents the rest of the enslaved people on the McCaslin plantation. Old Carothers' sons Buck and Buddy, are reluctant to buy Tennie from Hubert Beauchamp because they "had so many niggers already" (7), but their reluctance extends to other aspects of slave-owning as well. |
2795 | Unnamed Enslaved People 1 |
Slavery is one of the central themes of Go Down, Moses. There are separate entries in the database for specific individuals and groups of slaves in the novel. This entry represents the slaves who appear in a number of general references to the human beings who were enslaved until the end of the Civil War. |
2796 | Unnamed Southern Wives and Daughters |
In his conversation with his cousin Edmonds in Part 4 of "The Bear" in Go Down, Moses, Ike refers to the "wives and daughters" of the plantation owners who fed and nursed their sick slaves both in "their stinking cabins" and, "when they were very sick," in "the big house itself" (271). |
2798 | Unnamed Spinster Aunts and Uncles |
In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of people who, according to him, brought about the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the Boston-bred (even when not born in Boston) spinster descendants of long lines of similarly-bred and likewise spinster aunts and uncles whose hands knew no callus except that of the indicting pen" - by which he means northern abolitionist writers (273). |
2799 | Unnamed Swamper Who Shoots at Old Ben |
In Go Down, Moses this "swamper" is described as having "a gaunt face, the small black orifice of his yelling studded with rotten teeth" (226). |
2800 | Unnamed Townsmen |
Among the people who come out to the hunting camp to watch the final hunt for the bear in Go Down, Moses are several men from beyond Yoknapatawpha, "townsmen, from other county seats like Jefferson" (212). They come because they have heard of Lion and Old Ben, but are not hunters: "Some of them didn’t even have guns and the hunting-clothes and boots they wore had been on a store shelf yesterday" (212). |
2801 | Unnamed Traders and Ship-Owners |
In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about the kinds of men who, according to him, were responsible for the Civil War. This entry refers to the group he calls "the narrow fringe of traders and ship-owners still looking backward across the Atlantic and attached to the [American] continent only by their-counting houses" (273). He means the business men who made money from the slave and cotton trade with Africa and Europe. |
2802 | Unnamed Union Army Paymaster |
In Go Down, Moses, as part of the Federal force occupying Mississippi after the South surrendered in 1865, this "travelling Army paymaster" passes through Jefferson with Percival Brownlee as part of his "encourage" (278). |
2803 | Unnamed Union Intelligence Officer |
In Go Down, Moses Faulkner (or Cass) invents this "Yankee Intelligence officer" who finds Lee's "battle-order . . . on the floor of a saloon" (272). (The losing and finding of Lee's order actually happened during the Civil War, but in fact it was found by a Union corporal lying in the grass.) |
2804 | Unnamed Union Officers |
According to "the tale told" in Go Down, Moses, this group of Union officers were sitting "in the leather chairs spitting into the tall bright cuspidors" in the lobby of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis when they were surprised by a party of Confederate cavalry (221). (See Unnamed Union General 3 elsewhere in this index.) |
2805 | Backhouse, Grandfather of Philip |
In "My Grandmother Millard" Philip lists this Grandfather, who fought on the colonial side with "Marion all through Carolina" during the American Revolution, as one of the ancestors who have born the name "Backhouse" with honor (682). |
2806 | Backhouse, Father of Philip |
In "My Grandmother Millard" Philip lists his father, who "died at Chapultepec" fighting in the Mexican-American War, as one of the ancestors who have born the name "Backhouse" with honor (682). |
2807 | Backhouse, Uncle of Philip |
In "My Grandmother Millard," Philip lists his Uncle, who ran unsuccessfully "for Governor of Tennessee" on what was obviously a pro-slavery platform, as one of the ancestors who have worn the name "Backhouse" with honor (682). |
2808 | Philip St-Just Backhouse |
"Cousin Philip," as Bayard usually refers to him in "My Grandmother Millard," is a 22-year-old "shavetail" (lieutenant) in General Forrest's Confederate cavalry troop (694). Born a "Backhouse" - a familiar term for a privy or outhouse - he explains why he cannot change the name by telling Granny and Bayard that the Backhouses include men who fought in both the Revolutionary and Mexican Wars, and who ran for Governor of Tennessee. The narrative presents him as both a genuinely heroic gentleman and a caricature of the typical hero of Civil War romances by authors not named Faulkner. |
2809 | General Braxton Bragg |
Braxton Bragg was a Confederate general who commanded the Army of Tennessee. In "My Grandmother Millard," Colonel Sartoris' troop is, Bayard notes, fighting under his command in that state (674), and Philip Backhouse's uncle is on "Bragg's personal staff" (693). |
2810 | General Jubal Early |
A Confederate general in the Civil War who fought in the war's eastern theater. The essays he wrote for the Southern Historical Society in the 1870s contributed to the myth of the Lost Cause. But he died in 1894, and so could not have made the comment about General Wheeler serving the U.S. in the Spanish-American War that "My Grandmother Millard" attributes to him (673). |
2811 | Francis Marion |
Colonel Francis was a real historical figure, one of the heroes of the Revolutionary War. Nicknamed "Swamp Fox," Marion became famous as a guerilla fighter against the British in the early 1780s. Like Faulkner's Colonel Sartoris, he led a small troop of men that effectively harassed a larger occupying army; this is the long campaign that Philip Backhouse refers to in "My Grandmother Millard" when he says his grandfather fought "with Marion all through Carolina" (682). Marion is mentioned again in Requiem for a Nun. |
2812 | General Joe Wheeler |
General Wheeler fought for the Confederacy as a cavalry general in the Army of Tennessee during the Civil War. Three decades later he fought for the U.S. Army in the Spanish-American War. Bayard Sartoris in "My Grandmother Millard" says that "Father would have called [him an] apostate" for fighting under the American flag, and the story quotes another Confederate general, Jubal Early, as saying Wheeler will go to hell for that betrayal of the Lost Cause (673). |
2813 | Aunt Roxanne |
A slave belonging to the Compson family who is mentioned in "My Grandmother Millard." Despite her enslavement, she remains loyal to the Compsons during a moment of danger. |
2814 | Unnamed Confederate Chaplain |
The "chaplain" who marries Philip and Melisandre in "My Grandmother Millard" is an officer serving in Forrest's troop (699). |
2815 | Unnamed Confederate Officers 1 |
These five Confederate cavalry officers accompany General Forrest when he visits the Sartoris plantation in "My Grandmother Millard." Bayard says they are "all officers," adding that "I never saw this much braid before" (691). Granny refers to them as "gentlemen," and the story confirms that when it describes how carefully they avoid "trombling even one flower bed" on the plantation lawn (691). |
2816 | Unnamed Confederate Officers 2 |
In "My Grandmother Millard," four officers "in their gray and braid and sabres" accompany Philip and the chaplain to the wedding at Sartoris (699). This group probably includes some of the five officers who came to Sartoris earlier with Forrest, but that is not directly said or suggested in the text. |
2817 | Unnamed Confederate Provost Marshal |
The "provost" who arrests Philip for disobeying orders in "My Grandmother Millard" (692). In the Confederate armies, provost marshals were charged with maintaining discipline - like military police in the modern U.S. armed forces. (The second time the story refers to him, "Provost" is capitalized, 694.) |
2818 | Unnamed Confederate Soldier 1 |
In "My Grandmother Millard" Forrest tells Granny that he has placed Philip "in close arrest, with a guard with a bayonet" (694) - this is that guard. |
2819 | Unnamed Newspaper Editor 2 |
The "Richmond Editor" mentioned in "My Grandmother Millard" is less a character than a way of locating an event: it is in his newspaper office that Jubal Early calls "Joe Wheeler" an "apostate and matricide" for fighting in the American Army during the Spanish-American War (673). |
2820 | Unnamed Plantation Mistresses |
According to Ab Snopes in "My Grandmother Millard," "there aint a white lady between [Yoknapatawpha] and Memphis" who doesn't copy the strategy that Mrs. Compson used to try to protect her family's "silver" from the Yankees (676). |
2821 | Unnamed Enslaved People 2 |
As the progress of the Civil War brings the Union Army closer to Yoknapatawpha in "My Grandmother Millard," Lucius begins meeting with "Negroes from other plantations," presumably to talk about the possibility of emancipating themselves (669). |
2822 | Unnamed Tennessee Unionists |
Describing his family history in "My Grandmother Millard," Philip Backhouse refers to the group that prevented his uncle from being elected Governor of Tennessee as "a corrupt and traitorous cabal of tavern-keepers and Republican Abolitionists" (682). Although Tennessee did secede from the Union and join the Confederacy (the last state to do so), it was deeply divided between secessionists and Unionists. |
2823 | Unnamed American Soldiers and Sailors |
In "Shall Not Perish," after Pete died, Res Grier would bring home the Memphis newspaper each time he returned from Jefferson. The Grier family would see the "pictures and names of soldiers and sailors from other counties and towns in Mississippi and Arkansas and Tennessee" who died in spring and summer of 1942 (102). While African American soldiers fought and died during World War II, it is unlikely that during this time of segregation in the South the Memphis paper would have published their pictures. |
2824 | Unnamed Americans |
At the conclusion of "Shall Not Perish," the narrator identifies the group he calls "America": "the men and women who did the deeds . . . who lasted and endured. . . . I knew them too: the men and women . . . still powerful and still dangerous and still coming, North and South and East and West" (115). |
2825 | Unnamed Artists |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" and his mother tour an art museum in Jefferson that contains "pictures from all over the United States, painted by people who loved what they had seen or where they had been born or lived enough to want to paint pictures of it so that other people could see it too" (110). These works of art, and the people who created them, fuel the Grier boy's imagination. |
2826 | De Spain Ancestors |
In "Shall Not Perish" Major de Spain refers to his son's "forefathers [who] fought and died for [their country] then, even though what they fought and lost for was a dream" (108). "Then" is "eighty years ago," and as the word "lost" suggests, the country he is talking about was the Confederacy; these forefathers fought against the United States. (One of them would have been this Major's father, who was a Major in the Confederate Army during the Civil War.) De Spain's unreconstructed attitude explains why he covers his son's coffin with "the Confederate flag" (107). |
2827 | Unnamed Men Who Borrow Money |
The narrator on "Shall Not Perish" speculates about "the men who would come to Major de Spain after bank-hours or on Sunday to ask to have a note extended" (106-107). |
2828 | Unnamed Founder of Museum |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" mentions "an old lady born and raised in Jefferson who died rich somewhere in the North and left some money to the town to build a museum with" (110). Faulkner likely based this character upon the historical figure Mary Buie, an artist who died in 1937 and left her estate to Oxford. The town opened the Buie Museum in 1939, four years before the publication of "Shall Not Perish." |
2829 | Unnamed Museum Visitors |
These men and women in "Shall Not Perish" visit the museum in Jefferson "without charge" (111). The narrator says they are "people like us from Frenchman's Bend," by which he seems to mean poor farmers and their families, from "our county or beyond our state too" (111). |
2830 | Unnamed Old Testament Prophets |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" mentions "the old fathers in Genesis and Exodus that talked face to face with God" (111), the patriarchs like Abraham and Moses, as a reference point for the age of his father's Grandfather. |
2831 | Unnamed Women of Yoknapatawpha |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" remarks "that any woman in Frenchman's Bend and I reckon in the rest of the county too could have described" De Spain's parlor (106). |
2832 | Daniel Boone |
The "Boon or Boone" mentioned twice in the "Appendix Compsons" is most famous for exploring and settling what was then part of Virginia, and what is now Kentucky, creating a route through the Cumberland Gap in the Appalachian Mountains that many settlers would later follow. The settlement referred to in the text is probably Boonesborough, one of the first settlements west of the Appalachians. |
2833 | Sir Banastre Tarleton |
The British commander that Charles Stuart Compson fought under in the "Appendix Compson" (326), Banastre Tarleton, was known in England as an outstanding military leader during the Revolutionary War, which he joined at the age of 21. In America, however, Tarleton had a reputation for savagery on the field; he and his men participated in the capture of Charleston, and later became infamous for what Americans called the "Waxhaws Massacre" in South Carolina in 1780. |
2834 | Thorne Smith |
Thorne Smith wrote wildly popular fantasy novels that were known for their provocative illustrations and plots that include much drinking, sex, and humor. According to "Appendix Compson," the "wives of the bankers and doctors and lawyers" in Faulkner's Jefferson hide the copies of Smith's books that they borrow from and return to the library "carefully wrapped" inside newspapers (333). |
2835 | Napoleon |
Napoleon Bonaparte rose to prominence in France during the French Revolution. In 1804 he proclaimed himself Emperor, and undertook to wage a series of wars in order to achieve dominion over Europe. The allusion to him at the beginning of "Appendix Compson" serves as a template for several of the characters Faulkner will create: dictatorial leaders driven to expand their holdings at all costs. |
2836 | Melissa Meek |
In "Appendix Compson," Melissa Meek is the "county librarian, a mouse-sized and -colored woman who had never married," and also a former classmate of Caddy Compson who sees a photo of her in occupied France (333). Attempting to "save" Caddy enables Meek to transcend the characterization of her name, her profession, and her lifelong habits (335). Sporting "two feverish spots of determination in her ordinarily colorless cheeks" (333), she enters the feedstore where Jason IV works and where "only men ever entered," and she speaks to him, despite having refused to do so for many years. |
2837 | Unnamed Boardinghouse Owner |
In "Appendix Compson" the owner of the boardinghouse that used to be the Compson family home is a "countryman," which in this context refers to a rural person as opposed to someone from town (331). |
2838 | Unnamed Bus Passengers |
When Melissa Meek gets there in "Appendix Compson," the bus station in Memphis is filled with "a few middleaged civilians but mostly soldiers and sailors enroute either to leave or to death and the homeless young women, their companions" (337). |
2839 | Unnamed Chickasaw Descendants in Mississippi 1 |
The descendants of Ikkemotubbe's Chickasaws who remain after the Removal eventually disappear too, but that does not mean that there are no living men or women with Chickasaw blood. The narrative indicates that those who still carry Chickasaw blood are "living not as warriors and hunters but as white men - as shiftless farmers or, here and there, the masters of what they too called plantations" (328). |
2840 | Unnamed Chickasaw Descendants in Mississippi 2 |
As noted in "Appendix Compson," "Ikkemotubbe's descendants and people" - the tribe of Chickasaw Indians that originally lived in Yoknapatawpha - are "gone" after being 'removed' by the U.S. government (328), but the descendants of the Indians who married Negroes remain, though the "wild blood" on their Indian ancestry appears "only occasionally in the noseshape of a Negro on a cottonwagon" (329). |
2841 | Unnamed District Chancellor |
In "Appendix Compson," this district Chancellor annually reviews the financial reports submitted by Jason Compson as the "guardian and trustee" of his niece (342). |
2842 | Unnamed Family of Quentin MacLachan Compson's Mother |
Quentin MacLachan Compson's mother's family lives in the Scottish highlands at Perth, and raise him there after her death. |
2843 | Unnamed Feedstore Customers |
These "overalled men" in "Appendix Compson" are customers at the farmers' supply store where Jason IV owns a business buying and selling cotton (334). Although the customers are explicitly male, since the store is a "gloomy cavern which only men ever entered" (333), their race is not so clearly defined; the narrative indicates that the store serves "Mississippi farmers or at least Negro Mississippi farmers" (334), indicating that many, if not most of the customers are African-American. |
2844 | Unnamed German General |
The "handsome lean man of middleage in the ribbons and tabs of a German staffgeneral" who is seen in a photograph in "Appendix Compson" is presumably Caddy's lover during World War II (334). He and that relationship are further characterized by the photo's luxurious background: "a Cannebiere backdrop of mountains and palms and cypresses and the sea, an open powerful expensive chromiumtrimmed sports car," all of which are featured in "a slick magazine - a picture filled with luxury and money and sunlight" (334). |
2845 | Unnamed High School Students |
In "Appendix Compson" these "highschool juniors and seniors" are described from the perspective of Melissa Meek, who emphasizes both their great height relative to her own petite stature and also their seemingly relentless desire to thwart her moderate attempts at book censure (333). |