Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
1026 | Unnamed Bystanders 2 |
These are the "two or three bystanders" on the street in The Reivers who help the sheriff subdue Boon after he shoots at Ludus (14). |
1660 | Unnamed Caddie |
In The Sound and the Fury the invisible "caddie" who is called by the golfers while Luster looks for the quarter never specifically appears. In a sense he exists in Benjy's section in name only, whenever the golfers on the course beside the Compson yard call "caddie" (3). The fact that whenever this name is called Benjy instead hears "Caddy" makes this and the book's other "caddies" major characters in his mind. |
1661 | Unnamed Caddies |
In The Sound and the Fury the golfers who play on the course that has been built on what used to be the Compsons' pasture are accompanied by caddies who carry their clubs, look for mishit balls, and so on. Perhaps ahistorically, in their speech and treatment of the black characters like Luster these caddies are depicted as white rather than black. |
2138 | Unnamed Cafe Employee in Mottstown |
At the "little cafe down by the depot" in Mottstown in Light in August, this "cafe man" serves dinner to Doc and Mrs. Hines and suggests they hire a car to take them to Jefferson rather than wait for the train (359). |
2013 | Unnamed Canadian Cadet |
In defense of his drunken strafing of troops at the front in "All the Dead Pilots," Sartoris reminds himself of this Canadian cadet aviator, who crashed his plane on a farmer during training (526). |
2014 | Unnamed Canadian Farmer |
In Sartoris' memory of his training as an aviator in "All the Dead Pilots," this man, who seems like a figure in a tall tale, was injured when "a cadet crashed on top of him" during flying practice in Canada (526). |
1959 | Unnamed Captured German Aviator |
Bandaged and "sick" in "Ad Astra," the German pilot whom Monaghan has shot down on the day Germany surrenders is nonetheless described as wearing the appearance of "a man who has conquered himself" (412). Born into a noble family in Prussia as the oldest of four brothers, he repudiated his hereditary title. He studies music at the university in Bayreuth, marries a woman beneath his privileged class, and fathers a child with her. Over time, however, the loss of each of his three younger brothers sends him back to military service. |
2261 | Unnamed Car Drivers |
Although "Elly" begins and ends on the road between Jefferson and Mills City, the only other drivers mentioned in the story are referred to, obliquely, at the very end, after the accident, when Elly thinks, "They won't even stop to see if I am hurt" (224). Their presence is indicated only by the "snore of an engine, the long hissing of tires in gravel" that she hears on the road above her (223). |
523 | Unnamed Car Owner 1 |
In "By the People" and again in The Mansion the "owner of the car" in which Clarence Snopes takes refuge from the dogs is apparently not one of the "they" who drive the Senator home and "fetch [him] a pair of dry britches" (138, 349). |
1027 | Unnamed Car Owner 2 |
The Reivers says little about the "owner of the car" that was the first automobile ever seen in Jefferson, other than that he drove down from Memphis and that he trusts Buffaloe with the car for two weeks (26). |
3723 | Unnamed Car Passengers |
Besides the immediate Priest family, Aunt Callie, Delphine and "our various connections and neighbors and Grandmother's close friends" and "one or two neighbor children" all take turns riding in the car whenever Boon takes it out in The Reivers (37, 41). |
2990 | Unnamed Caretaker 1 |
In "Knight's Gambit" Harriss rents the plantation he inherits from his father-in-law to this "caretaker," a man who "didn’t even live in the county" but commutes from Memphis except during planting and harvest season, when he camps out in one the abandoned Negro cabins (159-60). |
2991 | Unnamed Caretaker 2 |
In "Knight's Gambit," this "caretaker" at the Harriss estate is "not the old one, the first renter" - a man from Memphis who manages the farming part of the estate - but "a fat Italian or Greek" from New Orleans, "who lives in the house all the time," even when it is otherwise empty (162). Harriss calls him "his butler"; when guests arrive he waits on them wearing "a four-in-hand tie of soft scarlet silk" and carrying "a pistol loose in his hip pocket" (162). |
1534 | Unnamed Carnival Balloonist |
In Flags in the Dust this carnival employee is mentioned in Narcissa's account of the time Johnny Sartoris flew over Yoknapatawpha in a balloon. John does that when ptomaine poisoning makes the man to ill to fly the balloon himself. |
1535 | Unnamed Carnival Man |
In Flags in the Dust this is the "carnival man" who explains how to fly a hot air balloon to Johnny Sartoris - or at least tries to (67). |
1701 | Unnamed Carnival Worker |
The man with whom Caddy's daughter Quentin runs away from home works for the "show" that performs in Jefferson over the Easter weekend. In The Sound and the Fury, he is identified in both Benjy's and Jason's sections by his "red tie" (49, 232). He is only mentioned in the "Appendix" that Faulkner wrote in 1945, as a "pitchman in a travelling streetshow" (330), but this text adds a detail to his biography: when he left with Miss Quentin, he "was already under sentence for bigamy" (342). |
1013 | Unnamed Carolina Blacksmith |
In ""A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun the "blacksmith back in Cal'lina" who made the lock for Holston comes into the story when Ratcliffe proposes that the settlement pay him to make another lock to replace the one that is lost; he goes out of the story when Ratcliffe's idea is exploded by Pettigrew's intervention (212, 18). |
1542 | Unnamed Carolina Indians |
When in Flags in the Dust Old Bayard finds his ancestor's rapier in the chest of family relics, he thinks of the first Sartoris in the new world, raising tobacco and fighting "his stealthy and simple neighbors" (88). That ancestor lived in Carolina (whether North or more probably South is never specified), and the adjectives "stealthy and simple" make it almost certain that he is thinking about the Indians who were ab-originally on that scene. |
1606 | Unnamed Carpenter 1 |
This man appears in Flags in the Dust only when the novel identifies the "youth" who is Belle Mitchell's protege as the "son of a carpenter" (181). |
3477 | Unnamed Carpenter 2 |
In The Mansion McKinley Smith hires a "professional" carpenter to help him build his house (374). |
3297 | Unnamed Carpenters |
These workers begin remodeling Manfred de Spain's house after Flem purchases it in The Town. They are adding columns consistent with the stereotypical image of the antebellum mansion. |
2854 | Unnamed Carpetbagger from New England |
The derisive term "carpetbagger" (derived from the material used to make cheap luggage) refers to Northerners who came into the South after the Civil War; depending on one's politics, they came either to reconstruct or to prey on the defeated South. Faulkner's carpetbaggers tend toward economic, rather than political, influence in Jefferson. In "Appendix Compson," the demands of this "New England carpetbagger" against the Compson estate prompt Jason to sell off small sections of his land, thus enabling the Snopeses to "encroach" on his holdings (329). |
524 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 1 |
The "carpet-bagger followers of victorious armies" (265) and their descendants, the men who did not fight in the Civil War but merely profited from it, are mentioned several times in Go Down, Moses, by the narrator and by McCaslin Edmonds. They are defined by “a single fierce will for rapine and pillage” (276). |
1373 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 2 |
In "Shall Not Perish" the narrator recalls, briefly, how Rosa Millard bravely "stood off the Yankees and carpetbaggers too for the whole four years of the war" (112). Usually, carpetbaggers are associated with the post-Civil War Reconstruction Era, while in The Unvanquished Rosa dies before the end of the war. |
1028 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 3 |
In its brief summation of the experience of Jackson, Mississippi, during Reconstruction Requiem for a Nun evokes the stereotypical bogeyman of the Yankee carpetbagger. According to this account, during the Civil War these men made profits from selling the Union military "spoiled grain and tainted meat and spavined mules"; after the surrender they came South carrying "carpet bags stuffed with ballot-forms" to exploit the freedmen (87). During Reconstruction they "cover the South like a migration of locusts" (187). |
1029 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 4 |
According to The Town, when Major de Spain returns from the Spanish-American War determined to modernize Jefferson, "nothing had happened in [the town] since the last carpetbagger had given up and gone home or been assimilated into another renegade Mississippian" (11). The derisive term "carpetbagger" (derived from the material used to make cheap luggage) refers to Northerners who came into the South after the Civil War; depending on one's politics, they came either to reconstruct or to prey on the defeated South. |
2669 | Unnamed Cattle Rancher |
Only referred to in "Tomorrow," this is the rancher who "promptly identifies" the stolen cattle Buck Thorpe is driving along the road to Memphis (90). |
3478 | Unnamed Cattle-Buyers |
In The Mansion these two cattle-buyers are brought in as experts to establish the value of the heifer that Mink Snopes wintered in Houston's pasture. |
1294 | Unnamed Census Taker |
In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, the worker for the 1940 U.S. census who visits Samuel Beauchamp in the penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, is described as a "spectacled young white man" with a "broad census taker's portfolio" (256, 351). He is a "year or two younger" than Butch Beauchamp, and he has probably never been wealthy, since the shoes Beauchamp wears are described as "better than the census taker had ever owned" (257, 352). |
2758 | Unnamed Chancellor |
The Chancellor at the Jefferson courthouse in Go Down, Moses hears the divorce petition that Roth Edmonds has put forth for Lucas and Molly Beauchamp. He is described as “quite old” (123). |
1310 | Unnamed Chancery Clerk 1 |
Typically, the "Chancery Clerk" mentioned by the narrator of "The Old People" would have been elected to his position (204) . His job would include collecting demographic data and presiding over the chancery court records, which mainly dealt with disputes about property and contracts adjudicated in the court. (Curiously, all mention of this person is gone from the version of the story Faulkner includes in Go Down, Moses: there the phrase is "chancery book in Jefferson," 163). |
1311 | Unnamed Chancery Clerk 2 |
In The Mansion Gavin Stevens checks the deed for Meadowfill's property in "the Chancery Clerk's office" - which is the only way this official appears in the novel (367). Typically, a chancery clerk would have been elected to his position. His job would have had him collecting data and presiding over the chancery court records, which would have dealt with disputes adjudicated in the court, centering on land and contracts. |
1445 | Unnamed Charlestonians |
In The Unvanquished this is the group that Aunt Jenny refers to "us" and "we": her fellow Charlestonians during the War who, like herself, admired the efforts of the English blockade runner to break through the Union naval blockade, and so helped alleviate their sufferings during under the constrained wartime conditions, the time when "we had all forgot what money was, what you could do with it" (244). |
1814 | Unnamed Chauffeurs |
In Sanctuary six "liveried chauffeurs" - all presumably employed by a funeral home - drive the otherwise empty "Packard touring cars" that follow the hearse carrying Red's body to the cemetery (249). The odds are good that Faulkner imagined them as Negroes, like the other drivers and chauffeurs in his fictions, but in this text their race is not specified. |
1815 | Unnamed Chemist |
During Lee's trial in Sanctuary the District Attorney mentions "the chemist" who has already testified, presumably about the blood stain on the corn-cob (283). |
1296 | Unnamed Chicago Police Officer |
In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Samuel Beauchamp is convicted of and executed for shooting and killing a "Chicago policeman" (259, 356). |
1257 | Unnamed Chickasaw |
One of the Chickasaws in "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun wears a "foxhorn" around his neck which Compson blows to call in "his men" from the search for the missing lock (210, 16). |
2653 | Unnamed Chickasaw Ancestors |
The people whom Sam Fathers calls "the People" and whom the story's title refers to as "The Old People" are the Chickasaw Indians who lived in Yoknapatawpha before the white settlers arrived in the 1830s. As a tribe they have disappeared from the land, but a cherished part of the narrator's apprenticeship to Sam consists of the stories the old man tells him about this "race," whom neither of them "had ever known" but who survive in the traditions that Sam passes on (204). |
2839 | Unnamed Chickasaw Descendants in Mississippi 1 |
The descendants of Ikkemotubbe's Chickasaws who remain after the Removal eventually disappear too, but that does not mean that there are no living men or women with Chickasaw blood. The narrative indicates that those who still carry Chickasaw blood are "living not as warriors and hunters but as white men - as shiftless farmers or, here and there, the masters of what they too called plantations" (328). |
2840 | Unnamed Chickasaw Descendants in Mississippi 2 |
As noted in "Appendix Compson," "Ikkemotubbe's descendants and people" - the tribe of Chickasaw Indians that originally lived in Yoknapatawpha - are "gone" after being 'removed' by the U.S. government (328), but the descendants of the Indians who married Negroes remain, though the "wild blood" on their Indian ancestry appears "only occasionally in the noseshape of a Negro on a cottonwagon" (329). |
886 | Unnamed Chickasaws 1 |
The Indians who lived in the area that became Yoknapatawpha in the early 19th century appear in a number of Faulkner's fictions, sometimes as Choctaws, more often as Chickasaws. The Indians in "A Bear Hunt" are in a separate category. They are "a remnant of a once powerful clan of the Chickasaw tribe" who still live in Yoknapatawpha in the 1930s, a century after a hostile federal government 'removed' all the Chickasaw beyond the Mississippi River (65). This remnant lives "under Government protection" on what must be a kind of reservation (65). |
889 | Unnamed Chickasaws 10 |
In Faulkner's last book, The Reivers, the Chickasaws who once lived in Yoknapatawpha appear only in Lucius Priest's thoughts, as he lays in a bed at Ballenbaugh's and thinks about the history of the land around him, which includes "the old Chickasaws who named the land before the white men ever saw it" (77). |
484 | Unnamed Chickasaws 11 |
The narrator of "A Courtship" uses the phrase "the People" to describe the tribe to which he and the other Indian characters in the story belong, as in this sentence: "The People all lived in the Plantation now" (361). He does not explicitly say they are Chickasaws, the Indians who inhabit Yoknapatawpha in most of Faulkner's references to the indigenous population, but that they are part of the Chickasaw nation can be inferred from his reference to David Colbert as "the chief Man of all the Chickasaws in our section" (365). |
934 | Unnamed Chickasaws 12 |
In "A Justice," "the People" is the collective term for Doom's tribal members, and they are differentiated from "the black people" (351, 355). The People as a tribe are also often segregated by gender, as when "all the men sleep in the House" (350), or when on the way to the steamboat, the women walk while the men ride in wagons (351). In this early story the Indians are identified as Choctaws; later Faulkner will consistently refer to the Indians who lived in the land that became Yoknapatawpha as Chickasaws. |
336 | Unnamed Chickasaws 2 |
The Chickasaw Indians inhabited northern Mississippi at the time the first white settlers arrived. Historically they were 'removed' across the Mississippi River in the early 1830s, at about the time that Rosa Coldfield in Absalom, Absalom! says that Thomas Sutpen acquired his land "from a tribe of ignorant Indians" (10). |
892 | Unnamed Chickasaws 3 |
"Indians had owned it" (90) - in The Hamlet this refers specifically to Houston's land, but historically the Chickasaw Indians occupied most of the land in what became northern Mississippi (including the area in which Faulkner locates Yoknapatawpha). Under the Presidency of Andrew Jackson they were "removed" beyond the Mississippi RIver, and most of the tribe was gone from Mississippi by the mid-1830s. |
887 | Unnamed Chickasaws 4 |
The Chickasaw tribe occupied much of the area that became Yoknapatawpha County in the decades before 1830, when white settlers began to move onto the land. By the time of "The Bear" they are long gone, though "Sam Fathers' Chickasaw predecessors" are referred to at one point (285), and at another the boy's prowess as a hunter and woodsman is measured by his ability to ambush a buck as "the old Chickasaw fathers did" (290). |
891 | Unnamed Chickasaws 5 |
As Lucas Beauchamp notes in Go Down, Moses, the land that would have been Ike's McCaslin's inheritance was originally acquired from "the Indians back in the old time" (36). In "The Old People" the Indians are specifically identified as Chickasaws. Sam Fathers, himself half-Chickasaw and the son of a chief, refers to the tribe as "the People" (158). |
890 | Unnamed Chickasaws 6 |
The "Appendix Compson,"mentions the "young men" in Ikkemotubbe's tribe of Chickasaws who race horses against Jason Compson I's mare in the 1810's (328). |
526 | Unnamed Chickasaws 7 |
The Chickasaw were the tribe living in northern Mississippi when the white settlers began arriving. In "A Name for the City" their interactions with the story's white characters they are depicted as friendly. After "ceding" their lands to the newcomers (200), however, they will be 'removed' from the region by the Indian policy of President Jackson's administration - or, as the narrator puts it at the outset of the tale, these "dispossessed people" "emigrated to Oklahoma in the thirties" (202). |
888 | Unnamed Chickasaws 8 |
The Chickasaw Indians inhabited northern Mississippi at the time the first white traders and settlers arrived early in the 18th century. At that time they numbered perhaps 10,000 people. By the early 1830s, when they were 'removed' across the Mississippi River, that number had been reduced to less than 3,000 - many of whom had been assimilated from other tribes, and from mixed marriages with white men and black slaves. |
893 | Unnamed Chickasaws 9 |
According to Charles Mallison in The Town, Yoknapatawpha's Chickasaw Indians "departed for Oklahoma in 1820" (11). Historically, the Chickasaw were the Indians who inhabited northern Mississippi when the white settlers arrived, and they were 'removed' by government policy to Oklahoma, but not until the 1830s and 1840s. |
3592 | Unnamed Chief of Police in San Diego |
In The Mansion the Parchman warden shows Mink a telegram from the Chief of Police in San Diego giving information about Stillwell's death. |
2074 | Unnamed Child |
Nothing definite is said in "Smoke" about the "child" in Battenburg who was run down by the man hired to kill Judge Dunkenfield (31), but based on the fact that narrator doesn't specify race and the aggressive reaction of the people who arrest the driver, this child was presumably white. |
2234 | Unnamed Child in Road |
This is the child who "ran into the road," forcing the "young man" whom the Judge meets in "Beyond" to swerve his car; as he tells the Judge, he missed the child but died himself (784). |
2235 | Unnamed Child With Scars |
The hands and feet of this child whom the Judge meets in "Beyond" have been scarred by "the other children . . . one day when they were playing" (794). He likes to play with his toy soldiers, one of which is named Pilate, given to him by "an old gentleman who has lived here a long time" (793). A querulous little boy, he seems at the moment mostly "tired of his toys" (793). Like his mother, he evokes the story of Christ, with which the judge has struggled during his adult life. |
1596 | Unnamed Children at Play |
This represents four different groups of children in Flags in the Dust: (1) The children playing in the street whom Bayard, riding the wild stallion, swerves to avoid running into; only one is individualized: "a small figure in a white shirt and diminutive pale blue pants" (130). (2) The "neighbors' children" who play "quietly" among the flowers and trees on the lawn at the Benbow house (164). (3) The children playing "quietly and a little stiffly" in the cemetery that Jenny and Isom visit at the end of the novel (399). All these groups appear in Jefferson. |
1351 | Unnamed Children of Byron Snopes |
In The Mansion Byron's "four half-Snopes half-Apache Indian children" are sent back to Jefferson and end up wreaking havoc (327). That story is told in detail in The Town, where they are somewhat more clearly individualized: one, probably the oldest, is a girl, two are boys, while no one is sure about the sex of the youngest. (See the entries for Byron Snopes' Daughter, Bryron Snopes' Son(1), Byron Snopes' Son(2) and Byron Snopes' Youngest Child in this index.) |
2550 | Unnamed Children of Farmer |
The children of the farmer from whom Ike Snopes steals feed in The Hamlet have grown up and gone off to pursue a wide range of different careers: "professional nurse, ward heeler, city barber, prostitute" (211). |
1450 | Unnamed Children of Hill Man |
In The Unvanquished these are the children of the "hill man" whom Colonel Sartoris shoots after the War; they live with their mother in "a dirt-floored cabin in the hills" (221). |
2782 | Unnamed Children of Mrs. McCaslin's Sister|Niece |
As a widower, in "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses Ike McCaslin lives in a house in Jefferson with members of his dead wife's family. The short story identifies the woman in that "family" as his wife's niece and says nothing about the rest of them (274). The novel calls her Ike's "sister-in-law" at the beginning of the novel (6) and his "dead wife’s widowed niece" near the end (335), and identifies the rest of the "family" as her children. |
3537 | Unnamed Children of Negro Cotton Farmer |
The cotton farmer with whom Mink briefly stays in The Mansion has five children between the ages of "five or six and twelve" (438). All five work with their parents picking cotton. Only one is individuated by the narrative: the "oldest girl" (440), who is the "twelve-year-old" and who helps her mother prepare supper (441). |
3141 | Unnamed Children of Pioneers and Indians |
According to the history of Jackson in Requiem for a Nun, "the Anglo-Saxon" pioneer not only fought the Indians he found in the territory; he also fathered children on some of them: "scattering his ebullient seed in a hundred dusky bellies through a thousand miles of wilderness" (81-82). "Dusky bellies" is ambiguous, but almost certainly refers to Indian women. And while miscegenation between black and white in Faulkner's world made one a 'Negro' and socially inferior, it was common for 'white' southerners to boast of a Native American ancestor on the family tree. |
3298 | Unnamed Chinese Laundryman |
This "Chinese laundryman" mentioned in The Town is the only Asian character who appears in Yoknapatawpha. Charles Mallison explains why, although he is not white, this man is in a category that is distinct from the one that the other non-white - i.e. Negro - inhabitants of Yoknapatawpha belong to: "And although the Chinese was definitely a colored man even if not a Negro, he was only he, single peculiar and barren; not just kinless but even kindless, half the world or anyway half the continent . . . sundered from his like and therefore as threatless as a mule" (321). |
3142 | Unnamed Chippeway Indians |
In Requiem for a Nun, these are the eighteen Indians in the party led by La Salle on the voyage of discovery down the Mississippi. It seems likely that at least some of them, like the canoes they traveled in, are Chippewa (or as the narrator refers to them, "Chippeway," 81): the Chippewa were part of the Ojibwe language group that lived along and near the St. Lawrence River in Canada. |
2035 | Unnamed Choctaw Boys |
In "A Justice" the "boy with a branch" and the "another boy with a branch" have distinct jobs from the rest of the tribe, personally attending to Doom by providing shade and chasing away bugs (354). |
2036 | Unnamed Choctaw Doctor |
In "A Justice" the tribe's doctor is mentioned only negatively, when he fails to arrive in time to "burn sticks" (349) when the Man falls ill and dies. |
1536 | Unnamed Choctaw Woman |
The only native American character mentioned in Flags in the Dust, this "Choctaw woman" gave Will Falls' grandmother the recipe for an ointment "nigh a hundred and thutty years ago" (227). That would be around 1790, at which time the Choctaw was one of the major tribes living in the southeastern U.S, including Mississippi. They inhabit Yoknapatawpha in Faulkner's earliest fictions. However, historically the tribe that lived in the area of Yoknapatawpha was the Chickasaw, and in his later fictions Faulkner uses that name instead. |
3069 | Unnamed Choir at Country Church |
In Light in August this is the choir that Byron Bunch leads on Sunday mornings in the country church "thirty miles" from Jefferson (48). |
2236 | Unnamed Christians |
These are the "preachers" and the "Jesus shouters" in "Beyond" whom Mothershed rails against; he blames them for the fact that he found himself in Beyond after committing suicide (786). |
3070 | Unnamed Church Superintendent |
In Light in August the superintendent in Jefferson's Presbyterian church orders the organist to play to distract the congregation from Mrs. Hightower's behavior during a church service. |
2281 | Unnamed Church-Going Ladies |
This group of "ladies," most of whom are likely residents of Jefferson, are described by the narrator of "A Bear Hunt" as "scurrying and screaming" when, some twenty years earlier, the Provine gang would occasionally "terrorize" them by galloping horses in their midst as they were going to or from church on Sunday mornings (64). |
528 | Unnamed Churchgoers 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury, Dilsey, Frony, Luster, and Benjy pass "white people in bright clumps" on their way to church (290). Jason also notes the people going to church as he drives out of town chasing after his niece. |
1031 | Unnamed Churchgoers 2 |
In Intruder in the Dust Chick sees the white people who go to the churches in Jefferson on Sunday morning as "men in their dark suits and women in silks and parasols and girls and young men two and two, flowing and decorous" (41). |
1667 | Unnamed Cigar Seller 1 |
Referred to simply as "the girl" (83), this employee at Parker's Restaurant in The Sound and the Fury recommends the fifty-cent cigar to Quentin as the best - he buys one, lights it, and then quickly gives it away. |
1816 | Unnamed Cigar Seller 2 |
One of the three people in Sanctuary who testify against Popeye at his trial for a murder he did not commit is "a cigar-clerk" (311). We learn nothing about his testimony, or whether he is sincerely mistaken. |
3111 | Unnamed Circumnavigators |
In "A Name for the City" Gavin Stevens refers to the "world travelers" who made history by circumnavigating the globe, from the first ones, who did it in "three years" (he is referring to Magellan's voyage in a sailing ship, 1519-1522), to the ones who did it in "ninety hours" (he is referring to the crew of the US Air Force B-50 bomber who made the trip in 1949); Gavin wrongly adds that "now" - when the story was published, presumably - the feat has been accomplished in "thirty hours" (200). |
1346 | Unnamed Circus Performer |
In As I Lay Dying, Vardaman imagines that he can jump from the porch to the barn "like the pink lady in the circus" (54) - an acrobat he has presumably seen at a show in town in the past. |
3072 | Unnamed Circus Workers |
When a wagon in a traveling circus gets stuck near the Hines' home in Light in August, "the men" borrow tackle to move it from Doc Hines (373). One of these men, presumably, is the man who will become Joe Christmas' biological father; as the Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas he has his own entry in this index. |
3726 | Unnamed Citizens Who Dislike Ballenbaugh's |
In The Reivers the people who live in the vicinity of Ballenbaugh's and seek to close it down include "sheriffs" (who campaign on the promise to run Ballenbaugh and his crew out of Yoknapatawpha), "angry farmers" (who know their livestock is being stolen by that crew), and "ministers and old ladies" (who object to the place on moral grounds, 73). On the other hand, Lucius tells his grandson that "sensible people" from further away were willing to allow the place to exist (74). |
529 | Unnamed City Clerk |
In "Centaur in Brass" and again in The Town, it is the city clerk in Jefferson who bills Flem for the amount of the missing brass. |
3143 | Unnamed Civic Officials |
Requiem for a Nun notes when the "sheriff and tax assessor and circuit- and chancery-clerk" (35), the "bailiffs" (36), and the other officials of Jefferson occupy the newly constructed courthouse (35). |
578 | Unnamed Civil War Soldiers |
The "men, blue or gray," who were Ab Snopes' adversaries during the Civil War (7). Faulkner's fictions usually distinguish Union from Confederate soldiers, but Ab's war-time activities often made that distinction irrelevant - he had to dodge soldiers in both armies on his private, self-serving missions as a horse thief. |
2292 | Unnamed Claims Adjuster |
On behalf of the railroad company, this claims adjuster in "Mule in the Yard" pays Mannie Hait the sum of $8500 after her husband gets run over by one of their trains. On this occasion he also thwarts I.O. Snopes, by refusing to pay anything for the mules who were killed in the accident. |
2553 | Unnamed Classics Professor |
The University of Mississippi "classics professor" for whom Labove did menial work in The Hamlet rewarded him with "an original Horace and a Thucydides" (122). |
1757 | Unnamed Classmates of Minnie Cooper |
The boys and girls who are Minnie Cooper's "contemporaries" and "schoolmates" begin to ostracize her before they are finished with high school, apparently because her "people," while "comfortable," are "not the best" people (174). They grow up to date and marry each other and have their own families, leaving Minnie on the sidelines of the town's life. |
3073 | Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store |
This man waits on Lena Grove at Varner's store, where she buys cheese, crackers, and a box of sardines - which they both pronounce "sour-deens" - for lunch on the way to Jefferson (27). In other fictions the clerk at Varner's is sometimes Jody Varner and sometimes a Snopes, including Flem, but there's no reason to assume the clerk in Light in August is any of these people. |
1537 | Unnamed Clients of Horace Benbow |
From the little that is said about them in Flags in the Dust, it seems that the law practice that Horace Benbow inherits from his father Will serves mainly if not exclusively the aristocracy of Yoknapatawpha. He meets "conferees" "across pleasant dinner tables or upon golf links or . . . upon tennis courts"; he conserves the will's of "testators" who spend their lives "in black silk and lace caps" (179). |
1669 | Unnamed Clock Repairer |
In The Sound and the Fury Jason mentions that because of the pigeons roosting in the courthouse clock, the town "had to pay a man forty-five dollars to clean it" (247). |
1817 | Unnamed College Band |
In Sanctuary, when Temple thinks of the college baseball game in Starkville that she is missing, she imagines, briefly, "the band, the yawning glitter of the bass horn" (37). |
1818 | Unnamed College Boy 1 |
One of Temple's many suitors and dates in Sanctuary, this boy is the one that she went out with sometime before the story begins, making the unnamed girl who liked him mad because, Temple says, afterwards "he never asked her for another date" (57). |
1819 | Unnamed College Boy 2 |
In Sanctuary this is the young man "at school," whom Temple notices in Dumfries when she stops there with Popeye stops in his car. The reader never sees him, but Temple says "he was almost looking right at me!" (140). |
1820 | Unnamed College Boy 3 |
On board the third and last train Horace takes on his way to Oxford in Sanctuary are two "young men in collegiate clothes with small cryptic badges on their shirts and vests" (168). This one is unnamed, but together with "Shack" he outwits the train conductor and jokes crudely about women. |
1821 | Unnamed College Girl |
This is the girl in Sanctuary who told the Dean that Temple was "slipping out at night," in retaliation for the fact that Temple went out "with a boy she liked" (57). |
2589 | Unnamed College Instructor |
This teacher at the "agricultural college" that Labove briefly attends lurks inside the way The Hamlet describes the woman with whom Labove has an affair as "the wife of a minor instructor" (151). |
3074 | Unnamed College Leaders |
In Light in August these officials and board members of Negro schools and colleges in the South regularly correspond with Joanna Burden, from whom they seek and receive business, financial, and religious advice. Joanna assumes that any of them would admit Joe Christmas to their school on her account. |
2185 | Unnamed College Professor |
In Light in August this "college professor" from "the neighboring State University" north of Jefferson arrives in town to spend a "few days" of the summer vacation with Gavin Stevens, his friend and former schoolmate at Harvard (444). He arrives just after Christmas is killed, and listens silently while Gavin provides his explanation of Christmas' behavior. |
1538 | Unnamed College Professors 1 |
These are Bayard's teachers at the University of Virginia, and Johnny's at Princeton, who in Flags in the Dust are informed about the kinds of trouble that the twins get into in New York City. |
3784 | Unnamed College Professors 2 |
The narrator of "Smoke" notes, as part of his thumbnail description of Gavin Stevens, that he "could discuss Einstein with college professors" (17). (In Light in August readers meet one of the college professors Gavin knows; see "Unnamed College Professor.") |
2570 | Unnamed College Professors 3 |
These "five different faculty members" at the University of Mississippi are mentioned in The Hamlet as part of Labove's story: one of his jobs while studying there is building fires in their homes each morning (120). (In the novel's very next sentence the narrative mentions "the lectures" that Labove attends later in the day, but by that point the professors have disappeared from the text, 120.) |