Character Keys

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Codesort descending title biography
1133 Unnamed Minister 4

The minister of the church that Sutpen's family attends in Absalom! tries to stop Sutpen from racing his carriage to church by "speaking [to him] in the name of the women of Jefferson and Yoknapatawpha County" (17). This stops Sutpen from coming to church, but the racing continues for a while. Although the novel doesn't say so, it's likely that this man is an Episcopalian minister.

1134 Unnamed Minister 3

In Light in August this is the fellow minister who takes the hymn book from Hightower and conducts Mrs. Hightower's funeral.

1135 Unnamed Minister 5

In The Unvanquished Bayard notes that Mrs. Habersham "took Father and Drusilla to the minister herself and saw that they were married" (220), but says nothing more about the minister himself.

1136 Unnamed Moonshiner 2

Intruder in the Dust includes the story of the Frenchman's Bend man who has been making moonshine whiskey "for years bothering nobody," until his wife and another local woman start feuding (227).

1138 Lee Goodwin

In Sanctuary Lee Goodwin's career as a soldier included service along the Mexican border and in the Philippines as a cavalry sergeant and, after doing time in Leavenworth for killing another soldier, as an infantry private in World War I. Sometime before the novel begins he has somehow made his way to Frenchman's Bend, where he lives in the Old Frenchman place with Ruby Lamar and their sickly infant, and earns his living making whiskey which he sells to locals and to the speakeasies of Memphis.

1139 Unnamed Movie-Goers 3

Sitting in the Square in Intruder in the Dust, Chick watches the "crowd" of movie-goers exit the theater, "blinking into the light," "bringing back into the shabby earth a fading remnant of the heart's celluloid and derring dream" (33).

1140 Unnamed Movie-Goers 2

When Light in August describes Christmas walking in Jefferson around 9 p.m. it says that if he'd taken the same route at 7 p.m. he "would have passed people, white and black, going toward the square and the picture show" (i.e. the movies, 114). This is a rare instance in the fictions of people of both races doing the same thing - though of course there were separate "White" and "Colored" seating areas inside the theater.

1141 Unnamed Movie-Goers 4

In The Town these "folks are still going home from the second running of the picture show" when they see two strange men in Christian's drugstore (162).

1142 Unnamed Municipal Officials 2

While "Lawyer" Stevens and Sheriff Hampton seem to take charge of the events in Jefferson in Intruder in the Dust, the narrative does remind readers that the town and county have the usual elected officials. The out-of-town architect who wants to buy the jail door takes his request to "the mayor and the alderman and at last the board of supervisors" (54). And Hampton does say he got the mayor's permission to give the night marshal Monday night off (216).

1143 Unnamed Narrator 2

The unnamed narrator of "Ad Astra" served during World War I as an American flying in a British squadron (408). In his only explicit references to himself, he talks about the "pleasant" but tense feeling that precedes the moment "in combat" when "you know something is about to happen" (421). Until the last pages of the story he remains a silent witness to the events, but he reports what the others say and do clearly and without bias.

1144 Unnamed Narrator 4

The unnamed narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" seems to be a captain like Spoomer, who greets him as an equal while the gunnery sergeant stands in recognition of his rank (518). However, he doesn't seem to enforce his rank; the gunnery sergeant who is the source of much of his information has no qualms about discussing the antics of officers Spoomer and Sartoris with him, for example. He is an inventor, a wartime military mail censor, and a casualty of war "trying to get used to a mechanical leg" (512).

1145 Unnamed Narrator 6

The narrator of "Centaur in Brass" remains unnamed. (When Faulkner develops the episode in The Town, Chick Mallison retells the story as he heard it from his cousin Gowan.) This narrator, like that of "A Rose for Emily," refers to himself in the first-person plural, "we believed," "our ears," etc. (149, 150), and serves as a kind of communal voice for "our town" (149); but he also occupies a privileged narrative position as one of four people who know what the water tower means to Flem Snopes, "that it is his monument, or that it is a monument at all" (149).

1146 Unnamed Narrator 5

The narrator of "Death Drag" describes the unusual appearance in his little town of three barnstormers and the town's reaction to them and their stunts. He identifies himself as one of the town's older citizens, a "groundling," or non-flyer (197). Interestingly enough, the narrator qualifies his identification of Ginsfarb and Jake as Jews: "That is, [the spectators] knew at once that two of the strangers were of a different race from themselves, without being able to say what the difference was" (188).

1147 Unnamed Narrator 3

The narrator of "Hair" never gives us his name, but we do know he has a daughter and that he's from a town that's similar to the "North Mississippi and Alabama" (137) towns he visits as a salesman. After leaving his position as a bookkeeper for a bank, he took to the road selling a "line of work shirts and overalls" (137). He is curious about people, and what little he reveals about his opinions of their behavior suggests misogynistic thinking: "all women are born with the badness in them" (133).

1148 Unnamed Narrator 11

The twelve-year-old boy who narrates "Race at Morning" is the child of a share-cropping couple. He is devoted to Mister Ernest, the landlord who adopted him at age ten after both his parents abandoned him. He is earnest and hard-working, and passionate about hunting, but also illiterate - though as Will Legate notes, he "knows every cuss word in the dictionary, every poker hand in the deck and every whisky label in the distillery" (296).

1149 Unnamed Narrator 7

At the end of "Smoke" the story's narrator identifies himself as a member of the grand jury that hears Gavin Stevens's explanation of Anse Holland and Judge Dunkenfield's murders ("we, the jury," 27). Hence, although we don't know his name, because Mississippi juries at this time were exclusively white and male, we do know his race and sex. He is recounting the events from "six months" after the murder of Old Anse (4), and therefore probably not long after the murder of Judge Dukinfield.

1150 Unnamed Narrator 8

Although the boy who narrates the story of "Uncle Willy" says very little about himself, he is a recognizable version of other juvenile narrators in Faulkner's fiction, and a way for Faulkner to provide a perspective on both the story's unconventional protagonist and the conventional small-town world of Jefferson. He likes playing baseball with his friends and eating the ice cream that Job makes at Willy's drugstore, is uncomfortable in school, and is willing "to do anything [Willy] asked me to do" (239).

1151 Unnamed Narrator 10

The narrator in "A Courtship" who tells the story of Ikkemotubbe, David Hogganbeck and Herman Basket's sister tells us very little about himself. It's highly likely that he is male, though that is not definitively said. He is an Indian: his use of "us" to refer to the Chickasaws and his reference to "my father's house" (369) locate him inside Issetibbeha's tribe, as does his diction, for example when he calls the helmsman on the steamboat the "boy slave who turned the wheel" (366) or uses "moons and moons" as a temporal reference (377).

1152 Unnamed Negro 3

In "That Evening Sun" an unnamed and undescribed Negro tells Nancy that Jesus has returned from Memphis.

1153 Unnamed Negro 4

In "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, "one Negro in the county" was murdered and burned in his cabin by Grumby's Independents (93, 149).

1154 Unnamed Negro 1

This man appears in Young Bayard's thoughts as he derides himself for running away after his grandfather's death in Flags in the Dust: "You made a nigger sneak your horse out to you" (333). The novel elides the event Bayard is remembering, so we don't know anything more about the man.

1155 Unnamed Negroes 4

In "Death Drag," "a Negro or two" are among the first people to reach the airplane after it lands at the town airport (186).

1156 Unnamed Negroes 10

Neither "Delta Autumn" nor the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses makes clear how many people from Yoknapatawpha are in the hunting party, but at least several of them are black, and are there not to hunt but to serve the white hunters. The text names one, Isham, and singles out another as "the youngest Negro" (274, 335) - they have their own character entries. There is at least one more, because both narratives say that "two of the Negroes" cut firewood for cooking and warmth (272, 327).

1157 Unnamed Negroes 5

In "Mule in the Yard" I.O. Snopes shoulders his way through this "throng of Negroes" at the grocery store (259).

1158 Unnamed Negroes 7

The two groups of "customers" who patronize Willy's drugstore in "Uncle Willy" are sharply distinguished by race - and by the kinds of things they buy. This is the group that the narrator refers to as the "niggers" who "buy cards and dice" (226).

1159 Unnamed Negroes 1

According to Sanctuary, "at almost any hour of the twenty-four" Negroes "might be seen" entering the house of the "half-crazed white woman" who reputedly sells them "spells" - i.e. magic potions (200-01). Many of them arrive at her house in "a wagon or a buggy," suggesting that they live in the country, not the town.

1160 Unnamed Enslaved Boy 2

This unnamed "Negro boy" is a slave owned by Doctor Holston in "My Grandmother Millard" (675).

1161 Unnamed Negro Boy 1

In Flags in the Dust "one of the grandsons" of the patriarchal Negro who owns the molasses mill feeds the cane into it and "roll[s] his eyes covertly" at Bayard and Narcissa as they watch the process (288).

1162 Unnamed Enslaved Boy 1

In the chapter titled "Was" in Go Down, Moses this enslaved boy on the Beauchamp plantation blows the fox horn announcing dinner time. Cass Edmonds thinks the boy is "about his size" (11).

1163 Unnamed Negro Boy 3

In Light in August Christmas runs into this boy when he first arrives in the county. "Swinging a tin bucket," "barefoot," and wearing "faded, patched, scant overalls" (227, 228), he answers Christmas' questions by telling him "where Miz Burden stay at" and that "colored folks around here looks after her" (227). As he walks away, he sings a risque song.

1164 Unnamed Negro Boy 8

In The Reivers this "Negro boy" at the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation holds the reins of Zack Edmonds' horse while Edmonds himself is in the house (62).

1165 Unnamed Negro Boy 6

According to The Mansion, legend has it that when Flem Snopes finally got a new hat, he sold his old cloth cap to this "Negro boy for ten cents" (150).

1166 Unnamed Negro Boy 7

In The Mansion this "Negro boy on [a] bicycle" is the first person Mink sees when he finally reaches Jefferson (451). He gives Mink directions to Flem Snopes' place.

1167 Unnamed Negro Butler 1

Major de Spain's unnamed house servant is the only black character in "Shall Not Perish." Even though Mrs. Grier twice asks de Spain "what is your Negro's name?," and after the second question the Major actually "calls the name," the narrator never tells us what it is (109). The narrator does, however, note that the man moves "without making any more noise than a cat" when he takes away the pistol from the top of the coffin (109).

1168 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 1

The Negro chauffeur in Flags in the Dust who offers to fetch Miss Jenny's driver Simon from the kitchen at the Mitchell house is "clad in army o.d. and a pair of linoleum putties" (30). ("O.d." is a military way of saying 'olive drab.')

1169 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 4

In Requiem for a Nun this chauffeur works for the madam of the Memphis bordello where Popeye puts Temple, and occasionally drives her and the "madam" around the city "in a closed car the size of an undertaker's wagon" (113).

1170 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 2

In Sanctuary this driver gives Popeye's grandmother "half a dollar" after he interprets her demand for it as a new system for paying for groceries (306).

1171 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 7

The black man who works for Colonel Linscomb as both "chauffeur" (269) and "houseman" (277) in The Reivers is also McWillie's father.

1172 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 5

As Ratliff puts it in The Mansion, the "Negro" whom Manfred de Spain hires to drive him as President of the bank wears a "white coat and a showfer's cap" (174).

1173 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 6

In The Mansion, Ratliff notes that as the "new third president" of the bank Flem Snopes acquires "a black automobile" (though not a Packard) and "a Negro too" - though unlike the Negro who drove De Spain, Flem's driver "never had no white coat and showfer's cap" (174).

1174 Unnamed Negro Children 4

The Negro children in Yoknapatawpha remain out of sight in Intruder in the Dust along with their parents, but Chick pictures them where they "should have been" on a Monday morning in the county: "in the dust of the grassless treeless yards halfnaked children should have been crawling and scrabbling after broken cultivator wheels and wornout automobile tires and empty snuff-bottles and tin cans" (143).

1175 Unnamed Negro Children 1

While their mothers are washing clothes in the branch, these "chillen," as Luster calls them in The Sound and the Fury, are playing in the water (14).

1176 Unnamed Negro Congregation 2

Light in August does not make clear how many people are in the "negro church" that Christmas enters during his flight across the county, but "the congregation" includes the women who "shriek" at his abrupt entrance (one of whom identifies him as "the devil!" 322), the "deacons" who go up to him and try to talk with him (323), and the "men" who, believing that Christmas is white, hold back Pappy Thompson's grandson Roz to keep him from attacking Christmas after he has struck the seventy-year-old man down (323).

1177 Unnamed Negro Family 2

In The Town young Bayard has to swerve his car to avoid hitting this "Negro family in a wagon" (124). (In Faulkner's first account of this accident, in Flags in the Dust, Bayard swerves to avoid a white man driving a Ford.)

1178 Unnamed Negro Farmer 2

Driving out to the Caledonia cemetery on the Monday morning in Intruder in the Dust, Chick sees only a single Negro: a man plowing one of the fields along the road, "the face black and gleam[ing] with sweat and passionate with effort, tense concentrated and composed" (145). The white boy and the black man look "eye to eye into each other's face before the Negro looks away" (145).

1179 Unnamed Negro Farmer 3

In The Mansion this "Negro" lives three miles from Mink. He is a small farmer, but prosperous enough to own a "scrub bull," which he hires out to other farmers for cash "payment in advance" (9).

1180 Unnamed Negro Girl 3

In Go Down, Moses, this girl is a slave on Hubert Beauchamp's plantation. Since she follows Sophonsiba Beauchamp down the stairs, “carrying her fan” (12), it is likely that she is being trained as a house slave or personal slave for Sophonsiba.

1181 Unnamed Negro Girl 2

In Light in August this Negro girl is induced to have sex with a group of five white country boys in a deserted sawmill shed. When it is Joe's turn, he sees "something, prone, abject; in her eyes perhaps" (156), and his response is to beat her until the other boys restrain him.

1182 Unnamed Negro Girl 4

According to the brief and ambiguous account in The Mansion, while growing up white and male in Frenchman's Bend Mink Snopes has sex with a least one black girl: the "furious unplanned episodes" with an "almost invisible unwashed Negro girl" in a roadside ditch or the middle of a cotton field (317).

1183 Unnamed Negro Woman Boon Shoots

This "Negro girl" in The Reivers is shot by Boon on Courthouse Square when he is trying to shoot Ludus (14). Her wound seems serious - not only is she "screaming" but also "bleeding like a stuck pig" - but the Sheriff decides Boon's white friends can resolve the situation by giving her father five dollars and her "a new dress . . . and a bag of candy" (14-15). When he mentions the new dress, Lucius as narrator notes that "there wasn't anything under" the dress she was wearing when she was shot (15).

1185 Unnamed Negro Sawmill Worker

In The Town this man works with Eck Snopes at a logging mill. Gavin Stevens calls him "one of the larger ones and of course the more imbecilic" in describing his and Eck's disastrous attempt to set "a tremendous cypress log . . . onto the saw-carriage" (33).

1186 Unnamed Negro Janitor 2

In The Town, this man works at the Bank of Jefferson, where he "sweeps the floor every morning" (290).

1187 Unnamed Negro Maid 2

In The Reivers this "uniformed maid" helps serve supper at Colonel Linscomb's (277).

1188 Unnamed Negro Mammy 2

In The Reivers Lucius notes that Everbe "has a nurse" to help her take care of her newborn son (298).

1189 Unnamed Negro Man 1

This is the man in Flags in the Dust who provides Byron Snopes with the Ford car in which he flees Yokapatawpha after robbing the bank. He is identified simply as "the negro [Byron] sought," and Byron finds him just off the Square, on a "street occupied by negro stores and barber shops" (272).

1190 Unnamed Negro Man 4

In The Reivers this man emerges from the crowd to help Luster carry the wounded unnamed black girl to Dr. Peabody's office.

1191 Unnamed Negro Man 2

This is the Negro in Light in August whom Sheriff Kennedy forces to talk about the situation at the Burden place. At first the man pleads ignorance but then, after being whipped by the deputy, says "It's two white man" who have been living there (293). He tells the Sheriff that he doesn't live nearby, but "down the road" (292).

1192 Unnamed Negro Man 3

This is the "inscrutable" man in Light in August - "either a grown imbecile or a hulking youth" (435) - who takes Lucas Burch's note to the sheriff. A bit later, this man points Byron Bunch toward Burch.

1193 Unnamed Negro Messenger 2

The narrator of Light in August identifies the black man who rides to the Sheriff's house in Jefferson "on a saddleless mule" to report Christmas' violent disruption of the "revival meeting" at "the negro church" only as "the messenger" (322, 323). He is anxious to convince the Sheriff that the blacks had not been "bothering" Christmas beforehand (324).

1194 Unnamed Negro Messenger 3

This is the young black man in "Barn Burning" whom Abner Snopes sends to Mr. Harris to tell him that "wood and hay kin burn" (4) - Ab's barely disguised way of threatening to burn Harris' barn. This messenger never appears directly. In his testimony against Ab, Harris calls him a "strange nigger" (4), a term that in the context of the story and the South at that time means he is a black person whom Harris has never seen before.

1195 Unnamed Negro Moonshiner 2

In Intruder in the Dust this is the man who is "tending" the moonshine still that the Sheriff discovers (228). Claiming to know nothing about it, he takes care of the Sheriff, and the problem, by making him comfortable and offering him a drink or two or more of "water" (228).

1196 Unnamed Negro Porter 2

In The Hamlet this man takes care of cleaning and keeping fires lit at the Savoy Hotel, where Mink's wife works while Mink is awaiting trial (288).

1197 Unnamed Negro Porter 5

While walking through Jefferson in The Mansion, Mink Snopes notes this "Negro porter" handling luggage at the Holston House (37).

1198 Unnamed Negro Porter 3

In Intruder in the Dust the narrator calls the man who opens up the door of the barbershop at six o'clock every morning and "sweeps out the hair and cigarette stubs" a "porter" (30). The brief passage about him suggests he may also work in the pool hall nearby.

1199 Unnamed Negro Porter 4

This "drugstore porter" appears only peripherally in Intruder in the Dust, when Chick speculates that the white people who were waiting to see Lucas lynched ran away "to keep from having to send up to him by the drugstore porter a can of tobacco" (191).

1200 Unnamed Negro Inmates 6

In her account of Nancy's arrest in Requiem for a Nun, Temple describes in moving detail the "Negro prisoners" whose hands can be seen lying between the bars of the jail's windows. Initially she describes them as "the crapshooters and whiskey-peddlers and vagrants and the murderers and murdresses too," but her representation of them also includes the kinds of labor and domestic work they perform (plowing and rocking cradles and so on) as a crucial part of Yoknapatawpha's economy (155). She compares them to the more privileged "white persons" (155).

1201 Unnamed Negro Servant 2

In Absalom! this "bright gigantic negress" accompanies Bon's wife and son during the visit to Sutpen's in 1870; she carries a "silk cushion" for Bon's wife to kneel on and holds the hand of the "little boy" (157).

1202 Unnamed Negro Servant 1

Described in Flags in the Dust as "a thin woman in a funereal purple turban" who eats with gestures of "elegant gentility" while visiting with Sis' Rachel in the kitchen, she is presumably the maid of one of the white ladies attending Belle Mitchell's afternoon social (26).

1203 Unnamed Negro Servants 2

In "Shall Not Perish" these Negro servants appear figuratively in a description of "all the grieving [people] about the earth" who have lost loved ones in the war. The narrator establishes the difference between "the rich" and "the poor" on this basis: the rich live in big houses "with ten nigger servants" and the poor live on small farms by their own sweat (103). The introduction of race into this representation of people "about the earth" is a reminder of how the young boy telling this story, at least, segregates humanity along the color line created by Jim Crow.

1204 Mrs. Hamp Worsham

In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Hamp Worsham's wife is a big woman "in a bright turban" whom Gavin Stevens sees at Miss Worsham's participating in the mourning service for Mollie's lost grandson (263, 361). She has a powerful suprano voice.

1205 Unnamed Negro Servants 3

These are the "few Negro servants" in "Knight's Gambit" who worked for Mrs. Harriss' father in the past; they were the her only "companions" growing up (150).

1206 Unnamed Negro Servants 4

These are the "other Negroes" mentioned by Gavin Stevens in "Knight's Gambit" - other than the "grooms" who tend to the horses and dogs - on the Harriss plantation (234). Presumably these are the servants inside the big house that Mr. Harriss built, but no other details about them are provided.

1207 Unnamed Slaves of Indians 4

In "A Justice" Doom and the Chocktaws own a sizable number of black slaves. Four of them are briefly traded - along with the six slaves he has recently won on the steamboat from New Orleans - to two unnamed white men for the grounded riverboat which Doom then has moved by slaves to his plantation.

1208 Unnamed Negro Wagon Driver 2

In Light in August Joe Christmas hails this man as he passes by on a quiet country road to ask "what day of the week" it is (337).

1209 Unnamed Negro Wagon Driver 3

In Light in August this young man offers Joe a ride to Mottstown. He is from "two counties back yonder," and so presumably not aware of either Joanna's murder or the manhunt for Christmas (339).

1210 Unnamed Negro Wagon Driver 1

This is the "negro in a passing wagon" who gives Young John Sartoris a lift back toward town after John crashes the hot air balloon in Flags in the Dust (68).

1211 Unnamed Negro Woman 1

In Flags in the Dust the wife of the black farmer in whose barn Bayard spends his last night in Yoknapatawpha feeds him breakfast and dinner on Christmas Day, but she herself is not named or described.

1212 Unnamed Negro Woman 3

This is "the other woman" with whom Minnie's husband Ludus is having an affair in The Mansion (89).

1213 Unnamed Negro Woman 4

Much to Mink's surprise in The Mansion, this "big Negro woman" (305) is a congregant of Goodyhay's church. Albert explains to Mink that "her son had it too just like she was a white woman" - "it" is never clearly explained, but probably means that this son was killed during World War II (305).

1214 Unnamed Negro Youth 1

Another servant of Major de Spain in "Barn Burning," described only as "the Negro youth on a fat bay carriage horse" (12); he rides behind De Spain, carrying the rug that Ab Snopes has soiled.

1215 Unnamed Negroes 2

In "All the Dead Pilots" Sartoris mentions these people in his letter to Jenny, asking her to "tell [them] hello" (529).

1216 Unnamed Northern White Men 1

These are the various "white men" in Light in August whom Christmas tricks into "calling him a negro" so that he can fight them (225). The narrative locates him "in the north" at this time (225).

1217 Unnamed Old Indian Men

In "Red Leaves" the group that pursues the runaway servant does not include the tribe's old men - or its women and children.

1218 Unnamed Negro Old Woman 1

When Popeye's mother gets sick after her husband abandons her in Sanctuary, she goes to this "old negro woman" rather than a doctor, and the woman "tells her what was wrong" (304). The narrator doesn't tell us, but the problem is probably syphilis.

1219 Unnamed Negro Old Woman 2

This is the "old negro woman" in Light in August who sits, "smoking a pipe, her head wrapped in a white cloth," whom Joe Brown calls "Aunty" when he asks her to help him get a message to the sheriff (433-34). At first she refuses, saying that the one black man she knew who "thought he knowed a sheriff well enough to go and visit with him . . . aint never come back" (434).

1220 Unnamed Passerby 2

In The Mansion this man on the Square is mistaken by Linda for Willy Christian, but "old man Christian" had died while she was away (224).

1221 Unnamed Negro Passerby

In Light in August this passerby can't answer Hightower's question about the column of smoke.

1222 Unnamed Passersby 1

In "That Evening Sun" these people witness Nancy's confrontation with Stovall and "tell about" it; the "ones that passed the jail" later that night hear Nancy singing and yelling and the jailer trying to make her stop (291).

1223 Unnamed Passersby 3

In Absalom!, "whenever anyone white or black stops in the road" to speak to Charles E. S-V. Bon (162), Clytemnestra "drives the passerby on" with a "murmur of vituperation" (162).

1224 Unnamed Person in Jefferson 2

In The Mansion this person is a voice that Mink Snopes overhears: during the night Mink spends in the waiting room at the railroad station, the telegraph operator "talks to somebody now and then," but the source of this second voice is never identified (39).

1225 Unnamed Policemen 2

These are "the police" who come to the Temples' apartment to arrest Nancy in Requiem for a Nun (153). (Elsewhere Faulkner describes the officers of the law in Jefferson and Yoknapatawpha as sheriffs and deputies and marshals, but not as 'police.')

1226 Unnamed Members of Posse 5

These are the men in The Town - all "enraged fathers" - who tar and feather "actual schoolmaster" Snopes for taking advantage of an adolescent girl (43).

1227 Unnamed Members of Posse 3

In his hunt for Joe Christmas in Light in August Sheriff Kennedy is joined by a large posse. There are "thirty or forty" men waiting for the bloodhounds who arrive on the train the day after Joanna's body is discovered (296), and the narrative suggests this same group remains on the trail through the following week.

1228 Unnamed Prison Guards 1

In "Monk" several guards watch over the inmates during the Governor's Pardon Board hearings.

1229 Unnamed Prison Guards 3

In The Mansion the guards at Parchman penitentiary are described as "men with shotguns" at the gate, and as "men on horses with shotguns across the pommels" overseeing the inmates as they work in the field (54).

1230 Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 1

Sanctuary spends a lot of time in Miss Reba's, but the women who work their as prostitutes remain largely offstage. At various times Temple, Fonzo and Virgil hear their laughter or the rustle of their clothes. In Chapter 21 they appear as "a plump blonde woman" (192), a woman "in a kimono" leaving "a trail of scent" (194) and a "blonde woman in a red dress" (198).

1231 Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 4

Only one of the prostitutes who work at Miss Reba's in The Mansion, Thelma, is given a name (84). As a group they are imagined, in Montgomery Ward Snopes' narration, "running back and forth to the bathroom in nighties and negligees or maybe not even that," and also "screaming and fighting and pulling each other's hair" (81). According to Snopes, "so many" of them "came from little Tennessee and Arkansas and Mississippi country towns and Baptist and Methodist families" (83).

1232 Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 5

The Reivers refers to other prostitutes at Miss Reba's, besides Corrie and the two "ladies" whom Lucius meets at supper (106). Lucius can hear them meeting customers in the parlor on Saturday night. When the adult Lucius who is telling the story calls them "ladies" and "nymphs" (130), he is being pleasantly (rather than judgmentally) ironic.

1233 Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 2

In Flags in the Dust this is the railroad employee who, once a week, delivers Belle's shrimp to Horace from "the door of the express car" (374-75). He assumes Horace must be using it for bait.

1234 Unnamed Railroad Flagman 2

This white railroad employee's haste in getting off the train that carries Bryon Snopes' children to Jefferson in The Town is an early sign of trouble - a red flag of a different kind.
