Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
3311 | Unnamed People Who Grieve |
Thinking about the local men killed in the war leads the narrator of "Shall Not Perish" to imagine "all the grieving about the earth, the rich and the poor too" (103): the people who lose loved ones in the fighting. |
3496 | Unnamed People Who Admire Linda's New Car |
The group of people in The Mansion who admire the new Jaguar in which Linda Snopes Kohl will ride away from Yoknapatawpha consists of "men, boys, a Negro or so" (464); throughout the novel the people of Jefferson are often described as spectators, but the fact that this group explicitly includes blacks as well as whites makes it worth creating as a 'character' in itself. |
2626 | Unnamed People Traveling in Wagons |
Like a number of crowds or groups of people in The Hamlet, the folks who ride various wagons on various roads in and around Frenchman's Bend cannot be individualized or broken up into smaller groups. |
1894 | Unnamed People outside Dumfries |
As Popeye and Temple approach the town of Dumfries in Sanctuary, they begin seeing other people on the road, though the narrative refers to them in a complex series of phrases. In some cases it cites the means of transportation rather than the people: "pleasure cars Sunday-bent," "Fords and Chevrolets," "now and then a wagon or a buggy" (139). The only occupants specifically mentioned are "swathed women" in the "occasional larger car" and "wooden-faced country people" in trucks (139). |
1453 | Unnamed People on the Road to Memphis |
In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished these are the people who live in the various "houses on the road" to Memphis; "at least once a day" Granny, Bayard and Ringo stop to eat with them (23, 55). |
2551 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha during Civil War |
In The Hamlet Ratliff imagines how the people living in or near the Frenchman's house are drawn into the events of their time. Thus, Faulkner depicts the wealth of the antebellum plantation with the news of Sumter reaching "women swaying and pliant in hooped crinoline beneath parasols" and "the men in broadcloth riding the good horses" (373). During the first three years of the Civil War, this group is comprised virtually of women, since the men have left to fight. After "the battle of Jefferson," "there is nothing to show of that now" (373). |
927 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 9 |
In "By the People" the "People" of Yoknapatawpha are organized around several different points of reference. This entry refers to a group defined at the start of the story around the character of Ratliff: the ones who buy what he's selling as a salesman and the ones who enjoy listening to him as a raconteur. We could call these the (white) people of Yoknapatawpha as consumers. This group is subdivided by location and gender. |
919 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 8 |
Elements of the (white) population of Yoknapatawpha are referred to in several ways in "Knight's Gambit." Their most pervasive role is as a kind of audience: "the county watches" the actions of the main characters unfold "as the subscribers [to a magazine] read and wait and watch for the serial's next installment" (149). For example, the people whom Gavin Stevens calls "the Yoknapatawpha County spinster aunts of both sexes" share gossip and speculations about an unknown man who may have courted Mrs. Harris before her marriage to Mr. |
459 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 7 |
Faulkner's "Appendix" to The Sound and the Fury refers at different moments to the "whole town and county" (329), the "living fellowtownsmen" during Jason's time (330), and "the town" (340) - terms which almost always refer exclusively to Jefferson's white population. This generic group and the Compsons seem to have an estranged, at times even antagonistic relationship to each other. |
929 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 6 |
The narrator of "Tomorrow" refers once to "all the people in our country - the Negroes, the hill people, the rich flatland plantation owners" (91). He is explaining that, despite his Uncle Gavin's formal education at Harvard and Heidelberg, he knows how to talk to "all the people" so that they understand him. This is a rare passage in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, in which the population of the county is aggregated across racial and class lines, though the intent of the passage is apparently to praise Gavin rather than the county's shared community. |
920 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 5 |
Throughout The Hamlet, Faulkner frequently focalizes the narrative through the collective third-person "the people" in much the same way he uses "we" in "A Rose for Emily." The people of Yoknapatawpha's "countryside" are described as a self-organizing social body, which can be compared to a "swarm of bees" (128), a "hive" or "a cloud of pink-and-white bees" (349). |
924 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 4 |
The group from the county that attends Granny's funeral in both "Vendee" and The Unvanquished consists of both blacks and whites. The whites are "hill people" as opposed to townspeople; the "hill men with crockersacks tied over their heads" to shelter them from the rain are contrasted with the "town men with umbrellas" (98, 156). In a passage added to the novel, most of the blacks are described as having returned to Yoknapatawpha after following the Union Army to seek freedom (155). |
655 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 3 |
The residents of Yoknapatawpha county are referred as a group to in "A Bear Hunt" in several passages. In particular, they are the folks that Ratliff encounters in his travels as a sewing machine salesman; specifically mentioned are "farmers' wives" at bazaars and sewing bees and "men and women at all-day singings at country churches" (63). |
1714 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 2 |
Many different people from Yoknapatawpha appear in The Sound and the Fury. This is a group that exists only in Jason Compson's head, the "you" he is arguing with as he sits alone in his car while chasing his niece through the county: he compares his family to this hypothetical "you," as in "you all were running little shirt tail country stores" and farming poor soil while his "people" owned slaves (239). |
922 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 13 |
Although the crowd in The Reivers that witnesses Boon firing his gun is in the Square in Jefferson, it is explicitly described as made up of people from outside Jefferson, from Yoknapatawpha county, who are in town for a "First Saturday," a traditional "trade day": "they were all there, black and white" (14). |
921 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 12 |
The Mansion represents the inhabitants of Yoknapatawpha as a group in various passages. According to the text, for example, "not just the town but the county came too" to Flem Snopes's funeral (461). In these references readers get some idea of the average living conditions for Faulkner's rural characters. |
3391 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 11 |
The country people of Yoknapatawpha, the people who live outside Jefferson, have a smaller presence in The Town than in many other fictions, but as a group they are mentioned several times. For example, when Gavin Stevens starts campaigning for County Attorney, he "began to talk like the people he would lean on fences or squat against the walls of country stores with" (176). |
928 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 10 |
In "By The People" the "People" are seen through several different lenses. For example, Gavin Stevens and his nephew, the narrator, divide them generationally: Gavin refers to "the ones of my age and generation" (133), and the narrator, to "the ones of my age and time" (134). In either case, however, the "people" evoked are white. |
925 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 1 |
In Flags in the Dust the inhabitants of Yoknapatawpha appear in town in various ways. |
2726 | Unnamed People of This Delta |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Ike McCaslin has vividly creates an image the diverse group of human beings that he thinks of as the "spawn" of the modern Delta, where the boundaries between races seem to have broken down (279, 346). It includes "white men" who own plantations and "commute every night to Memphis," "black men" who own plantations and even towns and "keep their town houses in Chicago," and is an amalgamation of "Chinese and African and Aryan and Jew" who "breed" together (279, 346). |
2178 | Unnamed People of South Alabama |
In Light in August, the narrator's vision of Doane's Mill in the future includes the "hookwormridden" people in that area who, without knowing anything about the hamlet, would pull down the mill buildings to "burn in cookstoves and winter grates" (5). |
2176 | Unnamed People of Railroad Division Point |
The first time we see the town that the narrator of Light in August describes as a "railroad division point," the town's "whole air" is "masculine, transient" (173). On Christmas' last trip the narrator describes "the small, random, new, terrible little houses in which people who came yesterday from nowhere and tomorrow will be gone wherenot" live (211). In between the narrative refers specifically to only a few of these people, including some salesmen and the lawyer McEachern consults. |
2177 | Unnamed People of Mottstown |
Like the "people of Jefferson" in Light in August, the collective "people of Mottstown," where Christmas' grandparents live for thirty years and where he himself is finally captured, play two roles in the novel: audience and narrator. As spectators, they are suspicious of newcomers - again like the people of Jefferson. When the Hineses first move to Mottstown, "the town" wonders about them but eventually comes to take their presence for granted (341). |
3646 | Unnamed People of Modern America |
In a facetious passage connecting the lost lock in 1826 to the future of the U.S., the narrator of Requiem for a Nun makes "a glorious prophecy" about the when when the American "people" will identify federal money with the "manna" of a generous god (17). They are described as "a race of laborers" whose only labor it to consume government funds (17). |
1725 | Unnamed People of Massachusetts Town |
In The Sound and the Fury when Quentin is taken by Anse across the river and the railroad tracks and up "the main street" of the town outside of Cambridge where he has been wandering, the "procession" also includes two men, Julio and his sister, and the boys who had been swimming (141). This motley parade attracts the attention of the local residents. "People" come their doors "to look at us," and "more boys" join the procession (141). All the novel allows us to say for sure about these townspeople is that they are obviously curious. |
917 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 6 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. The Hamlet describes the group as the ironic inheritors of the Old Frenchman and his aristocratic "dream" (4). Faulkner emphasizes how the patriarch is virtually forgotten by those "who came after him," who have "nothing to do with any once-living man at all" (4). |
935 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. In "Miss Zilphia Gant" the neighbors of the Gant family are, like many other groups of people in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, a nosy, gossipy bunch. When Gant's assistant goes to the local store to complain about his treatment, he finds them "gathered at the store" already talking about "the pistol incident" - that is, about Mrs. |
457 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 4 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. |
3787 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 3 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. "Centaur in Brass" takes place after Flem Snopes comes to town, and doesn't provide a name for the place he comes from, though the references to the "country store" (149) and the auction of "a herd of half-wild mustang ponies" (150) identifies the place as the Bend. |
1992 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 2 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. "The "folks," as Suratt calls the poor farmers and their families in "Spotted Horses" (165), congregate at Varner's store or the horse auction, and provide a kind of audience for Flem Snopes' rise from tenant farmer to the son-in-law of the hamlet's richest man. |
918 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 1 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. When the narrator of Sanctuary first introduces the Old Frenchman's ruined mansion house, he identifies "the people of the neighborhood" around it as the ones who have been using its lumber for firewood and despoiling its grounds by digging for treasure (8). |
1986 | Unnamed People of Division |
The people who live in the small hamlet of Division are one of the sources of information about the Starnes family that the narrator of "Hair" draws on. Once all the Starneses have died, these residents expect the Starnes' Alabama kin to claim the house. Division folks also note Hawkshaw's annual April visits to "clean up that empty house" (141), and in between they help themselves to the house's picket fence for firewood. |
1724 | Unnamed People of Cambridge |
These are the people in The Sound and the Fury who pass along the streets in Cambridge outside the window of Quentin's streetcar - he sees, for example, "the crowns of people's heads passing beneath new straw hats not yet unbleached" (89). |
2447 | Unnamed People of Borneo |
Looking for a figure of speech to describe Clytemnestra as an old woman in Absalom!, Shreve says that she "shrunk" - "like the Bornese do their captured heads" (175). After Borneo was colonized, the Dayak practice of "headhunting" was widely sensationalized in Europe and the U.S. In Faulkner's short story "Vendee," set during the Civil War, the Sartoris family library includes a "book about Borneo" that describes such practices. |
2082 | Unnamed People of Battenburg |
Referred to in "Smoke" only as "they" (31), these people in Battenburg who seize the Memphis hitman after he runs down a child. |
2286 | Unnamed People in Want |
The narrator of "A Bear Hunt" identifies a group of men who, "since the last year years, cannot find work" (64). The chronological reference probably points to the Great Depression of the 1930s, an era defined by mass unemployment and what the story calls "men among us now whose families are in want" (64). |
2175 | Unnamed People in Wagon |
On the last day of his flight in Light in August Christmas wakes up beside a quiet country road just in time to see a wagon speeding away, "its occupants looking back at him over their shoulders" and its driver urging the horses or mules onward with a whip (337). |
1594 | Unnamed People in Unnamed Town |
These are the various inhabitants of the town in Flags in the Dust from which Young Bayard catches the train that takes him into exile. When he looks at them at the end of Christmas day, he sees various "cheerful groups," including children playing with new presents, youths exploding fireworks, and travelers waiting with friends in the racially segregated "waiting rooms" at the station (369). |
2446 | Unnamed People in the Reconstruction South |
In Chapter 5 of Absalom! Rosa Coldfield tells Quentin about the time immediately following the South's defeat in the Civil War. |
3752 | Unnamed People in Rural Tennessee |
Though their farms are "bigger, more prosperous, with tighter fences and painted houses and even barns" than those on the Mississippi side of Hell Creek, the Tennessee country people whom the travelers pass on the broad road that leads to Memphis in The Reivers are also "still in their Sunday clothes," sitting on their front porches ("galleries"), watching the world go by (91). And when they get closer to the city, "even the little children" who live along the road are no longer excited by the sight of a car (92). |
3575 | Unnamed People in Reba's Neighborhood |
The Mansion mentions "all the neighborhood" around Miss Reba's in Memphis, but the people it lists in that category are not really neighbors, since they are all there on business: "the cop, the boy that brought the milk and collected for the paper, and the people on the laundry truck" (80). |
1899 | Unnamed People in Oxford 2 |
Sanctuary refers generically to the various residents of Oxford who see Temple in the evenings, as she hurries to or from a date. The group includes "townspeople taking after-supper drives," "bemused faculty-members" and graduate students (28). |
1593 | Unnamed People in Oxford 1 |
In Flags in the Dust, when Bayard drives north to the university town where his passengers will serenade the women students, they go through the "streets identical with those at home" (142) - which may be Faulkner's covert way of acknowledging that Jefferson is based closely on Oxford, where he is writing the novel. When Bayard reaches "an identical square," "people on the square" turn to look at the car, with three young white men in front and three black musicians in back, "curiously" (142). That reaction, however, is all that we learn about the people who live in Oxford. |
3751 | Unnamed People in Next County |
When they cross the Tallahatchie River in The Reivers, the adventurers are in what Lucius calls "foreign country, another county," the county that adjoins Yoknapatawpha to the north (78). Between Ballenbaugh's and Hell Creek bottom the countryside seems rural: along the road are "sprouting fields" (78). Lucius describes the residents they pass as "the people already in their Sunday clothes idle on the front galleries, the children and dogs . . . running toward the fence" to watch an automobile go by (78). |
2448 | Unnamed People in New Orleans |
In Mr. Compson's account of the city in Absalom!, Bon's initiation of Henry into the sophisticated world of New Orleans begins with his exposure to the elegant people riding in the city streets: "women, enthroned . . . like painted portraits" and "men in linen a little finer and diamonds a little brighter" than anything Henry had seen before (88). |
2174 | Unnamed People in Mottstown Station |
When the Hineses are waiting for the northbound train from Mottstown to Jefferson in Light in August, they are joined by "drummers and loafers and such" who buy tickets for the southbound train (359). 'Drummer' was a well-known term for traveling salesman at the time the novel was published. |
2173 | Unnamed People in Mottstown 2 |
During the first "five or six years" that the Hineses live in Mottstown in Light in August, "people" hire Doc "to do various odd jobs which they considered within his strength" (341). These "people" are distinguished by the narrative from "the town," which wonders how the Hineses will live once Doc stops doing these jobs (341). They are also not "the people of Mottstown" who have their own entry, and who as an entity play a different and much larger role in the novel. |
1345 | Unnamed People in Mottstown 1 |
In As I Lay Dying, according to Albert's report, the people of Mottson who react to the smell from the Bundrens' wagon include "ladies" rushing away "with handkerchiefs to their noses, and a "crowd of hard-nosed men and boys standing around the wagon" (203). |
2625 | Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley |
These people in The Hamlet watch Ab struggle with his mules behind McCaslin's hardware store (42-43). |
1278 | Unnamed People in Heaven |
In "Vendee" and again in The Unvanquished Brother Fortinbride's eulogy for Rosa Millard expresses his faith that in heaven "there are men, women and children, black, white, yellow or red, waiting for her to tend and worry over" (98, 158). This unseen group is perhaps the most racially inclusive group in all the Yoknapatawpha fictions. |
2787 | Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 2 |
The people that Ike sees on the streets of Memphis in Go Down, Moses are well-dressed, "men in starched collars and neckties" and "in fine overcoats" (219), "and the ladies rosy in furs" (221). |
1898 | Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 1 |
Chapter 21 of Sanctuary describes the various people whom Virgil and Fonzo see in the train station and on the streets of Memphis when they arrive in the city. None are given any individuality, but they are identified as "a stream of people" who "jostle" the newcomers in the depot, where they are also beset by cabmen and a redcap, and, in the Hotel Gayoso and another, unnamed hotel, a porter, bellboys, and "people sitting among the potted plants" in hotel lobbies (188-90). |
3750 | Unnamed People in Crowd at Races |
In The Reivers Lucius describes the men who crowd around the race track and bet on the races as "the same overalls, tieless, the sweated hats, the chewing tobacco" that he associated with the men in the hotel dining room that morning (227). But a major difference is that this crowd is racially unsegregated: "people, black and white" (228). One member of this crowd leads Lightning to the starting line after Ned is disqualified. "People" could imply women, of course, but until Minnie arrives at the end of the third race, there is no evidence of them at the track. |
2786 | Unnamed People in Chancellor's Office |
"There were a few people going in and out of the office; a few inside, not many" on the day that Roth Edmonds takes Molly Beauchamp to seek a divorce from Lucas Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses (122). |
3724 | Unnamed People in Carriages and Wagons |
This entry represents the people in The Reivers who are in a "carriage or wagon" when the automobile being driven by Boon moves through the Square (39). Some of these horse- and mule-drawn vehicles have "women and children" in them, and some are being driven by women (39). Grandfather Priest's behavior changes, depending on the gender of the driver, but in either case, both the animals and the people are often startled by the presence of the car. |
2707 | Unnamed People in Bus Depot |
The narrator of "Two Soldiers" notes that "more folks" arrive at the Jefferson bus depot and buy tickets for the bus to Memphis that he is waiting to take (92). |
2345 | Unnamed People between Memphis and Renfro |
These are the people - referred to simply as "they" - in the seven different places where Secretary lands the plane as he tries to fly from Memphis to Renfro (243). At each of these places, "they tell him how to get to Renfro" (243); the implication is that it is Secretary's fault that he cannot follow their directions. |
3603 | Unnamed People at Train Station 3 |
According to The Mansion, this group of "men and boys" come repeatedly each day to the shed by the depot to see the trains pass (38). |
2624 | Unnamed People at Train Station 2 |
This is the crowd at the "bleak" railroad station in The Hamlet where Labove sees a white man shoot a black man; it "scatters" as the shooting occurs, then forms a "crowd" around the Negro so dense that Labove has to "use his football tactics" to move through it. Some of them also "overpower and disarm" the white man (138). |
1865 | Unnamed People at Train Station 1 |
In Sanctuary the men lounging at the Taylor station who watch Temple as she gets off the train are "chewing slowly" (presumably tobacco) and wearing overalls (36). |
2953 | Unnamed People at the Football Game |
In Intruder in the Dust the crowd of spectators at the football game in the Mottstown high school stadium is divided between the people who "sit in the grandstand" and "the ones trotting and even running up and down the sideline following each play" (122). |
2172 | Unnamed People at the Dance |
The country people at what Bobbie calls "the clodhopper dance" in Light in August (218) are described as "girls in stiff offcolors and mailorder stockings and heels" and "young men in illcut and boardlike garments" (206). Among this group are the two men who restrain Bobbie after Joe strikes McEachern down. |
2445 | Unnamed People at Sutpen's Wedding |
Although Ellen and her aunt "write out a hundred invitations" to the Coldfield-Sutpen wedding in Absalom!, when it happens "there were just ten people in the church, including the wedding party" (39). Two of the witnesses are General and Mrs. Compson. The text does not say who the others were, and why they chose to defy public opinion by being there. |
2171 | Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting |
In Light in August, when Doc Hines disrupts a prayer meeting by "yelling" for "white folks to turn out and kill" all the blacks, the "folks in the church" make him come down from the pulpit (378). When he threatens them with a pistol, they call the law. |
1723 | Unnamed People at Mr. Compson's Funeral |
When Jason remembers his father's funeral in The Sound and the Fury, he mentions the people who "were holding umbrellas" (201) and who filled in the grave, "throwing dirt into it" (202). Presumably some of these people are from the community, and presumably some are paid cemetery workers, but "they" are not described in any detail. |
2952 | Unnamed People at Fraser's Store |
In Intruder in the Dust, "every tenant and renter and freeholder white or black in the neighborhood" would find a reason to go to the crossroads store on Saturdays, "quite often to buy something" but also often just to visit with each other (18). |
2170 | Unnamed People at Church Revival |
One story that is told in Light in August about the first Gail Hightower concerns the time he invaded an "al fresco church revival" and "turned it into a week of amateur horse racing" while a "dwindling congregation" listened to the "gaunt, fanaticfaced country preachers" (472) condemn him. |
3749 | Unnamed People at Ballenbaugh's |
After Ballenbaugh takes over Wyott's store in The Reivers, it becomes a stop-over place for the "hard-mouthed hard-souled" men who carry merchandise to and from Memphis (72). But until the 1870s the people at Ballenbaugh's were "just tough men," i.e. no women (72). When the railroad took over the freight traffic in the 1880s, however, Ballenbaugh's becomes a destination point. |
2169 | Unnamed People along Lena's Way |
These are the people in Light in August who, Lena says, "have been right kind" to her during her travels on foot from Alabama to Yoknapatawpha. The narrative implies a difference between the way men and women judge Lena when it describes Mrs. Beard looking at her "once, completely, as strange women had been doing for four weeks now" (85). Nonetheless the narrative does confirm Lena's assertion that everyone is "kind." When she inquires for Lucas Burch, people send her along to the next town, often finding her a ride in the process. |
1892 | Unnamed Pensacola Policeman |
The policeman in Sanctuary from whom Popeye's grandmother asks for a match thinks her irrational statements (including the ominous "I bring down the house") are a deliberate effort at humor (307). He tells her three times that she "ought to be in vaudeville." |
1755 | Unnamed Peeping Tom |
This man may exist, or be a figment of Minnie Cooper's imagination, or even an invention of the customer in the barber shop who refers to him, obliquely, as the "man scare" that Minnie reportedly had "about a year" before "Dry September" begins; the customer describes him as "a man on the kitchen roof" who was looking at Minnie "undress" (171). We have labeled him 'white' because from the larger story it seems clear that if the reported voyeur had been identified as 'black,' the white men of the town would have had to punish someone. |
3574 | Unnamed Pawnbrokers |
These two men run the pawn shop that sells Mink a gun in The Mansion. They are described as being "blue-jowled as pirates" (320). |
1891 | Unnamed Patrons at the Grotto Club |
These are the various dancers and gamblers "at the crap table" (237) who are at the Grotto club the night Popeye takes Temple there in Sanctuary. The dancers are summed up in the phrase about the "movement of feet, the voluptuous hysteria of muscles warming the scent of flesh, of the blood" (233). |
1967 | Unnamed Patronne |
The patronne in "Ad Astra" is the manager and owner of the Cloche-Clos. An old woman who wears steel spectacles and knits, she thoroughly understands the threat posed to her business by the Allied aviators and their German prisoner. She loudly expresses her outrage that this German - whom she calls a "Boche!" (422) - has been brought into her bistro: "Eight months since the obus I have kept them in a box against this day: plates, cups, saucers, glasses, all that I have had since thirty years, all gone, broken at one time! |
1458 | Unnamed Patroller |
In The Unvanquished Bayard describes "the Patroller (sitting in one of the straight hard chairs and smoking one of Father's cigars too but with his hat off)" having caught some of the Satoris slaves away from the plantation (16). In the antebellum South patrollers watched at night to capture any slaves who were out of their quarters without authorization from their owners, and pursued fugitive slaves. |
3778 | Unnamed Patrol-riders |
In The Unvanquished, when Buck and Buddy McCaslin allow their slaves to live in the plantation big house and leave the place at night by the back door, the white inhabitants of the area share stories or rumors of "McCaslin slaves dodging the moonlit roads and the Patrol-riders to visit other plantations" (249). |
3395 | Unnamed Patients of Dr. Brandt |
In Flags in the Dust the other people in the waiting room where Dr. Alford, Jenny and Old Bayard wait to see the Memphis specialist are described as "quiet" (246). |
1592 | Unnamed Patients of Doctor Peabody |
As part of the description of Doctor Peabody in Flags in the Dust, the narrative mentions his willingness to travel any distance "to visit anyone, white or black, who sent for him" (95). Later in the description a few of his patients are particularized when a "countryman" - that is, someone from outside the town of Jefferson - visits Peabody in his office to pay the doctor's bill "incurred by his father or grandfather" (95). |
1223 | Unnamed Passersby 3 |
In Absalom!, "whenever anyone white or black stops in the road" to speak to Charles E. S-V. Bon (162), Clytemnestra "drives the passerby on" with a "murmur of vituperation" (162). |
653 | Unnamed Passersby 2 |
This entry represents the "passers" - i.e. people passing by - in "three different parts of town" whom Mrs. Gant questions in "Miss Zilphia Gant" about the families of the girls that Zilphia told her she "would like to visit" (373). |
1222 | Unnamed Passersby 1 |
In "That Evening Sun" these people witness Nancy's confrontation with Stovall and "tell about" it; the "ones that passed the jail" later that night hear Nancy singing and yelling and the jailer trying to make her stop (291). |
1220 | Unnamed Passerby 2 |
In The Mansion this man on the Square is mistaken by Linda for Willy Christian, but "old man Christian" had died while she was away (224). |
652 | Unnamed Passerby 1 |
In Light in August, when Hightower walks home after learning that the Sheriff is closing in on Christmas, he is so shaken that when "someone speaks to him in passing," he "does not even know" that he has been addressed (310). There's no indication of the gender of this passerby, but it's unlikely that a black would speak first in passing a white man, so we identify 'him' as white. |
3609 | Unnamed Pascagoula Waitress |
This waitress works at the "joint" in Pascagoula where Linda takes Gavin in The Mansion (276). |
3573 | Unnamed Pascagoula Lawyer |
In The Mansion Gavin Stevens knows the lawyer in Pascagoula who sets Linda up with an apartment. |
3001 | Unnamed Partner of Zilphia |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant" this woman becomes Zilphia's "partner" in the dressmaking shop less than a year after Mrs. Gant's death (378). |
2713 | Unnamed Partner of Ike McCaslin |
Although the man who becomes Ike's partner in the carpentry business is never named in Go Down, Moses, the description of him is very vivid: he is a "blasphemous profane clever dipsomaniac who had built blockade-runners in Charleston in '62 and '3," who "appeared in Jefferson two years ago nobody knew from where" (295). Ike takes care of him when he succombs to drink, and the man helps to build a "bungalow" in town (297) as a wedding present for Ike. |
2055 | Unnamed Partner in Restaurant |
In "Centaur in Brass" the man who owned the other half of the "small back-street restaurant" in Jefferson that Flem Snopes acquired from Suratt is not named (149). Soon after moving to town, Flem "eliminated" him, presumably by buying him out (150). In The Hamlet Suratt's partner is named Aaron Rideout, Suratt's brother-in law, whereas in the The Town he's Grover Cleveland Winbush. Whether Faulkner had either in mind when he created this "partner" the first time in this story cannot be determined. |
3182 | Unnamed Participants in Nancy's Trial |
In the play's first scene in Requiem for a Nun, "a section of the court" is represented on stage, and the stage directions list "the judge, officers, the opposing lawyers, the jury" (39). The "judge" and one of the officers - the bailiff - speak in the scene, and so have their own Character entries. This entry represents the other men referred to, though it's unlikely that any production of the play would cast actors to represent the "opposing lawyers" or "the jury" on stage. |
3728 | Unnamed Parsham Deputy |
In The Reivers the driver of the Stanley Steamer that arrives in Parsham to carry Boon and the others back to jail in Hardwick is driven by "another deputy," or at least someone "in a badge" (253). |
1890 | Unnamed Parisian Women |
Santuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "women [who] sit knitting in shawls" (316). |
1889 | Unnamed Parisian Men |
Sanctuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "men playing croquet . . . in coats and capes" (316). |
1888 | Unnamed Parisian Children |
The final scene of Sanctuary "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to children "shouting" and "sailing toy boats" (316). |
1887 | Unnamed Parisian Beggars |
During Horace's first conversation with Lee Goodwin in his jail cell, the child that Ruby is holding is compared by the narrator of Sanctuary to "the children which beggars on Paris streets carry" (116). Horace has been to France, and is carrying a French novel when the novel begins. The novel's final scene is set in Paris. Still, in the immediate context of the narrow cell that confines Goodwin, the narrative's sudden evocation of life half a world away from Yoknapatawpha comes as a surprise. |
1886 | Unnamed Parisian Band |
The musicians that Temple and her father listen to in the Luxembourg Gardens in Sanctuary are dressed "in the horizon blue of the army" - suggesting they may be a military band, but that is not stated - and play Massenet, Scriabin and Berlioz (316). |
3702 | Unnamed Parents of Vera |
The "folks" whom Vera is visiting in The Reivers are presumably her parents (99). |
2785 | Unnamed Parents of Rider |
This couple appears in "Pantaloon in Black" as a story and again as a chapter in Go Down, Moses only negatively: Rider "could not remember his parents at all" (130). He was raised by his aunt. |
3082 | Unnamed Parents of Local War Casualty |
When Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II in "Knight's Gambit," he has a kind of prevision of the local young men who will soon be killed in the fighting, and the grief of "those who had created" them, without realizing that the day would come when their child "might die in agony" in a foreign place they "had never even heard of before" and didn't even know how to pronounce (251). |
2168 | Unnamed Parents of Hightower's Mother |
Light in August never gives Reverend Hightower's mother a first name, much less a maiden one. But it does tell us that "she was one of many children of a genteel couple who had never got ahead and who seemed to find in the church some substitute for that which lacked upon the dinnertable" (472). |
2505 | Unnamed Pardon Board Members |
The narrator of "Monk" presents the Pardon Board as a "puppet Board" which remains "completely under" the thumb of the Governor (54-55). They are apparently appointed to the Board based on their ability to deliver votes for him. |