Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
1987 | Unnamed Young Fellows |
These young fellows in "Hair" are "loafers that pitch dollars all day long in the clubhouse yard" (141) while waiting to flirt with the young girls who walk by. ("Clubhouse" is almost surely a misprint for "court house"; see the Location entry for Courthouse Square in "Hair.") |
2888 | Unnamed Young Chickasaw Men |
The group of "young men" who are attracted to Herman Basket's sister in "A Courtship" includes, but is by no means limited to, Owl-by-Night and Sylvester's John (363). Without exception, these would-be suitors "look away" from her once Ikkemotubbe's interest becomes known (363). They even help him in his efforts to attract her attention. At the end of the story, at least some of these "young men" leave the plantation on the steamboat with David Hogganbeck and Ikkemotubbe (380), but the text does not say how far they go. |
1399 | Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Indians |
The tribe of Indians in "Red Leaves" is not given a name. In his later fictions Faulkner identifies the Indians who live in Yoknapatawpha first as "Choctaw," then as "Chickasaw." Historically, they were part of the Chickasaw nation, but Faulkner's Indians are not particularly historical. For example, in this story they are associated several times with cannibalism (314, 319). |
1539 | Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Cotton Growers |
Cotton is the main crop of Yoknapatawpha, and as Flags in the Dust points out, it is raised by two very different kinds of growers - planters or croppers - on two very different kinds of land: the "other planters further up the valley" from the Sartorises own the county's rich bottom land, while the "smaller croppers" have to manage "with their tilted fields among the hills" (289). |
2222 | Unnamed Yankees in Crowd |
When describing the people who gather to stare at Joanna's murdered body and her burning house, the narrator of Light in August refers, briefly but very specifically, to three categories of people who are not just from the county or the "immediate neighborhood" or from town (287): one of these categories consists of "casual Yankees" who, like "the poor whites" and "the southerners who had lived for a while in the north," identify the crime as the work of "Negro" and actually "hope" that Joanna had been "ravished" as well as murdered (288). |
3390 | Unnamed Yankee Raiders |
The Town refers to the "Yankee raiders" who were present in Mississippi during the Civil War as the stuff of "legend" - the legend of the treasure that remains hidden where the plantation owners supposedly buried their "money and plate" to keep them safe from these invaders (8). (In earlier Yoknapatawpha fictions, the Sartorises did bury their silver and Union troops did dig it up.) |
1468 | Unnamed Writers |
In The Unvanquished Bayard evokes "the men who have written" of the kind of woman he identifies Drusilla with at this point in the story: the "woman of thirty" (228). Although no writers are named, Balzac was one of Faulkner's favorite writers, and he may be be thinking of the character Julie in Honoré de Balzac's 1842 novel La femme de trente ans (A Woman of Thirty). |
3389 | Unnamed Wounded Veteran of World War I |
In The Town Charles mentions that "one of Captain McClendon's company was wounded in the first battle in which American troops were engaged and was back in his uniform with his wound stripe in 1918" (123). He is the first veteran of World War I to return to Jefferson. (Historically, this first battle was the Battle of Cantigny, 28 May 1918.) |
3790 | Unnamed Wounded Male Soldiers |
As they wait for Linda Kohl to return from the Spanish Civil War in The Mansion, Chick Mallison reminds his uncle about the "men soldiers" from Yoknapatawpha who have "come home wounded from a war" (121). The way he says it - "Men soldiers yes, of course yes" - suggests he is thinking mainly of Confederate soldiers and the Civil War, but the fictions include wounded veterans of the Spanish-American and the First World Wars. |
2219 | Unnamed Wounded Civil War Soldiers |
In Light in August Reverend Hightower's father learns how to practice medicine during the Civil War by helping the Confederate doctors work on the "bodies of friends and foe alike" (473). |
3115 | Unnamed Would-be Lynchers |
In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun, as soon as the bandits are brought to the settlement by their militia captors, the white population of the settlement splits into at least two camps: one "small but determined gang" is a "faction bent on lynching them at once, out of hand, without preliminary" (206, 11). |
3104 | Unnamed World War I Soldiers 2 |
In a conversation with his nephew about the First World War in "Knight's Gambit," Gavin Stevens refers to the combatants involved in the fighting of World War I as the "whole generation of the world's young men" (242). Gavin is exaggerating, but in fact over 30,000,000 men were killed or wounded during this war, the first great global conflict. In the same conversation he refers to two different categories of combatants, comparing "the groundling during his crawling minutes and the airman during his condensed seconds" (242). (The "groundling" is an infantryman.) |
2692 | Unnamed World War I Soldiers 1 |
As he waits for Dr. Schofield to amputate his injured leg in "The Tall Men," Buddy McCallum recalls the time he was wounded during World War I: "there was a heap" of American soldiers lying "outside a field dressing station" waiting for medical attention (51). |
2181 | Unnamed Workers at Planing Mill |
As a group the men who work at the planing mill in Light in August observe and comment on the appearance and behavior of Joe Christmas and Joe Brown during and after the nearly three years these two outsiders work there too. On the Saturday Lena arrives in Jefferson, they see the smoke of the fire and joke about it - and about the Burdens, who they see as outsiders too. |
2831 | Unnamed Women of Yoknapatawpha |
The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" remarks "that any woman in Frenchman's Bend and I reckon in the rest of the county too could have described" De Spain's parlor (106). |
3205 | Unnamed Women of Jackson |
The "Jackson women" who in Requiem for a Nun sponsor the three-day "Kermis Ball" to raise money for a Confederate monument in 1887 may belong to an early version of a group like the United Daughters of the Confederacy (87). The term "kermis" refers to an outdoor festival. |
3807 | Unnamed Women Married by J.P.s |
In the middle of describing Sutpen and Ellen's wedding in Absalom, Absalom! Mr. Compson interrupts his reconstruction to generalize about women who never had formal weddings: "women who were married by tobacco-chewing j[ustices of the] p[eace]s in country courthouses or by ministers waked after midnight" (37). According to his misogynistic assertion, it is the longing of these women for a more ceremonial wedding that is the cause of "most divorces" (37). |
3614 | Unnamed Women in Pascagoula |
The female clientele at the "joint" where Linda takes Gavin in The Mansion would be more surprised by an ear trumpet than a "G string" (275). They are presumably, like Linda, women who work in the shipyard because the male population has gone to fight in the war; the reference to the "G string" as well as the noise in the "joint" is the narrative's way of implying how non-traditional, by the standards of southern gentility, is their behavior and appearance. |
1467 | Unnamed Women in Jefferson 2 |
In The Unvanquished, when Bayard first rides into town on his way to confront Redmond, these "women" are the only people he sees on the street, he assumes because it was "long past breakfast and not yet noon" (245). These women recognize Bayard and "stopped sudden and dead" when they realize his potentially fatal errand (245). |
2069 | Unnamed Women in Jefferson 1 |
In both "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" and again in The Hamlet, these women help Mrs. Armstid cope with her circumstances by giving her materials - "string saved from packages and bits of cloth" to weave into "fancy objects" she can sell ("Lizards," 142) . In The Hamlet Mrs. Armstid calls them "the ladies in Jefferson" (360). |
2966 | Unnamed Women in Civil War Jefferson |
According to Intruder in the Dust, old houses like Miss Habersham's "still seem to be spellbound by the shades of women, old women still spinsters and widows waiting . . . waiting for the slow telegraph to bring them news of Tennessee and Virginia and Pennsylvania battles" (117). |
2030 | Unnamed Women during War |
The narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" displays considerable sympathy for the impact of war on women who remain at home while the men in their lives are at the front, going so far as to say that they "died" on the day war was declared (514). This group includes the "mothers and sweethearts" to whom the soldiers write letters from the war (512), and the "three day wives and three-year widows" whom the soldiers marry hastily on their way to the war (514). |
1620 | Unnamed Women College Students 3 |
On the train that Horace takes to Oxford in Sanctuary he sees "two girls with painted small faces and scant bright dresses" (169). |
1619 | Unnamed Women College Students 2 |
Lying in the dark at Miss Reba's in Sanctuary, Temple remembers being in her dorm in college, talking with other women students as they all dressed for a dance. One of them is accused by the others of knowing too much about sex and another, "the youngest one," is made sick by the conversation (152). |
1618 | Unnamed Women College Students 1 |
These are the young women in Flags in the Dust who are in college in the neighboring town (obviously Oxford) whom Young Bayard (along with Mitch and Suratt and three Negro musicians) serenades. They are only seen as shapes leaning out of the windows of the co-ed dorm, "aureoled against the lighted rooms behind," "feminine and delicately and divinely young" (143). |
720 | Unnamed Women and Negroes |
"The Unvanquished" - both the story and the novel with that title - includes an unusual reference to "white women" and "Negroes" (149, 93). The text brings these two groups together as the people in Yoknapatawpha who are equally threatened by the existence of Grumby's gang of "Independents" - though the "white women" are "frightened" while the Negroes are "tortured" (149, 93), and that it's hard to see what place Negro women occupy in this phrasing. |
2642 | Unnamed Woman Who Shot McCarron |
In The Hamlet, a few days after Hoake McCarron's father is "shot in a gambling house," a rumor arises that "a woman had shot him" (150). No evidence is given to support the rumor, but if it's true, then the context makes it likely that she is a prostitute. |
1925 | Unnamed Woman in Red Dress |
Among the people attending Red's funeral in Sanctuary, this "woman in a red dress" deserves to be singled out. She plays a role that recurs in Faulkner's fiction: the agent of chaos. Just as the crowd "grows quiet" listening to the orchestra play a hymn, she enters "unsteadily"; her first word is "Whoopee" (245). Later, her demand that Joe "get that damn stiff out of here and open the [crap] game," accompanied by "a burst of filthy language" (248), sets off the violence that brings the funeral literally crashing to an end. |
1626 | Unnamed Woman in Mount Vernon |
This "young woman" is only mentioned once in Flags in the Dust, as the person with whom Lee MacCallum is "keeping company" (i.e. courting, 350). |
718 | Unnamed Woman in Mississippi |
In "Raid" and then again in The Unvanquished, this woman informs Rosa Millard that she and her party have entered Mississippi. |
1924 | Unnamed Woman in Grotto Club |
While Temple is in the "washroom" of the Grotto club in Sanctuary, she and another woman "examine one another's clothes with brief, covert, cold, embracing glances" (233). |
2927 | Unnamed Woman in Frenchman's Bend 2 |
Referred to as "another lady" in Intruder in the Dust this woman angers another woman in Frenchman's Bend, apparently by winning a baking competition (227). Her husband is locally well-known and -patronized as a maker of moonshine whiskey. The narrative's use of "lady" is clearly sarcastic. |
2926 | Unnamed Woman in Frenchman's Bend 1 |
In Intruder in the Dust this woman started a feud over a "church bazaar" baking prize with "another lady" in Frenchman's Bend (227). When she reported that the other woman's husband was making and selling whiskey, Sheriff Hampton had to intervene. As these details suggest, the narrative uses the title "Frenchman's Bend lady" sarcastically (227). |
1745 | Unnamed Woman in Doorway |
In The Sound and the Fury, when Quentin looks around after Shreve pumps water on his face, he sees a "woman cross the door" of a nearby house, "but she didn't look out" (165). |
1622 | Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub 2 |
In Flags in the Dust this young woman wears an expression of "harried desperation" as she sits with Harry Mitchell at the Chicago nightclub. It seems that after getting Harry drunk, she steals his diamond tiepin; when the waiter apparently tries to stop her, her voice rises "with a burst of filthy rage into a shrill hysterical scream" (388). |
1621 | Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub 1 |
This young woman in Flags in the Dust is described as "a slim, long thing, mostly legs apparently, with a bold red mouth and cold eyes" (384). She is Bayard's companion at the Chicago night club where he agrees to fly the experimental plane; her mouth may be bold, but she says she is afraid of him: "He'll do anything" (386). |
3068 | Unnamed Woman in Car |
In Light in August this woman shrieks in a "shrill voice" when the car in which she is riding passes Joe Christmas standing naked at the side of the road (108). |
1923 | Unnamed Woman in Alley |
In Sanctuary Ruby tells Temple that she once gave away a fur coat "to a woman in an alley" (62). Ruby lived in many different places, so there's no way to tell what city the alley might be in - and the text provides no other information about the woman at all. |
717 | Unnamed Woman in Alabama |
In "Vendee" and then again in The Unvanquished, this "woman with a little thread of blood still running out of her mouth" (102, 164) is a victim of Grumby and his men. Bayard vividly describes her voice as she describes the gang; it sounds "light and far away like a locust from across a pasture" (102, 164). |
2215 | Unnamed Woman at Farm House |
In Light in August this "gaunt, leatherhard woman" recognizes Joe Christmas when he comes to her door for food; when he asks "what day this is," she tells him it is Tuesday, and threatens to call her man if he doesn't go away (332). |
1292 | Unnamed Woman at Card Party |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, this woman is a member of the same social club as the deputy's wife. She insists on a "recount of the scores" of the card game that the wife thought she had won (252, 147). |
2468 | Unnamed Wives or Mistresses of Southern Soldiers |
In her account in Absalom! of the men who begin returning home from the Civil War during its final winter, Rosa refers to the men's "beloved wife or mistress who in his absence has been raped" (126). She does not say by whom. |
3711 | Unnamed Wives of Ned McCaslin |
In The Reivers Lucius notes in passing that Delphine is the wife Ned has in 1904, and that during his lifetime he "ran through four wives" (31). This entry represents the other three, none of whom are given names, or individualized in any way. The narrative doesn't even indicate Delphine's place in the sequence of four. |
2029 | Unnamed Wives and Children |
In "All the Dead Pilots" these are the women who married the aviators who survived the First World War and the children who were born to them in "suburban homes almost paid out" (512). |
2507 | Unnamed Witnesses |
In "Monk," several unnamed people find Monk standing over the body at the gas station and detain him until the authorities arrive. |
2525 | Unnamed Witness 2 |
The younger of the two men who discover Lonnie's body in "Hand upon the Waters" is described as "a youth, less than twenty, by his face" (67). He tells Stevens that, after the discovery, he "won't never eat another" fish (74). |
2524 | Unnamed Witness 1 |
The older of the two men who discover Lonnie's body in "Hand upon the Waters" is described as "a man of about forty" (72); his dialect - "Him and Joe" (67), "Yonder's his boat" (69) - indicates that, like most of the story's characters, he's a "country-bred man" (78). |
2009 | Unnamed Wing Commander |
After Sartoris' trick in "All the Dead Pilots," "the brigadier and the Wing Commander" arrive at the squadron's aerodrome to investigate (527). Historically, Wing Commanders were in charge of multiple squadroons. That the high command would personally see to the Sartoris-Spoomer rivalry speaks to the influence of Spoomer's uncle, himself a brigadier general in a different branch of the British military. |
3114 | Unnamed Wilderness Outlaws |
In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun, these "Natchez Trace bandits" threaten all who pass through the wilderness between Nashville and the Mississippi settlement (200, 4). Pettigrew's bravery is demonstrated as he carries the mail pouch without firearms through "a region where for no more than the boots on his feet, men would murder a traveler and gut him like a bear or deer or fish and fill the cavity with rocks and sink the evidence in the nearest water" (204, 9). |
3166 | Unnamed Wild Indians and Whites |
The Mississippi wilderness in Requiem for a Nun is occupied by potentially dangerous "wild Indians and wilder white men" (7). Both groups apparently live outside the region's tribal and settlement communities. The wildness of such outlaws is reflected in their treatment of inexperienced travelers: "[F]or no more than the boots on his feet, men would murder a traveler and gut him like a bear or deer or fish and fill the cavity with rocks and sink the evidence in the nearest water" (10). |
2057 | Unnamed Wife of Tom-Tom|Mrs. Bird |
Tom-Tom's "third wife" (in "Centaur in Brass," 152) and Tom Tom Bird's "fourth wife" (in The Town, 16) is a "young woman whom he kept with the strictness of a Turk" or "strict jealous seclusion of a Turk" (152, 16) - the analogy is to the stereotype of the harem. The short story describes her as "high yellow" (i.e. light-skinned, 160); the novel just refers to her as "young" (16). In both texts, Turl seems to have no trouble seducing her. |
3710 | Unnamed Wife of Parsham Doctor |
In The Reivers the "fat iron-gray woman in pince-nez" who opens the door at the Parsham doctor's house might be his sister, but since he mentions his marriage a few pages later it seems more likely that she is his wife (185). |
3489 | Unnamed Wife of Parchman Trusty |
In The Mansion the trusty in Parchman is a "lifer" - someone sentenced to life imprisonment - for killing "his wife with a ball peen hammer" (423). Her father has sworn to kill the man, but we don't know anything more about her. |
2523 | Unnamed Wife of Nate |
In "Hand upon the Waters" Nate's wife appears in the novel only as another voice in the darkness at their cabin, when readers hear her telling her husband to "let them white folks alone" (80) - suggesting she has more authority over Nate than Gavin Stevens does. |
3216 | Unnamed Wife of Mister Ernest |
Mister Ernest's wife died of unspecified causes three years prior to the time of the narrative in "Race at Morning" - that is, a year prior to Mister Ernest adopting the narrator. |
1489 | Unnamed Wife of Hub |
She stands in the doorway of her small farm house and watches Hub, Suratt and Young Bayard as they leave to go to town in Flags in the Dust. There is apparently reproach in her look, but in her "flat country voice," she speaks only one word, "Hub" (138). |
3513 | Unnamed Wife of Gavin Stevens |
According to Charles in The Mansion, Ratliff expects that "some woman" will come along one day and marry Gavin Stevens, after deciding that he is "dependable enough at last for steady work in place of merely an occasional chore" (215). |
2552 | Unnamed Wife of Farmer |
In The Hamlet this woman tries to discourage her husband from pursuing Ike Snopes. |
2360 | Unnamed Wife of Doctor |
In "Lion," Boon Hogganbeck "busts past the doctor's wife when she opened the door" (196), demanding that the doctor go to the hunting camp to save the wounded Lion. |
797 | Unnamed Wife of Deputy Sheriff |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, the wife of the deputy who narrates much of the last section of the story is described as "a stout woman, handsome once, graying now and with a neck definitely too short, who looked not harried at all but choleric" (252, 147). She is impatient with her husband, and preoccupied with her own concerns; her rapid movements between kitchen and dining room suggest her lack of interest in her husband's account of a black man's lynching. |
2887 | Unnamed Wife of David Colbert |
In "A Courtship," this woman is the great-aunt of the second cousin of Herman Basket's aunt (363). As the wife of the "chief Man of the Chickasaws" (365), she would have a lot of status. From her, Herman Basket's aunt acquires both a "silver wine pitcher" (363) and a belief in her own family's superiority. |
2588 | Unnamed Wife of College Instructor |
In The Hamlet Hoake McCarron is involved in a scandal with this wife of a "minor instructor" at the agricultural college he attends (151). |
3204 | Unnamed Wife of Cashier |
The "childless wife" of the bank cashier who beats Nancy is only mentioned in Requiem for a Nun. |
1961 | Unnamed Wife of Captured German Aviator |
The wife of the German prisoner in "Ad Astra" is described by her husband as "the daughter of a musician who wass peasant" (418). While he is at war, she lives in Bayreuth with their son. She keeps her husband informed by letter of significant changes in the family. |
506 | Unnamed Wife of Baptist Minister |
In "A Rose for Emily," the wife of the Baptist minister takes it upon herself to write to summon Emily's Alabama kin. |
1452 | Unnamed Widow of Hill Man |
In The Unvanquished this woman - even though she is dirt poor (literally, as she lives in a "dirt-floored cabin in the hills") - maintains her pride by throwing back the money John Sartoris offers her after he shot her husband (221). |
3387 | Unnamed Wholesalers and Brokers |
In The Town these grocery distributors accept Wallstreet's commercial methods and innovations as congenial to their own. |
2645 | Unnamed Wholesaler |
In The Hamlet this Memphis wholesaler provides Ratliff with his sewing machines. |
3103 | Unnamed Whites in Jefferson |
The "white people" who live by the railroad tracks in Jefferson's "purlieus" don't live in "cabins," a word they associate with the Negroes in a nearby neighborhood - a distinction, the narrative says, they will "fight" to maintain (252-53). Their sense of insecurity suggests that their own social and economic status is not much above that of the blacks who are almost their neighbors. |
1308 | Unnamed Whites in Crowd |
In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, the crowd that watches as the coffin carrying Samuel Beauchamp is taken off the train contains a "number of Negroes and whites both" (265, 363). The Negroes include "men and women too," but the white people there are described as "idle white men and youths and small boys"; there do not seem to be any white women among the spectators (265, 363). |
715 | Unnamed White Women and Children |
In "Raid" and then again in The Unvanquished, these are the women and children that Bayard sees along the road who, after the Yankee troops have burned their big houses, now live in cabins that were once used by their slaves, and he and his grandmother also do at Sartoris. |
3613 | Unnamed White Teachers |
These "properly-educated white teachers" appear in The Mansion as an idea: they are the teachers whom Linda Snopes Kohl wants Jefferson to hire to instruct the students who attend the town's "Negro school" (250). |
1616 | Unnamed White Soldiers |
This entry represents the various unnamed white soldiers whom Caspey mentions in Flags in the Dust in his highly fictionalized account of his experiences in France during World War I. Many of them are "M.P"s, but he also refers to "white officers" and the "white boys" with whom he shares a trench about four miles behind the front lines (60). |
3512 | Unnamed White Soldier |
Clarence Snopes invents this soldier as part of his smear campaign against Devries in The Mansion, spreading the rumor that during the war Devries chose to save the Negro soldier and left this white one to die (345). |
1922 | Unnamed White People outside Jail |
After describing the convincted "negro murderer" who sings spirituals from inside the jail and the "few negroes" who "gather along the fence" to sing with him (114), Sanctuary goes on to note the "white people" who "slow and stop" to listen (115). |
2214 | Unnamed White People 2 |
Most of the time if Faulkner's narrative does not specify someone's race, it is safe to assume they are 'white,' and the majority of the characters in Light in August are 'white' too. But the "white people" this entry specifically refers to are the residents of Jefferson who live in the neighborhood next to the town's black district, whom Christmas sees during his walk on Friday evening. |
2041 | Unnamed White People 1 |
In "A Justice" these undescribed "white people" call Sam Fathers "a Negro," as distinct from "the Negroes [who] call him a blue-gum" (343). This group may be whites who live near Sam and the Negroes on the Compson farm, or the phrase could refer to all white people who know Sam. |
1281 | Unnamed White Men of Yoknapatawpha |
In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished Bayard refers to the men who work with John Sartoris to resist any effort to give voting rights to the recently emancipated slaves as "all the men in the county" and "all the other men in Jefferson" (69, 58; 204, 188). They assemble in the town square "with pistols in their pockets" (69) to prevent black men from voting, and ride out afterwards to the Sartoris place with John and Drusilla to cast their own votes in the election. |
2039 | Unnamed White Men at Steamboat |
When first seen in "A Justice," these "three white men" are guarding the grounded steamboat, planning to claim it for their own; they are willing to trade it for ten of Doom's slaves (351). |
714 | Unnamed White Men 3 |
These are "the white men" from whom Charles E. C-V. Bon, a "white-colored man" (167) with a "coal black" wife (166) in Absalom!, deliberately provokes a racial reaction: they refuse to believe he was "a negro," believing instead that his relationship with her proves that he was "besotted" by "sexual perversion" (167). |
493 | Unnamed White Men 2 |
In "Death Drag," these two men arrive at the airfield with Mr. Black, in his car. |
977 | Unnamed White Men 1 |
These characters are created by an implication in "That Evening Sun." When Mr. Compson tells Nancy that she should "just let white men alone" (295), he suggests that Mr. Stovall may not be the only white man with whom she has had sex. So by that implication, these are the other men who buy sex from Nancy. |
2644 | Unnamed White Man Who Shoots a Negro |
For some reason that The Hamlet does not provide, this "white man" chases a Negro across the platform at a "bleak" train station and shoots him "in the body with a blunt pistol" (138). |
976 | Unnamed White Man 6 |
In The Reivers, this "white man" is the "blackguard" who takes advantage of Bobo's "country-bred" naivete to get him in debt, and then forces him to steal the horse named Coppermine (281). |
713 | Unnamed White Man 5 |
In "A Courtship" this man is introduced in the discussion of the new laws that came into the "American" part of Mississippi after Issetibbeha and General Jackson signed a treaty. The narrator mentions "the white man [who] disappeared" under suspicious circumstances and the "uproar" that followed, which included rumors that "he had been eaten," presumably by Indians (361). The narrator is quite sure he had not been eaten, because "he had been the sort of white man which even other white men did not regret" (361), but that is all we learn about him. |
975 | Unnamed White Man 4 |
In Absalom! Wash Jones recruits this person - identified only as "another white man" (121) - to help with Charles Bon's burial. |
973 | Unnamed White Man 3 |
In "Death Drag" this is one of the first people to arrive at the airfield after the plane appears over town. The fact that he arrives in a wagon and not a car suggests that he might be a farmer. |
974 | Unnamed White Man 2 |
"Red Leaves" says that "a white man" taught Issetibbeha how to take snuff (321). It does not say anything about the man. |
1348 | Unnamed White Man 1 |
This man, identified in As I Lay Dying only as "the white man" (229), nearly gets into a fight with Jewel after Jewel, mistakenly believing he was the person who commented on the smell of Addie’s coffin, swears and throws a wild punch. In response, the man pulls out "an open knife" - but Darl gets him to put it up after Jewel "takes back" what he said (230). |
3648 | Unnamed White Male Citizens of Yoknapatawpha |
Requiem for a Nun identifies the voters in Yoknapatawpha during the hundred years after the building of the courthouse in 1835 as "the white male citizens of the county" (37). Historically of course, a pair of Constitutional amendments gave black males the right to vote in 1870 and women the vote in 1920, but perhaps the novel is reminding us about the peculiar (unwritten) constitution of the world Faulkner is representing. |
2643 | Unnamed White Hunter |
When in The Hamlet Ratliff discovers a previously uncanvassed territory in Tennessee for selling sewing machines, either his imagination or the narrator's fetches a comparison from the other side of the world: Ratliff looks about him "with something of the happy surmise of the first white hunter blundering into the idyllic solitude of a virgin African vale teeming with ivory" (61). It seems worth noting that this is one of the few times Faulkner's imagination visits Africa, and also that in this imagined event no Africans are present. |
712 | Unnamed White Boy 2 |
In Intruder in the Dust Lucas commissions "a white boy . . . on a mule" to carry the gallon bucket of molasses he is giving Chick into town (22). |
972 | Unnamed White Boy 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury the boy who carries suitcases as part of Deacon's ritual way of greeting new Harvard students from the South is white. When Quentin remembers being met this way, he describes "a moving mountain of luggage" that was being carried by "a white boy of about fifteen" (97). |
2886 | Unnamed Whisky-Trader 2 |
In "A Courtship" the "whisky-trader" who apparently makes regular visits to the Chickasaws brings the whiskey on which the tribe's young men get Log-in-the-Creek drunk (364). What he trades his whiskey for is not specified. |
2040 | Unnamed Whisky-Trader 1 |
This "whisky-trader" in "A Justice" who visits Doom's plantation "each summer" is the only white man Sam Fathers sees until he is twelve years old (346.. Presumably he trades moonshine whiskey to the Indians, in exchange for animal skins or other commodities. |
2212 | Unnamed Wedding Guests |
When Nathaniel and Juana get married in Kansas, Joanna tells Christmas in Light in August, "everybody they could get word to or that heard about it, came" (250). |
3612 | Unnamed Wedding Couples |
In The Mansion there are a number of couples waiting in line to get married by the "REGISTRAR" at New York's City Hall (191). |
1466 | Unnamed Watchman |
In The Unvanquished Bayard assumes this "watchman" or "picquet" must have been watching to report his arrival at Sartoris to the other veterans of "Father's old troop" (232); he does not actually appear in the novel. |
3608 | Unnamed Waiters in New York |
In The Mansion McCarron is meticulously attended to by two waiters at the New York restaurant. |
1843 | Unnamed Waiters at the Grotto Club |
Waiters appear in both scenes set in the Grotto club in Sanctuary. In Chapter 25, describing the funeral for Red, they are clearly identified as "negro waiters, in black shirts beneath starched jackets." In the previous chapter, however, the narrative describes the two waiters who place drinks in front of Temple and Popeye in more racially ambiguous terms: seen from Temple's perspective they appear as "a brown [hand] in a white sleeve, a soiled white one beneath a dirty cuff" (235). Also in Chapter 24, "a waiter" shows Temple to a private room, where Red joins her (238). |