Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
387 | Jake 2 |
The character named Jake in "Beyond" mows the Judge's lawn and during the Judge's life leaves a flower "in its season, . . . fresh and recent and unblemished, on the morning coffee tray" for the Judge's lapel (783). |
3410 | Jake Barron |
One of the prisoners at Parchman penitentiary when Mink is there in The Mansion, Jake Barron has "most of his head blown off" when he tries to escape (107). |
2350 | Jake Kilrain |
Born John Joseph Killion in Greenpoint, New York, he took the professional name of "Jake Kilrain" to protect his parents from the embarrassment of his questionable career as a prize fighter. He lost the heavy-weight championship to John L. Sullivan in a bare-knuckle fight that went 75 rounds in Richbourg, Mississippi, on August 7, 1889. |
2911 | Jake Montgomery |
"A shoestring timber-buyer from over in Crossman County" (102), Jake Montgomery comes to Yoknapatawpha in Intruder in the Dust as Vinson and Crawford Gowrie's partner in the lumber-harvesting business. The son of a farmer, his checkered past includes running a roadhouse in Tennessee that is shut down by the police. Even as a corpse he gets around. |
3533 | Jakeleg Wattman |
In The Mansion Wattleg is a moonshiner who sells his whisky out of a "little unpainted store" near Wylie's Crossing that he can take apart and move to avoid the law (244). |
271 | James Beauchamp's Daughter |
Like Nat Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses, Roth's mistress - James Beauchamp’s unnamed granddaughter in the revised version of "Delta Autumn" Faulkner published in Go Down, Moses - has an aunt in Vicksburg with whom she stays. This unnamed aunt is a widow who takes in washing to support her family. For someone like Ike McCaslin, raised in the culture of the Jim Crow South, "taking in washing" is enough to identify this woman, and her very light-skinned niece, as black. |
1479 | James Vardaman |
"Vardaman" is mentioned twice in Flags in the Dust, once by Aunt Jenny and once by Deacon Rogers (62, 122). Both of them express admiration for his character and politics. Known as "The Great White Chief," James K. Vardaman served one term as Governor of Mississippi (1904-1908) and one term in the United States Senate (1913-1919). A militant segregationist, he vowed to lynch every African American in the state if that ever became necessary. He opposed U.S. |
46 | Jason Compson I |
Requiem for a Nun identifies the first member of the family in Yoknapatawpha as "a man named Compson" (11) - but which Compson? Faulkner's fictions answer that question three different ways; there is no way to reconcile them, but this Compson is probably the one with the best claim. In the prose introduction to Act I of Requiem, which actually takes place in the earliest days of the frontier settlement that will become Jefferson, the "Compson" who takes charge of a tense situation is not given any first name. |
49 | Jason Compson III |
The third Compson named Jason and the father of Quentin, Caddy, Jason and Benjy was born around the time the South was defeated in the Civil War and as a result, his story suggests, grew up to become what Faulkner's "Appendix Compson" calls a "cultured dipsomaniac" (335). His story, however, is never directly told. Instead, his character is defined chiefly by his role in the life and death of his oldest son, Quentin. "Father said" is a phrase that sounds again and again from the first to the penultimate page of Quentin's section in The Sound and the Fury (76, 178). |
52 | Jason Compson IV |
In "Appendix Compson" Faulkner calls Jason the one "sane" male Compson (338). Readers of The Sound and the Fury, aware of his extraordinary mental cruelty to his siblings and his niece, not to mention his bigotries and venalities, are likely to use an even harsher term. But if we set his story in the context of the past that matters most in this novel, the Freudian landscape of compulsions and projections, it seems more accurate to say that Jason is as much the victim of his childhood as any of those siblings. |
48 | Jason Lycurgus Compson II |
General Jason Compson, the grandfather of Quentin, Caddy, Jason and Benjy, appears in thirteen different texts, the most of any Compson. Given Faulkner's willingness to sacrifice consistency to the needs of a particular story, it's not surprising that it's hard to pull all his appearances into one cumulative biography. |
1469 | Jed White |
In The Unvanquished Jed White is a Civil War veteran, a member of Colonel Sartoris' troop who declares his willingness to serve the new Sartoris - Bayard - in a quest to restore his family's honor after the Colonel's murder. |
388 | Jefferson Davis |
Jefferson Davis was President of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the Civil War. Although he was born in Kentucky and lived briefly in Louisiana, at the time he was elected to lead the South he had spent almost forty years in Mississippi, and had represented the state in Washington in both the House and the Senate for many years. Despite this Mississippi connection, however, he is mentioned only four times in the fictions, and curiously, mostly by non-Southerners. |
390 | Jesus 1 |
There are two different characters named "Jesus" in the fictions. This "Jesus" - who appears to the black congregation during the Easter church service in The Sound and the Fury and to Goodyhay in the middle of combat during World War II in The Mansion - is the biblical one. |
843 | Jesus 2 |
There are two characters named "Jesus" in the fictions. This Jesus, Nancy's husband, is described in "That Evening Sun" as "a short black man, with a razor scar down his face." He has been missing since he threatened Nancy in the kitchen of the Compson house, saying that he might kill the white man responsible for her pregnancy ("I can cut down the vine it did come off of," 292). Nancy believes that Jesus went to Memphis but has returned to do her harm. While Jesus directly appears only once, the story is haunted by the possibility of his return. |
680 | Jewel Bundren |
In As I Lay Dying, Jewel is Addie's third - and favorite - child, illegitimately conceived with Reverend Whitfield. We know he is "a head taller than any of the rest" of the family (17), and the other narrators often reference his eyes to describe the intensity of his nature; they "look like pale wood in his high-blooded face" (17). While the Bundren family has always had mules, he worked hard to acquire a horse, which he rides with pride and skill. Throughout the narrative he is quietly, though violently, angry. |
391 | Jim 1 |
In "Fool about a Horse," this Jim is Pat Stamper's assistant in the horse- and mule-trading business. We hear him called "Jim" only once, by Stamper (130); the narrator refers to him instead with variations of "that nigger" (127, etc.) But it's important to note that the narrator's vocabulary tells us a lot about the racist world in which the narrator has grown up, but nothing about the man named Jim. In addition to that word, the narrator calls him a "magician" and "a artist" (123, 127). Jim displays a genius for "doctoring" horses and mules to disguise their flaws. |
844 | Jim 2 |
In The Hamlet one of the deputies who help the Sheriff capture Mink is named Jim. He drives the surrey in which they carry the prisoner back to Jefferson. |
3651 | Jim Avant |
"Mr Jim Avant from Hickory Flat,” one of the four well-known dog breeders and trainers mentioned in The Reivers, is almost certainly intended to be J.M. (James Monroe) Avent was a well-known owner and trainer of pedigreed bird dogs. He co-established the National Bird Dog Championship and in 1930. Time magazine called him the "most celebrated of contemporary handlers," citing too his nickname the "Fox of Hickory Valley," his home in Tennessee. Faulkner either misremembered or misspelled his name in this novel, and he also relocated hi m - perhaps on purpose. |
2512 | Jim Blake |
In "Hand upon the Waters," Blake is one of the four men - the others are Ike, Pose, and Matthew - who load Lonnie Grinnup’s body onto a wagon for transfer to Tyler Ballenbaugh’s truck. |
102 | Jim Bond |
In Absalom! Jim Bond is the child of Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon and the "inescapably negro" woman he married (168). He is also the great-grandson and last living descendant of Thomas Sutpen, "the scion, the heir, the apparent (though not obvious)" (296). He is described as "hulking slack-mouthed saddle-colored" (173) and again as "a hulking young light-colored negro man in clean faded overalls and shirt, his arms dangling, no surprise, no nothing in the saddle-colored and slack-mouthed idiot face" (296). |
2085 | Jim Gant |
"Miss Zilphia Gant" begins with Jim Gant, who in its first sentence is described as "a stock trader" (368). The next sentence explains that the stock in this case are "horses and mules," which he sells in the "Memphis markets" (368). He is the father of Miss Zilphia, though he abandons her and her mother when she was a "two-year-old girl" (369), and disappears from the narrative after he and his lover are killed not far from the Memphis markets by his wife, who tracks them down. |
2905 | Jim Halladay |
In other Yoknapatawpha fictions Gavin Stevens is the elected "County Attorney" who prosecutes even murder cases, but in Intruder in the Dust Gavin says that Lucas' trial will be handled by a "District Attorney": "it's the District Attorney that'll hang you or send you to [prison]," he warns Lucas (58), and this D.A. doesn't live "within fifty miles of Yoknapatawpha" (63). He is presumably referring to the man he later identifies by name as Jim Halladay, who works out of a town or city called Harrisburg, which is "sixty miles" from Jefferson (107). |
2378 | Jim Hamblett |
In Absalom! Jim Hamblett is the "justice" in the courthouse when Charles E. S-V. Bon is arraigned for fighting at the "negro ball" (164). In the middle of scolding the prisoner as "a white man" for stirring up racial ill-will at the time that the South seeks "to rise from beneath the iron heel of a tyrant oppressor," he suddenly stops to ask the prisoner: "What are you?" (165). |
2652 | Jimbo |
In "The Old People," Jimbo is a servant of Major de Spain's who accompanies the white men on their yearly hunting trips into the big woods. He helps Uncle Ash with the cooking and with the dogs. (When Faulkner re-tells the events of the short story in Go Down, Moses, Jimbo's character is replaced by "Tennie's Jim," who has a place on the McCaslin family tree.) |
392 | Jingus |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished, Jingus is a slave of the Hawks, who live in his cabin after their main house was burned down by Union troops. On Bayard's previous visit to Hawkhurst, Jingus showed him the railroad. It is not known if he is still at Hawkhurst at the time of this visit, or if, like numerous other Negroes in the story who emancipate themselves, he has decided to follow the Union army when it moves on. |
1487 | Joan Heppleton |
In Flags in the Dust, Joan is Belle Mitchell's younger sister who comes to Jefferson while Belle is away getting a divorce, to see what Horace Benbow is like; during the week she spends in town she and Horace have an affair. By the time she gets to Jefferson she has had a wide experience, both of the world (having lived in Hawaii, Australia and India, among other unnamed "random points half the world apart," 322) and of men (having been married a least twice and lived with at least one other man). |
393 | Joanna Burden |
A major character in Light in August, Joanna Burden is a middle-aged spinster who has lived in the "old colonial plantation house" (36) outside Jefferson since she was born, yet "she is still a stranger, a foreigner whose people moved in from the North during Reconstruction" (46). Nurturing and helpful to local Negroes, and a contributor to and supporter of many Negro schools and colleges across the South, she is regarded by the townspeople as a "Yankee, a lover of Negroes" (46). |
2348 | Job Wylie |
Job Wylie was probably born a slave, owned by the man he still calls "Marse Hoke Christian" (233). He has worked in the Christian family drugstore ever since it opened "in eighteen-fifty-something," and in the present also works as Willy Christian's cook and housekeeper (226). Job is very loyal to the Christian family, though according to the narrator of "Uncle Willy" he also embodies Jefferson's "timid clinging to dull and rule-ridden-breathing" (239). |
1309 | Jobaker|Joe Baker |
In "The Old People" and again in the chapter with that name in Go Down, Moses this man is "a full-blood Chickasaw" Indian (204, 163) and friend of Sam Fathers. He is called both Joe Baker (by the narrator of the story, 205) and Jobaker (by the narrator of the novel, 164, and by himself in both texts, 204, 163). His history is unknown. He "lived in a foul little shack at the fork of the creek" (204, 163). Living as a hermit, he hunted and fished for his livelihood. |
32 | Joby 1 |
Joby is the oldest among the family of enslaved people who serve as the 'house slaves' of the Sartoris family in two novels and more than half a dozen short stories. He first appears, very briefly, in Flags in the Dust, in the stories Jenny tells about the old days on the plantation; there he is "Simon's grandfather" who helped bury the white family's silver under "the ammoniac barn floor" to hide it from Yankees during the Civil War (37). |
39 | Joby 2 |
This Joby is Elnora's son and the (presumably) older brother of Isom and Saddie. The only information we have about him is that he has "gone to Memphis to wear fine clothes on Beale Street" (727). He plays no role in the plot of the story. (There is another Joby in the Strother family - during the Civil War he is a slave and afterwards a servant of the Sartorises - but he is the great-grandfather of this Joby. This Joby only appears in "There Was a Queen.") |
3404 | Jock |
In "Death Drag" Jock is one of Faulkner's aviators who cannot stay away from airplanes: a former pilot in the Royal Flying Corps who has lost his civilian pilot's license but continues to fly nonetheless. He is a tall, dashing figure whose stained clothing and unruly hair indicate that he doesn't care about his physical appearance; insomniac and perennially thirsty, he is emotionally tense and self-contained and won't accept offers of help from his former comrade-in-arms, Captain Warren. |
689 | Jody |
Along with Skeets MacGowan, Jody works as a clerk in Jefferson's drugstore in As I Lay Dying. He serves as a lookout for MacGowan when he is seducing Dewey Dell. |
394 | Jody Varner |
Jody Varner appears in seven different fictions, as the manager of Varner's Store and the brother of Eula Varner. In both those roles he is not a prepossessing figure. It's always clear that his father Will is the owner of the store; the most original thing Jody does during his tenure is to hire Flem Snopes as a clerk - though that turns out to be his biggest mistake. The narrator of "Spotted Horses" predicts at the time that in ten years, "it would be Jody clerking for Flem Snopes" (166); it doesn't take Flem nearly that long to displace him, though Jody remains the nominal manager. |
395 | Joe 1 |
There are five characters identified only as "Joe" in the fictions. This Joe is the young bookkeeper who plays tennis with Horace and Frankie at Belle Mitchell's in Flags in the Dust. |
848 | Joe 2 |
There are five characters in the fictions identified only as "Joe." This one lives in Memphis, where he is the proprietor of the Grotto club in Sanctuary (247); he is bald, and lacks culture (he thinks "The Blue Danube" is a blues song, for example, 244), but he does his best to keep Red's funeral as dignified as possible. |
845 | Joe 3 |
There are five characters in the fictions identified only as "Joe." This one is the deputy who drives the sheriff's car back to town after Cotton has been captured in "The Hound" (163). Presumably the same deputy is the one driving the car earlier, when it picks up the sheriff at Varner's store. No other details about him are given. |
846 | Joe 4 |
There are five characters in the fictions identified only as "Joe." This one has the most significant role to play as the unlikely agent of justice in "Hand upon the Waters." He is “a man not large, but with tremendous arms and shoulders; an adult, yet with something childlike about him” (68). Like Lonnie Grinnup, Joe has severe mental disabilities, being “deaf and dumb” (68). Joe, an “orphan” (70, 71), was “adopted” by Lonnie Grinnup, and he remains fiercely loyal to Lonnie after Lonnie's death. |
847 | Joe 5 |
There are five characters identified only as Joe in the fictions. This one appears in Intruder in the Dust, where both Edmunds and the narrator call him a "boy"; he is even referred to at one point as "Edmunds' boy," a loaded phrase in the cultural context of Faulkner's world, but in the immediate narrative context this means 'the boy that Edmunds mentioned' rather than defining a family relationship or the dynamic of an interracial relationship. Joe is the son of one of the tenant farmers on Edmunds' plantation (4, 5, etc.). The name Lucas calls him by is Joe (7). |
1093 | Joe Buffaloe|Mr. Bullock |
The local man who built Yoknapatawpha's first automobile in his "back yard on the edge of town" appears in Faulkner's last four novels. That quotation is from Requiem for a Nun, where he is unnamed but described vividly as "a grease-covered man with the eyes of a visionary monk" (190). In the last two novels of the Snopes trilogy he is named Buffaloe. The Town identifies him as the "city electrician" and a "genius" who "in 1904 . . . drove out of his backyard into the street in the first automobile we had ever seen, made by hand completely" (12). |
3019 | Joe Christmas |
Joe Christmas' story is the most developed of the various narrative lines in Light in August, though at its center is the unresolvable question of his racial identity. The novel refers to his skin more than once as "parchmentcolored" (120), but race in the world of the novel is defined by the (hypothetical) color of one's "blood," as black or white. Joe is not definitively one or the other. He is the illegitimate son of Milly Hines and a circus worker of uncertain lineage, left at Christmas time anonymously at an orphanage in Memphis by his grandfather, Doc Hines. |
2973 | Joe Ginotta |
Joe Ginotta is not a character in "Knight's Gambit" but one of the three hypothetical men whom Gavin Stevens uses to represent the veterans of the First World War: according to Gavin, "I am no more just John Doe of Jefferson, Mississippi; I am also Joe Ginotta of East Orange, New Jersey" (243). |
2863 | Joel Flint |
Joel Flint, the protean villain in "An Error in Chemistry," used to work in carnivals. At one point he was known as Signor Canova, a master of illusion. After abandoning the Canova persona, Flint started working in other circuses, serving as "bandsman, ringman, Bornean wild man" (134). Eventually, his role in traveling carnivals was as a pitch man with a "roulette wheel wired against imitation watches and pistols which would not shoot" (134). |
2274 | John Basket |
In "A Bear Hunt," John Basket is a Chickasaw who lives in the settlement near the Indian mound, and well-known as moonshiner who makes what Major de Spain describes as "bust-skull whiskey" (75). Basket unwittingly becomes an accomplice in Ash's act of revenge against Luke Provine when Ratliff offhandedly suggests Luke visit the Chickasaws to get a cure for his hiccups. (There are two other Indians named 'Basket' in three other stories, but there's no indication of a relationship among them.) |
849 | John Brown |
The radical abolitionist John Brown fought against slavery in the West before carrying out the raid on Harper's Ferry in 1859 that was intended to inspire a slave rebellion in the South. He is not mentioned in Light in August, but Joanna Burden's grandfather is clearly one of his partisans during the pro- and anti-slavery fighting that made Kansas 'Bleeding' or 'Bloody Kansas' in the early 1850s. |
2972 | John Doe |
John Doe is not a character in "Knight's Gambit" but a name Gavin Stevens uses to represent the shared experience of the veterans of World War I. Talking about these survivors Gavin says: "I am no more just John Doe of Jefferson, Mississippi," than the other vets from around the country (243). |
3782 | John Gilbert |
In Sanctuary, Minnie notes that, although "he aint no John Gilbert," Popeye is a "right pretty little man" (227). Gilbert was one of the stars of the silent era in American movies. His nickname was "The Great Lover." |
1490 | John Henry |
Pappy's son, the "younger" of the two Negroes who help Young Bayard after his car goes off the bridge in Flags in the Dust; he treats Bayard's broken body with great gentleness. |
2729 | John Keats |
John Keats, the author of the poem quoted in both "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses, was one of the principal figures of the second generation of British Romantics. Unlike the most prominent of his contemporaries, Keats was born of humble origins. He died of tuberculosis at the young age of twenty-five, at which time he had only been a published poet for five years. |
3437 | John L. Lewis |
When Gavin refers to "John L. Lewis' C.I.O." in The Mansion he is referring to the American labor leader who founded the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1935 (236). |
2349 | John L. Sullivan |
John L. Sullivan was the last heavyweight American prizefighter to win his championship without wearing gloves ('bare knuckle'). He won by defeating Jake Kilrain at Richburg, Mississippi on August 7, 1889. He was the son of Irish immigrants who became rich, which probably explains why General Compson uses him in Absalom! as a point of comparison with Thomas Sutpen, the 'immigrant' to Yoknapatawpha (34-35). |
1322 | John McLendon|Jackson McLendon |
This man appears in four texts under three different names; in all four he is associated with World War I, but in very different ways. In "Dry September" he is John McLendon, a decorated veteran who takes command of the lynch mob; he has a "heavy-set body," an aggressive temperament, and a wife whom he violently abuses (171). He plays a much smaller role as McLendon in Light in August: a customer at the barbershop who was there when Christmas "run in and dragged [Lucas Burch] out" (87). |
2314 | John Paul |
In "That Will Be Fine," John Paul is the servant who drives the hack for Georgie's family and is willing to speak sarcastically about Uncle Rodney's behavior. He is observant and witty: "John Paul said he bet papa would like to give Uncle Rodney a present without even waiting for Christmas . . . a job of work"; "John Paul quit laughing and said Sho, he reckoned anything a man kept at all the time, night and day both, he would call it work no matter how much fun it started out to be" (270). |
3695 | John Powell |
In The Reivers John Powell is "the head hostler" at the Priest livery stable (4). A hostler is someone who looks after horses. On his twenty-first birthday, as "ineffaceable proof that he was . . . a man" (6), he bought a pistol that he carries to work in his overalls. Having the gun in the stable is against the rules, but he and Maury Priest handle this "moral problem" (6) by ignoring the its existence, "as mutual gentlemen must and should" (8). The novel does not discuss how Powell's race - he is black - might figure in the way he defines 'manhood' or defies the rules. |
1 | John Sartoris I |
The first published Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust, begins by conjuring up the spirit of Colonel John Sartoris. Dead since 1876, he haunts much of that text and many of the others; the 21 texts he appears in is the most of any inhabitant of Faulkner's imaginative world. As Faulkner acknowledged, his story is basely on the life and death of Colonel William Falkner, the author's great-grandfather. His fictional biography is established in that first novel. He came from Carolina to Jefferson around 1837, where he built a large cotton plantation four miles north of town. |
5 | John Sartoris II |
Bayard Sartoris names his only son John, after his father the Colonel. This John II is a very minor character, even in Flags in the Dust, the only text to describe him or rather his life in any detail. He married Lucy Cranston, with whom he fathered the twin sons, Bayard (III) and John (III), who are both important characters in that first Yoknapatawpha fiction. Unlike his father, he followed the family's military tradition, fighting for the U.S. in the Spanish-American War. He died in 1901, succumbing to yellow fever and a wound suffered during the war. |
7 | John Sartoris III |
Johnny Sartoris, the twin brother of Bayard, is one of the two Sartoris ghosts who haunt the present in Faulkner's first Yoknapatawpha fiction, Flags in the Dust. Confederate Colonel John haunts all his living descendants. 'British' aviator Johnny is instead the shadow that his brother cannot emerge from. He is remembered very fondly by the novel's other characters, and with a great deal of survivor guilt by Bayard. Before World War I Johnny attended the University of Virginia and Princeton University. |
1438 | John Sevier |
The John Sevier mentioned by Aunt Jenny in The Unvanquished was a frontiersmen whose adventures made him a hero "to small boys or fool young women" (244). |
3271 | John Wesley Roebuck |
A friend of Chick Mallison, John Wesley is among the five boys who go rabbit hunting along Harrykin Creek on a winter day. Many of the males in Yoknapatawpha are named after Confederate generals; John Wesley is undoubtedly named after the 18th century English cleric who was one of the founders of Methodism. |
2742 | Jonas |
Jonas, one of the slaves on the McCaslin plantation when it was owned by Buck and Buddy, appears once in Go Down, Moses in the familiar pose of the 'lawn jockey': "Jonas had the two horses saddled and waiting" (9). |
2046 | Jones |
In "Death Drag," Jock goes to see Jones, "the secretary of the Fair Association," for permission to use the air field for a barnstorming show (188). There is no indication of Jones' day job, but his civic title suggests he belongs to the middle class of respectable "groundlings" in the story (188). |
2971 | Joseph Conrad |
Joseph Conrad is a British writer best known for works such as The Heart of Darkness and Lord Jim. He makes an appearance in "Knight's Gambit" when Gavin describes the Parisian street where he once visited Mrs. Harriss as the kind of street one can visit "simply by opening the right page in Conrad" (256). |
3455 | Joseph Stalin |
Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until 1953. "Hitler's and Stalin's pact" - mentioned in The Mansion - was the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and Russia that the two men signed in 1939 (two years before Germany invaded Russia in World War II). |
758 | Juana Burden |
Juana is the Hispanic wife of Nathaniel Burden and the mother of Calvin Burden II in Light in August. Born in Mexico, she waits a dozen years to get married and legitimize her child. In 1866 she comes to Jefferson with her husband and father-in-law. She dies not long after her son is killed by Colonel Sartoris, though in the account of her family that Joanna - who is named after her - gives Joe Christmas, she does not mention the cause of Juana's death. |
25 | Judge Benbow |
As a family the Benbows are one of the oldest and most prominent in Jefferson, but the fictions don't provide much detail about the first several generations in town. "Judge Benbow" is mentioned in three fictions from the middle of Faulkner's career. In Absalom! he is mentioned twice: first as a paragon of genteel manners (35), and later as the unofficial executor of the (non-existent) "Estate of Goodhue Coldfield" who chivalrously takes care of Rosa over the years (172); he also has a son named Percy. |
1103 | Judge Brummage |
Mink Snopes' murder trial is described, at least briefly, in all three novels in the Snopes trilogy. Though the judge who presides over the trial is not named until the third volume - in The Mansion he is referred to, once, as "Judge Brummage" (48) - there's no reason not to assume that Faulkner imagined the same person on the bench in all three accounts. |
1762 | Judge Drake |
Temple Drake's father makes two brief appearances at the end of Sanctuary, but her frequent evocations of him as "a judge" - first smugly, but then when her world collapses as a kind of desperate prayer - occur throughout that novel. When he arrives as a kind of belated savior in the courtroom scene, he has "neat white hair and a clipped moustache like a bar of hammered silver against his dark skin," and is wearing an "immaculate linen suit" (288). |
399 | Judge Dukinfield |
In "Smoke," the story where he makes his first appearance, Judge Dukinfield is "a widower of sixty and more, portly, white-headed, with an erect and dignified carriage which the Negroes called 'rear-backted'" (12). The judge has a daughter named Emma. During his seventeen years as a Chancellor, his official judgments have been guided by the belief "that justice is fifty per cent legal knowledge and fifty per cent unhaste and confidence in himself and in God" (12). |
2662 | Judge Frazier |
The judge at Fentry's trial in "Tomorrow" is referred to by name by the narrator's "grandfather" (93), but he is not described. He is so sure that Bookwright will quickly be acquitted that he "doesn't retire" to his chambers when the jury begins deliberating (92). |
400 | Judge Gowan |
Judge Gowan is the judge in "A Point of Law" and again in Go Down, Moses who quickly and informally finds a common-sense way to dispose of the case against Lucas and George. Although he only appears in this one episode, Faulkner gives him a long history in Yoknapatawpha when, in the short story, Lucas recognizes him as the gentleman who, "thirty and forty years ago," used to stay with "Old Zach Edmonds" on the plantation during quail hunting season (222). The novel lengthens this pedigree: there Lucas remembers him from "old Cass' time forty and fifty years ago" (71). |
2226 | Judge Howard Allison |
Judge Allison, the central character of "Beyond," is the child of a sickly woman; he describes his life this way: "She died when I was fourteen; I was twenty-eight before I asserted myself and took the wife of my choice; I was thirty-seven when my son was born" (790). He is a Federal judge, "a Republican office-holder in a Democratic stronghold" who shares the political leanings of his wife's father and a "great reader" whose "life is a solitary one" (789). He is a lifelong religious skeptic whose doubts have only intensified since his son's death eighteen years ago. |
401 | Judge Long |
In The Town Judge Long is the local judge who doesn't preside over Montgomery Ward Snopes' trial; in The Mansion, on the other hand, Judge Long is the presiding judge at Montgomery Ward Snopes' trial. Apparently between writing the two books Faulkner forgot the trouble that Flem Snopes went to in the first one to make sure his relative never appeared in Long's courtroom. In this second novel, Montgomery Ward refers to him as "that old sanctimonious lantern-jawed son of a bitch up there on that Federal bench" (77). |
2910 | Judge Maycox |
In Intruder in the Dust Maycox is the local judge whom Gavin Stevens says will have to "issue an order" to exhume the body in Vinson Gowrie's grave (107), but Sheriff Hampton realizes that won't be necessary. |
100 | Judith Sutpen |
Sutpen's daughter Judith first appears in the prequel to Absalom!, the short story "Wash"; though her character is barely sketched, her actions often anticipate her story in the novel. As "Miss Judith" she lives alone in the big house on the Sutpen plantation during much of the Civil War, after the deaths of her mother and brother and while her father is away fighting (541). |
29 | Julia Benbow |
Julia Benbow, the wife of Will Benbow, and mother of Horace and Narcissa, is mentioned in both Flags in the Dust and Sanctuary. According to the first novel, she died when Narcissa was seven years old. Narcissa remembers her as "a gentle figure . . . like a minor shrine, surrounded always by an aura of gentle melancholy and an endless and delicate manipulation of colored silken thread" (172). She is not named in the second novel, and appears only in Narcissa's references to "my father and mother" (118) and "our father and mother" in conversations with Horace (184). |
1640 | Julio |
In The Sound and the Fury Julio is the older brother of the unnamed Italian girl whom Quentin tries to escort safely home from the bakery. Julio attacks Quentin, thinking that Quentin has tried to kidnap his sister, or as Julio himself puts it: "I killa heem . . . [he] steala my seester" (139). At the Squire's office Julio wants to press kidnapping charges, but instead accepts money from Quentin as compensation for the time he lost at work while chasing after him. |
3038 | Jupe |
One of the men in the group of "five or six" Negroes in Light in August who encounter Christmas at night on his way back to the Burden place is called "Jupe" (117). He identifies Christmas as "a white man" and in a voice that is neither "threatful" nor "servile" asks him who he is looking for (117). |
770 | Kate Tull |
In As I Lay Dying Eula is one of the two daughters of Cora and Vernon Tull. Apparently while the Tulls were in town she bought a "bead" necklace for "twenty-five cents," perhaps to appeal to Darl Bundren, whom she watches as he passes through the Bundren house (9). Either she or her sister is the daughter Whitfield refers to at Addie's funeral as "Tull's youngest" (179). |
1642 | Kenny |
In The Sound and the Fury Kenny is one of the "three boys with fishing poles" Quentin first encounters on the bridge where he hides the flat irons (122). This may be the one that the narrative consistently refers to as "the first boy" (122). He wears a "broken hat" (123) and seems to hold himself a bit apart from the other two boys. Quentin tries talking with him after they leave him, but "he paid me no attention" (123). He seems to have rejoined his friends by the time Quentin sees them again, swimming in the river. |
403 | Ketcham |
In both "Pantaloon in Black" and Go Down, Moses Ketcham is an officer of the law who, despite his Dickensian name, works at the jail and deals with the men who have already been caught. He is at the jail trying to maintain order among the inmates when Rider is brought there. He is not named in Requiem for a Nun when Temple Drake Stevens describes his attempt to subdue the (also) unnamed Negro widower whose grief sends him into a frenzy. |
2016 | Kit |
"Kit" is the nickname given by the soldiers and aviators in "All the Dead Pilots" to the "girl" Sartoris has in London (514). They derive it, derogatorily, from General Kitchener - "because she had such a mob of soldiers" (514). The narrator and Ffollansbye don't know whether Sartoris knew about her reputation, but they bear witness to Sartoris' rage and grief after she "goes off" with Spoomer (514). |
2001 | Kitchener |
As England's Secretary of State for War, a cabinet minister, Kitchener expanded the British army from twenty to seventy divisions between 1914 and 1916, hence the reference in "All the Dead Pilots" to "a mob of soldiers" (514). |
2530 | Labove |
In The Hamlet Labove is the child of a poor family in "the next county" (114). After working his way through the University of Mississippi doing menial jobs and playing football, he is hired to be the schoolmaster in Frenchman's Bend. Faulkner initially describes him as "gaunt, with straight black hair coarse as a horse's tail and high Indian cheekbones and quiet pale hard eyes and the long nose of thought but with the slightly curved nostrils of pride and the thin lips of secret and ruthless ambition" (117). |
2532 | Labove, Father of Labove |
In The Hamlet Labove's father is small time farmer in "the next county" to Yoknapatawpha (114) who sees no point in his son going to a university to become a teacher. He is "annoyed, concerned, even a little outraged that he should have deserted them with the remaining work on the crop - the picking and ginning of the cotton, the gathering and cribbing of the corn - to be done" (117). |
2531 | Labove, Great-Grandmother of |
Labove's "incredibly old" great-grandmother in The Hamlet smokes "a foul little clay pipe" and likes wearing the football cleats he sends home because of the sound they make (114). |
2533 | Labove, Sister of Labove |
Labove's sister, the only one of his five younger siblings to be individualized, is "about ten" years old in The Hamlet; like everyone in the family, she likes to wear the football cleats he brings home (114). |
690 | Lafe |
As I Lay Dying provides very little information about Lafe, the father of Dewey Dell’s unborn baby. We do know that the day they had sex he was picking cotton in the fields with Dewey Dell, but whether he is a farmhand or simply working there because of his attraction to her isn't clear. Given the Bundrens' lack of money, however, the latter seems more likely. He gave Dewey Dell the $10 bill she carries to town to pay for an abortion. His name at least is very meaningful to her - "Lafe. Lafe. 'Lafe.' Lafe. Lafe." (62) - but it's not clear how much she means to him. |
244 | Launcelot|Lump Snopes |
In The Hamlet, which has the most to say about Lump, Ratliff calls him "that Snopes encore" (218); he is referring to the fact that Lump takes his cousin Flem's place as clerk in the Varner store when Flem moves on up to Jefferson. His mother called Lump "Launcelot," surely one of the more egregious ironies in the Snopes' chronicles: as Ratliff elaborates, she chose the name of a Knight of the Round Table because she believed in the "honor and pride and salvation and hope" she had found "between the pages of books" (218). |
3132 | Le Fleur |
Louis LeFleur was a French Canadian voyageur, or explorer. The "trading-post store" mentioned in Requiem for a Nun on the bluffs above the Pearl River became the seed for the city of Jackson (84). He married a local Choctaw, the daughter of a chief, and had a son named Greenwood Le Flore, who also appears in the novel's cast of characters. |
1138 | Lee Goodwin |
In Sanctuary Lee Goodwin's career as a soldier included service along the Mexican border and in the Philippines as a cavalry sergeant and, after doing time in Leavenworth for killing another soldier, as an infantry private in World War I. Sometime before the novel begins he has somehow made his way to Frenchman's Bend, where he lives in the Old Frenchman place with Ruby Lamar and their sickly infant, and earns his living making whiskey which he sells to locals and to the speakeasies of Memphis. |
81 | Lee MacCallum |
One of the six sons of Virginius MacCallum in Flags in the Dust, and of the five sons of Anse McCallum in "The Tall Men," Lee is described in the novel as the "least talkative of them all"; his face is "a dark, saturnine mask" and his eyes are "black and restless," with "something wild and sad" lurking in them" (334). He plays almost no part in the events in the short story. Like most of the MacCallums, he is named for a prominent Confederate - Robert E. Lee. |
3133 | Leflore |
Greenwood Leflore (as Requiem for a Nun spells his name, though LeFlore is historically more accurate) was the son of Rebecca Cravatt, the daughter of a Choctaw chief (not mentioned in the novel), and Louis LeFleur, a French Canadian fur trader. He was educated by white Americans in Nashville. |
3013 | Lem Bush |
In Light in August Lem Bush is the neighbor in Arkansas who takes Milly Hines to the circus in his wagon. |
211 | Lemuel Stevens |
Lemuel Stevens - usually Judge Stevens, but "Captain Stevens" in "Tomorrow" (96) - is the father of Gavin, and probably, although scholars disagree about this, the son of another man named Judge Stevens. He appears or is mentioned in 7 different texts. We see him in his role as a judge, but the military title is confusing, since there is no evidence that any of the Stevens family serve in either the U.S. or the Confederate armies. |
3029 | Lena Grove |
Lena Grove is at the center of one of the three major plot lines in Light in August. Born in Alabama in 1912, she moved to her brother's house at the age of twelve, after her parents died. When the novel begins, she is around 21 years old, more than eight months pregnant, and traveling alone and on foot to find Lucas Burch, the father of her unborn child. Lena is a patient, trusting soul who feels no shame at her condition; she is also self-reliant, asking for no one's help yet accepting it gratefully during four weeks of traveling. |
3435 | Lendon, Brothers of Mack |
In The Mansion Mack Lendon is "one of a big family of brothers in a big house" (205). |
3434 | Lendon, Mother of Mack |
In The Mansion Mack Lendon's mother weighs close to two hundred pounds and "liked to cook and eat both" (205). Hence, she probably does not mind taking Tug in. |
183 | Lennie Snopes |
Lennie is Abner Snopes' second wife - at least, he is given a childless first wife named Vynie in The Hamlet - and the mother of Flem. But her most memorable appearance is as the mother of Flem's younger brother in "Barn Burning." There, amidst all the hardships of a tenant farmer's life, she tries very hard to balance her loyalty to her husband with her love for Sarty. In one of the few times she speaks it is easy to hear her desperation: "Abner. Abner. Please don't. Please, Abner" (14). |
169 | Lessep Priest |
The oldest of Lucius Priest's younger brothers in The Reivers is named Lessep, his mother's maiden name. Since he still takes a nap after "dinner" (as Lucius calls the midday meal) he's probably less than seven years old (56). |