Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
3094 | Unnamed Private Detective |
Although he is something of a private detective himself, Gavin Stevens hires this private detective to surveil Max Harriss in Memphis; as he puts it, "A good private man, just to keep an eye on him without him knowing it" (201). |
3093 | Unnamed Original Owner of Dangerous Horse |
In "Knight's Gambit" Rafe McCallum acquires the horse that Max Harriss buys from "some owner" who may have "ruined" it by trying "to break its spirit by fear or violence"; it is rumored that McCallum bought the horse "because its owner wanted to destroy it" (210-11). |
3092 | Unnamed Operators |
Passing through Jefferson from preflight to basic training in "Knight's Gambit," Charles Mallison sees "the five- and ten-ton trucks of the bottomland planters and operators" (251). "Operators" here seems to mean 'managers.' |
3091 | Unnamed New Orleans Friends |
After rebuilding his house in "Knight's Gambit," Mr. Harriss "begins to bring friends up from New Orleans" (162); "strange outlanders" (163); "men and the women with a hard, sleek, expensive unmarried air and look about them even when now and then some of them really were married to each other perhaps" (163). |
3090 | Unnamed Neighbor of Mrs. Harriss |
This man is a "neighbor" of Mrs. Harriss in "Knight's Gambit"; because he passes her property "on his way home," he can provide the people in Jefferson with information about Gualdres' odd behavior at nights (178). |
3089 | Unnamed Negro Farm Worker |
In "Knight's Gambit" this is the "barefoot" field hand who is driving the carriage the first time Gavin Stevens sees the woman he will marry after he himself has returned from World War I (245). |
3088 | Unnamed Negro Nursemaid |
The nursemaid who takes care of Mrs. Harriss' son Max in "Knight's Gambit" is "a light-colored Negress a good deal smarter, or at least snappier-looking than any other woman white or black either in Jefferson" (158). The Mansion also refers to this character as "the nurse," but does not otherwise describe her (217). |
3087 | Unnamed Negro Hotel Employees |
In "Knight's Gambit" Max Harriss is "well known not only to all the clerks and telephone girls and the Negro doormen and bellboys and waiters" at the Greenbury hotel in Memphis (208). |
3086 | Unnamed Negro Grooms |
In "Knight's Gambit" the animals on the Harris plantation are very well attended to. There are not only "grooms" for the horses (234), but also "special human beings to wait on" the dogs (165). |
3085 | Unnamed Negro Groom |
In "Knight's Gambit" this is the specific groom among the various stablemen who work for Sebastian Gualdres who is in charge of his blind "night horse"; Gauldres tells Gavin Stevens that this mare "is left in the stable by the negrito each afternoon" (227). |
3084 | Unnamed Negro Farm Workers |
The white man who rents the Harriss plantation in "Knight's Gambit" decides after a year to bring "his own Negro farm-hands" from Memphis to work the land (160). It seems as if they are wage laborers (who are paid by the day or month) rather than sharecroppers or tenant farmers (who are paid by a share of the crop they raise), but that is not made explicit. |
3083 | Unnamed Negro Boys 2 |
In "Knight's Gambit" these "two Negro boys" work on the Harriss plantation and "lay the trail of torn paper from one jump to the next" for the steeplechase (165). (The context makes it seem likely that these are men rather than "boys," and that that word should be understood as an example of how the Jim Crow culture used stereotypical language to demean black men.) |
3082 | Unnamed Parents of Local War Casualty |
When Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II in "Knight's Gambit," he has a kind of prevision of the local young men who will soon be killed in the fighting, and the grief of "those who had created" them, without realizing that the day would come when their child "might die in agony" in a foreign place they "had never even heard of before" and didn't even know how to pronounce (251). |
3081 | Unnamed Local Casualty of War |
When in "Knight's Gambit" Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II, he has a kind of prevision of a young man from Yoknapatawpha whose death during the fighting overseas will be reported in the local paper, along with a photograph showing "the country-boy face" inside "the uniform still showing the creases of the quartermaster shelves" (251). |
3080 | Unnamed Landholders |
The description in "Knight's Gambit" of the people who watch the polo matches at the Harriss plantation includes (separate from the "farmers" and "the tenants and renters and croppers") a group it calls "the landholders" (163). This presumably refers to the owners of the farm land that is worked by the tenants, renters and sharecroppers, though Faulkner usually refers to them as landlords or land owners - or "planters," the word he uses elsewhere in the story: "the bottomland planters” (251). |
3079 | Unnamed Country Boy in Car |
In Light in August this "countryboy" is driving past the Burden place with his girlfriend when sees Joe Christmas, naked and waving a pistol; the gun explains why he stops and allows him into the car (297). He has the presence of mind to plan to carry Joe to his own house, while pretending to be taking a shortcut. |
3078 | Unnamed Father of Mrs. Hightower |
The father of the woman whom Reverend Hightower marries is also a minister, and a teacher at the seminary where she and Hightower meet. |
3077 | Mrs. Gail Hightower |
Unnamed, the daughter of the head of Reverend Hightower's seminary wants desperately to escape to the wider world and chooses the young Gail Hightower as her getaway vehicle. She marries him, and schemes with him to effect his appointment to the pulpit in Jefferson. There, she tries to adjust to his neglect and inattention, but eventually begins looking for male companionship on secret trips to Memphis. They aren't secret enough to keep her from becoming a scandalous topic among the women in her husband's church. |
3076 | Unnamed Confederate Pickets |
From these "Confederate pickets close to the enemy's front" in Light in August it is learned that Pomp has been trying to get behind Yankee lines to find his missing master, whom he believes is a prisoner of war (476). |
3075 | Unnamed Confederate Doctors |
In Light in August these military physicians tend soldiers wounded in battle during the Civil War. They are often assisted by Reverend Hightower's father, who learns from them to practice medicine. |
3074 | Unnamed College Leaders |
In Light in August these officials and board members of Negro schools and colleges in the South regularly correspond with Joanna Burden, from whom they seek and receive business, financial, and religious advice. Joanna assumes that any of them would admit Joe Christmas to their school on her account. |
3073 | Unnamed Clerk at Varner's Store |
This man waits on Lena Grove at Varner's store, where she buys cheese, crackers, and a box of sardines - which they both pronounce "sour-deens" - for lunch on the way to Jefferson (27). In other fictions the clerk at Varner's is sometimes Jody Varner and sometimes a Snopes, including Flem, but there's no reason to assume the clerk in Light in August is any of these people. |
3072 | Unnamed Circus Workers |
When a wagon in a traveling circus gets stuck near the Hines' home in Light in August, "the men" borrow tackle to move it from Doc Hines (373). One of these men, presumably, is the man who will become Joe Christmas' biological father; as the Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas he has his own entry in this index. |
3071 | Unnamed Owner of Circus |
He owns the circus at which Milly Hines meets the father of her baby in Light in August. He appears in the novel during Milly's father's murder trial, to testify that the man Hines murders "was a part nigger instead of Mexican" (377). |
3070 | Unnamed Church Superintendent |
In Light in August the superintendent in Jefferson's Presbyterian church orders the organist to play to distract the congregation from Mrs. Hightower's behavior during a church service. |
3069 | Unnamed Choir at Country Church |
In Light in August this is the choir that Byron Bunch leads on Sunday mornings in the country church "thirty miles" from Jefferson (48). |
3068 | Unnamed Woman in Car |
In Light in August this woman shrieks in a "shrill voice" when the car in which she is riding passes Joe Christmas standing naked at the side of the road (108). |
3067 | Unnamed Arkansas Officers |
In Light in August, after Hines threatens the congregants in a Negro church with a pistol during a prayer meeting, "the law" comes and arrests him (378). 'Officers' is our way to translate "the law" into the terms of a Character database; presumably Faulkner is thinking of a few policemen or deputy sheriffs. |
3066 | Unnamed Arkansas Doctor |
In Light in August, when Hines realizes his daughter Milly is pregnant, he "starts out to find a doctor that would fix it" (377). He does not succeed, but according to his wife, he does "beat up a doctor in another town" (378), possibly because he refuses to perform an abortion. |
3065 | Unnamed American Legion Members |
The American Legion was organized in 1919 for veterans of the First World War. In Light in August it is to the local members of this organization, now civilians working in "stores and offices" in Jefferson (453), that Grimm turns for volunteers to preserve peace and order after Christmas is arrested. Despite the initial resistance of the American Legion Commander, some American Legion members, and Sheriff Kennedy, he gets enough volunteers to create "a fair platoon" (453). |
3064 | Unnamed American Legion Member 4 |
In Light in August Percy Grimm recruits members of the local American Legion from "the stores and offices where the legion members worked" and organizes them into a "platoon" to preserve the peace after Christmas is jailed in Jefferson (453). Because he holds "the equivalent of a commissioned rank," this young man is appointed by Grimm as the "second in command" of the platoon he forms (456). He is the one who, on Grimm's orders, turns on the "fire alarm" after Christmas escapes (458). |
3063 | Unnamed American Legion Member 3 |
In Light in August Percy Grimm recruits members of the local American Legion from "the stores and offices where the legion members worked" and organizes them into a "platoon" to preserve the peace after Christmas is jailed in Jefferson (453). To pass the time, this man starts a poker game on Saturday night that lasts through Sunday night. |
3062 | Unnamed American Legion Member 2 |
In Light in August Percy Grimm recruits members of the local American Legion from "the stores and offices where the legion members worked" and organizes them into a "platoon" to preserve the peace after Christmas is jailed in Jefferson (453). This man asks what the sheriff will say about them carrying pistols. |
3061 | Unnamed American Legion Member 1 |
In Light in August Percy Grimm recruits members of the local American Legion from "the stores and offices where the legion members worked" and organizes them into a "platoon" to preserve the peace after Christmas is jailed in Jefferson (453). This man objects to Grimm's rhetoric and argues that this "is Jefferson's trouble, not Washington's" (454). |
3060 | Unnamed American Legion Commander |
In Light in August, when Grimm asks the "commander of the local Post" about organizing a group to preserve the peace in Jefferson after Christmas is arrested, this man says no. "I couldn't use the Post like that. After all, we are not soldiers now" (452). |
3059 | Unnamed Third Man |
In Light in August, when Sheriff Kennedy and Deputy Buford go into the cabin at the Burden place to interrogate the black man that Buford and "two or three others" have seized (291), this "third man" is there too (293). The interrogation consists mainly of Buford whipping the Negro until he tells Kennedy what he wanted to know: who had been living there before. |
3058 | Unnamed Spanish Authorities in Mexico |
The messenger in Light in August who tells Nathaniel Burden’s family about the "trouble" he got into in Mexico refers to the Mexicans as "them Spanish" and alludes to their animus against “white men” (244). He obviously thinks of Hispanic/Spanish as non-white, but our database follows the practice of identifying both Hispanic and Spanish racially as 'white.' |
3057 | Unnamed Someone 1 |
This is the person in Light in August who, sometime after Grimm fires the shots that kill Christmas, covers the five gunshot holes in his body "with a folded handkerchief" (464). It seems safe to say that this "someone" is a man, but not even that is explicitly said. |
3056 | Unnamed Male Relatives of Girl in Car |
In her "terror and . . . ratlike desperation," the girl riding in the car that Christmas flags down in Light in August tries to defend herself against him with the threat of her "pappy and brothers" who live "right up yonder!" (285). She seems too frightened to be making them up. |
3055 | Unnamed John with Bobbie |
This "man" never quite appears in Light in August. One night, when Joe goes to Max's looking for Bobbie, he gets as far as her window and somehow "knows that there was a man in the room with her" (198). If he is there, the man must be one of her johns, the men who pay her for sex. |
3054 | Mrs. Hamp Waller |
In Light in August Mrs. Waller reports the fire at the Burden place to the sheriff after she and her husband discover the burning house and Joanna's murdered body. |
3053 | Hamp Waller |
Identified in Light in August as a "countryman" - i.e. a farmer from the county of Yoknapatawpha not the town of Jefferson (90) - Hamp Waller is the first person on the scene of Joanna's murder. Riding to town in a wagon with his family, he finds Joe Brown in the burning house. He also goes inside the house, where he finds Joanna Burden's body and brings it outside. |
3052 | Deacon Vines |
An elder of the Negro church that Joe Christmas invades in Light in August, Vines tells one of the parishioners to ride for the sheriff and tell him "'just what you seen'" (324). |
3051 | Thompson, Daughter of Pappy |
This woman - referred to only as "Pappy Thompson's daughter" and the mother of Roz - does not appear in Light in August herself (323). |
3050 | Roz Thompson |
In Light in August Roz is the grandson of Pappy Thompson; he is there when Joe Christmas disrupts the church service and knocks the old man down. The "six foot tall" Roz is so furious that he pulls out his razor hollering "I'll kill him" (323). The Negroes in the church think Joe is 'white,' and they try to restrain Roz, but according to a member of the congregation, he didn't "care much who he had to cut to carve his path . . . to where that white man was" (324). Joe defeats his attack, however, by knocking him down too, with a bench, and fracturing his skull. |
3049 | Pappy Thompson |
In Light in August he is the seventy-year-old deacon of an Negro church in Yoknapatawpha whom Joe Christmas knocks down in the middle of a service. |
3048 | Simms |
In Light in August Simms may be the owner of Jefferson's planing mill; he is definitely the man in charge of it. He hires Christmas and Brown (aka Burch) at the planing mill. |
3047 | Salmon |
Salmon is the owner of a garage in Mottstown in Light in August. He offers to rent a car to Doc and Mrs. Hines for three dollars but also tells them they can take the train "for fiftytwo cents apiece" (358). |
3046 | Russell |
In Light in August Russell works in the Sheriff Kennedy's office and gossips about Mrs. Hines's visit. |
3045 | Pomp |
In Light in August Pomp (presumably short for 'Pompey') is Cinthy's husband and the first Gail Hightower's slave. Though called "boy," he is older than his master, and is completely bald (471). He follows his master to war and refuses to believe that he could have been killed in the cavalry raid in Jefferson. Pomp himself is reportedly killed after attacking "a Yankee officer with a shovel" in an attempt to see or perhaps rescue "Marse Gail" (476-77). |
3044 | E.E. Peebles |
The Memphis lawyer with an office on Beale Street who conducts Joanna Burden's business affairs in Light in August is named Peebles. He is also the trustee of one of the Negro colleges she aids, and one of the very few black professionals in the Yoknapatawpha fictions who is not a minister. He does not appear directly in the novel. |
3043 | Mooney |
Mooney is the foreman at the planing mill where, for varying lengths of time, Bryon Bunch, Joe Christmas and 'Joe Brown' (i.e. Lucas Burch) all work in Light in August. |
3042 | Metcalf |
In Light in August Metcalf guards Joe at the jail in Mottstown. |
3041 | Simon McEachern |
In Light in August Simon McEachern is more than forty years old when he adopts the five-year-old Joe Christmas from the Memphis orphanage and takes him to the farm where he and his wife live. The narrative describes him as "somehow rocklike, indomitable, not so much ungentle as ruthless" (143-44). His voice is that "of a man who demanded that he be listened to not so much with attention but in silence" (142). |
3040 | Mrs. McEachern |
Joe Christmas' foster-mother in Light in August, Mrs. McEachern, is a small, timid woman, a "patient, beaten creature without sex demarcation," who looks fifteen years older than her husband and who has been hammered "into an attenuation of dumb hopes and frustrated desires now faint and pale as dead ashes" (147, 165). She tries without success or acknowledgement to provide what she thinks Joe wants and needs. |
3039 | Sheriff Watt Kennedy |
The county sheriff in Light in August is named Watt Kennedy. Described as a "fat, comfortable man" (287), "with little wise eyes like bits of mica embedded in his fat, still face" (420), he investigates the murder of Joanna Burden and pursues Joe Christmas across the countryside (287). Like so many other characters in this novel, he never appears elsewhere in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. |
3038 | Jupe |
One of the men in the group of "five or six" Negroes in Light in August who encounter Christmas at night on his way back to the Burden place is called "Jupe" (117). He identifies Christmas as "a white man" and in a voice that is neither "threatful" nor "servile" asks him who he is looking for (117). |
3037 | Reverend Gail Hightower |
Reverend Gail Hightower's story is one of the three principal plot lines in Light in August. After seminary, he worked hard to secure the position of minister to the Presbyterian church in Jefferson, the site where his grandfather had died in a Civil War raid twenty years before his own birth. His obsession with that grandfather results in his loss of his wife, his pulpit and his vocation. For most of the twenty-five years he has lived in Jefferson, he has been treated as a pariah: the narrative describes him as a "fifty-year-old outcast" (49), "tall, with thin . . . |
3036 | Hightower, Mother of Gail |
In Light in August Reverend Hightower's mother is the daughter of a genteel church-going couple without substantial means. By the time she has her first and only child, she has been an invalid for almost twenty years, possibly because she was malnourished during the Civil War. |
3035 | Hightower, Father of Gail |
The son of one Gail Hightower and the father of another, this man is never given a first name in Light in August. A "man of spartan sobriety" (472), in the years before the Civil War he "rides sixteen miles each Sunday to preach in a small Presbyterian chapel back in the hills" (468). He also opposes slavery and refuses to be served by his father's slaves. |
3034 | Gail Hightower I |
In Light in August, Reverend Gail Hightower's grandfather and namesake was a lawyer who owned slaves. Alive he was a "hale, bluff, rednosed man with the moustache of a brigand chief" (471), and a "thorn in his son's side" - because his son was an abolitionist. He is killed during the Civil War while on a cavalry raid against Union stores in Jefferson. |
3033 | Halliday |
In Light in August Halliday is the resident of Mottstown who recognizes Joe Christman and, after hitting him in the face, captures him in the hope of claiming the thousand dollar reward. |
3032 | Grove, Children of McKinley |
Light in August says that Grove McKinley's wife was "labor- and childridden," so the couple probably had more than the three sons who are specifically referred to (5). Because their mother is always either "lying in or recovering," Lena takes care of these boys; like Lena, they sleep in the "leanto room" attached to the McKinley house (5). |
3031 | Mrs. McKinley Grove |
In Light in August McKinley Grove's wife is described as "labor- and childridden," spending "almost half of every year either pregant or "recovering" (5), so it is not surprising that she discovers her sister-in-law Lena's pregnancy and tells McKinley about it. |
3030 | McKinley Grove |
In Light in August McKinley Grove brings his twelve-year-old sister Lena to live with his family in Doane's Mill, Alabama, after the death of their parents. He is "just forty" years old and "twenty years her senior" (5), which gives him a birth date in 1892. "He was a hard man": when his wife tells him that Lena is pregnant, he "calls her whore," (6), after which Lena leaves Doane's Mill in search of her baby's father. |
3029 | Lena Grove |
Lena Grove is at the center of one of the three major plot lines in Light in August. Born in Alabama in 1912, she moved to her brother's house at the age of twelve, after her parents died. When the novel begins, she is around 21 years old, more than eight months pregnant, and traveling alone and on foot to find Lucas Burch, the father of her unborn child. Lena is a patient, trusting soul who feels no shame at her condition; she is also self-reliant, asking for no one's help yet accepting it gratefully during four weeks of traveling. |
3028 | Grove, Mother of Lena |
In Light in August Lena Grove's mother dies in the same summer as Lena's father does,, when Lena is twelve years old. Both parents have impressed upon her a sense of filial duty; she takes care of her father at her mother's dying request and goes to live with her brother McKinley in accordance with her father's wish. |
3027 | Grove, Father of Lena |
In Light in August Lena Grove's father dies in the same summer as her mother does, when Lena is twelve years old. Both parents have impressed upon her a sense of filial duty; she takes care of her father at her mother's dying request and goes to live with her brother McKinley in accordance with her father's wish. |
3026 | Grimm, Father of Percy |
In Light in August Percy Grimm's father is described as a "hardware merchant" who thinks his son is lazy and unlikely to amount to anything (450). |
3025 | Percy Grimm |
Introduced into Light in August in Chapter 19, twenty-five year old Grimm brings Joe Christmas' life to a violent end. A captain in the state national guard, he organizes American Legion members to patrol Jefferson even though both the Legion commander and the sheriff refuse to give him permission. When he insists on carrying a gun, the sheriff makes him a special deputy (455). Like Christmas, Grimm's life seems strangely determined. |
3024 | Mr. Gillman |
Gillman owns the Arkansas sawmill where Hine works as foreman in Light in August. |
3023 | Dollar |
Dollar is the Mottstown store-keeper in Light in August who tells the town about how Mrs. Hines retrieves her husband from the chair where she had left him and rents a car from Salmon to take them to Jefferson. |
3022 | Max Confrey |
In Light in August Max maintains discipline in the small restaurant he runs and acts as pimp in the brothel he manages. |
3021 | Mame Confrey |
In Light in August Mame is a big, brass-haired woman. During the day she sits "like a carved lioness guarding a portal, presenting respectability like a shield," behind a cigar case near the front of the dingy restaurant where Christmas meets Bobbie (175). At night she is the madam of the small town brothel which she runs with her husband. |
3020 | Cinthy |
In Light in August Cinthy (like her husband Pomp) was a slave who belonged to the elder Gail Hightower. She cooked for him, and "raised [his son] from babyhood" (470). After both her husband and her master are killed during the War, she rejects the idea that she is now "free" (477) and moves back to the Hightower home to cook for that son and his family. |
3019 | Joe Christmas |
Joe Christmas' story is the most developed of the various narrative lines in Light in August, though at its center is the unresolvable question of his racial identity. The novel refers to his skin more than once as "parchmentcolored" (120), but race in the world of the novel is defined by the (hypothetical) color of one's "blood," as black or white. Joe is not definitively one or the other. He is the illegitimate son of Milly Hines and a circus worker of uncertain lineage, left at Christmas time anonymously at an orphanage in Memphis by his grandfather, Doc Hines. |
3018 | Milly Hines |
In Light in August the mother whom Joe Christmas never knew was a young woman in Arkansas when she had a very brief relationship with "a fellow with the circus" that passed through her neighborhood (374). Nine months after that man is killed by her father, Milly dies giving birth to their child. |
3017 | Mrs. Hines |
Mrs. Hines, the mother of Milly and grandmother of Joe Christmas, is described in Light in August as "a dumpy, fat little woman with a round face like dirty and unovened dough, and a tight screw of scant hair" (346). Early on, she is a much less vivid character than her dominating husband, whose religious fanaticism seems to control them both. Later, after she realizes that Joe Christmas is the grandson whom her husband had taken from her thirty-five years earlier, she takes charge of her husband, manages to visit Joe in jail, and seeks assistance on Joe's behalf. |
3016 | Eupheus (Doc) Hines |
At one time a railroad brakeman and at another a sawmill foreman, in Light in August Doc Hines is a man "whom time, circumstance, something, had betrayed" (127). |
3015 | Unnamed Father of Joe Christmas |
Joe's biological father in Light in August is called "a fellow with the circus" who tries to ride off with Milly Hines on a dark rainy night, but is shot and killed by Milly's father (374). He and Milly are together long enough for her to get pregnant. His legacy to his son, who is given the name Joe Christmas in the Memphis orphanage, is the mystery of his own racial identity. Doc Hines is convinced he is a Negro, i.e. in the racist world of segregation, has "nigger blood" (374). Milly apparently tries to tell her parents "the man is a Mexican" (374). |
3014 | Miss Carruthers |
In Light in August, Miss Carruthers was the organist in Hightower's church when he preached there, but has now "been dead for almost twenty years" (366). |
3013 | Lem Bush |
In Light in August Lem Bush is the neighbor in Arkansas who takes Milly Hines to the circus in his wagon. |
3012 | Lucas Burch |
In Light in August, Lucas Burch is "tall, young. Dark complected" (55). One of the "sawdust Casanovas" among the Doane's Mill workers, Lucas Burch impregnates and deserts Lena Grove in Alabama (6). He finds his way to Jefferson, where, unimaginatively changing his name to "Joe Brown," he takes a menial job in the planing mill, but he quits to join Christmas as partner in a bootleg whiskey business. |
3011 | Byron Bunch |
One of the major characters in Light in August, Bryon Bunch is a "small man who will not see thirty again" (47). He came to Jefferson seven years before the novel begins, and leaves the town before it ends. The bookkeeper at the planing mill where he works calls him a "hillbilly" (413). While in Jefferson, for six days every week he is a steady, dependable worker in the mill; every Sunday he directs a country church choir. Scrupulously honest with himself and others, Byron is also a sweet-tempered man. |
3010 | Buford |
In Light in August, Deputy Buford discovers "traces of recent occupation" in the cabin beyond Joanna's house (290) and "reckons" that if there is anyone living in that place, they would be Negroes. |
3009 | Brother Bedenberry |
In Light in August, Bedenberry is preaching when Joe enters the Negro church and tries "to snatch him outen the pulpit" (323). |
3008 | Miss Atkins |
In Light in August, Miss Atkins is the dietitian - "young, a little fullbodied, smooth, pink-and-white" - believes the five-year-old Joe Christmas is "going to tell" of her sexual episode with the young intern (120, 124). She calls Joe a "little nigger bastard" and raises questions with the matron about his racial identity so that he will be removed from the orphanage before exposing her (122). |
3007 | Bobbie Allen |
In Light in August, Bobbie comes from a brothel in Memphis to the railroad town where she works for Max and Mame, by day as a waitress "in a small, dingy, back street restaurant" and by night as a prostitute. She responds to the romantic advances of 18-year old Joe Christmas, even though "she would never see thirty again" (172). |
3006 | Mrs. Vinson |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant," Mrs. Vinson "conducts" the business at the tavern where Jim Gant stays (368). A "youngish" woman, "with cold eyes and a hard infrequent tongue," she may be the wife or possibly the daughter of the "oldish" man in the background of the place (368), but she runs off from there with Gant. Together, they get as far as Memphis before Gant's wife catches up with them and kills them both. |
3005 | Unnamed Shopkeepers in Jefferson |
The "them" in the phrase "made them return her money" is the only reference in "Miss Zilphia Gant" to the people who own or work in the store where Mrs. Gant bought and then brought back a miniature cook stove (373). |
3004 | Unnamed Second Husband of Zilphia |
In the last section of "Miss Zilphia Gant," the title character returns to Jefferson after a three-year absence, "in mourning," with "a plain gold band" on her hand, "and a child" (381). She tells people about "her second marriage and her husband's death" (381), but it seems most likely that this husband is a figment of Miss Zilphia's imagination and a way to explain that child. In any case, just like the painter whom Zilphia did marry, he's never given a name, and so effectively she remains 'Miss Zilphia' - the name the narrator uses throughout. |
3003 | Unnamed School Friend |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant," the one girl whom Zilphia has permission to visit and play with after school is not named or described, but after the two girls have grown up the narrative mentions her marriage (Zilphia herself makes the bride's "white gown," 374), and, after another four years, the birth of her first child, a daughter (for whom Zilphia makes dresses). |
3002 | Unnamed Postmaster |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant," the town's postmaster teases Zilphia every week about the letters she receives from Memphis; although the letters "bear the return address of a private detective agency," he "rallies her on her city sweetheart" (379). Behind his "insincerity" there is apparently some "pity" for her (379). |
3001 | Unnamed Partner of Zilphia |
In "Miss Zilphia Gant" this woman becomes Zilphia's "partner" in the dressmaking shop less than a year after Mrs. Gant's death (378). |
3000 | Unnamed Painter |
The man who makes "Miss Zilphia Gant" a Missus is introduced as "a tramp painter," an itinerant whom her mother hires to repaint the dressmaking shop. His last name is never given, so we cannot know Zilphia's married name. Her husband is described as "a young man with black hair and eyes like wood ashes" (375). Despite his own prejudice against any "woman that wore glasses" (377), he falls in love with Zilphia, and vows to her to "get you out of" the miserable life her mother forces her to live (376). |
2999 | Unnamed Japanese Aviator |
Several thousand Japanese sailors and aviators participated in the attack on Pearl Harbor that provoked the U.S. to declare war, but this entry reflects the unusual way Charles Mallison describes the attack in "Knight's Gambit": "a Jap dropped a bomb on another American" (254). |
2998 | Unnamed Inspector-General |
This "inspector-general" in "Knight's Gambit" is apparently part of the Reserve Officer Training Corps, which was officially organized in 1915 to train male college students in military tactics and discipline (205). He certifies the high quality of the R.O.T.C. program that Charles Mallison participates in as a student at the Academy in Jefferson. R.O.T.C. programs are usually based in colleges and universities, but according to Charles, "although the Academy was only a prep school, it had one of the highest R.O.T.C. |
2997 | Unnamed Hotel Employees |
At the Greenbury hotel in "Knight's Gambit," Max Harriss is well known "to all the clerks and telephone girls and the Negro doormen and bellboys and waiters" (208). |
2996 | Unnamed Holocaust Victims |
When Charles Mallison explains Gualdres' reason for enlisting in the fight against Nazi Germany in "Knight's Gambit," he includes among the possible reasons the fact that the Germans "were rendering a whole race into fertilizer and lubricating oil" - an odd and perhaps callous way to refer to the Nazi campaign to exterminate the Jewish population of Europe (255). (Gualdres' actual reason, according to Charles, is that the Germans "had abolished horses from civilized cavalry," 255). |
2995 | Unnamed Hill Farmers |
Passing through Jefferson on his way from pre-flight to basic training in "Knight's Gambit," Charles Mallison sees "the wagons and pick-ups of the hill farmers" who are making one of their weekly visits to town (251). By 'hill farmers,' the narrative means the families that farm on the poorer land in the hilly parts of Yoknapatawpha county. |