Character Keys

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3504 Unnamed Husband of Linda

In The Mansion The question of Linda Snopes' romantic future is answered several times, at least hypothetically, by the 'husbands' that Ratliff and Gavin imagine she'll marry some day. In the first such musing, Ratliff describes how Stevens imagines that Linda will leave Jefferson and marry "the first strange young man that happens by" (153). On another occasion, Ratliff and Stevens together speculate about whether Linda has already met her future husband during her first two or three days in the "Grinnich Village" (169).

3503 Unnamed Daughter of Mink

Mink has two actual daughters; this "daughter" who lives in "the Delta" is one he invents in The Mansion to keep the Negro cotton farmer from identifying him (439).

3502 Unnamed Daughter of Linda Snopes Kohl

In The Mansion Ratliff wonders, facetiously, whether Linda has a daughter "stashed out somewhere" - because he knows that given Gavin's obsession with Eula Varner Snopes and her daughter Linda, another female Snopes would be too much for him to deal with (476).

3501 Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 2

In keeping with entrenched traditions, the Holston House in The Mansion still has "Negro man waiters," some of whom are the sons of previous generations of waiters (421), and in the ladies dressing room there is "a maid" (422).

3500 Unnamed Negro Laborer

In The Mansion Res Snopes employs "a hired Negro" to help him build a fence (363).

3499 Unnamed Harvard Classmate

In The Mansion this Harvard classmate of Gavin Stevens helps him get a petition to the Governor for Mink's release, and also helps Stevens track Mink down later. (A former Harvard classmate of Gavin, also unnamed, appears in Light in August, but there's no way to know if Faulkner is thinking of the same man here.)

3498 Unnamed Guests at Holston House

According to The Mansion, male "guests" staying at the Holston House are required to wear "a coat and necktie" in the dining room, while women guests must have their "heads covered" (421). The only guests whom the novel specifically identifies, however, are "drummers" - i.e. traveling salesmen - and they are all men (37).

3497 Unnamed Guests at Backus Plantation

In a passage in The Mansion that provides a rare glimpse into Stevens' life after he marries the wealthy Melisandre Backus Harriss, the narrator describes his discomfort whenever "guests, even the same guest or guests again," came to dinner (399).

3496 Unnamed People Who Admire Linda's New Car

The group of people in The Mansion who admire the new Jaguar in which Linda Snopes Kohl will ride away from Yoknapatawpha consists of "men, boys, a Negro or so" (464); throughout the novel the people of Jefferson are often described as spectators, but the fact that this group explicitly includes blacks as well as whites makes it worth creating as a 'character' in itself.

3495 Unnamed Grandson of Will Varner

The only thing said about Varner's grandson in The Mansion is that he had a love interest whom the eighty-year old Varner ended up marrying himself.

3494 Unnamed Governors of Mississippi

In The Mansion Mink's lawyer speculates that after Mink gets to the penitentiary, a meddler with "access to the Governor's ear" may be able to secure his early release (50). Almost four decades later, a different Governor approves Mink's petition for freedom (408). (The actual Governors of Mississippi in 1908 and 1946 were, respectively, James Kimble Vardaman and Thomas Lowry Bailey.

3493 Unnamed German Aviators 2

The Mansion goes back to the story of the Sartoris twins in World War I and adds a detail to John Sartoris' resume: fighting with the "Royal Flying Corps" in World War I (204), John shot down "three huns" (212) in combat. ("Huns" - usually capitalized - was the derogatory term the Allies used for their German opponents.)

3492 Unnamed Husband of Former Prostitute

In The Mansion the story of the dead man who was married to the former prostitute in Goodyhay's congregation is told in matter-of-fact terms in a couple pages by Albert, a member of the congregation. Albert says nothing about how he married his wife, but describes how he decided to kill himself during the fighting at the start of the Second World War. He is a Lieutenant in command of an infantry platoon falling back as part of the confused retreat in "Malaya" (a British colony on the Malay Peninsula, 305).

3491 Unnamed Former Prostitute

This woman in The Mansion used to work in a "Catalpa Street house" (305), an address that means she was a prostitute in one of the many brothels in Memphis. According to Albert, "she looks a little like a whore yet," but after her husband died in World War II, she became a member of Goodyhay's eccentric congregation (305).

3490 Unnamed Finnish Immigrants

These two Finns in The Mansion are among the more exotic inhabitants of Jefferson. They escaped "from Russia in 1917" and then "from Europe in 1919" (236). The 1917 Russian Revolution produced a lot of refugees and set off a civil war in neighboring Finland, but the text does not provide any details about what these two Finns were doing in Russia or why they had to "escape" from Europe when they did. "In the early twenties" they arrive in Jefferson, where one becomes a cobbler, taking over Nightingale's shop, and the other a tinsmith.

3489 Unnamed Wife of Parchman Trusty

In The Mansion the trusty in Parchman is a "lifer" - someone sentenced to life imprisonment - for killing "his wife with a ball peen hammer" (423). Her father has sworn to kill the man, but we don't know anything more about her.

3488 Unnamed Father-in-Law of Trusty

"The gal's paw" (424) - that is how Ratliff refers in The Mansion to the father of the wife whom the penitentiary trusty had killed. This man has "swore he would kill [the trusty] the first time he crossed the Parchman fence" (424).

3487 Unnamed Employees at Allanovna's

In The Mansion as Gavin and Ratliff walk through Allanovna's store on their way to her office, they see "two ladies in black dresses and a man dressed like a congressman or at least a preacher"; that this well-dressed group are clerks becomes clear when they recognize Gavin as a former customer (186).

3486 Unnamed Eleven-Year-Old Girl

In the chapter he narrates in The Mansion, Montgomery Ward refers to this girl when, in a passage summing up the scoundrels in his family, he talks about "Uncle Wesley leading a hymn with one hand and fumbling the skirt of an eleven-year-old infant with the other" (93). In The Town Wesley is caught having sex with a fourteen-year-old, so it is certainly possible that Monty is referring to a real event and victim, but it seems more probable that, as in his use of the word "infant," Monty is inventing or exaggerating here.

3485 Unnamed Deputized "Boys"

In The Mansion the Sheriff deputizes "two boys at Varner's store" to keep a look out for Mink Snopes (434). "Boys" of course is a colloquial southern term for lower class men - as in 'good ole boys' - and these "boys" must be full-grown men, since they claim to "remember" Mink from before he went to prison. (In the same vocabulary, "boy" is also a derogatory term for adult black men, but it's not likely that blacks would be "at Varner's store" - and even less likely that they would be given an unofficial job in law enforcement.)

3484 Unnamed Crop-Duster 2

In The Mansion this pilot offers to let Chick Mallison train flying one of the planes he uses to dust crops.

3483 Unnamed Married Couple

This married couple gives Goodyhay and Mink a ride to the chapel in The Mansion; the car they drive is "hard-used and a little battered" (304).

3482 Unnamed President of County Board of Supervisors

In The Mansion the exasperated president of Yoknapatawpha's Board of Supervisors meets with Flem to ask for his help in ending Linda's campaign to improve the education of local Negro children.

3481 Unnamed Board of County Supervisors 2

When in The Mansion Linda Snopes Kohl takes her campaign to improve black schools to "the County Board of Supervisors," they try at first to talk her out of the idea (250); when she persists, they "didn't dare unlock their door while they were in session" and resort to having their lunch snuck in "through the back window" of the meeting room (251).

3480 Unnamed Congregants at Goodyhay's Church

The congregants in Goodyhay's church in The Mansion are mostly ex-soldiers and their wives or mistresses; one of the men wears a "barracks cap still showing where the officer's badge had been removed" (305), and another refers to the group as "ex-drafted sons of bitches" (300). But the group also includes "the moms and pops of soldiers that got killed" (295) as well as the men who help to build at the two church sites.

3479 Unnamed Companions of Mink

In The Mansion Mink has "companions of his age and sex" who go with him to Memphis brothels (36).

3478 Unnamed Cattle-Buyers

In The Mansion these two cattle-buyers are brought in as experts to establish the value of the heifer that Mink Snopes wintered in Houston's pasture.

3477 Unnamed Carpenter 2

In The Mansion McKinley Smith hires a "professional" carpenter to help him build his house (374).

3476 Unnamed Automobile Salesman 2

This is the "youngish quite decent-looking" (464) car agent who brings Linda's new Jaguar down to Jefferson at the end of The Mansion.

3475 Unnamed Johns 3

The 'johns' who frequent Miss Reba's brothel in Memphis; in his narrative in The Mansion, Montgomery Ward Snopes calls them "customers" and "clients" (81).

3474 Unnamed Bomber Crew

In The Mansion these men are the crew of the bomber on which Charles Mallison is the bombardier and Plex is the pilot. After their plane is shot down behind enemy lines, they all end up in German prisoner-of-war camps together.

3472 Unnamed Bank Vice-President

As a sign of the post-war "industrial renascene and rejuvenation," the Snopes bank now had a "vice president imported from Memphis" (400). The Mansion does not name or describe him in any more detail.

3471 Unnamed Bank Staff and Customers

The people who are in the bank lobby in The Mansion to witness Gavin Stevens' negotiation for a loan on his car are described as "not only all the staff but the moment's complement of customers" (401).

3470 Unnamed Bank Inspector

The narrator of The Mansion speculates at Flem's funeral that most bankers who die of a self-inflicted gunshot wound have just been visited by a State or Federal - or "maybe both" - bank inspector (461).

3469 Unnamed Servants at Backus Place

The Backus estate has a whole slew of "butlers and footmen" just for their horses; Melisandre also has an extensive domestic staff of "maids and couriers and nannies and secretaries" (218). Later the "Negro houseman and one of the maids" are mentioned (399). The Mansion does not provide any more details, but it's safe to assume that, like the houseman, most of these employees are black, but given the racial categorization in Yoknapatawpha, it's likely that the 'secretaries' are not.

3468 Unnamed Automobile Salesman 1

The "man" in The Mansion from whom Flem buys his automobile - he's either a salesman or a dealer - tells Flem he has to drive his car at least once a month to "keep the battery up" (172).

3467 Unnamed Army Officer 2

According to Charles in The Mansion, it "doubtless" was some "brass-hatted theorist in Personnel" in the Army who is behind the decision to have Devries put in command of "Negro infantry" because he is a "Southerner" (339).

3466 Unnamed Restaurant Manager 3

In The Mansion this figure runs the restaurant at the airport in Memphis where Gavin and Ratliff stop for a coffee while they wait for Linda.

3465 Unnamed "Sucker"

"Sucker" is the generic term Montgomery Ward Snopes uses in The Mansion to refer to the kind of man who falls for Clarence and Virgil's scheme to cash in on Virgil's sexual "powers" (82). The one specific "sucker" who is mentioned during Monty's visit to Memphis is described as "a big operator, a hot sport" (92).

3464 Unnamed "Mentor" of Mink Snopes

While remembering his three earlier trips to Memphis in The Mansion, Mink Snopes thinks about "the mentor and guide who had told him about the houses in Memphis" where one could buy sex (317). This "guide" accompanies him to the city on his first trip, forty-seven years ago.

3463 Unnamed "Feller" 3

In The Mansion this is the "feller" - i.e. the fellow - mentioned by Ratliff who was "pistol-whipped" by Clarence Snopes when he was constable in Frenchman's Bend, and who complained effectively enough to get Clarence removed from the position (68).

3462 Unnamed "Feller" 2

The first of the three different characters whom V.K. Ratliff invents in The Mansion, one of two he refers to simply as "fellers" - i.e. fellows: this "feller" has a whimsical exchange with a racoon who apparently knows him by reputation (57).

3461 Harry Truman

When Franklin Roosevelt died in office in 1945, his Vice-President Harry Truman became the 33rd President of the United States. In The Mansion he is mentioned by the character named "Dad" in a sentence about the unorthodox theology and politics of the members of Goodyhay's congregation (300).

3460 Norman Thomas

Norman Thomas was a Presbyterian minister by training, one of the country's most famous pacifists during the First World War, and the six-time presidential candidate of the Socialist Party of America, 1928-1948. According to the character named Dad in The Mansion, the members of Goodyhay's unorthodox congregation "like as not would have voted for Norman Thomas even ahead of [Franklin] Roosevelt" (300).

3459 Thelma

Thelma is a "new girl" at Miss Reba's brothel in The Mansion (89); Reba tells Mink that she "just came in last week" (84). Apparently she forgets to ask Strutterbuck for money before having sex with him.

3458 Q'Milla Strutterbuck

Q'Milla sends Strutterbuck a money order for two dollars in The Mansion. Reba and Minnie discuss whether she is "his sister or his daughter" or "his wife" (90-91); according to Minnie, "nobody but his wife" would send him two dollars (91). She lives in Lonoke, Arkansas.

3457 Captain Strutterbuck

A patron at Reba's brothel in Memphis in The Mansion. Montgomery Ward Snopes says Strutterbuck "even got his name out a book" (86), but it's not clear what book Mink might be thinking of, and the money order he gives Miss Reba proves Strutterbuck's last name is real. Most of the rest of his story, however, rings false, including the military rank he claims and the stories he tells about his service in World War I. He is described as "about fifty," "tall, pretty big, with a kind of rousterbout's face" (83). He tries to cheat a prostitute named Thelma out of her money.

3456 Shuford H. Stillwell

In The Mansion Stillwell is the "gambler who had cut the throat of a Vicksburg prostitute" who is an inmate in Parchman Penitentiary at the same time as Mink (107). He is the ringleader of the group of prisoners who try to break out, and the only one who escapes successfully. Subsequently he threatens to kill Mink when Mink is finally released.

3455 Joseph Stalin

Joseph Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1924 until 1953. "Hitler's and Stalin's pact" - mentioned in The Mansion - was the Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and Russia that the two men signed in 1939 (two years before Germany invaded Russia in World War II).

3454 Spoade II

This is the younger Spoade, who in The Mansion follows his father's footsteps from South Carolina to Harvard. He is a classmate of Charles Mallison; he invites Charles "to Charleston to see what a Saint Cecilia ball looked like" (229). (The Saint Cecilia Society in Charleston is an upper class social club that was originally organized in 1766; its annual balls have been around since 1820.)

3453 McKinley Smith

During World War II a Marine Corporal, and afterwards the husband of Essie Meadowfill. His character in The Mansion is honest and hard-working. He and his wife are one of the most promising married couples in the fictions.

3452 Smith, Father of McKinley

McKinley Smith in The Mansion is the "son of an east Texas tenant farmer" (373).

3450 Mr. Rouncewell 1

This is the "paw" in The Mansion who "ought" to have "burned" his son's "britches off" for being out in the early morning hours to witness the robbery of the Christian's Drugstore (61).

3448 Eddie Rickenbacker

Eddie Rickenbacker was the most famous American aviator during World War I. He is mentioned in The Mansion by Strutterbuck, who calls him "Rick," implying an acquaintance with the "Ace" who shot down twenty-six enemy planes (84). But there is not the slightest chance that Strutterbuck is telling the truth.

3447 Black Jack Pershing

The man whom Strutterbuck refers to in The Mansion as "Black Jack" is John Joseph Pershing, who led the American Expeditionary Force that went to Europe during the last year of World War I - or as Strutterbuck puts it, who went "to France to run the show over there" (84). Strutterbuck claims to know Pershing, but there is not the slightest chance he is telling the truth, about that or anything else.

3446 Tug Nightingale

The son of Jefferson's cobbler and himself the local house painter, Tug Nightingale is over thirty years old when he enlists - over his father's furious objections - in the U.S. Army at the start of World War I in The Mansion. He serves in the War as a cook.

3445 Mr. Nightingale

Mr. Nightingale in The Mansion is "a little scrawny man who wouldn't weigh a hundred pounds" even holding all the tools of his trade (201). His trade is shoe repair, "cobbling" (201). He is also a "Hardshell Baptist" who believes the earth is flat, and an ex-Confederate and unreconstructed Southerner who was "seventeen years old" at Appomattox when Lee surrendered. He gets very upset when his son joins the "Yankee" army to fight in World War I (202).

3444 Mussolini

Leader of Italy's National Fascist Party and the country's Prime Minister from 1922-43, during which time he took his country into World War II as an ally of Nazi Germany. The Mansion links his name with Hitler's several times.

3443 Unnamed Members of the American Legion

The American Legion was created in 1919 as an organization for veterans of World War I. Historically it has worked to secure veterans' rights. In The Mansion it is seen both positively and critically. Gavin is thinking of it when he talks about how "the Veterans' clubs and legions" provide "refuge" for the men who fought in the First World War only to find themselves feeling alienated, "betrayed and dispossessed" when they returned to the U.S. (201).

3442 Doc Meeks

Doc Meeks himself does not appear in The Mansion, but the "patent medicine truck" he drives around Yoknapatawpha advertises "Watkins Products" - a real manufacturer of health medicines that has been in business since just after the Civil War - on "both [its] sides and the back" (171). The novel describes those advertisements as the source of the name that the parents of Watkins Products Snopes gave their son.

3441 Essie Meadowfill

The bright and endearing daughter of Otis Meadowfill in The Mansion. She graduated valedictorian of her high school with "the highest grades ever made" (361).

3440 Otis Meadowfill

Otis Meadow fill is the irascible neighbor of Orestes Snopes in The Mansion, and is "so mean [i.e. miserly] as to be solvent and retired even from the savings on a sawmill" (361).

3439 Mrs. Meadowfill

The Mansion describes Meadowfill's wife as a "gray drudge" (361).

3438 Malraux

The "Malraux" whom Linda tells about in The Mansion when she returns to Jefferson from fighting in the Spanish Civil War is Andre Malraux, the French novelist and socialist who fought for the Loyalists during the Spanish Civil War (241). Since he helped organize their small air force, Linda and Barton Kohl could have known him well.

3437 John L. Lewis

When Gavin refers to "John L. Lewis' C.I.O." in The Mansion he is referring to the American labor leader who founded the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 1935 (236).

3436 Vladimir Lenin

Born Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, Lenin led the Communist revolution against czarist rule in Russia, and was the head of the Soviet Union between 1917 and 1924. Gavin mentions him in The Mansion when he refers to Communist Russia as "Lenin's frankenstein" (259).

3435 Lendon, Brothers of Mack

In The Mansion Mack Lendon is "one of a big family of brothers in a big house" (205).

3434 Lendon, Mother of Mack

In The Mansion Mack Lendon's mother weighs close to two hundred pounds and "liked to cook and eat both" (205). Hence, she probably does not mind taking Tug in.

3433 Hunter Killigrew

The deputy sheriff who watches over Montgomery Ward Snopes in The Mansion is named Hunter Killigrew. We assume he is also the unnamed deputy who escorts Mink Snopes from the jail cell to the courthouse at the beginning of the novel.

3432 Hugh Johnson

Hugh Johnson was the head of the National Recovery Administration (NRA), one of the government agencies that Franklin Roosevelt created during the Depression. In The Mansion Charles puts his name on the list of the people "they called communists now" (237).

3431 Cap'm Jabbo

The guard at Parchman Penitentiary who shoots Jake Barron in The Mansion is called "Cap'm Jabbo" by Mink (108).

3430 Harry Hopkins

Hopkins was an American social worker who served in Franklin Roosevelt's cabinet and was one of the President's closest advisors. In The Mansion Charles puts his name on the list of the people "they called communists now" (237).

3429 J. Edgar Hoover

Hoover was a founder and the first Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; he ran the agency from its founding in 1924 until his death in 1972. In The Mansion someone - Gavin is sure it is Flem - calling himself "Patriotic Citizen" sends Hoover a letter warning him about Linda as a "commonist" (269).

3428 Holston Sisters

The Mansion's cast of characters includes the "last descendants" of Alexander Holston, one of the first white settlers in Yoknapatawpha and the man who established the oldest hotel in Jefferson. These two women are described as "maiden sisters," though the narrator adds, parenthetically, that "one of them, the younger, had been married once but so long ago and so briefly that it no longer counted" (421). They now own the Holston House, and run it with "cold and inflexible indomitability" (421).

3427 Beth Holcomb

In The Mansion Holcomb is a "thick but not fat and not old" woman who gives Mink chores around the house and points him in the direction of Brother Goodyhay (291).

3426 Marvin Hait

In The Mansion Marvin Hait is "our local horse-and-mule trader" (202). He may be the same character as Hait, the mule trader who appears in "Mule in the Yard," and Lonzo Hait, as he is named in The Town, but the 'corrected text' of The Mansion says nothing to make that more or less likely. (On the other hand, in their one volume edition of the Snopes trilogy the editors at Random House changed Hait's first name in The Mansion from Marvin to Lonzo.)

3425 Mrs. Goodyhay

In The Mansion the wife of Brother Goodyhay ran off with a "sonabitching Four-F potato chip salesman" while her husband was away fighting in World War II (294).

3424 Brother J.C. Goodyhay

A former "Marine sergeant" (295) who, after seeing a vision of Jesus during a battle in the Pacific, comes back to the U.S. to run a religious community out of his ramshackle house. His wife reportedly "ran off" with a salesman while Goodyhay was at war (294). He is described in The Mansion as "a lean quick-moving man in the middle thirties with coldly seething eyes and the long upper lip of a lawyer or an orator and the long chin of the old-time comic strip Puritan" (293).

3423 Gihon

Gihon is a federal agent of "no particular age between twenty-five and fifty" (259) who appears in The Mansion after "the police find out" that Linda Kohl is "a communist" (236).

3422 General Gamelin

Although The Mansion quotes "the splendid glittering figure of Gamelin" telling the French people to "Be calm. I am here" (231), in historical fact Maurice Gamelin was the French Army General whose handling of the German invasion in World War II was a disastrous failure.

3421 Francisco Franco

First mentioned in The Mansion as "that one in Spain" on a list that includes "Mussolini in Italy and Hitler in Germany" (183), included by name on the later "Hitler and Mussolini and Franco" (214), General Francisco Franco led the Fascist side in the Spanish Civil War, coming to power afterward as the country's right-wing dictator. He remained in power until the 1970s.

3420 Dilazuck

Apparently he is the owner of "Dilazuck's livery stable" (202), but he himself never appears in The Mansion.

3419 Devries, Parents of Devries

In The Mansion the "folks" of Devries are surprised to see him return to World War II so soon after coming home (339).

3418 Dad

The Mansion provides no other name but "Dad" for the itinerant worker whom Mink meets at Goodyhay's house. He is "apparently as old as" Mink, and wears "a battle jacket" (293).

3417 Sergeant Crack

In The Mansion this man (who will be elected Captain Lendon's "First Sergeant" in the Sartoris Rifles) tells what happens in 1916 when Lendon and Tug Nightingale try to convince Tug's father to let him join "the Yankee army" (204).

3416 George Washington Carver

George Washington Carver was an early 20th century Negro scientist and inventor who promoted crops, especially peanuts and sweet potatoes, as alternatives to cotton. The principal of Jefferson's Negro school mentions him in The Mansion when talking with Gavin about Linda Snopes' efforts to reform education for the country's black children (248).

3415 Theodore Bilbo

The man whom Ratliff, facetiously, refers to as "our own Bilbo in Mississippi" in The Mansion was a racist and an outspoken supporter of the Jim Crow system of segregation. He was elected twice as Governor of Mississippi and later three times as a U.S. Senator (179). Two rural white characters in Yoknapatawpha (Bilbo Snopes and Bilbo Gowrie) were named after him.

3414 Unnamed County Political Boss

In The Mansion Luther Biglin's mother is the sister of a "rural political boss whose iron hand ruled one of the county divisions" (448). The division is not Frenchman's Bend, because this man's rule is compared to Will Varner's "at Frenchman's Bend," but we cannot say what other part of the county it is (448). This boss helped elect Sheriff Bishop, and so Bishop gives his wife's son (Luther) the job of county jailer.

3413 Unnamed Mother of Luther Biglin

Luther Biglin's mother in The Mansion is the "sister of the rural political boss whose iron hand ruled one of the county divisions" (448). This connection helps explain how Luther got the job of county jailer.

3412 Mrs. Biglin

Luther Biglin's wife in The Mansion has some political clout because she is the "niece of the husband of the Sheriff, Ephraim Bishop's wife's sister" (448); this connection helps explain how he got the job as county jailer.

3411 Luther Biglin

Luther appears in two different roles in The Mansion. He is mentioned as the best bird shot in the county who "shot left-handed" (228). When he appears near the end, after having been "a professional dog-trainer and market-hunter and farmer," he is serving his uncle-in-law the Sheriff as the county's "jailor" - and as the self-appointed secret "bodyguard" for Flem Snopes (448).

3410 Jake Barron

One of the prisoners at Parchman penitentiary when Mink is there in The Mansion, Jake Barron has "most of his head blown off" when he tries to escape (107).

3409 Harold Baddrington

Harold Baddrington is a pilot who serves with Charles Mallison during World War Two in The Mansion. He gets his nickname "Plexiglass" on account of his obsession with cellophane, "which he called plexiglass" (323).

3408 Mrs. Allison

"The only sister of old Major de Spain," Mrs. Allison in The Mansion is "a bed-ridden old woman living in Los Angeles" (463). She and her daughter end up owning 'the mansion' after which the novel is named. (If in Faulkner's imagination she is related to the Allison family that appears in the earlier short story "Beyond," the text doesn't say so.)

3407 Miss Allison

In The Mansion Miss Allison is the spinster daughter of Old Major de Spain's sister and "the retired principal of a suburban Los Angeles grammar school" (463). She is deeded the old De Spain mansion - 'the mansion' of the novel's title - by Linda Snopes Kohl.

3406 Myra Allanovna

Myra Allanovna in The Mansion is the Russian immigrant proprietor of an upscale New York store where she sells the neckties she designs. She is described by Ratliff as "a short dumpy dark woman in a dress that wouldn't a fitted nobody," but he adds that she has "the handsomest dark eyes I ever seen even if they popped a little" (186). (Faulkner almost certainly bases this character on Lucilla Mara de Vescovi, an Italian immigrant who opened Countess Mara, a men's neckwear company, in New York in the early 1930s; Countess Mara ties are still sold today.)

3405 Unnamed Second Wife of Zilphia's Husband

The title character of "Miss Zilphia Gant" learns from a newspaper about this woman "in another state" who marries the man to whom she herself had been married (379); from the detective agency she hires, Zilphia learns about "the birth of a daughter and of the mother's death," a sequence that suggests this woman died in childbirth (381). Although from the agency's reports Zilphia learns enough about this woman's marriage to live "vicariously" inside it (380), what the story passes on to readers is vague and confusing.

3404 Jock

In "Death Drag" Jock is one of Faulkner's aviators who cannot stay away from airplanes: a former pilot in the Royal Flying Corps who has lost his civilian pilot's license but continues to fly nonetheless. He is a tall, dashing figure whose stained clothing and unruly hair indicate that he doesn't care about his physical appearance; insomniac and perennially thirsty, he is emotionally tense and self-contained and won't accept offers of help from his former comrade-in-arms, Captain Warren.

3403 Willow-Bearer

In "A Justice" "the Willow-Bearer" - his name never appears without the definite article - apparently performs an undefined ceremonial function related to the selection of the new "the Man" - the tribal chief whose title also always includes the "the" (349).

3402 Unnamed Trolley Conductor

In The Sound and the Fury the conductor standing beside Quentin on the back platform of the trolley twice suggests that Quentin should "get a seat" inside the car (171).
