Character Keys

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1181 Unnamed Negro Girl 2

In Light in August this Negro girl is induced to have sex with a group of five white country boys in a deserted sawmill shed. When it is Joe's turn, he sees "something, prone, abject; in her eyes perhaps" (156), and his response is to beat her until the other boys restrain him.

1180 Unnamed Negro Girl 3

In Go Down, Moses, this girl is a slave on Hubert Beauchamp's plantation. Since she follows Sophonsiba Beauchamp down the stairs, “carrying her fan” (12), it is likely that she is being trained as a house slave or personal slave for Sophonsiba.

1179 Unnamed Negro Farmer 3

In The Mansion this "Negro" lives three miles from Mink. He is a small farmer, but prosperous enough to own a "scrub bull," which he hires out to other farmers for cash "payment in advance" (9).

1178 Unnamed Negro Farmer 2

Driving out to the Caledonia cemetery on the Monday morning in Intruder in the Dust, Chick sees only a single Negro: a man plowing one of the fields along the road, "the face black and gleam[ing] with sweat and passionate with effort, tense concentrated and composed" (145). The white boy and the black man look "eye to eye into each other's face before the Negro looks away" (145).

1177 Unnamed Negro Family 2

In The Town young Bayard has to swerve his car to avoid hitting this "Negro family in a wagon" (124). (In Faulkner's first account of this accident, in Flags in the Dust, Bayard swerves to avoid a white man driving a Ford.)

1176 Unnamed Negro Congregation 2

Light in August does not make clear how many people are in the "negro church" that Christmas enters during his flight across the county, but "the congregation" includes the women who "shriek" at his abrupt entrance (one of whom identifies him as "the devil!" 322), the "deacons" who go up to him and try to talk with him (323), and the "men" who, believing that Christmas is white, hold back Pappy Thompson's grandson Roz to keep him from attacking Christmas after he has struck the seventy-year-old man down (323).

1175 Unnamed Negro Children 1

While their mothers are washing clothes in the branch, these "chillen," as Luster calls them in The Sound and the Fury, are playing in the water (14).

1174 Unnamed Negro Children 4

The Negro children in Yoknapatawpha remain out of sight in Intruder in the Dust along with their parents, but Chick pictures them where they "should have been" on a Monday morning in the county: "in the dust of the grassless treeless yards halfnaked children should have been crawling and scrabbling after broken cultivator wheels and wornout automobile tires and empty snuff-bottles and tin cans" (143).

1173 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 6

In The Mansion, Ratliff notes that as the "new third president" of the bank Flem Snopes acquires "a black automobile" (though not a Packard) and "a Negro too" - though unlike the Negro who drove De Spain, Flem's driver "never had no white coat and showfer's cap" (174).

1172 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 5

As Ratliff puts it in The Mansion, the "Negro" whom Manfred de Spain hires to drive him as President of the bank wears a "white coat and a showfer's cap" (174).

1171 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 7

The black man who works for Colonel Linscomb as both "chauffeur" (269) and "houseman" (277) in The Reivers is also McWillie's father.

1170 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 2

In Sanctuary this driver gives Popeye's grandmother "half a dollar" after he interprets her demand for it as a new system for paying for groceries (306).

1169 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 4

In Requiem for a Nun this chauffeur works for the madam of the Memphis bordello where Popeye puts Temple, and occasionally drives her and the "madam" around the city "in a closed car the size of an undertaker's wagon" (113).

1168 Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 1

The Negro chauffeur in Flags in the Dust who offers to fetch Miss Jenny's driver Simon from the kitchen at the Mitchell house is "clad in army o.d. and a pair of linoleum putties" (30). ("O.d." is a military way of saying 'olive drab.')

1167 Unnamed Negro Butler 1

Major de Spain's unnamed house servant is the only black character in "Shall Not Perish." Even though Mrs. Grier twice asks de Spain "what is your Negro's name?," and after the second question the Major actually "calls the name," the narrator never tells us what it is (109). The narrator does, however, note that the man moves "without making any more noise than a cat" when he takes away the pistol from the top of the coffin (109).

1166 Unnamed Negro Boy 7

In The Mansion this "Negro boy on [a] bicycle" is the first person Mink sees when he finally reaches Jefferson (451). He gives Mink directions to Flem Snopes' place.

1165 Unnamed Negro Boy 6

According to The Mansion, legend has it that when Flem Snopes finally got a new hat, he sold his old cloth cap to this "Negro boy for ten cents" (150).

1164 Unnamed Negro Boy 8

In The Reivers this "Negro boy" at the McCaslin-Edmonds plantation holds the reins of Zack Edmonds' horse while Edmonds himself is in the house (62).

1163 Unnamed Negro Boy 3

In Light in August Christmas runs into this boy when he first arrives in the county. "Swinging a tin bucket," "barefoot," and wearing "faded, patched, scant overalls" (227, 228), he answers Christmas' questions by telling him "where Miz Burden stay at" and that "colored folks around here looks after her" (227). As he walks away, he sings a risque song.

1162 Unnamed Enslaved Boy 1

In the chapter titled "Was" in Go Down, Moses this enslaved boy on the Beauchamp plantation blows the fox horn announcing dinner time. Cass Edmonds thinks the boy is "about his size" (11).

1161 Unnamed Negro Boy 1

In Flags in the Dust "one of the grandsons" of the patriarchal Negro who owns the molasses mill feeds the cane into it and "roll[s] his eyes covertly" at Bayard and Narcissa as they watch the process (288).

1160 Unnamed Enslaved Boy 2

This unnamed "Negro boy" is a slave owned by Doctor Holston in "My Grandmother Millard" (675).

1159 Unnamed Negroes 1

According to Sanctuary, "at almost any hour of the twenty-four" Negroes "might be seen" entering the house of the "half-crazed white woman" who reputedly sells them "spells" - i.e. magic potions (200-01). Many of them arrive at her house in "a wagon or a buggy," suggesting that they live in the country, not the town.

1158 Unnamed Negroes 7

The two groups of "customers" who patronize Willy's drugstore in "Uncle Willy" are sharply distinguished by race - and by the kinds of things they buy. This is the group that the narrator refers to as the "niggers" who "buy cards and dice" (226).

1157 Unnamed Negroes 5

In "Mule in the Yard" I.O. Snopes shoulders his way through this "throng of Negroes" at the grocery store (259).

1156 Unnamed Negroes 10

Neither "Delta Autumn" nor the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses makes clear how many people from Yoknapatawpha are in the hunting party, but at least several of them are black, and are there not to hunt but to serve the white hunters. The text names one, Isham, and singles out another as "the youngest Negro" (274, 335) - they have their own character entries. There is at least one more, because both narratives say that "two of the Negroes" cut firewood for cooking and warmth (272, 327).

1155 Unnamed Negroes 4

In "Death Drag," "a Negro or two" are among the first people to reach the airplane after it lands at the town airport (186).

1154 Unnamed Negro 1

This man appears in Young Bayard's thoughts as he derides himself for running away after his grandfather's death in Flags in the Dust: "You made a nigger sneak your horse out to you" (333). The novel elides the event Bayard is remembering, so we don't know anything more about the man.

1153 Unnamed Negro 4

In "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, "one Negro in the county" was murdered and burned in his cabin by Grumby's Independents (93, 149).

1152 Unnamed Negro 3

In "That Evening Sun" an unnamed and undescribed Negro tells Nancy that Jesus has returned from Memphis.

1151 Unnamed Narrator 10

The narrator in "A Courtship" who tells the story of Ikkemotubbe, David Hogganbeck and Herman Basket's sister tells us very little about himself. It's highly likely that he is male, though that is not definitively said. He is an Indian: his use of "us" to refer to the Chickasaws and his reference to "my father's house" (369) locate him inside Issetibbeha's tribe, as does his diction, for example when he calls the helmsman on the steamboat the "boy slave who turned the wheel" (366) or uses "moons and moons" as a temporal reference (377).

1150 Unnamed Narrator 8

Although the boy who narrates the story of "Uncle Willy" says very little about himself, he is a recognizable version of other juvenile narrators in Faulkner's fiction, and a way for Faulkner to provide a perspective on both the story's unconventional protagonist and the conventional small-town world of Jefferson. He likes playing baseball with his friends and eating the ice cream that Job makes at Willy's drugstore, is uncomfortable in school, and is willing "to do anything [Willy] asked me to do" (239).

1149 Unnamed Narrator 7

At the end of "Smoke" the story's narrator identifies himself as a member of the grand jury that hears Gavin Stevens's explanation of Anse Holland and Judge Dunkenfield's murders ("we, the jury," 27). Hence, although we don't know his name, because Mississippi juries at this time were exclusively white and male, we do know his race and sex. He is recounting the events from "six months" after the murder of Old Anse (4), and therefore probably not long after the murder of Judge Dukinfield.

1148 Unnamed Narrator 11

The twelve-year-old boy who narrates "Race at Morning" is the child of a share-cropping couple. He is devoted to Mister Ernest, the landlord who adopted him at age ten after both his parents abandoned him. He is earnest and hard-working, and passionate about hunting, but also illiterate - though as Will Legate notes, he "knows every cuss word in the dictionary, every poker hand in the deck and every whisky label in the distillery" (296).

1147 Unnamed Narrator 3

The narrator of "Hair" never gives us his name, but we do know he has a daughter and that he's from a town that's similar to the "North Mississippi and Alabama" (137) towns he visits as a salesman. After leaving his position as a bookkeeper for a bank, he took to the road selling a "line of work shirts and overalls" (137). He is curious about people, and what little he reveals about his opinions of their behavior suggests misogynistic thinking: "all women are born with the badness in them" (133).

1146 Unnamed Narrator 5

The narrator of "Death Drag" describes the unusual appearance in his little town of three barnstormers and the town's reaction to them and their stunts. He identifies himself as one of the town's older citizens, a "groundling," or non-flyer (197). Interestingly enough, the narrator qualifies his identification of Ginsfarb and Jake as Jews: "That is, [the spectators] knew at once that two of the strangers were of a different race from themselves, without being able to say what the difference was" (188).

1145 Unnamed Narrator 6

The narrator of "Centaur in Brass" remains unnamed. (When Faulkner develops the episode in The Town, Chick Mallison retells the story as he heard it from his cousin Gowan.) This narrator, like that of "A Rose for Emily," refers to himself in the first-person plural, "we believed," "our ears," etc. (149, 150), and serves as a kind of communal voice for "our town" (149); but he also occupies a privileged narrative position as one of four people who know what the water tower means to Flem Snopes, "that it is his monument, or that it is a monument at all" (149).

1144 Unnamed Narrator 4

The unnamed narrator of "All the Dead Pilots" seems to be a captain like Spoomer, who greets him as an equal while the gunnery sergeant stands in recognition of his rank (518). However, he doesn't seem to enforce his rank; the gunnery sergeant who is the source of much of his information has no qualms about discussing the antics of officers Spoomer and Sartoris with him, for example. He is an inventor, a wartime military mail censor, and a casualty of war "trying to get used to a mechanical leg" (512).

1143 Unnamed Narrator 2

The unnamed narrator of "Ad Astra" served during World War I as an American flying in a British squadron (408). In his only explicit references to himself, he talks about the "pleasant" but tense feeling that precedes the moment "in combat" when "you know something is about to happen" (421). Until the last pages of the story he remains a silent witness to the events, but he reports what the others say and do clearly and without bias.

1142 Unnamed Municipal Officials 2

While "Lawyer" Stevens and Sheriff Hampton seem to take charge of the events in Jefferson in Intruder in the Dust, the narrative does remind readers that the town and county have the usual elected officials. The out-of-town architect who wants to buy the jail door takes his request to "the mayor and the alderman and at last the board of supervisors" (54). And Hampton does say he got the mayor's permission to give the night marshal Monday night off (216).

1141 Unnamed Movie-Goers 4

In The Town these "folks are still going home from the second running of the picture show" when they see two strange men in Christian's drugstore (162).

1140 Unnamed Movie-Goers 2

When Light in August describes Christmas walking in Jefferson around 9 p.m. it says that if he'd taken the same route at 7 p.m. he "would have passed people, white and black, going toward the square and the picture show" (i.e. the movies, 114). This is a rare instance in the fictions of people of both races doing the same thing - though of course there were separate "White" and "Colored" seating areas inside the theater.

1139 Unnamed Movie-Goers 3

Sitting in the Square in Intruder in the Dust, Chick watches the "crowd" of movie-goers exit the theater, "blinking into the light," "bringing back into the shabby earth a fading remnant of the heart's celluloid and derring dream" (33).

1138 Lee Goodwin

In Sanctuary Lee Goodwin's career as a soldier included service along the Mexican border and in the Philippines as a cavalry sergeant and, after doing time in Leavenworth for killing another soldier, as an infantry private in World War I. Sometime before the novel begins he has somehow made his way to Frenchman's Bend, where he lives in the Old Frenchman place with Ruby Lamar and their sickly infant, and earns his living making whiskey which he sells to locals and to the speakeasies of Memphis.

1136 Unnamed Moonshiner 2

Intruder in the Dust includes the story of the Frenchman's Bend man who has been making moonshine whiskey "for years bothering nobody," until his wife and another local woman start feuding (227).

1135 Unnamed Minister 5

In The Unvanquished Bayard notes that Mrs. Habersham "took Father and Drusilla to the minister herself and saw that they were married" (220), but says nothing more about the minister himself.

1134 Unnamed Minister 3

In Light in August this is the fellow minister who takes the hymn book from Hightower and conducts Mrs. Hightower's funeral.

1133 Unnamed Minister 4

The minister of the church that Sutpen's family attends in Absalom! tries to stop Sutpen from racing his carriage to church by "speaking [to him] in the name of the women of Jefferson and Yoknapatawpha County" (17). This stops Sutpen from coming to church, but the racing continues for a while. Although the novel doesn't say so, it's likely that this man is an Episcopalian minister.

1132 Unnamed Minister 2

Through the window of her mother's shop in "Miss Zilphia Gant" Zilphia watches her former schoolmates "fall into inevitable pairs" - i.e. begin dating - and notes that some of them end up at "the minister or the church," i.e. getting married (374). She may be thinking of an actual "minister" or using the term figuratively.

1131 Unnamed Minister 6

When Captain Gualdres and his new bride appear in Gavin Stevens' office to say good-bye at the end of "Knight's Gambit," Gualdres refers to the marriage ceremony that has just taken place by saying, "We just leave the padre" (238). Although it's not made explicit, it's extremely likely that Gualdres himself is a Catholic - but if this "padre" is a Catholic priest, this would be the only time in the Yoknapatawpha fictions that Faulkner mentions a local Catholic church.

1130 Unnamed Messenger 4

On his way to jail in The Mansion Mink imagines that Flem has sent a messenger to reach out to him and help him somehow.

1129 Unnamed Indian Men

In "Red Leaves" the "men" of the tribe are sent out, along with the tribe's "big boys," to hunt down and capture the servant (334).

1128 Unnamed Men 1

In "That Will Be Fine" Georgie's mother theorizes that "most other men were prejudiced against Uncle Rodney, why she didn't know" (267).

1127 Unnamed Men 3

According to Gavin Stevens, "every male under sixty who had ever taken a drink or bought a bale of cotton from her father" was considered as the possible love interest in Mrs. Harriss' past ("Knight's Gambit," 245).

1126 Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 3

These are the "white women" in the "houses in Memphis" that, as a young man in The Mansion, Mink discovers are available, "if he had the money" (317).

1125 Unnamed Memphis Policeman 4

On their way through the streets to the railroad depot the adventurers in The Reivers are questioned by a policeman who "knew Miss Corrie" and "apparently" Sam Caldwell as well (138). He lets them proceed without incident.

1124 Unnamed Night Marshal 4

The job of Jefferson's night marshal includes enforcing an informal curfew by trying to get people off the streets during the night, although according to The Mansion his threats to the men who remain in the barbershop or poolroom at "two oclock on Sunday mornings" sound too vague to be effective. "If you boys don't quiet down and go home" - apparently he never finishes that sentence (203).

1123 Unnamed Night Marshal 1

In Sanctuary the town's night marshal, who tries unsuccessfully to disperse the mob that has gathered to lynch Lee Goodwin, is identified by his accoutrements: "a broad pale hat, a flash light, a time clock and a pistol" (294).

1122 Unnamed Night Marshal 2

In Light in August "the night marshal" joins Percy Grimm's squad of peacekeepers (456). When he does not join their poker game, some of the veterans jokingly call him an "M.P." and give him the Bronx cheer they learned to make during the war (457).

1121 Unnamed Marshal 3

In Requiem for a Nun, Jailor Tubbs refers to the man whose job it is to arrest "drunks and gamblers" only as "the Marshal" (209). In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson.

1120 Unnamed Marshal 2

In "Uncle Willy" the marshal helps Uncle Willy's self-appointed guardians try to control him. In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson.

1119 Unnamed Mail Carrier 5

In his hypothetical account of Flem's trip back to Frenchman's Bend in The Town, Gavin mentions why he could not ride with the "mail carrier," who takes passengers there "for a dollar" (305). Like other rural areas, Yoknapatawpha's Rural Free Delivery network employed multiple mailmen; this "carrier" is probably not the same person as the mail "rider" to delivers the mail to Whiteleaf and also charges a dollar for other services (176).

1118 Unnamed Mail Carrier 4

In The Town this mail rider delivers "a dollar's worth of furnish every Saturday morning" to Grover Cleveland Winbush's mother - that is, a dollar's worth of food staples (176). (Working for the Rural Free Delivery program, mail carriers distributed mail from central post offices in towns like Jefferson to the people who lived in the surrounding countryside.)

1117 Unnamed Mail Carrier 1

In "Shall Not Perish," the Griers' mail is delivered by a "carrier" who drives a car or truck (101). This service was known as "Rural Free Delivery."

1116 Unnamed Mail Carrier 2

When Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II in "Knight's Gambit," he thinks how soon newspapers delivered by the "RFD carrier" report the news of the local young men who have been killed in the fighting (251). The federal "R[ural] F[ree] D[elivery]" system brought mail directly to Americans who lived in the countryside, away from post offices.

1115 Unnamed Mail Carrier 3

"By the People" notes that symbolically "now," because farm families made so many of their purchases by mail, the "R.F.D. carrier" is "by proxy tailor and seamstress to rural America" (87). ("R[ural] F[ree] D[elivery]" brought mail directly to Americans who lived in the countryside, away from post offices. According to Wikipedia, the service began in Mississippi in 1901.)

1114 Unnamed Mail Carrier 6

It's likely that in The Mansion "the mail carrier" (33) and "the mail rider" (140) who deliver the mail to Frenchman's Bend are the same unnamed person. As the "rider" he delivers a "special wrote-out private message" from Hoke McCarron to Eula Varner (140). As the "carrier," he also gives Mink a ride to Jefferson, until he kicks Mink off the wagon for accusing him of stealing his five-dollar bill (33).

1113 Unnamed Lawyer 2

The second lawyer Ruby hires in Sanctuary to secure Lee's release from Leavenworth may work in Kansas or New York City - the narrative is unclear. She pays this second lawyer with money, "all the money I had saved" working in New York during World War I (278), and he finds a "Congressman to get [Lee] out."

1112 Unnamed Lawyer 1

In Sanctuary the first Leavenworth lawyer whom Ruby hires to secure Lee's release from prison allows her to pay him with sex, but never tells her that he cannot do "anything for a federal prisoner" (277).

1111 Unnamed Lawyer 5

Monk's court-appointed defense attorney in "Monk" is very inexperienced. Recently admitted to the bar, he "probably knew but little more about the practical functioning of criminal law than Monk did" (42). He neglects to enter a plea of mental incompetence, because either he "forgot" or "pleaded Monk guilty at the direction of the Court" (42).

1109 Unnamed Lawyer 9

This is the lawyer in The Town who defends Wilbur Provine on moonshining charges (177).

1108 Unnamed Lawyer 4

The "hired lawyer" in Absalom! (245) who seems to be responsible for sending Charles Bon on a collision course with the Sutpen family is an extremely elusive figure. He may have been the "legal advisor and man of business" to Bon's mother in New Orleans in the 1850s (252) - or he may have been invented by Shreve and Quentin in a Harvard dorm room in 1910. Outside Chapter 8, the only hint of his existence is in Mr. Compson's ambiguous reference to "the shadowy figure of a legal guardian" in Bon's life (58).

1107 Unnamed Jurors 4

The twelve jurors in "Monk" to whom Monk tries to make a speech are referred to only as "the jury" (42). Given both the cultural realities of Mississippi in the 1930s and the representation of other trials in Faulkner's fictions, one can assume this group was all-white and all-male.

1106 Unnamed Jurors 5

In all three volumes of the Snopes trilogy the jury finds Mink guilty without much deliberation. In The Hamlet they are described as a "grave" and impassive "conclave of grown men" (368). (Only white males served on juries in Mississippi at the time of the story. By law, women were not allowed to serve on Mississippi juries until 1968. Negroes were not legally prohibited from being jurors, but until even later it was common practice to keep them off most juries.)

1105 Unnamed Jurors 1

Given the political realities of Mississippi circa 1930 it's safe to say that the jurors in Lee Goodwin's trial in Sanctuary are all white and male, but all the narrative ever says about them is that, after Temple's testimony brings the proceeding to an inexplicable end, they take "eight minutes" to convict him of a crime he did not commit (291).

1104 Unnamed Judge 3

In The Hamlet this is the Judge who presides over Labove's graduation ceremony from law school.

1103 Judge Brummage

Mink Snopes' murder trial is described, at least briefly, in all three novels in the Snopes trilogy. Though the judge who presides over the trial is not named until the third volume - in The Mansion he is referred to, once, as "Judge Brummage" (48) - there's no reason not to assume that Faulkner imagined the same person on the bench in all three accounts.

1102 Unnamed Judge 1

In Sanctuary the judge who presides over Lee's trial is never individualized at all. He is not even called "judge" by the narrative, just "the Court" (270, 282, etc.). We identify him as "upper class" based on the status of the title "Judge" in Faulkner's other fiction.

1101 Unnamed Johns 4

During the Saturday evening that Lucius spends at Miss Reba's in The Reivers, he hears "the bass rumble" of the men who patronize the brothel, but they are not seen or described with any other details (130).

1100 Unnamed Johns 2

These men are the "nameless and faceless" clientele of the unnamed Galveston prostitute with whom Houston lives with for seven years in The Hamlet. He imagines them as a "blight" upon her reproductive system, "the Babylonian interdict by heaven forever against reproduction" (236).

1099 Unnamed Jefferson Merchant 2

When thinking about money in The Sound and the Fury, Jason is reminded of the local merchant, "a man right here in Jefferson [who] made a lot of money selling rotten goods to niggers" (194). This man hoards his money until he gets sick, when he "joins the church and buys himself a Chinese missionary" as a means to his own salvation (194).

1098 Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 2

Throughout all the oddities of Mrs. Gant's and Zilphia's lives in "Miss Zilphia Gant," the family dressmaking shop continues to "do well" with the women of Jefferson who can afford to have hand-tailored clothes (378, 381). After Zilphia returns to Jefferson with a story about a second marriage and a girl she calls her daughter, "the ladies" - as the narrator calls the shop's clients - "never tired of fondling little Zilphia," as he calls the girl (381).

1097 Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 3

In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished, Bayard says that "all the ladies in Jefferson" (58) - in the second text this is revised to "all the women in Jefferson" (188) - travel out to the Sartoris plantation on several occasions: to confront Drusilla for her unlady-like behavior and to attend the wedding that will ceremonialize her return to their fold. The first time they appear, there are "fourteen of them," though that total includes Martha Habersham (63, 194). They all seem both curious and outraged by what they see.

1096 Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 6

The Town contains several references to the "ladies" of Jefferson. Gavin refers to "the Jefferson ladies" and their speculation about the reason Young Bayard Sartoris "drove too fast" (149). Charles refers to "the various Jefferson ladies" who for many years "had been locking themselves in the bathroom" to avoid Old Het (241).

1095 Unnamed Jefferson Girls 2

In The Unvanquished these girls in "white dresses and red sashes" celebrate the inaugural arrival of the John Sartoris' railroad (226).

1094 Unnamed Jefferson Children 4

In Requiem for a Nun's description of 20th century Jefferson, children from various neighborhoods all follow the wagon that delivers ice around town, "eating the fragments of ice which the Negro driver chipped off for them" (189).

1093 Joe Buffaloe|Mr. Bullock

The local man who built Yoknapatawpha's first automobile in his "back yard on the edge of town" appears in Faulkner's last four novels. That quotation is from Requiem for a Nun, where he is unnamed but described vividly as "a grease-covered man with the eyes of a visionary monk" (190). In the last two novels of the Snopes trilogy he is named Buffaloe. The Town identifies him as the "city electrician" and a "genius" who "in 1904 . . . drove out of his backyard into the street in the first automobile we had ever seen, made by hand completely" (12).

1092 Unnamed Infant 1

This "infant" is the child of the "countrywoman" who in Sanctuary cannot find a seat on the train that takes Horace to Oxford (170).

1091 Unnamed "Hunters"

There are various groups of hunters in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. These "hunters" are the essentially transcendent community created by the narrator at the start of the chapter called "The Bear" in Go Down, Moses. In this passage, "hunters" refers not to any specific characters but to an exalted meta-cultural and spiritual category of "men": they are "not white nor black nor red but men, hunters" (181).

1090 Unnamed Hunters 8

Three sets of hunters are mentioned in "Race at Morning": the hunters from Yoknapatawpha, some of whom are named but not all, and the hunting parties at the Hog Bayou and Hollyknowe camps.

1089 Unnamed Hunters 2

There are four sets of hunters in "Lion": 1) the members of the hunting party who are not specifically named; 2) the narrator's generic hunters who "love" hunting dogs (184); 3) the "other people" - men from nearby but not necessarily among the annual hunting party featured in the story - who killed "deer and bear" on the land owned by Major de Spain, "on Major de Spain's courtesy" (186); and 4) the men from Jefferson who arrive at the hunt annually for the last day, the day set aside for "driving" Old Ben (189).

1088 Unnamed Hunters 4

In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, there are two groups of 'hunters' - the men Ike remembers and this second group, the young men in the present who take him to the Delta, many of whom are the sons and grandsons of the men Ike remembers. As a group they respect "Uncle Ike" as their mentor, but the story implies that they are not an improvement over their ancestors.

1087 Unnamed Hunters 3

In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, there are two groups of hunters. This group consists of the the men with whom Ike McCaslin hunted in the past, when game was still plentiful in Yoknapatawpha. Ike can remember how they "shot wild turkey with pistols to test their stalking skills and marksmanship, feeding all but the breast to the dogs" (267, 319). Some of these men are the fathers and grandfathers of young men in the story's present-day hunting party.

1086 Unnamed Hunters 5

The narrator of "The Bear" several times adds "and the others" to his references to the leaders of the annual hunting parties - Major de Spain, General Compson, the boy's father (281, 282). It's possible that the phrase is intended to refer to the lower class and non-white hunters Boon Hoggenbeck, Tennie's Jim and Uncle Ash, but it seems at least as likely that "the others" are additional men from Yoknapatawpha who join the hunt at various times.

1085 Unnamed Hotel Proprietor 3

In The Reivers Miss Reba claims she knows the man who owns the hotel in Parsham, who apparently lives in Memphis.

1084 Unnamed Hotel Proprietor 2

In The Mansion the proprietor of the Pascagoula hotel knows Linda.

1083 Unnamed Groom 1

This "groom" delivers Chick's horse Highboy to the Mallison house in Intruder in the Dust (123). This is the kind of job that is often performed by blacks in Faulkner's fiction, but in this case there is no hint of an African American dialect in his voice.

1082 Burgess Girl

In The Sound and the Fury the Burgesses live near if not across the street from the Compsons. The little girl in the family comes home from school just as Caddy used to. She is used to Benjy "running along the fence" (53), and unafraid. When Benjy finds the gate unlocked one day after Caddy's wedding, he catches at this girl and "tries to say" (53) something to her - he himself cannot say what even to himself - but her father, assuming he intends to assault her, knocks him out with a fence picket.

1081 Unnamed German Soldiers 1

In Flags in the Dust Caspey invents a large number of German soldiers to conquer: "about thirty" sailors from a submarine (58) and "a whole regiment of Germans" swimming in a river (59). According to the highly fictionalized stories he tells at home, they were all killed by him and other black soldiers.

1080 Unnamed German Soldiers 3

In Requiem for a Nun the "tank gun" that serves as a monument to World War II was "captured from a regiment of Germans in an African desert" (194).
