Character Keys

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Codesort descending title biography
615 Unnamed Negro Customer 1

This is the man in Sanctuary who comes to the conjure woman for one of her spells, for which she wants to charge him a dollar; he wears "a torn singlet strapped into overalls" (271).

616 Unnamed Negro Customers 2

In The Mansion Mink sees "a few Negroes" shopping - "trafficking" is the word the narrative uses - in "the small dingy store" in Memphis where he buys animal crackers (319).

617 Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 2

In "A Rose for Emily," this "Negro delivery boy" brings Emily the package of arsenic she purchased from the druggist (126).

618 Unnamed Negro Driver 1

The first of two unnamed Negro drivers in The Sound and the Fury. Jason pays him to bring his car to a back street in Jefferson.

619 Unnamed Negro Driver 2

This "negro in overalls" is the second driver in The Sound and the Fury: he agrees to drive Jason from Mottson back to Jefferson for four dollars (313).

620 Unnamed Negro Family 3

The family of the Negro farmer who owns the "scrub bull" in The Mansion watches Mink as he curses them out (9).

621 Unnamed Negro Farmer 1

In Flags in the Dust, the black man in whose barn Young Bayard spends Christmas Eve and with whose family Bayard eats on Christmas. Later that day he carries Bayard to the nearest railroad station.

622 Unnamed Negro Girl 1

The oldest of the "three pickaninnies" who live with their parents in the lonely cabin where Young Bayard spends Christmas Eve and Christmas morning in Flags in the Dust; she wears "greasy, nondescript garments, her wool twisted into tight knots of soiled wisps of colored cloth" (364).

623 Unnamed Negro Farmhand 2

In The Hamlet this "negro man" warns Mrs. Houston to stay away from the stallion that kills her (238); after her death, he cooks for Houston.

624 Unnamed Negro Janitor 1

When Chick sees lights in Gavin Stevens' office in Intruder in the Dust, he thinks that sometimes "the janitor forgot to turn them off" (207).

625 Unnamed Negro Maid 1

In "Red Leaves" this enslaved woman travels as a maid with the West Indian woman, Issetibbeha's mother, on her trip from New Orleans to Doom's plantation.

626 Unnamed Negro Mammy 1

The mammy who takes care of Narcissa and Bayard's new-born son at the end of Flags in the Dust is referred to only as "the placid, gaily turbaned mountain who superintended his hours" (395).

627 Unnamed Negro Boon Shoots

Neither the Negro man whom Boon shoots in "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses nor the cause of the quarrel between the men is explained. In "Lion" Quentin describes the man in terms that, like the entire episode, will make a 21st century sensibility wince: "They said he was a bad nigger, but I don't know" (189). When the scene was revised for the novel, the third-person narrator calls him a "negro" instead (223). In both texts this man is armed with "a dollar-and-a-half mail order pistol" that misfires (189, 223).

628 Unnamed Negro Messenger 1

In "Smoke" Granby Dodge sends this man to ascertain from Gavin Stevens “if the way in which a man died could affect the probation of his will” (36).

629 Unnamed Negro Moonshiner 1

In Go Down, Moses Lucas recalls this earlier source of competition for his moonshine business. Lucas takes a kind of pleasure in remembering how he got this man sentenced to prison.

630 Unnamed Negro Porter 1

According to Bayard's narrative in "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished, this Negro porter at the Holston House is "too old even to be free" (71, 207). Bayard's meaning seems to be that while this man is a newly emancipated slave, he has no interest in joining the group of blacks who do want to vote. The man takes one look at the white men who have assembled in the Square on election day, says "Gret Gawd," and retreats into the hotel.

631 Unnamed Negro Inmates 1

In the "common room" beside the cell holding Cotton in "The Hound" are the men the narrative calls the "minor prisoners": "a group of negroes from the chain-gang that worked the streets" who have been jailed for vagrancy, selling whiskey and shooting craps (163). One of them is at the window, "yelling down to someone" outside the jail (163), and one talks to Cotton, telling him to "Hush up, white man," when he starts going into detail about Houston's corpse (164).

632 Unnamed Enslaved Servant

The unnamed man whom "Red Leaves" calls "Issetibbeha's body servant" - though there is never any ambiguity about the fact that he is owned as a slave by the Choctaw chief - is the short story's central character, Faulkner's earliest non-white protagonist. According to tribal custom, after Issetibbeha's death he must be killed and buried too; the story's main action focuses on his thoughts and actions as he attempts to escape this fate. Although he is not given a name, the story does give him a biography.

633 Unnamed Negro Servants 1

In "Smoke" the servants of Old Anse Holland witness much of the tension between their master and his sons. On the night Young Anse leaves home for good, the scene was “of such violence that the Negro servants all fled the house and scattered for the night” (5).

634 Unnamed Enslaved Steamboat Hands

The men whom the narrator of "A Courtship" refers to as "the steamboat slaves" (367, 378) are the deckhands and firemen who do the physical work on board Captain Studenmare's riverboat.

635 Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 5

The Negroes who work the land at the Harriss plantation are variously referred to in "Knight's Gambit" as "croppers" and "tenants" (163). As the owners of the land, both Mrs. Harriss' father and her husband use the tenant system, which became widespread across the South in the aftermath of Emancipation. The narrative notes that Mrs. Harriss' father managed the system in such a way that "a plow-team and its driver from the field could be spared" to drive the white family's carriage - an "old battered Victoria" - whenever his daughter wanted to go to Jefferson (155). Mr.

636 Unnamed Negro Wagon Driver 4

In "Raid" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished, this former slave is among the group allocated to Rosa Millard by the Union Lieutenant. He is identified only as a stranger to her, Bayard and Ringo. He steps forward to drive the wagon when the Lieutenant asks for someone who can handle "two span" of mules (53, 111).

637 Unnamed Negro Woman 2

This woman is part of a "throng of Negroes before a cheap grocery store" in "Mule in the Yard"; Old Het gives her a banana, but it's not clear whether it's to eat or just to hold for a minute (259). She also appears in The Town.

638 Unnamed Negro Youth 2

In "An Error in Chemistry" this "strange Negro youth" (129) is sitting in the driver's seat of Wesley Pritchel's truck as the disguised Joel Flint prepares to sell the property and leave. "Strange" in this context almost certainly means 'not from Yoknapatawpa.' The youth has presumably been hired by Flint to drive the truck.

639 Unnamed Negroes 6

This group represents the unnamed Negroes in "A Bear Hunt" who are not included in some other group: the blacks at the picnic who were not physically abused by the Provine gang, and the people whom the narrator refers to as "Negroes among us living in economic competition" with the white society; this latter group is identified as having "our family names" - i.e. the same last names as people in the white community (66).

640 Unnamed Countryman 2

Referred to in "Barn Burning" only as the "third man" along with Ab Snopes and the unnamed blacksmith, he "squat[s] on his heels" in rural fashion while taking part in their unnarrated, desultory conversation about "crops and animals" (19).

641 Unnamed Half-Grown Boys

While inside the general store at Ab Snopes' trial in "Barn Burning" are the "grim-faced men" (along with Ab's two sons), just outside on the porch are various "dogs" and this group of "half-grown boys" (5), with one of whom Sarty fights. (See Unnamed Heckler.)

642 Unnamed Heckler

This youth shouts "Barn burner!" at Ab Snopes after his trial as he leaves the general store with his two sons (5). From Sarty's perspective, this boy appears as "a face in a red haze, moonlike, bigger than the full moon," and though the boy is "half again his size," Sarty attacks him (5-6).

643 Unnamed Negro House Servant 1

Major de Spain's house servant in "Barn Burning" is "an old man with neat grizzled hair, in a linen jacket" (11). He tries to prevent Ab Snopes from entering the De Spain mansion, and then - unsuccessfully - orders Ab to "Wipe yo foots, white man, fo you come in here. Major ain't home nohow" (11). At the end of the story, when Sarty bursts into the mansion to warn Major de Spain, this house servant is the first person that he encounters.

644 Unnamed Men at Horse Lot

These men in "Barn Burning" sit atop or stand along the "tall rail fence" beside the horse lot next to the general store and blacksmith's shop, where they spend the Saturday afternoon unhurriedly "swapping and buying" horses (20).

645 Unnamed Night Marshal 3

In Intruder in the Dust Jefferson's night marshal is referred to only as the "nocturnal counterpart" of Willy Ingrum, the day marshal (206). To make sure residents can reach him, his office telephone is "connected to a big burglar alarm bell on the outside wall" (207).

646 Unnamed Northern White Men 2

In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished Bayard identifies the "six or eight strange white men" who are in charge of the black men who want to vote as "the Northern white men" (70, 71; 206, 207). Many of the men whom Bayard calls "the Jefferson men, the men that I knew" (70, 206), would undoubtedly have called these strangers carpetbaggers, the pejorative term coined by the white South to label men who came into the defeated region after the end of the Civil War.

647 Unnamed Goat Rancher

In "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" all we are told about the man who is "establishing a ranch to breed native goats" in Yoknapatawpha is that he is "a Northerner" (139). The Hamlet is a little more specific: there Ratliff identifies him as a man from "Massachusetts or Boston or Ohio" (87). The novel is also a little more judgmental: as Ratliff explains to his friends that "You got to keep in mind he is a northerner. They does things different from us" (88).

648 Unnamed Old Man 1

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin sees this "old man eating something out of a paper bag" (112) when he gets off the interurban car in the town near Cambridge. When he passes the same spot later he notes that the man is gone.

649 Unnamed Old Men

In both "The Unvanquished" and the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, this group of "old men" once captured Grumby, but released him after he showed them what he claimed was a commission from General Forrest (150, 93).

650 Unnamed Old Men, Women and Children

In both "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished these unnamed people, from various places and social ranks in the county, make up the white portion of the 'congregation' that assembles in the Episcopal Church to hear Rosa confess her sins - her campaign of stealing from the Yankees - and to enjoy the fruits of those sins, the mules and money she disperses into the community.

651 Unnamed Negro Old Woman 3

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this is the "one old woman" among the huge group of self-emancipated slaves crowding toward the river and the Union army; she tries to get a ride on Rosa Millard's wagon so that she can "see the water before she died" (48, 103).

652 Unnamed Passerby 1

In Light in August, when Hightower walks home after learning that the Sheriff is closing in on Christmas, he is so shaken that when "someone speaks to him in passing," he "does not even know" that he has been addressed (310). There's no indication of the gender of this passerby, but it's unlikely that a black would speak first in passing a white man, so we identify 'him' as white.

653 Unnamed Passersby 2

This entry represents the "passers" - i.e. people passing by - in "three different parts of town" whom Mrs. Gant questions in "Miss Zilphia Gant" about the families of the girls that Zilphia told her she "would like to visit" (373).

654 Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 9

One of the narrative devices that Faulkner regularly deploys is using the larger population of Jefferson as a kind of chorus to provide commentary on the characters or events of a specific story. In almost every instance it seems fair to say that the "townspeople" he uses this way are implicitly the white people, but it seems more accurate to create a separate "Character=Jefferson Townspeople" for each text in which the device occurs. "A Bear Hunt" distinguishes the unnamed townspeople from the people who live in the country.

655 Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 3

The residents of Yoknapatawpha county are referred as a group to in "A Bear Hunt" in several passages. In particular, they are the folks that Ratliff encounters in his travels as a sewing machine salesman; specifically mentioned are "farmers' wives" at bazaars and sewing bees and "men and women at all-day singings at country churches" (63).

656 Unnamed Person in Jefferson 1

This is the "someone in the Square" in "My Grandmother Millard" whom the Yankee officer asks "where General Compson lives" (675).

657 Unnamed Policemen 1

In Light in August these policemen - from Little Rock or Memphis or perhaps some from each - come and get Joe Christmas and Doc Hines from the Little Rock orphanage and escort Joe by train back to the Memphis orphanage.

658 Unnamed Members of Posse 2

In "Wash" and again in Absalom! this is the group of armed white men who ride out with the sheriff to the shack where Wash lives to arrest him. They arrive as night falls, so Wash sees them mainly as moving shadows, but in his mind, at least, they are felt to be "men of Sutpen's own kind," the aristocratic leaders of the plantation South, the "arrogant and proud on the fine horses across the fine plantations" whom he had once looked up to, but who now seem to him not just "symbols of admiration and hope," but also "instruments of despair and grief" (547, 232).

659 Unnamed Prison Guards 2

These are the prison workers in both "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses who are in charge of Samuel Beauchamp's execution: the "armed guard" who stands outside his cell and the penitentiary officials who enter the cell and prepare Beauchamp for his execution (256, 351).

661 Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 3

This is the "express clerk" at the Jefferson railroad station in "Knight's Gambit" (255).

662 Unnamed Railroad Flagman 1

The flagman who helps Doc and Mrs. Hines into the vestibule at the railroad station in Light in August is not described.

663 Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished there is a large group of Negroes who sought freedom with the Union army but who are turned over to Rosa Millard because of a clerical error. They are part of a much larger group of self-emancipated slaves, to Bayard it "looks like a thousand" (52, 110), who are waiting beside the pile of confiscated chests and the pen full of confiscated mules when Rosa Millard presents the faulty requisition order that calls for "110 Negroes of both sexes" to be "repossessed" to her (54, 112).

664 Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer

In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished the "scrip dollar" that replaces Confederate money in Jefferson is "drawn on the United States Resident Treasurer, Yoknapatawpha County" (66, 199). All we see of this functionary in the story is his "neat clerk's hand[writing]" (66, 199), but presumably he is one of the Northerners working in the defeated South for one of the Reconstruction agencies.

665 Unnamed Restaurant Customers 2

Although the narrator of "Centaur in Brass" says that "we" often saw Mrs. Snopes working in her husband's restaurant, he later suggests that most of the customers there were men from the surrounding countryside. Major Hoxey eats there, but he looks out of place "among the collarless shirts and the overalls and the grave, country-eating faces" of the other diners (151).

666 Unnamed Revenue Agent 1

A "revenue agent" was an employee of the U. S. Treasury Department charged with enforcing the Volstead Act prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition era. In "A Bear Hunt" Uncle Ash invents such a man, telling John Basket and the other Indians (who are making moonshine) that Luke Provine was a "new revenue agent" coming to catch them making illegal whisky (78).

667 Unnamed Runaway Slaves

Among the various kinds of jailed prisoners mentioned in "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun are "runaway slaves who were captured in the settlement" (202, 6). Runaway slaves in the period before the Civil War are very rare in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. The story does not say where these slaves escaped from. Instead, it notes that the "single wooden bar" across the door of the jail effectively keeps them from escaping again (202, 6).

668 Unnamed Slaves of Sartorises 2

None of The Unvanquished stories ever refer directly to the slaves who worked for the Sartorises in the fields. In "Vendee" as both a short story and a chapter in the novel, Ab Snopes tells Bayard that Rosa Millard's death came as a result of what Ab and Rosa were doing "for [Bayard's] sake and his paw and them niggers" (109, 174).

669 Unnamed School Children 3

In "Miss Zilphia Gant" Zilphia's grotesque childhood is set against the normal lives of other Jefferson children, "all the boys and girls" who go to school (372) and who run, for example, "with random shouts back and forth at recess" (371). As they grow up, these children "fall into inevitable pairs," courting and marrying (374).

670 Unnamed School Girls 2

In "Hair" various school girls, with Susan Reed among them, pass the barber shop every morning and afternoon on their way to and from school.

671 Unnamed Union Sentry 2

In both "The Unvanquished" and the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished Granny passes this unnamed sentry en route to her encounter with Colonel Newberry.

672 Unnamed Militia Sergeant

In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun the sergeant who commanded the militia unit that captured the outlaw gang was reported by some to have "recognized one of the bandits as a deserter from his corps" - and reportedly himself recognized by "one of the bandits" as "a former follower of his, the bandit's trade" (201, 5).

673 Unnamed Sheriff 2

The sheriff never appears in "Dry September," but is mentioned by Hawkshaw when he tries to prevent the lynching: "Let's get the sheriff and do this thing right" (172). (Unnamed county sheriffs appear in fifteen different Yoknapatawpha fictions. Obviously in some of these cases - at least when the stories are set at more or less the same historical moment - Faulkner may be thinking of the same unnamed character, or one of the half dozen "Sheriff Hampton"s who also appear in the fictions, but from the texts themselves there is no way to establish that.)

674 Unnamed Spectators at First Trial

In attendance at Ab Snopes' trial for burning a barn are a group of men from the neighborhood. The narrative only describes them (three times in two pages) as a set of "grim faces," but their hostility to Snopes is unmistakable (4-5).

675 Unnamed Spectators at Second Trial

As at Ab Snopes' first (criminal) trial, at the second (civil) trial in "Barn Burning," in a second country store, there is again a crowd of men in attendance. Their faces this time are described as "quiet, watching" (17).

676 Unnamed Family of Addie Bundren

In As I Lay Dying, Addie tells Anse Bundren before they marry that "I have people. In Jefferson" - adding when he worries about what such "town folks" will think of him, that "they're in the cemetery" (171). Supposedly re-uniting Addie with her deceased family is the reason for the Bundrens' trek to that same cemetery, but the novel never mentions them again - not even when the Bundrens do finally get to the cemetery.

677 Bundren, Mother of Anse

In As I Lay Dying, Anse's mother is mentioned in passing by Doctor Peabody. As he climbs the steep slope up to the Bundren house, Peabody wonders "how his mother ever got up to birth him" (42).

678 Cash Bundren

Cash is the first-born of Addie and Anse Bundren in As I Lay Dying. He is a good carpenter, who shows his devotion to his mother through his handiwork. He narrates five chapters which become increasingly more developed, beginning with a list of the reasons he made his mothers coffin on the bevel and ending with the final chapter of the novel in which he conveys the denouement of the story in a straightforward, matter of fact way. He is compulsive about his tools, and his narration shows him to be single–minded as he tends to frame everything in the terms of his craft.

679 Dewey Dell Bundren

Dewey Dell is the fourth child and only daughter of Addie and Anse Bundren in As I Lay Dying. Cora Tull calls her a "tom-boy girl" (8); several male characters comment on how "pretty" she is, "in a kind of sullen, awkward way" (199). Unknown to anyone but her brother Darl and Lafe, her sexual partner, she is pregnant and wants to go to Jefferson to get an abortion. She is able to communicate with Darl without words and she narrates four chapters in the novel.

680 Jewel Bundren

In As I Lay Dying, Jewel is Addie's third - and favorite - child, illegitimately conceived with Reverend Whitfield. We know he is "a head taller than any of the rest" of the family (17), and the other narrators often reference his eyes to describe the intensity of his nature; they "look like pale wood in his high-blooded face" (17). While the Bundren family has always had mules, he worked hard to acquire a horse, which he rides with pride and skill. Throughout the narrative he is quietly, though violently, angry.

681 Vardaman Bundren

In As I Lay Dying, Vardaman is the fifth and youngest child of Anse and Addie Bundren. He narrates ten chapters in which we follow the progression of a child's grieving process after the death of a parent. He also reveals poignant and specific examples of the poverty in which he resides. He is described by the other narrators as very small. (Vardaman is named after James K. Vardaman, who served one term each as Mississippi's Governor [1904-1908] and Senator [1913-1919]; he was a militant white supremacist whom his supporters called "The Great White Chief.")

682 "Mrs. Bundren"

In As I Lay Dying the second "Mrs. Bundren" is a "duck-shaped woman" (260) from whom Anse borrows shovels to bury Addie and then - to the shock of his remaining children - marries the next morning.

683 Mack Gillespie

In As I Lay Dying "Mr. Gillespie's boy" Mack helps his father and the Bundrens move Addie's coffin into the barn, and then later works to help save the Gillespies' livestock from the fire in the barn (216). During the fireVardaman notes that his legs "fuzz" in the moonlight (216).

684 Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 3

In "Go Down, Moses" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses Gavin Stevens notes that "the only white person" on the McCaslin-Edmonds place is Roth Edmonds himself (260, 357). Although he doesn't say so explicitly, the rest of the community there is made up of the black tenant farmers, sharecroppers, who farm small parcels of the land he owns. Stevens is sure "they wouldn't" tell Mollie about her grandson's fate, even if they ever "hear about it" (260, 357).

687 Mr. Gillespie

In As I Lay Dying Gillespie is a farmer who lives between Mottson and Jefferson. He agrees to let the Bundrens stop for the night on his property, but when his barn burns down as a result he threatens to sue the family unless they have Darl committed to Jackson - the Mississippi state mental institution.

688 Grummet

In As I Lay Dying, Grummet owns the hardware store in Mottson; Darl pressures him to open a sack of cement and sell the Bundrens 10 cents worth.

689 Jody

Along with Skeets MacGowan, Jody works as a clerk in Jefferson's drugstore in As I Lay Dying. He serves as a lookout for MacGowan when he is seducing Dewey Dell.

690 Lafe

As I Lay Dying provides very little information about Lafe, the father of Dewey Dell’s unborn baby. We do know that the day they had sex he was picking cotton in the fields with Dewey Dell, but whether he is a farmhand or simply working there because of his attraction to her isn't clear. Given the Bundrens' lack of money, however, the latter seems more likely. He gave Dewey Dell the $10 bill she carries to town to pay for an abortion. His name at least is very meaningful to her - "Lafe. Lafe. 'Lafe.' Lafe. Lafe." (62) - but it's not clear how much she means to him.

691 Miss Lawington

In As I Lay Dying Miss Lawington is the lady in Jefferson who tells Cora Tull about another lady who needs cakes for a party. The fact that the Tulls put "Miss" in front of her name suggests her higher class status (7).

692 Littlejohn

Littlejohn is one of the neighbors present at the Bundren farm after Addie's death. He is also the man who told Armstid that the flood washed out the main road to Jefferson.

693 Moseley

Moseley is the Mottson pharmacist who lectures Dewey Dell when she comes to his drug store seeking an abortion. He narrates one chapter in the novel and tells us that he is "a respectable druggist, that’s kept store and raised a family and been a church-member for fifty-six years" (202).

694 Rachel Samson

In As I Lay Dying Rachel Samson is the wife of one of the farmers in Frenchman’s Bend. She is upset by the Bundrens' treatment of Addie's body but heaps all her displeasure onto Samson.

695 Unnamed Rich Town Lady

This is the woman in As I Lay Dying who was going to have a party for which Cora made cakes; when she calls off the party, Cora is left holding the cakes. Cora's daughter Kate describes her, with some bitterness, as one of "those rich town ladies [who] can change their minds," though we have no direct evidence about her social status (7).

696 Unnamed Union Major 1

The "fat staff-major" in Flags in the Dust whom Jeb Stuart and Carolina Bayard capture when they raid General Pope's headquarters (13). He takes his bad fortune stoically, but it is his assertion that "there is no place" for a gentleman in the war that provokes Sartoris into the act of bravado that results in his death (17).

697 Unnamed Union Officer 6

The officer in "My Grandmother Millard" who leads the "first Yankee scouting party" to appear in Jefferson is obviously a gentleman: when told by Aunt Roxanne, one of the Compson's slaves, that a woman is in the privy behind the Compson house, he begs Roxanne's pardon, "raises his hat and even backs [his] horse a few steps" before turning away and ordering his men to leave (675).

698 Unnamed Customers at Moseley's Drugstore

When Dewey Dell goes into the Mottson drugstore in As I Lay Dying, there are "folks at the fountain" - that is, customers at the lunch counter (199). She doesn't want to talk to Moseley in front of them.

699 Unnamed Father of Addie Bundren

The man who was Addie Bundren's father is mentioned in only two paragraphs in As I Lay Dying. We learn from several sources that Addie's "people" lived in Jefferson (171), though we are not given any idea where or what their family name was. We are also told that by the time she meets Anse Bundren, all Addie's family are now buried "in the cemetery" in town (171). Her father is the one member of this family who is individuated, though he exists in the novel only as a voice that she remembers saying "that the reason for living is getting ready to stay dead" a long time (175).

700 Unnamed Union Orderly

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the orderly or clerk who writes out the requisition for Rosa Millard's silver, mules and Negroes. Apparently he has a hard time understanding her southern accent.

702 Unnamed Union Prisoner

In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the Union soldier who was captured by the Confederate unit camped outside Jefferson; according to its captain, this prisoner was sure that Sartoris had more than a thousand men in his troop.

703 Unnamed Union Sergeant 1

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this sergeant is in charge of the depot at the Union camp where the confiscated silver and mules, along with the self-emancipated Negroes who managed to cross the river, are held.

704 Unnamed Union Sergeant 2

In both "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this sergeant serving in the Union cavalry unit Rosa Millard encounters in Alabama objects to his young Lieutenant's decision to honor the requisition she carries.

705 Unnamed Union Soldier 1

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this is the soldier in the Union unit that raids and burns Hawkhurst who tries, unsuccessfully, to take Drusilla's horse away from her.

706 Unnamed Union Cavalry 2

In "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the first group of Yankee soldiers to appear in Yoknapatawpha. In "Raid" Louvinia remembers their arrival, and Rosa's note to their colonel identifies them as a regiment from Ohio. To Ringo they look like "the whole [Union] army" (10), but it's more likely they comprise a single regiment of cavalry - or less.

707 Unnamed Union Soldiers 13

This is the first of the Union units engaged by the narrative of "My Grandmother Millard": the "whole regiment of Yankee cavalry" that, according to Ab Snopes, is "half a mile down the road" from the Sartoris place (674). (A Union regiment could be as large as 1000 men.)

708 Unnamed Union Soldiers 14

This second set of Yankees described in "My Grandmother Millard" seems to be an irregular, possibly even a renegade group: the "six men in blue" who charge on horseback onto the Sartoris property (676). They are armed with a battering ram because their mission is pillage rather than combat (674). Bayard describes their "faces" as "unshaven and wan" and their demeanor as "frantically gleeful"; their slovenliness suggests a lower class background and their glee an undisciplined lust for plunder (676).

709 Unnamed Union Soldiers 15

These are the first Union troops to appear in Jefferson, according to "My Grandmother Millard": a "Yankee scouting patrol" that was apparently looking for General Compson "over a year ago" (675). That would have been before April, 1861 - implausibly early in the Civil War for Union troops to be moving through Mississippi.

710 Unnamed Union Soldiers 16

These are the Union forces serving under General Smith in "My Grandmother Millard" who retreat ignobly in the face of a charge by a much smaller Confederate unit led by Lieutenant Backhouse. It's not clear how large Smith's unit is, but it includes the "outpost" that Backhouse attacks, a "main unit," and a troop of "cavalry" who screen the retreat (692).

711 Unnamed Waiter 3

The waiter at the Cloche-Clos in "Ad Astra" is "an old man in a dirty apron"; when he notices the German prisoner in the bistro, he falls "back before us, slack-jawed, with an expression of outraged unbelief, like an atheist confronted with either Christ or the devil" (411). The last we see of him is amidst the chaos of the brawl that breaks out; at its climax, Comyn is seen carrying or dragging this "ancient waiter" "beneath his arm" (424).

712 Unnamed White Boy 2

In Intruder in the Dust Lucas commissions "a white boy . . . on a mule" to carry the gallon bucket of molasses he is giving Chick into town (22).

713 Unnamed White Man 5

In "A Courtship" this man is introduced in the discussion of the new laws that came into the "American" part of Mississippi after Issetibbeha and General Jackson signed a treaty. The narrator mentions "the white man [who] disappeared" under suspicious circumstances and the "uproar" that followed, which included rumors that "he had been eaten," presumably by Indians (361). The narrator is quite sure he had not been eaten, because "he had been the sort of white man which even other white men did not regret" (361), but that is all we learn about him.

714 Unnamed White Men 3

These are "the white men" from whom Charles E. C-V. Bon, a "white-colored man" (167) with a "coal black" wife (166) in Absalom!, deliberately provokes a racial reaction: they refuse to believe he was "a negro," believing instead that his relationship with her proves that he was "besotted" by "sexual perversion" (167).

715 Unnamed White Women and Children

In "Raid" and then again in The Unvanquished, these are the women and children that Bayard sees along the road who, after the Yankee troops have burned their big houses, now live in cabins that were once used by their slaves, and he and his grandmother also do at Sartoris.

716 Unnamed Negro Wife

This character is created in "That Evening Sun" by Mr. Compson, either because of his assumptions about someone like Jesus, or because he desires to reassure Nancy that Jesus won't return; she is the new wife that Jesus has married in St Louis (295).

717 Unnamed Woman in Alabama

In "Vendee" and then again in The Unvanquished, this "woman with a little thread of blood still running out of her mouth" (102, 164) is a victim of Grumby and his men. Bayard vividly describes her voice as she describes the gang; it sounds "light and far away like a locust from across a pasture" (102, 164).

718 Unnamed Woman in Mississippi

In "Raid" and then again in The Unvanquished, this woman informs Rosa Millard that she and her party have entered Mississippi.
