Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
1032 | Unnamed Slave at Compsons' 2 |
In "Vendee" as a chapter in The Unvanquished, Bayard describes one of the "Compson niggers holding an umbrella" over the big preacher from Memphis at Rosa Millard's funeral (156). (In the earlier version of "Vendee" as a short story, Bayard had described him as "a town nigger" instead, 97). |
1033 | Unnamed Train Conductor 1 |
This conductor of a train to Oxford in Sanctuary is fooled by two college students who are riding without tickets. |
1034 | Unnamed Train Conductor 6 |
In The Mansion Monk watches the conductor with curiosity and envy as he does his job of helping passengers off and on the train. |
1035 | Unnamed Train Conductor 7 |
InThe Reivers the conductor of the train that carries Boon, Lucius and Ned to Parsham is fully aware of the stolen horse that they're hiding in a box car. |
1036 | Unnamed Train Conductor 2 |
In "Monk," the conductor of the train that takes Monk to prison is described by Monk himself as the "fellow in the cap" (51). Monk tells Gavin how this man called out each stop as they reached it. |
1037 | Unnamed Train Conductor 4 |
The conductor on the train carrying Byron Snopes's children in The Town gets off so quickly when it arrives in Jefferson that it seems something is amiss. |
1038 | Unnamed Train Conductor 5 |
The conductor in the last scene of The Town motions for the four children of Byron Snopes to "mount "into the train (390). He does not seem to recognize them, so must be a different conductor from the one who several pages previously was so glad to get them off the train. |
1039 | Unnamed Confederate Veterans 4 |
In Requiem for a Nun, the ceremony at the unveiling of Jefferson's Confederate monument in 1900 includes the firing of a salute and a somewhat diminished version of the famed 'rebel yell' performed by the town's surviving veterans of the Civil War, "old men in the gray and braided coats" of officers - since they have apparently promoted themselves over the passing years (188). |
1040 | Unnamed Confederate Veterans 5 |
In The Town Gavin Stevens refers with both irony and sentimentality to the remaining veterans of the Civil War as the "heroes of our gallant lost irrevocable unreconstructible debacle"; "half a century" after the end of the Civil War these old men are revered by "all" the people of Yoknapatawpha (44). As Charles Mallison explains, the descendants of these men are often "called General or Colonel or Major because their fathers or grandfathers had been generals or colonels or majors or maybe just privates" (10). |
1041 | Unnamed Confederate Veterans 3 |
The Confederate veterans in Absalom! are brought into existence by Shreve, who is a Canadian who has never been to the South. He imagines the "veterans in the neat brushed hand-ironed gray and the spurious bronze medals that never meant anything to begin with," decked out for a "Decoration Day" ceremony "fifty years" after Bon's June visit to Sutpen's Hundred (262). |
1042 | Unnamed Construction Workers 3 |
Work "gangs" in Faulkner's fiction are often black, but the one described in The Reivers as "laying a sewer line" in Memphis is presumably white, since Mr. Binford is found working as part of it on one of his self-imposed absences from Miss Reba (112). |
1043 | Unnamed Construction Workers 1 |
In "Knight's Gambit" there are two different but essentially interchangeable groups of workers who turn the old plantation that Harriss inherits into a conspicuously modern and lavish show place. The text even uses the same word to describe both groups: gangs. First on the scene are the "gangs of strange men with enough machinery to have built a high-way or a reservoir" who build the stables, paddock, and polo field (161). |
1044 | Unnamed Negro Cook 5 |
Nothing is known about the cook in The Unvanquished whom Ringo "flings aside" when he enters the Wilkins house to tell Bayard that John Sartoris is dead, but it can safely be inferred that she is both female and black (212). |
1045 | Unnamed Negro Cook 1 |
This is the older of the two Negroes who work in Rogers' restaurant in Flags in the Dust. The narrative does not explicitly call him the cook, but since it describes the cooking that is going on and identifies the "younger of the two," Houston, as the waiter, it seems safe to assume this older Negro is the cook. |
1046 | Unnamed Negro Cook 10 |
In Intruder in the Dust Gavin Stevens describes seeing "[Sheriff] Hampton's cook" sitting in his kitchen eating greens with Lucas Beauchamp (219). Gavin does not describe the cook at all, but it seems safe to assume that she is a Negro woman; for one reason, all but one of the cooks in the Yoknapatawpha fiction are, and for another, she is eating at the same table as Lucas. Earlier Gavin calls her "a hired town cook," who gets to the Sheriff's house "at a decent hour about eight" (106). |
1047 | Unnamed Negro Cook 12 |
In The Mansion Houston hires this woman "to cook" for him after his wife is killed (11), so presumably she is not the same cook as the one mentioned in The Hamlet, who cooks for Mr. and Mrs. Houston during the first two months of their marriage. |
1048 | Unnamed Negro Cook 13 |
In The Mansion one of the two black servants who work for Flem in his mansion is referred to as the "Negro cook" (172). She is referred to by several characters and the narrator, and she passes close to Mink in the dark as she leaves the mansion to go home, but she is never described. |
1049 | Unnamed Negro Cook 11 |
In The Town this cook lives and works in Manfred de Spain's "late father's big wooden house" (14). |
1050 | Unnamed Negro Customer 2 |
In The Mansion the "young Negro man" whom Mink sees inside the small store in Lake Cormorant is wearing the "remnants of an army uniform" (286). He obeys the store proprietor's command to drive Mink down the road, but at the same time subtly tries to let Mink know that the white man had cheated him. |
1051 | Unnamed Negro Customers 1 |
In The Town, these Negroes are regular customers at Garraway's store on Seminary Hill. Gavin Stevens describes them as "loafing" (327), and he and Mr Garraway mutter so as "not to be overheard: two white men discussing in a store full of Negroes a white woman's adultery" (329). |
1052 | Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 1 |
In Flags in the Dust he brings Res, Byron and the unnamed bank director the soft drinks they ordered from "a neighboring drug store" (102). |
1053 | Unnamed Negro Delivery Boy 3 |
In The Town this "delivery boy from Christian's drugstore" regularly brings "his ritual tray of four coca colas" for bank employees at the end of the business day (323). The novel does not specify his race, but typically in the Yoknapatawpha fictions delivery boys are black. |
1054 | Unnamed Negro Driver 4 |
One of two Negro drivers in The Town. He drives Uncle Billy around in Jody Varner's car. |
1055 | Unnamed Negro Driver 5 |
This character in The Town waits in the car at the Jefferson cemetery to drive Linda Snopes to Memphis. |
1056 | Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver 3 |
In The Town this man works for the Sartoris family and drives a horse-drawn carriage rather than a car. He is holding the reins when Mr. Buffaloe drives his homemade automobile "into the square at the moment when Colonel Sartoris the banker's surrey and blooded matched team were crossing it on the way home" (12). |
1057 | Unnamed Country People 3 |
In "Uncle Willy" two different groups of people patronize Willy's drugstore. They are sharply distinguished by race - and by the kinds of things they buy. This group is the "country people buying patent medicines" (226); they are white. |
1058 | Unnamed Country People 4 |
In "The Tall Men" Mr. Pearson, who works for the federal government, lumps all country people together in the phrase "these people" (46). Pearson's work with various relief agencies has taught him to expect the worst from country people, and he assumes that they are all shiftless and untrustworthy. The encounter with the McCallum family and the story of their lives, as Gombault tells it, forces Pearson to revise his assumptions and abandon his prejudices. |
1059 | Unnamed Country People 5 |
Among the several kinds of crowds described in Intruder in the Dust are the ones composed of 'country people.' That is, people "from the distant circumambient settlements and crossroads stores and isolate farms," who regularly come in to Jefferson to shop and do other kinds of business. The last chapter opens with Chick watching them from the window of his uncle's office: "people black and white" (231), "men and women and children too then and the old people and the babies and the young couples" (230). |
1060 | Unnamed Country People 1 |
Sanctuary describes the various farmers and their wives who come into Jefferson on the weekend. Horace, for example, watches while three of these women get down from a wagon and "don various finery" on the street in front of his house. 'Country people' in this novel can be black or white: "the women on foot, black and white, unmistakable by the unease of their garments," and the men "in slow overalls and khaki" who move in crowds through the town square and stand in throngs "listening" to the music playing on radios and phonographs in record and drug stores (111, 112). |
1061 | Unnamed Court Clerk 3 |
In "Tomorrow" this clerk reads the county's indictment against Bookwright. |
1062 | Unnamed Court Clerk 4 |
In The Town this court clerk reads the indictment at Mink's trial and asks him how he pleads - "'guilty or not guilty?'" (86). |
1063 | Unnamed Court Clerk 1 |
While the clerk himself does not appear in Flags in the Dust, his office does: on rainy days, the narrator says, the "city fathers," the old men who hold various patronage jobs in the town or county government, "move inside [the courthouse] to the circuit clerk's office" (161). |
1064 | Unnamed Drugstore Clerk 2 |
The part the drugstore clerk plays in "Smoke" is defined by his absence: he goes to dinner, leaving the drug store's proprietor to take his place behind the counter. |
1065 | Unnamed Drug Store Clerk 3 |
Although never named, the drug store clerk in "Uncle Willy" plays a large role in the plot. He arrives in Jefferson "about six months" before Reverend Schultz and Mrs. Merridew hire him to manage the drugstore while Willy undergoes drug treatment in Memphis (232). No one in Jefferson "knows anything about him," but he arrives in town with "letters to the church," which is apparently the basis on which he is hired (232). He completely transforms the store - making it attractive to the "town trade" that had previously shunned it (233). |
1066 | Unnamed Drummer 3 |
In "Smoke" this "drummer" - a familiar term for traveling salesman when the story was written - supplies the drug store with the unpopular "city cigarettes" that will play such a major role in solving the crime (28). |
1067 | Unnamed Drummer 4 |
In The Hamlet this "drummer" is a "youngish city man with city ways" who sees Eula when he finds himself in Frenchman's Bend "by accident" and tries to court her, one time wearing "the first white flannel trousers Frenchman's Bend ever saw" (147). The same pair of "ice cream pants" are "ruined" after the local suitors drive him away (147). According to the narrative, this man already has a "wife and family" (148), but that isn't why the young men of the Bend attack him. |
1068 | Unnamed Drummer 5 |
In The Town this drummer is imagined by Jefferson observers to have oversold some commodity to Wallstreet Panic Snopes, thus making it necessary for him to borrow money. |
1069 | Unnamed Drummer 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury this drummer appears at the hardware store where Jason works, and the two men discuss cotton. Jason invites him to go to the drugstore to get "a dope" (191). ( "Drummer" is an outdated term for a traveling salesman; "dope" is an outdated term for a Coca-Cola.) Because he thinks Jason believes him to be a Jew, he tells Jason that "my folks have some French blood" (191). |
1070 | Unnamed Europeans 2 |
Two of the major characters in "Knight's Gambit" spend time in Europe before or after the First World War. During the decade Mrs. Harriss and her two children spend in pre-War Europe, the contents of her letters home from Europe relate tales "of the families of the porters and waiters who had been kind or at least gentle with her and the children, and of the postmen who delivered the mail from home" (167). |
1071 | Unnamed Ex-Soldier 2 |
In Light in August this veteran of the First World War remarks that if he had it to do over again "he would fight this time on the German side" (450). When he adds that he would fight America too "if America's fool enough to help France out again" (450), he is attacked by Percy Grimm. |
1072 | Unnamed Farmer 4 |
In Intruder in the Dust when Chick sees a truck parked outside his house, he assumes it belongs to someone like "a farmer whose stray cow or mule or hog had been impounded by a neighbor" (72). Although he is wrong, Chick even imagines what this hypothetical person looks like: "a man with a shaved sun-burned neck in neat tieless Sunday shirt and pants" (73). |
1073 | Unnamed Farmers 3 |
"The Bear" and Go Down, Moses contrast the hunters in the big woods to the "men myriad and nameless even" who "gnaw" and "swarm" and "hack" at the aboriginal forest in order to clear the trees for farming (281-82). Compared to the bear, these farmers and planters are "puny" and "like pygmies" (282). |
1074 | Unnamed Farmers 5 |
As Chick and Aleck Sander travel to the Edmonds place in the morning of "the first winter cold-snap" in Intruder in the Dust (4), they pass small farms where everyone seems to be involved in the same two activities. The women, wearing "sunbonnets" or "men's old felt hats," are boiling water in big kettles, while the men, "with crokersack aprons tied with wire over their overalls," prepare to slaughter hogs (4). (A croker sack is a burlap bag.) |
1075 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 1 |
"Five men in overalls squatted against the wall of Varner's store" (156) - this is how "The Hound" describes the group whose conversation about Houston's disappearance makes Cotton increasingly uncomfortable. Their discussion suggests all five live nearby. Their "overalls" and "squatting" posture suggest they are all farmers. But the narrative gives no other details to identify them as a group, and distinguishes them from each other only as "the first," "a second," "a third" and "a fourth" (156-57). Cotton's grudge against Houston is common knowledge among them. |
1076 | Unnamed Negro Tenant Farmers 1 |
As the narrator of Flags in the Dust says, "the Sartoris place was farmed on shares" (289). The black tenant farmers are not slaves, though Simon thinks of them as "field niggers," a label left over from slavery (241). In the narrative these share croppers are more like part of the landscape than characters, but they are mentioned several times - first when they "raise their hands" to "salute" Bayard as he drives home from the bank at the beginning of the novel (8). |
1077 | Unnamed Tenant Farmers 3 |
After the Civil War slave labor on Yoknapatawpha's large plantations was often replaced by tenant labor. Two generations of sharecroppers are mentioned in Requiem for a Nun: the "men and women, Negro and white both, who were born to and who passed all their lives in denim overalls and calico," and their "sons and daughters," who wear "the installment-plan garments" advertised in national magazines (192). According to the novel's exaggerated account, the first group, "an entire generation of farmers," has vanished (193). |
1078 | Unnamed Tenant Farmers 4 |
in The Town the class of "nameless tenants and croppers" is referred to by Gavin Stevens in his account of Flem Snopes' desire to undermine Manfred de Spain. Although the context is a long way from their actual lives, these people who farm land they do not own are described as "unfutured, barely-solvent one-bale tenant farmers [who] pervaded, covered thinly the whole county and on [whom] in fact the entire cotton economy of the county was founded and supported" (293). |
1079 | Unnamed Firemen 1 |
In Sanctuary these firemen arrive at Popeye's mother's boarding house in Florida to discover his grandmother in the attic, "stamping out a fire of excelsior in the center of the floor" (305). The last time they arrive there, the house is engulfed in flames. |
1080 | Unnamed German Soldiers 3 |
In Requiem for a Nun the "tank gun" that serves as a monument to World War II was "captured from a regiment of Germans in an African desert" (194). |
1081 | Unnamed German Soldiers 1 |
In Flags in the Dust Caspey invents a large number of German soldiers to conquer: "about thirty" sailors from a submarine (58) and "a whole regiment of Germans" swimming in a river (59). According to the highly fictionalized stories he tells at home, they were all killed by him and other black soldiers. |
1082 | Burgess Girl |
In The Sound and the Fury the Burgesses live near if not across the street from the Compsons. The little girl in the family comes home from school just as Caddy used to. She is used to Benjy "running along the fence" (53), and unafraid. When Benjy finds the gate unlocked one day after Caddy's wedding, he catches at this girl and "tries to say" (53) something to her - he himself cannot say what even to himself - but her father, assuming he intends to assault her, knocks him out with a fence picket. |
1083 | Unnamed Groom 1 |
This "groom" delivers Chick's horse Highboy to the Mallison house in Intruder in the Dust (123). This is the kind of job that is often performed by blacks in Faulkner's fiction, but in this case there is no hint of an African American dialect in his voice. |
1084 | Unnamed Hotel Proprietor 2 |
In The Mansion the proprietor of the Pascagoula hotel knows Linda. |
1085 | Unnamed Hotel Proprietor 3 |
In The Reivers Miss Reba claims she knows the man who owns the hotel in Parsham, who apparently lives in Memphis. |
1086 | Unnamed Hunters 5 |
The narrator of "The Bear" several times adds "and the others" to his references to the leaders of the annual hunting parties - Major de Spain, General Compson, the boy's father (281, 282). It's possible that the phrase is intended to refer to the lower class and non-white hunters Boon Hoggenbeck, Tennie's Jim and Uncle Ash, but it seems at least as likely that "the others" are additional men from Yoknapatawpha who join the hunt at various times. |
1087 | Unnamed Hunters 3 |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, there are two groups of hunters. This group consists of the the men with whom Ike McCaslin hunted in the past, when game was still plentiful in Yoknapatawpha. Ike can remember how they "shot wild turkey with pistols to test their stalking skills and marksmanship, feeding all but the breast to the dogs" (267, 319). Some of these men are the fathers and grandfathers of young men in the story's present-day hunting party. |
1088 | Unnamed Hunters 4 |
In "Delta Autumn" and again in the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, there are two groups of 'hunters' - the men Ike remembers and this second group, the young men in the present who take him to the Delta, many of whom are the sons and grandsons of the men Ike remembers. As a group they respect "Uncle Ike" as their mentor, but the story implies that they are not an improvement over their ancestors. |
1089 | Unnamed Hunters 2 |
There are four sets of hunters in "Lion": 1) the members of the hunting party who are not specifically named; 2) the narrator's generic hunters who "love" hunting dogs (184); 3) the "other people" - men from nearby but not necessarily among the annual hunting party featured in the story - who killed "deer and bear" on the land owned by Major de Spain, "on Major de Spain's courtesy" (186); and 4) the men from Jefferson who arrive at the hunt annually for the last day, the day set aside for "driving" Old Ben (189). |
1090 | Unnamed Hunters 8 |
Three sets of hunters are mentioned in "Race at Morning": the hunters from Yoknapatawpha, some of whom are named but not all, and the hunting parties at the Hog Bayou and Hollyknowe camps. |
1091 | Unnamed "Hunters" |
There are various groups of hunters in the Yoknapatawpha fictions. These "hunters" are the essentially transcendent community created by the narrator at the start of the chapter called "The Bear" in Go Down, Moses. In this passage, "hunters" refers not to any specific characters but to an exalted meta-cultural and spiritual category of "men": they are "not white nor black nor red but men, hunters" (181). |
1092 | Unnamed Infant 1 |
This "infant" is the child of the "countrywoman" who in Sanctuary cannot find a seat on the train that takes Horace to Oxford (170). |
1093 | Joe Buffaloe|Mr. Bullock |
The local man who built Yoknapatawpha's first automobile in his "back yard on the edge of town" appears in Faulkner's last four novels. That quotation is from Requiem for a Nun, where he is unnamed but described vividly as "a grease-covered man with the eyes of a visionary monk" (190). In the last two novels of the Snopes trilogy he is named Buffaloe. The Town identifies him as the "city electrician" and a "genius" who "in 1904 . . . drove out of his backyard into the street in the first automobile we had ever seen, made by hand completely" (12). |
1094 | Unnamed Jefferson Children 4 |
In Requiem for a Nun's description of 20th century Jefferson, children from various neighborhoods all follow the wagon that delivers ice around town, "eating the fragments of ice which the Negro driver chipped off for them" (189). |
1095 | Unnamed Jefferson Girls 2 |
In The Unvanquished these girls in "white dresses and red sashes" celebrate the inaugural arrival of the John Sartoris' railroad (226). |
1096 | Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 6 |
The Town contains several references to the "ladies" of Jefferson. Gavin refers to "the Jefferson ladies" and their speculation about the reason Young Bayard Sartoris "drove too fast" (149). Charles refers to "the various Jefferson ladies" who for many years "had been locking themselves in the bathroom" to avoid Old Het (241). |
1097 | Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 3 |
In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished, Bayard says that "all the ladies in Jefferson" (58) - in the second text this is revised to "all the women in Jefferson" (188) - travel out to the Sartoris plantation on several occasions: to confront Drusilla for her unlady-like behavior and to attend the wedding that will ceremonialize her return to their fold. The first time they appear, there are "fourteen of them," though that total includes Martha Habersham (63, 194). They all seem both curious and outraged by what they see. |
1098 | Unnamed Jefferson Ladies 2 |
Throughout all the oddities of Mrs. Gant's and Zilphia's lives in "Miss Zilphia Gant," the family dressmaking shop continues to "do well" with the women of Jefferson who can afford to have hand-tailored clothes (378, 381). After Zilphia returns to Jefferson with a story about a second marriage and a girl she calls her daughter, "the ladies" - as the narrator calls the shop's clients - "never tired of fondling little Zilphia," as he calls the girl (381). |
1099 | Unnamed Jefferson Merchant 2 |
When thinking about money in The Sound and the Fury, Jason is reminded of the local merchant, "a man right here in Jefferson [who] made a lot of money selling rotten goods to niggers" (194). This man hoards his money until he gets sick, when he "joins the church and buys himself a Chinese missionary" as a means to his own salvation (194). |
1100 | Unnamed Johns 2 |
These men are the "nameless and faceless" clientele of the unnamed Galveston prostitute with whom Houston lives with for seven years in The Hamlet. He imagines them as a "blight" upon her reproductive system, "the Babylonian interdict by heaven forever against reproduction" (236). |
1101 | Unnamed Johns 4 |
During the Saturday evening that Lucius spends at Miss Reba's in The Reivers, he hears "the bass rumble" of the men who patronize the brothel, but they are not seen or described with any other details (130). |
1102 | Unnamed Judge 1 |
In Sanctuary the judge who presides over Lee's trial is never individualized at all. He is not even called "judge" by the narrative, just "the Court" (270, 282, etc.). We identify him as "upper class" based on the status of the title "Judge" in Faulkner's other fiction. |
1103 | Judge Brummage |
Mink Snopes' murder trial is described, at least briefly, in all three novels in the Snopes trilogy. Though the judge who presides over the trial is not named until the third volume - in The Mansion he is referred to, once, as "Judge Brummage" (48) - there's no reason not to assume that Faulkner imagined the same person on the bench in all three accounts. |
1104 | Unnamed Judge 3 |
In The Hamlet this is the Judge who presides over Labove's graduation ceremony from law school. |
1105 | Unnamed Jurors 1 |
Given the political realities of Mississippi circa 1930 it's safe to say that the jurors in Lee Goodwin's trial in Sanctuary are all white and male, but all the narrative ever says about them is that, after Temple's testimony brings the proceeding to an inexplicable end, they take "eight minutes" to convict him of a crime he did not commit (291). |
1106 | Unnamed Jurors 5 |
In all three volumes of the Snopes trilogy the jury finds Mink guilty without much deliberation. In The Hamlet they are described as a "grave" and impassive "conclave of grown men" (368). (Only white males served on juries in Mississippi at the time of the story. By law, women were not allowed to serve on Mississippi juries until 1968. Negroes were not legally prohibited from being jurors, but until even later it was common practice to keep them off most juries.) |
1107 | Unnamed Jurors 4 |
The twelve jurors in "Monk" to whom Monk tries to make a speech are referred to only as "the jury" (42). Given both the cultural realities of Mississippi in the 1930s and the representation of other trials in Faulkner's fictions, one can assume this group was all-white and all-male. |
1108 | Unnamed Lawyer 4 |
The "hired lawyer" in Absalom! (245) who seems to be responsible for sending Charles Bon on a collision course with the Sutpen family is an extremely elusive figure. He may have been the "legal advisor and man of business" to Bon's mother in New Orleans in the 1850s (252) - or he may have been invented by Shreve and Quentin in a Harvard dorm room in 1910. Outside Chapter 8, the only hint of his existence is in Mr. Compson's ambiguous reference to "the shadowy figure of a legal guardian" in Bon's life (58). |
1109 | Unnamed Lawyer 9 |
This is the lawyer in The Town who defends Wilbur Provine on moonshining charges (177). |
1111 | Unnamed Lawyer 5 |
Monk's court-appointed defense attorney in "Monk" is very inexperienced. Recently admitted to the bar, he "probably knew but little more about the practical functioning of criminal law than Monk did" (42). He neglects to enter a plea of mental incompetence, because either he "forgot" or "pleaded Monk guilty at the direction of the Court" (42). |
1112 | Unnamed Lawyer 1 |
In Sanctuary the first Leavenworth lawyer whom Ruby hires to secure Lee's release from prison allows her to pay him with sex, but never tells her that he cannot do "anything for a federal prisoner" (277). |
1113 | Unnamed Lawyer 2 |
The second lawyer Ruby hires in Sanctuary to secure Lee's release from Leavenworth may work in Kansas or New York City - the narrative is unclear. She pays this second lawyer with money, "all the money I had saved" working in New York during World War I (278), and he finds a "Congressman to get [Lee] out." |
1114 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 6 |
It's likely that in The Mansion "the mail carrier" (33) and "the mail rider" (140) who deliver the mail to Frenchman's Bend are the same unnamed person. As the "rider" he delivers a "special wrote-out private message" from Hoke McCarron to Eula Varner (140). As the "carrier," he also gives Mink a ride to Jefferson, until he kicks Mink off the wagon for accusing him of stealing his five-dollar bill (33). |
1115 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 3 |
"By the People" notes that symbolically "now," because farm families made so many of their purchases by mail, the "R.F.D. carrier" is "by proxy tailor and seamstress to rural America" (87). ("R[ural] F[ree] D[elivery]" brought mail directly to Americans who lived in the countryside, away from post offices. According to Wikipedia, the service began in Mississippi in 1901.) |
1116 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 2 |
When Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II in "Knight's Gambit," he thinks how soon newspapers delivered by the "RFD carrier" report the news of the local young men who have been killed in the fighting (251). The federal "R[ural] F[ree] D[elivery]" system brought mail directly to Americans who lived in the countryside, away from post offices. |
1117 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 1 |
In "Shall Not Perish," the Griers' mail is delivered by a "carrier" who drives a car or truck (101). This service was known as "Rural Free Delivery." |
1118 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 4 |
In The Town this mail rider delivers "a dollar's worth of furnish every Saturday morning" to Grover Cleveland Winbush's mother - that is, a dollar's worth of food staples (176). (Working for the Rural Free Delivery program, mail carriers distributed mail from central post offices in towns like Jefferson to the people who lived in the surrounding countryside.) |
1119 | Unnamed Mail Carrier 5 |
In his hypothetical account of Flem's trip back to Frenchman's Bend in The Town, Gavin mentions why he could not ride with the "mail carrier," who takes passengers there "for a dollar" (305). Like other rural areas, Yoknapatawpha's Rural Free Delivery network employed multiple mailmen; this "carrier" is probably not the same person as the mail "rider" to delivers the mail to Whiteleaf and also charges a dollar for other services (176). |
1120 | Unnamed Marshal 2 |
In "Uncle Willy" the marshal helps Uncle Willy's self-appointed guardians try to control him. In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson. |
1121 | Unnamed Marshal 3 |
In Requiem for a Nun, Jailor Tubbs refers to the man whose job it is to arrest "drunks and gamblers" only as "the Marshal" (209). In Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha fictions the "marshal" is a peace officer whose jurisdiction is the town of Jefferson. |
1122 | Unnamed Night Marshal 2 |
In Light in August "the night marshal" joins Percy Grimm's squad of peacekeepers (456). When he does not join their poker game, some of the veterans jokingly call him an "M.P." and give him the Bronx cheer they learned to make during the war (457). |
1123 | Unnamed Night Marshal 1 |
In Sanctuary the town's night marshal, who tries unsuccessfully to disperse the mob that has gathered to lynch Lee Goodwin, is identified by his accoutrements: "a broad pale hat, a flash light, a time clock and a pistol" (294). |
1124 | Unnamed Night Marshal 4 |
The job of Jefferson's night marshal includes enforcing an informal curfew by trying to get people off the streets during the night, although according to The Mansion his threats to the men who remain in the barbershop or poolroom at "two oclock on Sunday mornings" sound too vague to be effective. "If you boys don't quiet down and go home" - apparently he never finishes that sentence (203). |
1125 | Unnamed Memphis Policeman 4 |
On their way through the streets to the railroad depot the adventurers in The Reivers are questioned by a policeman who "knew Miss Corrie" and "apparently" Sam Caldwell as well (138). He lets them proceed without incident. |
1126 | Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 3 |
These are the "white women" in the "houses in Memphis" that, as a young man in The Mansion, Mink discovers are available, "if he had the money" (317). |
1127 | Unnamed Men 3 |
According to Gavin Stevens, "every male under sixty who had ever taken a drink or bought a bale of cotton from her father" was considered as the possible love interest in Mrs. Harriss' past ("Knight's Gambit," 245). |
1128 | Unnamed Men 1 |
In "That Will Be Fine" Georgie's mother theorizes that "most other men were prejudiced against Uncle Rodney, why she didn't know" (267). |
1129 | Unnamed Indian Men |
In "Red Leaves" the "men" of the tribe are sent out, along with the tribe's "big boys," to hunt down and capture the servant (334). |
1130 | Unnamed Messenger 4 |
On his way to jail in The Mansion Mink imagines that Flem has sent a messenger to reach out to him and help him somehow. |
1131 | Unnamed Minister 6 |
When Captain Gualdres and his new bride appear in Gavin Stevens' office to say good-bye at the end of "Knight's Gambit," Gualdres refers to the marriage ceremony that has just taken place by saying, "We just leave the padre" (238). Although it's not made explicit, it's extremely likely that Gualdres himself is a Catholic - but if this "padre" is a Catholic priest, this would be the only time in the Yoknapatawpha fictions that Faulkner mentions a local Catholic church. |
1132 | Unnamed Minister 2 |
Through the window of her mother's shop in "Miss Zilphia Gant" Zilphia watches her former schoolmates "fall into inevitable pairs" - i.e. begin dating - and notes that some of them end up at "the minister or the church," i.e. getting married (374). She may be thinking of an actual "minister" or using the term figuratively. |