Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
3751 | Actions | Physical | Meddling | |
5134 | Actions | Domestic | Mending | |
5174 | Actions | Bodily | Menstruation | |
348 | Actions | (First level term) | Mental | |
4305 | Actions | Verbal | Message | |
1502 | Actions | Communication | Messenger |
Whenever someone comes to deliver a message verbally in person. |
2701 | Actions | Movement | Migration | |
349 | Actions | (First level term) | Military | |
1207 | Actions | Domestic | Milking | |
5267 | Actions | Agricultural | Milking a cow | |
3797 | Actions | Work | Milling | |
2687 | Actions | Physical | Mimicking | |
3731 | Actions | Work | Miners / mining | |
3223 | Actions | Bodily | Miscarriage | |
4663 | Actions | Communication | Miscommunication | |
1563 | Actions | Perceptual | Misreading | |
4586 | Actions | Work | Missing work | |
3982 | Actions | Verbal | Misspeaking | |
2219 | Actions | Mental | Misunderstanding | |
2711 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Mixed-race gathering | |
2218 | Actions | Emotional | Moaning | |
4160 | Actions | Perceptual | Moment of vision |
For moments when a character sees something charged with a sense of wonder or awe - created for the boy seeing the buck in "Race at Morning," but also appropriate for Sarty seeing De Spain's mansion or Ike seeing the bear. SR |
3424 | Actions | Verbal | Monologue | |
350 | Actions | (First level term) | Moral | |
4405 | Actions | Verbal | Moralizing | |
3054 | Actions | Emotional | Mourning | |
351 | Actions | (First level term) | Movement | |
1128 | Actions | Movement | Mule | |
3152 | Actions | Verbal | Mumbling | |
819 | Actions | Violent | Murder | |
4846 | Actions | Violent | Mutilation | |
1057 | Actions | Verbal | Naming self | |
5152 | Actions | Bodily | Nausea | |
1033 | Actions | Verbal | Negotiation | |
2726 | Actions | Physical | new item | |
726 | Actions | Verbal | News | |
1146 | Actions | Communication | Newspaper article | |
2175 | Actions | Communication | Newspaper columns and notices |
For references to items in newspapers that aren't exactly news articles - "agony advice columns," for instance (in "Miss Zilpha Gant"), or obituaries, or similar items. JBP |
2564 | Actions | Work | Night watchman | |
2499 | Actions | Mental | Nightmare | |
2011 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Noblesse oblige |
Any time of social contract that is maintained that relies on implied class differences. The term is a bit murky, but Faulkner refers to it explicitly and implicitly on a number of occasions. The agreement between Maury Priest and John Powell, and the remission of Miss Emily's taxes are examples. JB |
3963 | Actions | Physical | Nodding | |
459 | Actions | (First level term) | Non-human | |
4173 | Actions | Communication | Non-human |
To capture when an animal "talks" - for example, when the narrator of "Race at Morning" says the lead dog Eagle "said, 'There he goes'" when he saw the deer. Here the narrator translates the dog's baying into words, but that isn't necessary with this term. It's for when communication occurs between species, probably always between an animal and a person. SR |
3072 | Actions | Physical | Nonverbal taunting or teasing | |
1363 | Actions | Perceptual | Nosiness | |
2118 | Actions | Emotional | Nostalgia | |
5126 | Actions | Communication | Note | |
5585 | Actions | Emotional | Numbness | |
1206 | Actions | Domestic | Nursing | |
677 | Actions | Emotional | Nurturing | |
2918 | Actions | Physical | Obeying / obedience | |
4191 | Actions | Perceptual | Observing | |
4035 | Actions | Legal | Obstructing justice / law enforcement officer | |
3366 | Actions | Economic | Offering to buy | |
3048 | Actions | Economic | Offering to sell | |
5015 | Actions | Work | Office | |
4017 | Actions | Verbal | Omission | |
3265 | Actions | Verbal | Ordering | |
886 | Actions | Emotional | Outrage | |
1383 | Actions | Perceptual | Overhearing | |
4334 | Actions | Emotional | Overwhelmed | |
2541 | Actions | Movement | Ox | |
2292 | Actions | Domestic | Packing | |
2160 | Actions | Work | Painting|Drawing | |
4883 | Actions | Emotional | Panic | |
2793 | Actions | Hunting | Panther hunting | |
1586 | Actions | Bodily | Panting | |
4069 | Actions | Physical | Panting | |
1766 | Actions | Legal | Pardon | |
2147 | Actions | Interaction, Private | Parenting | |
3190 | Actions | Economic | Partnership | |
2431 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Partying | |
3532 | Actions | Perceptual | Passing from sight | |
2264 | Actions | Emotional | Passivity | |
2029 | Actions | Emotional | Patience | |
4764 | Actions | Military | Patrol | |
686 | Actions | Economic | Paying | |
1117 | Actions | Emotional | Peace | |
657 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Peer group | |
4047 | Actions | Communication | Pen and ink well | |
352 | Actions | (First level term) | Perceptual | |
5096 | Actions | Work | Performance | |
2255 | Actions | Verbal | Persuasion | |
2502 | Actions | Emotional | Petulance | |
5125 | Actions | Work | Photography | |
353 | Actions | (First level term) | Physical | |
4025 | Actions | Interaction, Social | Picnic | |
1524 | Actions | Emotional | Pity | |
2465 | Actions | Verbal | Planning | |
4029 | Actions | Mental | Planning | |
5337 | Actions | Agricultural | Planting | |
354 | Actions | (First level term) | Play | |
2480 | Actions | Play | Playing in water |
For when people (usually children) are playing (splashing, etc.) in water - a creek or branch - as in The Sound and the Fury. Distinct from "swimming" per se. JBP |
2194 | Actions | Bodily | Playing music | |
1130 | Actions | Agricultural | Plowing | |
3853 | Actions | Physical | Pointing | |
4168 | Actions | Violent | Poisoning | |
1955 | Actions | Play | Poker | |
1515 | Actions | Domestic | Polish |