
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
5673 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Bernhardt, Sarah
3397 Environment Olfactory Benzene
5036 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Benjy's name changed
5204 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Benjy committed
5611 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Benjy castrated
5034 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Benjy accosts schoolgirl
1122 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Benjamin
4340 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Ben-Hur
5169 Cultural Issues Clothes Belt
4374 Themes and Motifs Home Belonging
1988 Environment Auditory Bells
3611 Actions Mental Believing
1982 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Belatedness
3367 Cultural Issues Education Being well read / erudite
4855 Actions Physical Being pursued
3167 Themes and Motifs Time Being outside of time
3293 Themes and Motifs Time Being on time / punctuality
3294 Themes and Motifs Time Being late / tardiness
3166 Themes and Motifs Time Being in time

Added to mark those moments when Quentin Compson explicitly refers to being "in" time -- subject to it, existing within it and unable to stop or evade its progression. This is opposite of course to those moments when he is "outside" of time and all that entails. JBP

4636 Cultural Issues Race Behaving/becoming "black"

This tag is used when a white character's appearance or behavior is associated with "blackness." Examples: when Jason Compson says in The Sound and the Fury that Miss Quentin's promiscuous behavior means she is "acting like a nigger" (181) or when Vardaman Bundren notes how his brother Cash's injured foot and his brother Jewel's burned back are turning black, "like a nigger's foot" or back (224). The trope isn't simply descriptive: it implies a loss of status, a threat to one's racial identity.

4816 Cultural Issues Race Behaving "white"
1126 Actions Verbal Begging
4111 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Beethoven, Ludwig van
2685 Environment Auditory Bees
2575 Cultural Issues Alcohol Beer
2667 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Beelzebub
778 Environment Domestic Space Bedroom
4623 Environment Place Bedroom
3276 Themes and Motifs Objects Bed
3994 Themes and Motifs Animals Beavers
1826 Cultural Issues Clothes Beaver hat
2322 Themes and Motifs Appearance Beautiful/handsome
3433 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Beauregard, P. G. T.
3387 Actions Violent Beating
5189 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Beardsley
4185 Cultural Issues Food Bear meat
715 Actions Hunting Bear hunting

Event refers specifically to BEAR hunting. JP

734 Themes and Motifs Animals Bear
4506 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Beale Street, Memphis, Tennessee
3001 Cultural Issues Entertainment Beach resort
5485 Environment Natural Beach
5029 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Bayard avenges Johnny
5218 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Bayard and the lost generation
4388 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Vicksburg
5020 Cultural Issues History Battle of Shiloh|Pittsburg Landing
4575 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Second Manassas
4442 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Ronceavaux Pass
5082 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Resaca
5657 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Manassas
4451 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Lookout Mountain
5046 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Battle of Jefferson
4387 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Franklin
4928 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Culloden Moor
4389 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Corinth
4386 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Chickamauga
2522 Cultural Issues History Battle of Bull Run
5449 Cultural Issues History Battle of Britain
3667 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Atlanta
3263 Themes and Motifs Animals Bats
2560 Environment Domestic Space Bathroom
2972 Cultural Issues Clothes Bathrobe
2141 Cultural Issues Clothes Bathing suit
2178 Actions Bodily Bathing and/or personal hygiene
2813 Actions Physical Bathing
5469 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Bath, England
5557 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Batesville, Mississippi
5247 Cultural Issues Entertainment Basketball
1823 Themes and Motifs Objects Basket
1978 Cultural Issues Entertainment Baseball
4232 Actions Economic Barter
4410 Cultural Issues Entertainment Barnstorming
4570 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Barnes, Djuna
2822 Environment Domestic Space Barn
570 Environment Place Barn
3232 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Barksdale
2957 Environment Auditory Barking
556 Cultural Issues Economy Bargaining
1073 Actions Economic Bargaining
739 Themes and Motifs Character Bargainer
4162 Actions Work Barbering
4412 Environment Public Barber shop
1691 Actions Interaction, Social Barbecue
2359 Themes and Motifs Character Barbarism
3439 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Barbados
1641 Cultural Issues Religion Baptist
5383 Cultural Issues Religion Baptism
4153 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Baptism
4082 Actions Verbal Banter / small talk
5327 Actions Economic Bankrupcy
2056 Actions Work Banking
2939 Cultural Issues Economy Banking
3315 Actions Economic Banking
4235 Environment Public Bank
1782 Actions Verbal Banishment
3077 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Bandage
4541 Cultural Issues Food Banana
1825 Themes and Motifs Objects Ballot Box
2171 Actions Interaction, Social Ball/dance
3480 Themes and Motifs Appearance Baldness
4286 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Balance
