
Term ID Vocabularysort descending Parent Term Description
3350 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Existentialism
1789 Themes and Motifs Money Expenses
4918 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Explaining
2161 Themes and Motifs Objects Eyeglasses
3740 Themes and Motifs Body Eyelashes
584 Themes and Motifs Body Eyes
629 Themes and Motifs Body Face
3162 Themes and Motifs Futility Failure to defend honor
2623 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Fairy-tale
2408 Themes and Motifs Morals Faith
2172 Themes and Motifs Values Faithfulness

Faithfulness as a general virtue, synonymous with fidelity and/or loyalty (unless others think those merit a separate keyword entry). Wasn't sure if this should go here or go also or instead under Actions > Emotions. JBP

1210 Themes and Motifs Naming False name
2857 Themes and Motifs Past Family history
4476 Themes and Motifs Values Family honor
4250 Themes and Motifs Values Family values

Not to be confused with the contemporary politically charged term. Rather, these are values shared by all or most members of the family. It's what your mamma or daddy taught you. JB and EP

2466 Themes and Motifs Objects Fan
4205 Themes and Motifs Objects Farming tools
1927 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Fatality
2532 Themes and Motifs Determinism Fated

Created to describe a situation that seems meant to be, as when Susan Reed seems destined for Hawkshaw's barbershop in "Hair." --LW & BR

3279 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Father said
3942 Themes and Motifs Appearance Fatness / obesity
4434 Themes and Motifs Appearance Feminine
530 Themes and Motifs Objects Fence
5253 Themes and Motifs Objects Fiddle
1252 Themes and Motifs Money Filthy lucre

When money elicits moral contempt: as tainted, corrupting, compromised, beneath one. JW

3554 Themes and Motifs Body Fingers
1112 Themes and Motifs Objects Fire
875 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Fire on the hearth
1986 Themes and Motifs Animals Fireflies
4510 Themes and Motifs Objects Firewood
2269 Themes and Motifs Objects Fish
2958 Themes and Motifs Animals Fish
3857 Themes and Motifs Animals Fish trout
2950 Themes and Motifs Objects Fishing rod
2651 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Fixation

The action or process of fixing or being fixed. For instance, In AA!, characters find themselves fixed in place, unable to move beyond something either spatially or conceptually. JC

2208 Themes and Motifs Objects Flag
4423 Themes and Motifs Objects Flashlight
3333 Themes and Motifs Objects Flat-iron
3665 Themes and Motifs Animals Fleas
1261 Themes and Motifs Body Flesh
3750 Themes and Motifs Objects Flower orchid
2084 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers
3292 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Dogwood
5160 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers larkspur
3291 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Milkweed
3287 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers Roses
3246 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Folk customs
3133 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Folklore
727 Themes and Motifs Character Fool|Foolishness
3301 Themes and Motifs Body Foot / Feet
2028 Themes and Motifs Objects Footprint
2020 Themes and Motifs Character Forbearance
3996 Themes and Motifs Body Forehead
2112 Themes and Motifs Memory Forgetting
914 Themes and Motifs Animals Fox
2464 Themes and Motifs Objects Fox-horn
1006 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Freedom
3093 Themes and Motifs Past Freedom from it
5559 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Freedom of choice
3625 Themes and Motifs Naming French noble names
1080 Themes and Motifs Animals Frogs
1932 Themes and Motifs Time Frozen / Static
931 Themes and Motifs Death Funeral
3717 Themes and Motifs Death Funeral pyre / cremation
645 Themes and Motifs Objects Furniture
374 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Futility
844 Themes and Motifs Death Future
2051 Themes and Motifs Time Future
2403 Themes and Motifs Character Gambler
2581 Themes and Motifs Animals Gamecock
2537 Themes and Motifs Objects Gasoline

Any time gasoline and fuel is mentioned as an object, not with regard to smell. It occurs a number of times in The Reivers as a fetishistic object of modernity. JB

5595 Themes and Motifs Community Gathering
1032 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Gaze
3261 Themes and Motifs Animals Geese
5114 Themes and Motifs Determinism Gendered
5382 Themes and Motifs Character Generous
4878 Themes and Motifs Determinism Genetic
5613 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Gestures
4257 Themes and Motifs Home Getting away
1883 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Ghost
3149 Themes and Motifs Money Gift of money
4537 Themes and Motifs Animals Giraffe
4399 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Glory
1201 Themes and Motifs Animals Goat
1256 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Going fast
785 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Going to Texas
1997 Themes and Motifs Money Gold
2559 Themes and Motifs Objects Gold tooth
2879 Themes and Motifs Objects Golf ball
1559 Themes and Motifs Values Good conduct
867 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Gossip
3173 Themes and Motifs Texts Graffiti
1555 Themes and Motifs Past Grander than present
5573 Themes and Motifs Animals Grasshoppers
5574 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Grasshoppers
1104 Themes and Motifs Values Greed
2739 Themes and Motifs Character Greed
2117 Themes and Motifs Objects Guitar
3576 Themes and Motifs Animals Gulls
1810 Themes and Motifs Objects Gun
