Term ID![]() |
Vocabulary | Parent | Term | Description |
815 | Relationships | Familial | Cousin | |
816 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Predatory | |
817 | Relationships | Hierarchical | Landlord-tenant | |
818 | Cultural Issues | Hunting and Fishing | Woodcraft | |
819 | Actions | Violent | Murder | |
820 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Expensive | |
821 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | War | |
822 | Relationships | Hierarchical | Leader | |
823 | Actions | Emotional | Anger | |
824 | Actions | Economic | Auction | |
825 | Actions | Emotional | Worry | |
826 | Cultural Issues | Race | Chickasaw | |
827 | Environment | Atmospheric | Devastation | |
828 | Relationships | Social | Paternalism | |
829 | Actions | Emotional | Recovery | |
830 | Environment | Place | Gallows | |
831 | Environment | Domestic Space | Attic | |
832 | Environment | Domestic Space | Home | |
833 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Cross dressing | |
834 | Actions | Movement | Return | |
835 | Actions | Physical | Hanging | |
836 | Relationships | Romantic | Fiance | |
837 | Cultural Issues | Race | Stereotype: smell | |
838 | Cultural Issues | Labor | Translation | |
839 | Actions | Physical | Hiding | |
840 | Cultural Issues | Education | Graduation | |
841 | Actions | Movement | Following | |
843 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Silver | |
844 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Future | |
845 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Sexual power | |
846 | Themes and Motifs | Naming | Indian name | |
847 | Cultural Issues | Law | Marshal | |
848 | Environment | Natural | Back country | |
849 | Aesthetics | Diction | Double entendre | |
850 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Extra-marital | |
851 | Environment | Natural | Creek bottom | |
852 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Mysterious | |
853 | Actions | Economic | Bootlegging | |
854 | Actions | Bodily | Eating | |
855 | Cultural Issues | Race | Self emancipation | |
856 | Themes and Motifs | Memory | Remembering | |
857 | Cultural Issues | Ethnicity | Scotch-Irish | |
858 | Relationships | Sexual | Adultery | |
859 | Cultural Issues | Economy | Gift | |
860 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Named dog Lion | |
861 | Cultural Issues | Violence | Shooting | |
862 | Cultural Issues | Economy | Property | |
863 | Actions | Bodily | Pregnancy | |
864 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Honor | |
865 | Cultural Issues | Food | Breakfast | |
866 | Environment | Place | Farm | |
867 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Gossip | |
868 | Actions | Verbal | Withholding | |
869 | Actions | Physical | Transporting | |
870 | Environment | Atmospheric | Dark | |
871 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Material | |
872 | Cultural Issues | Race | Stereotype eyes | |
873 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Upward mobility | |
874 | Cultural Issues | Law | Missing person | |
875 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Fire on the hearth | |
876 | Environment | Place | Cabin | |
877 | Themes and Motifs | Meaning | Mystery | |
878 | Environment | Place | Jefferson | |
879 | Relationships | Interracial | Networks | |
880 | Cultural Issues | Sexuality | Premarital | |
881 | Environment | Place | Farm | |
883 | Environment | Atmospheric | Wind | |
884 | Aesthetics | Allusion, Historical | MacArthur, Douglas | |
885 | Actions | Work | Blacksmith | |
886 | Actions | Emotional | Outrage | |
887 | Actions | Work | Tailor | |
888 | Actions | Work | Carpenter | |
889 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Quilt | |
890 | Actions | Mental | Envisioning | |
891 | Cultural Issues | Clothes | Uniform | |
892 | Environment | Place | Jail | |
893 | Relationships | Marital | Common law | |
894 | Cultural Issues | War | Deployment | |
895 | Relationships | Familial | Common law marriage | |
896 | Environment | Place | Grocery | |
897 | Cultural Issues | War | Aerial combat | |
898 | Actions | Physical | Ambush | |
899 | Cultural Issues | Government | Inheritance | |
900 | Actions | Work | Gardening | |
901 | Cultural Issues | Government | Inherited position | |
902 | Actions | Work | Chopping wood | |
903 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Desertion-family | |
904 | Cultural Issues | Law | Revenue officer | |
905 | Cultural Issues | Government | Abdication | |
906 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Case file | |
907 | Cultural Issues | Law | Sheriff's deputy | |
908 | Relationships | Romantic | Death | |
909 | Actions | Verbal | Disagreeing | |
910 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Abandonment | |
911 | Cultural Issues | History | Pre-World War II issues | |
912 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Valor | |
913 | Relationships | Familial | Orphan | |
914 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Fox | |
915 | Aesthetics | Figures of Speech | Eyes | |
916 | Actions | Bodily | Shivering |