Term ID |
Vocabulary![]() |
Parent | Term | Description |
3671 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Courteous | |
2741 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Coward | |
2473 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Cows | |
2509 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Creating order | |
1894 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Creation | |
3713 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Crib / Cradle | |
2486 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Crickets | |
1596 | Themes and Motifs | Community | Crowd | |
2904 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Cruel | |
1546 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Crystal | |
5683 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Cup | |
5534 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Curmudgeonly | |
3165 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Curtains | |
3079 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Cushion | |
4281 | Themes and Motifs | Time | Cyclical | |
2196 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Damask | |
4236 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Dark house | |
2343 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Dead time | |
5226 | Themes and Motifs | Story-telling | Deadpan | |
370 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Death | |
3332 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Death by water / Drowning | |
4799 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Death certificate | |
2980 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Death sentence | |
2257 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Deathbed | |
3411 | Themes and Motifs | Community | Decoration Day | |
2400 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Decorum | |
1998 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Deed | |
730 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Deer | |
2593 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Demijohn | |
4462 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Denial | |
4573 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Denial | |
2515 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Departing Yoknapatawpha |
For characters who leave Yoknapatawpha once and for all in a text - like Bayard Sartoris at the end of Flags in the Dust or Sarty Snopes in "Barn Burning." SR |
1242 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Departure | |
3845 | Themes and Motifs | Appearance | Depth / deepness | |
764 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Deracination | |
903 | Themes and Motifs | Arrivals/Departures | Desertion-family | |
4349 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Design | |
2183 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Destiny | |
4713 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Destroyed | |
1994 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Determination | |
371 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Determinism | |
2384 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Devotion | |
4683 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dice | |
1531 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Dignity | |
3913 | Themes and Motifs | Appearance | Diminishment / fading | |
3605 | Themes and Motifs | Appearance | Dirty | |
1725 | Themes and Motifs | Absence/Loss | Disappearance | |
3174 | Themes and Motifs | Past | Discovering it | |
5266 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Disdaining money | |
4408 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Disease | |
3426 | Themes and Motifs | Psychological | Disembodiment | |
5187 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dishes | |
3809 | Themes and Motifs | Morals | Dishonor | |
503 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Disorder | |
3012 | Themes and Motifs | Exile | Dispossession | |
4188 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Distance from home |
For moments when somebody thinks how far they've come from where they live. SR |
1779 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Divine plan | |
4008 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Dog-fox | |
3067 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dogfennel | |
618 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Dogs | |
2151 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dolls | |
4993 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Domestic | |
2337 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Doom | |
609 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Door | |
1063 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Dowry | |
4860 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Drawing | |
2023 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Dream | |
2671 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Dream turns to dust | |
3341 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dresser | |
3143 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Drinking glass | |
4872 | Themes and Motifs | Exile | Driven away | |
1468 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Drum | |
4775 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Ducks | |
1517 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Dulcimer | |
2526 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Durability | |
3513 | Themes and Motifs | Time | Duration of time | |
3456 | Themes and Motifs | Character | Duty | |
1069 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Dwelling | |
3841 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Dying wish | |
4990 | Themes and Motifs | Money | Earned | |
2625 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Echo | |
1841 | Themes and Motifs | Animals | Elephants | |
3911 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Elm tree | |
4511 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Emptiness | |
1177 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Endurance | |
4306 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | Engagement ring | |
4755 | Themes and Motifs | Chaos/Order | Entropy | |
4335 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Epitaph | |
4441 | Themes and Motifs | Texts | Epitaph | |
1305 | Themes and Motifs | Home | Estranged | |
2398 | Themes and Motifs | Recurring Tropes | Eternal feminine | |
2700 | Themes and Motifs | Supernatural | Eternity | |
536 | Themes and Motifs | Philosophical | Ethics | |
2699 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Eulogy | |
4758 | Themes and Motifs | Objects | European in U.S. | |
3065 | Themes and Motifs | Values | Evil | |
2402 | Themes and Motifs | Philosophical | Evolution | |
3278 | Themes and Motifs | Body | Excrement | |
988 | Themes and Motifs | Death | Execution | |
372 | Themes and Motifs | (First level term) | Exile |