
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort descending Description
3762 Themes and Motifs Appearance Pretending / Feigning
3664 Cultural Issues Class Pretension
3349 Cultural Issues Sexuality Preventing or avoiding sex
3838 Cultural Issues Crime Prevention
5008 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Priam
2588 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Priapus
5340 Cultural Issues Economy Prices
1235 Themes and Motifs Character Pride
786 Cultural Issues Education Primary school
3630 Cultural Issues Education Princeton
3699 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Princeton University
2648 Themes and Motifs Character Principle
4924 Cultural Issues Technology Printing
4222 Cultural Issues War Prisoner
3865 Themes and Motifs Money Prize value
4750 Cultural Issues Law Probate
1438 Actions Physical Probing
4032 Actions Movement Procession
2291 Aesthetics Language Profanity

Any time a character uses profanity. JB

1045 Cultural Issues Class Professional
1338 Actions Perceptual Professional surveillance
4407 Cultural Issues War Profiting from war
3979 Themes and Motifs Meaning Profound
3886 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Progenitive / Self-reproductive
244 Cultural Issues (First level term) Progress
5500 Cultural Issues Politics Progressive
623 Actions Moral Prohibiting

Here in the general sense of interdiction, forbidding, proscribing - rather than "prohibition," i.e. outlawing alcohol. JW

2505 Cultural Issues History Prohibition
2371 Aesthetics Metafictional Projection
2298 Cultural Issues Sexuality Promiscuity
1319 Actions Verbal Promising
5242 Themes and Motifs Money Promissory note
2591 Actions Military Promotion
2411 Themes and Motifs Naming Promotional
2979 Actions Legal Pronouncing sentence
862 Cultural Issues Economy Property
1148 Cultural Issues Law Property
4547 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Property
2195 Themes and Motifs Values Propriety
523 Actions Work Prosecuting
4130 Relationships Interracial Prospective

When characters discuss or a character thinks about the possibility of an interracial relationship. SR

4528 Themes and Motifs Body Prosthetic
2844 Relationships Sexual Prostitute-Client
1434 Cultural Issues Sexuality Prostitution
2986 Cultural Issues Crime Prostitution
2777 Cultural Issues Labor Prostitution

Any instance in which the labor aspects of prostitution are highlighted or discussed. JB

1411 Actions Physical Protection
2186 Themes and Motifs Morals Protest
5196 Actions Emotional Proud
2406 Themes and Motifs Values Providence
4771 Cultural Issues Religion Providence
4638 Relationships Familial Providing for
2368 Themes and Motifs Character Provincialism
5598 Actions Verbal Provoking
2853 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Przemysl
4876 Relationships Interracial Pseudo-family
387 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Psychological
4212 Cultural Issues War Psychological effects
3714 Cultural Issues Education Psychology class
5427 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Ptolemy
2154 Cultural Issues Sexuality Puberty

For when a text makes reference (perhaps implicitly) to puberty and/or sexual maturing. It was added for the moment in "Miss Zilphia Gant" when her mother makes her get naked and examines her body each month when she turns 13.

338 Environment (First level term) Public
4658 Cultural Issues Politics Public opinion
4639 Cultural Issues Technology Public telephone
3745 Cultural Issues Food Pumpkin pie
3073 Actions Moral Punishment
3566 Actions Verbal Punning
3654 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Puppy
276 Cultural Issues Slavery Purchase
1068 Actions Economic Purchase
4337 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Purgatory
3095 Actions Moral Purification
2388 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Puritan
4903 Themes and Motifs Character Purity
938 Actions Physical Pursuit
3130 Actions Physical Pushing away
5462 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Pushkin, Alexander
2664 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Pyramus and Thisbe
2869 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Quackery
1052 Themes and Motifs Animals Quail
1051 Actions Hunting Quail hunting
1053 Environment Time of Year Quail season
3530 Themes and Motifs Money Quarter coin
304 Cultural Issues Slavery Quarters
4988 Environment Place Quarters
3179 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Queen Victoria
5076 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Quentin's suicide
4671 Themes and Motifs Past Quest to recover
5230 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Quest to recover
5276 Actions Physical Questing
1036 Actions Verbal Questioning
4792 Environment Natural Quicksand
3675 Environment Auditory Quietness
889 Themes and Motifs Objects Quilt
1241 Actions Work Quitting job
2182 Aesthetics Narrative Quotation as thought

For when a text says a character "thinks" or "thought" something - often as a passage in quotation marks but also sometimes in italics. In those cases, perhaps the "Italics" keyword should also be applied. JBP

717 Themes and Motifs Animals Rabbit
3534 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rabbit
1611 Actions Hunting Rabbit hunting
5698 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Rabelais, Francois
