
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
5199 Cultural Issues Law Plead guilty/not guilty
5198 Environment Time of Day Four o'clock p.m.
5197 Actions Verbal Congratulating
5196 Actions Emotional Proud
5195 Environment Time of Day Eight o'clock a.m.
5194 Environment Time of Day Three o'clock a.m.
5193 Environment Time of Year Wednesday
5192 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tennyson, Alfred
5191 Environment Time of Day Sunrise
5190 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Petronius
5189 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Beardsley
5188 Cultural Issues Nationality French
5187 Themes and Motifs Objects Dishes
5186 Actions Physical Breaking
5185 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Red Sea
5184 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Israel
5183 Cultural Issues Clothes Denim
5182 Cultural Issues Region New England
5181 Environment Place Monastery
5180 Actions Physical Struggling
5179 Cultural Issues Food Peas
5178 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Jezebel
5177 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Archangel Michael
5176 Themes and Motifs Animals Sheep
5175 Environment Natural Valley
5174 Actions Bodily Menstruation
5173 Themes and Motifs Money Half dollar
5172 Cultural Issues Food Pie
5171 Actions Mental Accepting
5170 Environment Time of Year Mid-week
5169 Cultural Issues Clothes Belt
5168 Actions Physical Climbing/descending rope
5167 Actions Physical Emptying
5166 Actions Bodily Weakness
5165 Actions Bodily Regaining consciousness
5164 Actions Verbal Calling by name
5163 Themes and Motifs Objects Harness strap
5162 Themes and Motifs Objects Organ
5161 Themes and Motifs Objects Catechism
5160 Themes and Motifs Objects Flowers larkspur
5159 Relationships Familial Adoptive
5158 Themes and Motifs Objects Shovel
5157 Cultural Issues Identity, Personal Background
5156 Cultural Issues Clothes Watch chain
5155 Actions Mental Forgetting
5154 Themes and Motifs Values Misogyny
5153 Cultural Issues Religion Fanaticism
5152 Actions Bodily Nausea
5151 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpaste
5150 Environment Place Orphanage
5149 Environment Time of Day Eleven o'clock p.m.
5148 Environment Time of Day Ten o'clock p.m.
5147 Actions Physical Whistling
5146 Actions Bodily Looking
5145 Environment Time of Day Seven o'clock p.m.
5144 Actions Economic Buying
5143 Cultural Issues Food Crackers
5142 Actions Physical Concealing
5141 Actions Bodily Stretching
5140 Actions Physical Starting fire
5139 Themes and Motifs Objects Magazine
5138 Themes and Motifs Objects Shaving brush
5137 Themes and Motifs Body Naked
5136 Actions Bodily Standing
5135 Actions Physical Cutting
5134 Actions Domestic Mending
5133 Actions Violent Asphyxiation
5132 Environment Time of Day Saturday morning
5131 Environment Time of Day Eight o'clock p.m.
5130 Environment Place Sheriff's office
5129 Actions Mental Deciding
5128 Actions Emotional Dread
5127 Actions Mental Confusion
5126 Actions Communication Note
5125 Actions Work Photography
5124 Environment Domestic Space Study
5123 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Income
5122 Environment Time of Year Tuesday
5121 Actions Mental Knowing
5120 Actions Physical Squatting
5119 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Fitzgerald, F. Scott
5118 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Vymy Ridge
5117 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chateau-Thierry
5116 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Argonne
5115 Environment Time of Year Confederate Decoration Day
5114 Themes and Motifs Determinism Gendered
5113 Cultural Issues Education Trade school
5112 Relationships Economical Trustee-ward
5111 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Smith, Thorne
5110 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Jurgen
5109 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tom Jones
5108 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Forever Amber
5107 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Fielding, Henry
5106 Cultural Issues Entertainment Popular literature
5105 Cultural Issues Progress Racialized
5104 Environment Atmospheric Haunted
5103 Cultural Issues Religion Folk superstition
5102 Actions Perceptual Dowsing
5101 Cultural Issues Economy Sales contract
5100 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Harlem
