
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
1483 Cultural Issues Government Audit
1482 Actions Bodily Watching
1481 Actions Hunting Fox hunting
1480 Environment Auditory Howling
1479 Cultural Issues Religion Amulet
1478 Cultural Issues War Deprivation

Individuals or groups who have been deprived of resources and comfort. JB

1477 Cultural Issues Gender Female intuition

This is any event in which women are able to "intuit" gender relationships. The case in point is in My Grandmother Millard where Granny intuits the budding relationship between Melisandre and Cousin Phillip. Although the projection is certainly Faulkner's, it ties into broader nineteenth and twentieth century patriarchal notions of feminine intuition. Joost Burgers

1476 Environment Domestic Space Hall
1475 Environment Domestic Space Garden
1474 Environment Domestic Space Summer house
1473 Environment Auditory Gallop
1472 Environment Domestic Space Gallery
1471 Cultural Issues Religion Bible
1470 Aesthetics Narrative Conversation with oneself
1469 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Mute
1468 Themes and Motifs Objects Drum
1467 Actions Non-human Decay
1466 Actions Hunting Slave hunting
1465 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Indian medicine
1464 Cultural Issues Government Usurpation
1463 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Obesity
1462 Environment Domestic Space Outhouse
1461 Environment Domestic Space Upstairs
1460 Cultural Issues War Strategy

Although technically strategy and tactics are two different elements of war, for the time being they have been collapsed into the same keyword unless there are really nuanced discussions of either in Faulkner. JB

1459 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Alarm

This is whenever a character arrives or departs to communicate a message of alarm. JB

1458 Cultural Issues War Pillage
1457 Cultural Issues Progress Infrastructure

This is a blanket term for any infrastructural development that happens. This is used for something that is either not covered, or when infrastructure in general improves. The specific example here is about Jefferson not being developed enough for it to have anything the Union Army might want. JB

1456 Cultural Issues War Unity

This keyword describes the way in which war calls upon disparate people to fight for the same ideal. The specific example this is based on is Southerners ultimately fighting in the United States army in later wars, but could also described the camaraderie between allied nations. Joost Burgers

1455 Themes and Motifs Objects Slipper
1454 Themes and Motifs Money Luxury
1453 Actions Economic Borrowing
1452 Cultural Issues Global Travel
1451 Aesthetics Style Bricolage
1450 Cultural Issues Technology Elevator
1449 Aesthetics Language Interjection

A cry that expresses an emotion (Ouch! Ugh!) or functions as a command or request (Shhh!). BR

1448 Actions Emotional Caring
1447 Cultural Issues Mass Media Fantasy

The fantasies generated in viewers, readers, or listeners by the mass media. What in "Dry September," in reference to Hollywood cinema, Faulkner calls "the silver dream." BR

1446 Cultural Issues Race Division
1445 Actions Bodily Trembling
1444 Actions Bodily Breathing
1443 Actions Physical Trembling
1442 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Fever
1441 Actions Movement Limping
1440 Actions Bodily Choking
1439 Actions Physical Jumping
1438 Actions Physical Probing
1437 Environment Atmospheric Dereliction
1436 Actions Violent Lynch mob
1435 Cultural Issues Progress Elevator
1434 Cultural Issues Sexuality Prostitution
1433 Environment Time of Day Dinner
1432 Actions Emotional Laughing
1431 Actions Bodily Sweating
1430 Actions Violent Dehumanization

Treating a person through one's actions as if they are an object rather than a fellow human being. BR

1429 Actions Violent Kidnapping
1428 Environment Auditory Breathing
1427 Environment Natural Moon
1426 Environment Atmospheric Dust
1425 Aesthetics Language Ellipsis
1424 Cultural Issues Crime Vigilantism

This denotes moments where characters appoint themselves to punish a crime (real or imagined). BR

1423 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Pathetic fallacy
1422 Cultural Issues Sexuality Unattractiveness
1421 Cultural Issues Clothes Dress
1420 Relationships Social Isolation

This term describes moments when a character is isolated or ostracized from the wider social community. BR
Also used this term when a person intentionally isolates him/herself from the larger community. JJ

1419 Cultural Issues Migration Work

This is used for instances of characters relocating to a different state or country for reasons related to work and employment (i.e., economic migration). BR

1418 Relationships Social Homosocial
1417 Themes and Motifs Naming Renaming

When a character is given or takes a new name due to a change in their identity. BR

1416 Cultural Issues Progress Cars
1415 Actions Communication Telephone
1414 Cultural Issues Race Racist child
1413 Actions Physical Stalking
1412 Environment Auditory Haunting
1411 Actions Physical Protection
1410 Environment Place Lane
1409 Cultural Issues Race Self-abnegation
1408 Actions Bodily Sitting
1407 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Addiction
1406 Relationships Institutional Jailer-prisoner
1405 Actions Legal Arrest
1404 Themes and Motifs Psychological Terror
1403 Environment Domestic Space Cabin
1402 Actions Bodily Singing
1401 Themes and Motifs Body Pregnancy
1400 Actions Violent Suicide
1399 Environment Public Jail
1398 Themes and Motifs Morals Hypocrisy
1397 Relationships Civic child protection
1396 Actions Verbal Joking
1395 Themes and Motifs Objects knife
1394 Environment Public Bus Depot/Bus stop
1393 Themes and Motifs Animals Birds
1392 Actions Emotional Sadness
1391 Themes and Motifs Objects Suitcase
1390 Actions Movement Bus
1389 Actions Physical Kissing
1388 Themes and Motifs Objects Bible
1387 Themes and Motifs Chaos/Order Out of ordered place

This phrase derives from the last words of The Sound and the Fury: "each in its ordered place." It is used when the expected order is radically unsettled, such as when one of the spotted horses goes inside Mrs. Littlejohn's house or the mule gets into Mrs. Hait's yard, and so on. SR

1386 Aesthetics Tone Absurdist
1385 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Capture as loss
1384 Relationships Familial Physical resemblances
