
Term IDsort ascending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
2186 Themes and Motifs Morals Protest
2185 Environment Atmospheric Claustrophobic
2184 Actions Emotional Hate
2183 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Destiny
2182 Aesthetics Narrative Quotation as thought

For when a text says a character "thinks" or "thought" something - often as a passage in quotation marks but also sometimes in italics. In those cases, perhaps the "Italics" keyword should also be applied. JBP

2181 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Precognition / Something to happen

For when a character precognitively senses or says that "something" is going to happen to him/her - e.g., Joe Christmas, Miss Zilphia Gant. JBP

2180 Actions Bodily Waking
2179 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Poisoning
2178 Actions Bodily Bathing and/or personal hygiene
2177 Actions Mental Imagining
2176 Actions Perceptual Reading / Researching
2175 Actions Communication Newspaper columns and notices

For references to items in newspapers that aren't exactly news articles - "agony advice columns," for instance (in "Miss Zilpha Gant"), or obituaries, or similar items. JBP

2174 Cultural Issues Sexuality Conception/Conceiving a child
2173 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Mary
2172 Themes and Motifs Values Faithfulness

Faithfulness as a general virtue, synonymous with fidelity and/or loyalty (unless others think those merit a separate keyword entry). Wasn't sure if this should go here or go also or instead under Actions > Emotions. JBP

2171 Actions Interaction, Social Ball/dance
2170 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Grable, Betty
2169 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Harlow, Jean
2168 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Monroe, Marilyn
2167 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Chicago
2166 Cultural Issues Progress New replacing old
2165 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Crusades
2164 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Caesar, Julius
2163 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Noah/flood
2162 Actions Physical Freeing
2161 Themes and Motifs Objects Eyeglasses
2160 Actions Work Painting|Drawing
2159 Actions Physical Intrusion
2158 Themes and Motifs Time Long passage of time

Perhaps self-evident, but for when a text makes a huge jump in time very quickly -- Zilphia Gant sitting beside the window "for twelve years," for instance. JBP

2157 Environment Place Lonelier parts of town

Term for when a text makes reference to parts of town with fewer people or streets -- outskirts, edge of town, "less frequented" (as in "Miss Zilphia Gant"), and so forth. JBP

2156 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Military terminology
2155 Cultural Issues Sexuality Learning about

This admittedly clumsy term is for when a narrative deals with a character being told or otherwise learning about sexual matters. (The specific impetus for its creation is in "Miss Zilphia Gant" when her mother starts strip searching her at age 13 and begins telling her "what her father had done and what she had done.") JBP

2154 Cultural Issues Sexuality Puberty

For when a text makes reference (perhaps implicitly) to puberty and/or sexual maturing. It was added for the moment in "Miss Zilphia Gant" when her mother makes her get naked and examines her body each month when she turns 13.

2153 Environment Weather Mild
2152 Themes and Motifs Money Refund
2151 Themes and Motifs Objects Dolls
2150 Themes and Motifs Objects Stove
2149 Actions Bodily Healing
2148 Actions Interaction, Private Domineering
2147 Actions Interaction, Private Parenting
2146 Actions Mental Skepticism
2145 Themes and Motifs Body Scar
2144 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Cuba
2143 Cultural Issues Education West Point
2142 Cultural Issues War Spanish American War
2141 Cultural Issues Clothes Bathing suit
2140 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Scientific

To be used for figures of speech drawn from science (for example, references to osmosis, astronomy, or Darwinian evolution) - CR

2139 Environment Place Power Plant
2138 Cultural Issues Violence Imagined
2137 Cultural Issues Religion Challenge

When characters actively set themselves at odds with a religious deity or institution, such as when Jewel in AILD gripes, "if there is a God what the hell is He for." EP

2136 Actions Interaction, Private Seeking approval
2135 Environment Olfactory Bad smell
2134 Cultural Issues War Demotion
2133 Cultural Issues War Displacement
2132 Actions Domestic Food preparation
2131 Actions Physical Dancing
2130 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Metonym
2129 Environment Auditory Bugle
2128 Actions Physical Discovering

For instances when a character literally discovers someone or something -- Mrs. Gant finding her daughter with a boy lying together in a blanket, for instance. Distinct from the MENTAL act of discovery (which is also a keyword in this database). -JBP

2127 Actions Physical Finding

For when the text refers to the explicit act of someone or something being found; may include things found that were not actually being searched for. (Cf. Luster's search for a quarter, and the other things he finds.) -JBP

2126 Actions Bodily Coughing
2125 Environment Place Vacant lot
2124 Environment Domestic Space Confined living quarters

Refers to when a text draws attention to the relative smallness or confined nature of where a character resides - a "single room twelve feet square," for example. -JBP

2123 Actions Economic Buying a shop or store
2122 Actions Economic Selling a house or place
2121 Themes and Motifs Money Owed

This keyword is for when a character claims or otherwise believes he or she is owed money (to repay a debt, as payment for labor, etc.). -JBP

2120 Actions Economic Horse trading
2119 Actions Economic Stock trading

Term for those who buy or sell "stock" - horses, mules, etc. -JBP

2118 Actions Emotional Nostalgia
2117 Themes and Motifs Objects Guitar
2116 Cultural Issues Clothes Coat
2115 Environment Weather Frost
2114 Environment Atmospheric Firelight
2113 Themes and Motifs Character Playfulness
2112 Themes and Motifs Memory Forgetting
2111 Actions Verbal Teasing
2110 Themes and Motifs Objects Thimble
2109 Actions Emotional Hysteria
2108 Themes and Motifs Character Resolve
2107 Cultural Issues Group Mentality Social Shaming
2106 Cultural Issues Religion Methodism
2105 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Richard I of England
2104 Themes and Motifs Character Unruliness
2103 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Melodrama
2102 Actions Verbal Exaggeration
2101 Cultural Issues War Civil War
2100 Themes and Motifs Body Nose
2099 Environment Atmospheric Sunlight
2098 Actions Movement Sneaking
2097 Cultural Issues Clothes Suit
2096 Aesthetics Narrative Chronological enjambment

When the narrative apposes two chronologically distant moments in a single sentence, right on top of each other.

2095 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Seed
2094 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Leaving home
2093 Themes and Motifs Objects Pine knots
2092 Themes and Motifs Values Conscience
2091 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Rain
2090 Themes and Motifs Appearance Cosmetics
2089 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Loss of animal companion
2088 Themes and Motifs Character Swagger
2087 Actions Verbal Singing
