
Term IDsort descending Vocabulary Parent Term Description
5042 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes First settlers arrive
5043 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Indian removal
5044 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris raises regiment
5045 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris deposed
5046 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Battle of Jefferson
5047 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Etching name on window
5048 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Buck and Buddy's experiment
5049 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Ringo whips Ab
5050 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Rider in jail
5051 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Nancy confronts white man
5052 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sutpen's arrival
5053 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Boon shoots Negro
5054 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes General Compson's military record
5055 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Byron Snopes' children
5056 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Architect captured
5057 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sutpen rejects KKK
5058 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Confederate monument unveiled
5059 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Jefferson's first car
5060 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Flem and Eula marry
5061 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Looking upon evil
5062 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Temple leaves train
5063 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Driving to Goodwin's
5064 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Temple at Goodwin's
5065 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Temple at Reba's
5066 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Temple testifying
5067 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Popeye's execution
5068 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Henry kills Bon
5069 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes De Spain creates camp
5070 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Houston murdered
5071 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Eula's medallion unveiled
5072 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes McCarron ambushed
5073 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Caddy's wedding
5074 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Caddy's marriage ends
5075 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Ikkemotubbe becomes "Doom"
5076 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Quentin's suicide
5077 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Ab's war wound
5078 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris escapes Yankees
5079 Actions Physical Whittling
5080 Actions Movement Flat tire
5081 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Year 1861
5082 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Battle of Resaca
5083 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tallahatchie River
5084 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Livy
5085 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Cataline / Catiline
5086 Aesthetics Language Satire
5087 Actions Verbal Debating
5088 Cultural Issues History Archaeology
5089 Cultural Issues Education Academia
5090 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Commandments
5091 Themes and Motifs Meaning Interpretation
5092 Cultural Issues Ritual Drinking
5093 Actions Interaction, Social Exposure
5094 Actions Violent Disfigurement
5095 Themes and Motifs Texts Poster
5096 Actions Work Performance
5097 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Parable
5098 Themes and Motifs Character Hubris
5099 Environment Atmospheric Peaceful
5100 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Harlem
5101 Cultural Issues Economy Sales contract
5102 Actions Perceptual Dowsing
5103 Cultural Issues Religion Folk superstition
5104 Environment Atmospheric Haunted
5105 Cultural Issues Progress Racialized
5106 Cultural Issues Entertainment Popular literature
5107 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Fielding, Henry
5108 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Forever Amber
5109 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tom Jones
5110 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Jurgen
5111 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Smith, Thorne
5112 Relationships Economical Trustee-ward
5113 Cultural Issues Education Trade school
5114 Themes and Motifs Determinism Gendered
5115 Environment Time of Year Confederate Decoration Day
5116 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Argonne
5117 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Chateau-Thierry
5118 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Vymy Ridge
5119 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Fitzgerald, F. Scott
5120 Actions Physical Squatting
5121 Actions Mental Knowing
5122 Environment Time of Year Tuesday
5123 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Income
5124 Environment Domestic Space Study
5125 Actions Work Photography
5126 Actions Communication Note
5127 Actions Mental Confusion
5128 Actions Emotional Dread
5129 Actions Mental Deciding
5130 Environment Place Sheriff's office
5131 Environment Time of Day Eight o'clock p.m.
5132 Environment Time of Day Saturday morning
5133 Actions Violent Asphyxiation
5134 Actions Domestic Mending
5135 Actions Physical Cutting
5136 Actions Bodily Standing
5137 Themes and Motifs Body Naked
5138 Themes and Motifs Objects Shaving brush
5139 Themes and Motifs Objects Magazine
5140 Actions Physical Starting fire
5141 Actions Bodily Stretching
