
Term ID Vocabularysort ascending Parent Term Description
1997 Themes and Motifs Money Gold
2559 Themes and Motifs Objects Gold tooth
2879 Themes and Motifs Objects Golf ball
1559 Themes and Motifs Values Good conduct
867 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Gossip
3173 Themes and Motifs Texts Graffiti
1555 Themes and Motifs Past Grander than present
5573 Themes and Motifs Animals Grasshoppers
5574 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Grasshoppers
1104 Themes and Motifs Values Greed
2739 Themes and Motifs Character Greed
2117 Themes and Motifs Objects Guitar
3576 Themes and Motifs Animals Gulls
1810 Themes and Motifs Objects Gun
583 Themes and Motifs Body Hair
3976 Themes and Motifs Appearance Hair pigtails
5173 Themes and Motifs Money Half dollar
2333 Themes and Motifs Objects Hammer
2677 Themes and Motifs Objects Hammock
2644 Themes and Motifs Body Hand / Palm
2534 Themes and Motifs Objects Hand grip
2906 Themes and Motifs Objects Handcuffs
3119 Themes and Motifs Objects Handkerchief
2474 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Hands in pockets
3247 Themes and Motifs Objects Harmonica
5163 Themes and Motifs Objects Harness strap
4401 Themes and Motifs Objects Hatchet
5278 Themes and Motifs Memory Haunted by past
2612 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Haunted house
2608 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Haunting
2878 Themes and Motifs Death Hearse
809 Themes and Motifs Objects Hearth
3687 Themes and Motifs Body Heels
955 Themes and Motifs Objects Heirloom
4460 Themes and Motifs Character Helpless
4854 Themes and Motifs Money Hidden
3951 Themes and Motifs Body Hips
4894 Themes and Motifs Past Historical wrong
2643 Themes and Motifs Objects Hoe
528 Themes and Motifs Animals Hog
376 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Home
1283 Themes and Motifs Home Home as prison
2624 Themes and Motifs Home Homebound
1863 Themes and Motifs Home Homecoming
1957 Themes and Motifs Home Homesickness_Longing for home
1224 Themes and Motifs Character Honesty
1129 Themes and Motifs Objects Honeysuckle
864 Themes and Motifs Values Honor
1924 Themes and Motifs Morals Honor
595 Themes and Motifs Animals Horses
1522 Themes and Motifs Objects Horsewhip
3156 Themes and Motifs Objects Hot water bottle
5098 Themes and Motifs Character Hubris
3520 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Human experience
1159 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Human nature
4544 Themes and Motifs Character Humility
4919 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Hunting
2451 Themes and Motifs Objects Hunting horn
1398 Themes and Motifs Morals Hypocrisy
4966 Themes and Motifs Character Hypocrisy
2476 Themes and Motifs Objects Ice
5272 Themes and Motifs Values Idealism
5439 Themes and Motifs Money Ill-gotten
2314 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Illusion
3172 Themes and Motifs Futility Illusion of success or victory
3222 Themes and Motifs Values Imagination
4677 Themes and Motifs Death Imagined
2366 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Imitation
1832 Themes and Motifs Naming Importance of naming

When a character or narrator draws attention to a name - e.g., the narrator of "Lion" saying as "head bear," Old Ben "deserved a better name." JBP

2679 Themes and Motifs Character Impotence

This entry can refer both to, and beyond, the physiological to denote the inability to achieve an aim, dream or ambition. In Absalom 149.4, Sutpen provides an example; he still has the same ruthless ambition, but can no longer realize it, reduced as he is to tending his store and drinking with Wash Jones. JC

4525 Themes and Motifs Home Improvements
3253 Themes and Motifs Character Impulsiveness
5023 Themes and Motifs Futility In battle
1349 Themes and Motifs Death In childbirth
1561 Themes and Motifs Home In nature
1723 Themes and Motifs Money In prospect
4641 Themes and Motifs Futility Inability
5123 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Income
683 Themes and Motifs Values Independence
1187 Themes and Motifs Character Independence
985 Themes and Motifs Death Indian burial practices
846 Themes and Motifs Naming Indian name
2421 Themes and Motifs Exile Indian Removal
4258 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Individualism

Beyond self-reliance, this concept also folds in ideas of treating people as individuals and a deep skepticism about organizations, institutions, or perspectives that group people together. In its base form it is anti-government, anti-collectivist, anti-group think, but not a full-fledged political doctrine like Libertarianism. JB and EP

4917 Themes and Motifs Character Indomitable
4329 Themes and Motifs Character Inexperience
3878 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Infinity
1091 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Inheritance
4134 Themes and Motifs Money Inheritance
4895 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Inheritance of wrong
2407 Themes and Motifs Character Inherited traits
1245 Themes and Motifs Morals Injustice
647 Themes and Motifs Character Innocence
2353 Themes and Motifs Past Innocence
1609 Themes and Motifs Appearance Inscrutable

I added this for "The Old People," 205.3, to reflect the lack of emotion that Sam Fathers shows. LW

4469 Themes and Motifs Animals Insect boll weevil
3858 Themes and Motifs Animals Insect fly
3882 Themes and Motifs Animals Insects bees
3883 Themes and Motifs Animals Insects butterflies
4146 Themes and Motifs Animals Insects crickets
