
Term ID Vocabularysort descending Parent Term Description
2718 Themes and Motifs Objects Medal
2721 Themes and Motifs Texts Love letter
2722 Themes and Motifs Animals Cats
2724 Themes and Motifs Community Carnival
2737 Themes and Motifs Objects Rake
2739 Themes and Motifs Character Greed
2741 Themes and Motifs Character Coward
2744 Themes and Motifs Objects Condom
2749 Themes and Motifs Time Anticipation
2790 Themes and Motifs Death Moment of
2795 Themes and Motifs Animals Lion
2797 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddle
2801 Themes and Motifs Money Payoff

TMT: I added this for the scene in which John Sartoris sends money to the widow of a man whom he killed in The Unvanquished (221), so I don't know whether it will be applicable anywhere else; but nothing else on the list seemed to fit.

2843 Themes and Motifs Objects Wedding ring
2846 Themes and Motifs Death Wake

For gatherings of mourners prior to actual, formal funerals - for instance, in The Sound and the Fury on the occasion of Damuddy's death (which most likely is a wake rather than a funeral). -JBP

2848 Themes and Motifs Character Violent
2856 Themes and Motifs Character Noisiness
2857 Themes and Motifs Past Family history
2862 Themes and Motifs Past Relics
2863 Themes and Motifs Objects Skull
2865 Themes and Motifs Character Assertive
2871 Themes and Motifs Naming Not knowing person or thing's name

For occasions when a narrative draws attention to a character forgetting or not knowing the word or name of someone or something - Benjy being raised not to know his mother's name in Sound and Fury, for instance, or when Joe Christmas can't think at first of what it is he is eating until he remembers "It's peas." -JBP

2874 Themes and Motifs Time Working day
2876 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sleeping in same bed

For when two characters (usually black and white) sleep in the same bed; Benjy with Luster in S&F, Lucas and Henry in GDM, etc. -JBP

2877 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Signs / Omen
2878 Themes and Motifs Death Hearse
2879 Themes and Motifs Objects Golf ball
2880 Themes and Motifs Time Abrupt shift in time

For when a narrative makes an abrupt or unexpected shift in time - as in Benjy's narrative in S&F.

2883 Themes and Motifs Values Refinement
2904 Themes and Motifs Character Cruel
2905 Themes and Motifs Objects Bow and arrow
2906 Themes and Motifs Objects Handcuffs
2907 Themes and Motifs Time Return to present time
2908 Themes and Motifs Objects Toothpick
2909 Themes and Motifs Animals Buzzards
2910 Themes and Motifs Death Animal horse
2911 Themes and Motifs Death Bones
2931 Themes and Motifs Objects Perfume
2938 Themes and Motifs Values Conservatism

Here conservatism is meant as a value and is politically agnostic. It is roughly being used as prudence, common sense, and tradition all wrapped up in one. JB

2943 Themes and Motifs Money Won
2946 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Recovery
2950 Themes and Motifs Objects Fishing rod
2958 Themes and Motifs Animals Fish
2964 Themes and Motifs Time Series of events experienced as long duration
2969 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Nihilism
2975 Themes and Motifs Objects Swing
2978 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Smelled like trees
2980 Themes and Motifs Death Death sentence
2995 Themes and Motifs Body Mouth
2997 Themes and Motifs Objects Jimson weed

Also known as Jamestown weed. -JBP

2998 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Slipping out at night

I needed a way to convey characters who secretly leave at night for some reason - Miss Quentin in S&F, but there is also Lena Grove and Joe Christmas in Light in August and probably others. Perhaps this could/should be a recurring trope? -JBP

3000 Themes and Motifs Texts Telegram
3008 Themes and Motifs Past Prehistory
3010 Themes and Motifs Animals Alligators
3011 Themes and Motifs Animals Bison
3012 Themes and Motifs Exile Dispossession
3013 Themes and Motifs Past Repetition
3020 Themes and Motifs Money Social force
3023 Themes and Motifs Texts Military communications
3039 Themes and Motifs Objects Booksatchel
3043 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Sending someone to Jackson
3059 Themes and Motifs Past As explanatory
3060 Themes and Motifs Naming And caste
3062 Themes and Motifs Story-telling Collaborative
3064 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Shadows
3065 Themes and Motifs Values Evil
3066 Themes and Motifs Objects Chair
3067 Themes and Motifs Objects Dogfennel
3068 Themes and Motifs Money Stingy with money
3079 Themes and Motifs Objects Cushion
3092 Themes and Motifs Texts Novel
3093 Themes and Motifs Past Freedom from it
3099 Themes and Motifs Death Anticipation of death
3103 Themes and Motifs Money As motive
3105 Themes and Motifs Objects Scissors
3108 Themes and Motifs Objects Pencil
3112 Themes and Motifs Objects Baby bottle
3117 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Of loved one
3119 Themes and Motifs Objects Handkerchief
3123 Themes and Motifs Values Sacrifice
3124 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Salvation
3125 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Redemption
3132 Themes and Motifs Absence/Loss Loss of innocence
3133 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Folklore
3134 Themes and Motifs Supernatural Superstitions
3138 Themes and Motifs Objects Bowl
3141 Themes and Motifs Objects Napkin
3143 Themes and Motifs Objects Drinking glass
3145 Themes and Motifs Body Arm
3146 Themes and Motifs Objects Paper
3148 Themes and Motifs Body Shoulder
3149 Themes and Motifs Money Gift of money
3156 Themes and Motifs Objects Hot water bottle
3157 Themes and Motifs Body Testicles
3160 Themes and Motifs Meaning Misinterpretation
3162 Themes and Motifs Futility Failure to defend honor
3165 Themes and Motifs Objects Curtains
3166 Themes and Motifs Time Being in time

Added to mark those moments when Quentin Compson explicitly refers to being "in" time -- subject to it, existing within it and unable to stop or evade its progression. This is opposite of course to those moments when he is "outside" of time and all that entails. JBP

3167 Themes and Motifs Time Being outside of time
3172 Themes and Motifs Futility Illusion of success or victory
