
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
2845 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Arkansas
2311 Cultural Issues Class Aristocratic posing
4958 Aesthetics Narrative Argument
964 Actions Verbal Arguing
5116 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Argonne
3602 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Arctic
525 Environment Domestic Space Architecture
4430 Environment Public Architecture
5056 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Architect captured
5655 Actions Work Architect
3594 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Archimedes
2928 Aesthetics Symbolism Archetype

I did not see archetype anywhere else in the keyword list, so I added it here under symbolism - for when a text refers to something clearly archetypal, like the tree in S&F. -JBP

5177 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Archangel Michael
3471 Aesthetics Language Archaic
5088 Cultural Issues History Archaeology
3438 Environment Atmospheric Arcadian
2968 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Arcadia
2365 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Arabian Nights
549 Cultural Issues Clothes Apron
5320 Environment Time of Year April Fool's
1855 Environment Time of Year April
1251 Actions Physical Apprehending
5499 Cultural Issues Technology Appliance
3738 Themes and Motifs Objects Apple tree
631 Themes and Motifs Body Appearance-plain
1284 Cultural Issues Sexuality Appearance of
1090 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Appearance
4209 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Apparition
3876 Cultural Issues Religion Apotheosis
4216 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Apotheosis
1801 Actions Verbal Apology
3251 Aesthetics Tone Apocalyptic
3090 Actions Emotional Apathy
2984 Environment Domestic Space Apartment
3455 Themes and Motifs Past Anxiety about|Resistance to change
777 Actions Emotional Anxiety
3884 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Ants
2379 Themes and Motifs Animals Ants
3776 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Antony and Cleopatra
1615 Themes and Motifs Objects Antlers
3485 Aesthetics Language Antimetabole
3099 Themes and Motifs Death Anticipation of death
1901 Aesthetics Narrative Anticipation
4721 Actions Emotional Anticipation
2749 Themes and Motifs Time Anticipation
4470 Cultural Issues Prejudice Anti-Semitism
5460 Cultural Issues History Anti-Communism|McCarthy Era
1638 Aesthetics Narrative Anti-climax
4967 Cultural Issues Prejudice Anti-Catholic
5504 Cultural Issues Prejudice Anti-Asian
4847 Themes and Motifs Texts Anthropological
1633 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Annual
4064 Actions Emotional Annoyed
1866 Actions Verbal Announcing
2270 Aesthetics Description Animate/Inanimate
4803 Relationships Interspecies Animals preying on humans
2222 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Animals compared to people
5616 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Animals compared to objects
364 Themes and Motifs (First level term) Animals
3277 Actions Non-human Animal senses
1834 Actions Violent Animal predatory behavior
4535 Themes and Motifs Death Animal mule
2910 Themes and Motifs Death Animal horse
2073 Themes and Motifs Death Animal Dog
5512 Cultural Issues Food Animal crackers
2082 Themes and Motifs Death Animal bear
2902 Actions Violent Animal attack on human
799 Actions Violent Animal abuse
3959 Environment Olfactory Animal / stable
4383 Actions Emotional Anguish
2447 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Anglophile
823 Actions Emotional Anger
1526 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Angel
1295 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Anemia
4696 Cultural Issues Gender And religion
5520 Cultural Issues Economy And racism
5456 Cultural Issues Politics And race
5006 Actions Hunting And race
5013 Cultural Issues Crime And race
1727 Cultural Issues Clothes And race
2410 Cultural Issues Law And progress
3178 Cultural Issues Slavery And progress
5375 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity And nationality
3193 Themes and Motifs Past And monuments
5443 Cultural Issues Gender And marriage
4428 Themes and Motifs Death And inheritance
4760 Cultural Issues Clothes And identity
5011 Cultural Issues Clothes And gender
5551 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural And gender
4740 Aesthetics Ambiguity And detective plot
4291 Actions Communication And deafness
4426 Cultural Issues Clothes And class
4857 Cultural Issues Religion And class
5377 Themes and Motifs Art And civilization
4950 Themes and Motifs Time And change
3060 Themes and Motifs Naming And caste
4741 Themes and Motifs Determinism And an animal
5587 Cultural Issues Clothes And age
5466 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Ancient Greeks
1990 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Ancient Greek Chorus
