
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
981 Actions Mental Understanding
933 Aesthetics Typography/Orthography Underlining
1374 Cultural Issues Clothes Underclothes, male
1375 Cultural Issues Clothes Underclothes, female
4700 Aesthetics Narrative Under oath
2360 Themes and Motifs Psychological Unconscious
2974 Relationships Familial Uncle-niece
2444 Relationships Intergenerational Uncle-nephew
496 Relationships Familial Uncle-nephew
3696 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Uncle Tom's Cabin
3697 Cultural Issues Race Uncle Tom
2035 Cultural Issues Government Uncle Sam
2818 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Uncle Remus
3528 Cultural Issues Race Uncle as term for black man
4655 Cultural Issues Religion Uncharitable
575 Actions Mental Uncertainty
4159 Relationships Familial Uncertain relationship
1881 Themes and Motifs Memory Uncertain
2349 Actions Mental Unaware
1422 Cultural Issues Sexuality Unattractiveness
1658 Themes and Motifs Objects Umbrella
2605 Actions Verbal Ultimatum
3476 Themes and Motifs Appearance Ugliness
4050 Cultural Issues Nationality U.S. citizenship
4079 Cultural Issues War U.S. Army
416 Aesthetics (First level term) Typography/Orthography
4533 Cultural Issues Technology Typewriter
5638 Environment Time of Day Two o'clock p.m.
5664 Environment Time of Day Two o'clock a.m.
1953 Relationships Familial Twins
3595 Environment Atmospheric Twinkling
1024 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Twilight
500 Environment Time of Day Twilight
5402 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Twenty-One Club
5556 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tutwiler, Mississippi
2417 Relationships Intergenerational Tutor-student
4802 Themes and Motifs Animals Turtles
3989 Actions Physical Turning away
1626 Actions Hunting Turkey hunting
736 Themes and Motifs Animals Turkey
5470 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Tunbridge Wells, England
5122 Environment Time of Year Tuesday
779 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Trying to say
5219 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Trying to kill Gualdres
4704 Themes and Motifs Home Trying to go home
591 Themes and Motifs Values Truth/Lies
5112 Relationships Economical Trustee-ward
1227 Themes and Motifs Character Trust
1653 Themes and Motifs Objects Trunk
2048 Actions Movement Truck
1041 Themes and Motifs Objects Truck
4435 Cultural Issues Education Truancy
2316 Cultural Issues Clothes Trousseau
4795 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Trotline
3628 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Trophy
3391 Actions Emotional Triumph
1950 Themes and Motifs Recurring Tropes Triumph
3336 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Tristan and Isolde
3808 Actions Physical Tripping
2523 Actions Legal Trial
511 Cultural Issues Law Trial
4262 Cultural Issues Law Trespassing
2850 Cultural Issues War Trenches
1443 Actions Physical Trembling
1445 Actions Bodily Trembling
2252 Environment Natural Trees
2253 Environment Olfactory Trees
2929 Environment Auditory Tree / leaves
4601 Themes and Motifs Texts Treaty
4116 Themes and Motifs Money Treasure
4939 Cultural Issues Crime Treason
3914 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Treadmill
2213 Cultural Issues Entertainment Traveling show

Any kind of traveling show - the show in "The Sound and the Fury," for instance, or the circus in "Light in August." JBP

4194 Actions Work Traveling salesman
1549 Themes and Motifs Time Travel back in time
3091 Actions Physical Travel
1452 Cultural Issues Global Travel
4841 Cultural Issues Health and Illness Traumatized
4284 Themes and Motifs Past Traumatic
1921 Themes and Motifs Psychological Trauma
2619 Cultural Issues Gender Transsexuality
869 Actions Physical Transporting
4871 Themes and Motifs Texts Translation
838 Cultural Issues Labor Translation
325 Cultural Issues Slavery Transhistorical
3212 Actions Communication Transcribing
795 Themes and Motifs Time Transcended
4488 Cultural Issues History Transatlantic migration
4487 Actions Economic Transactional
4819 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Trans-regional
3686 Actions Physical Trampling
1160 Themes and Motifs Inheritance Traits

In the biological sense rather than the legal or economic one: inherited physical, psychological, or moral characteristics. JW

1791 Cultural Issues Gender Traits

Indicates when a particular quality is attributed to a character on the basis of their gender, such as when Miss Belle Worsham is described as possessing "some old, timeless, female affinity for blood and grief" (p. 261) in "Go Down, Moses." BR

980 Cultural Issues Progress Trains
4015 Actions Military Training
2769 Environment Public Train Station/Train depot
3791 Environment Auditory Train sound
5615 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Train / locomotive imagery
3640 Themes and Motifs Objects Train
1763 Actions Movement Train
