
Term ID Vocabulary Parent Termsort ascending Description
1198 Environment Place Sawmill
1960 Environment Auditory Sawing
2761 Actions Physical Sawing
4516 Themes and Motifs Objects Saw
4068 Cultural Issues Economy Savings
4521 Actions Economic Saving money
5289 Themes and Motifs Money Saving
4849 Cultural Issues Cultural Identity Savagism
4415 Environment Time of Day Saturday night
5132 Environment Time of Day Saturday morning
5636 Environment Time of Day Saturday evening
5640 Environment Time of Day Saturday
1757 Environment Time of Year Saturday
1281 Actions Emotional Satisfaction
5086 Aesthetics Language Satire
3716 Cultural Issues Ritual Sati or suttee
4318 Themes and Motifs Objects Satchel
2352 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Satan
2834 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Saskatchewan
5044 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris raises regiment
5078 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris escapes Yankees
5045 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris deposed
5026 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris captures Yankees
5040 Aesthetics Recurring Episodes Sartoris builds railroad
1361 Aesthetics Tone Sarcastic
2573 Aesthetics Allusion, Mythical Santa Claus

I'm assuming the group of people who both read Faulkner and believe in Santa Claus is relatively small, so saying he is mythical is not a spoiler. JB

5642 Cultural Issues Food Sandwich
2895 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Sande, Earl
4144 Environment Natural Sand
5588 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical San Francisco
5359 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical San Diego, California
4546 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Samson
3124 Themes and Motifs Philosophical Salvation
5561 Cultural Issues Religion Salvation
3693 Actions Physical Saluting
3678 Cultural Issues Agriculture Salt lick
4822 Themes and Motifs Objects Salt
2766 Environment Place Saloon
5101 Cultural Issues Economy Sales contract
5506 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Saint Mihiel
3351 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Saint Louis Fair of 1904 / Louisiana Purchase Exposition
3269 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Saint Francis
2391 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Saint
1392 Actions Emotional Sadness
1992 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddlebag
2797 Themes and Motifs Objects Saddle
3613 Cultural Issues Religion Sacrilege
4632 Aesthetics Allusion, Biblical Sacrificial Animal
2328 Aesthetics Figures of Speech Sacrifice
3123 Themes and Motifs Values Sacrifice
4192 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Sacramental
2705 Cultural Issues War Sabotage
4369 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Sabine people
1935 Cultural Issues Religion Sabbath
3459 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Sabatini, Rafael
2024 Themes and Motifs Character Ruthless
2837 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Ruth, George Herman "Babe"
5453 Cultural Issues History Russian Revolution
4519 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Russia
979 Aesthetics Diction Rural vernacular
2712 Cultural Issues Region Rural South
1759 Cultural Issues Education Rural school
1368 Cultural Issues Economy Rural sales
643 Cultural Issues Clothes Rural poverty
5296 Cultural Issues Economy Rural industry
557 Environment Place Rural
602 Cultural Issues Identity, Cultural Rural
3386 Cultural Issues Technology Running water
4000 Environment Auditory Running sound
1995 Themes and Motifs Time Running out
1601 Actions Movement Running away
1862 Actions Physical Running
1914 Actions Movement Running
749 Actions Bodily Running
787 Themes and Motifs Arrivals/Departures Run away
558 Actions Verbal Rumor
4776 Cultural Issues War Rules of engagement
3707 Cultural Issues Race Rules / norms for addressing whites
4891 Cultural Issues Hunting and Fishing Rules
2556 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Rubicon
4444 Themes and Motifs Objects rubber tree
4077 Cultural Issues War Royal Air Force
3463 Themes and Motifs Time Routine
4539 Themes and Motifs Objects Rope
997 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roosevelt, Franklin D.
2809 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roosevelt, Eleanor
3335 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Romeo and Juliet
4363 Aesthetics Allusion, Geographical Rome
1575 Relationships Interracial Romantic
404 Relationships (First level term) Romantic
3659 Aesthetics Genre Conventions Romance / Romanticism
3462 Aesthetics Allusion, Literary Romance
1795 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roman senator
5593 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roman salute
2357 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roman consul
5623 Aesthetics Symbolism Roman
3986 Actions Physical Rolling / wallowing
4391 Aesthetics Allusion, Historical Roland of Roncesvalles
3973 Environment Auditory Rodent sounds
3823 Environment Natural Rocks / stones
