
Vocabulary: Aesthetics
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
3667 Battle of Atlanta Allusion, Historical
4386 Battle of Chickamauga Allusion, Historical
4389 Battle of Corinth Allusion, Historical
4928 Battle of Culloden Moor Allusion, Historical
4387 Battle of Franklin Allusion, Historical
5046 Battle of Jefferson Recurring Episodes
4451 Battle of Lookout Mountain Allusion, Historical
5657 Battle of Manassas Allusion, Historical
5082 Battle of Resaca Allusion, Historical
4442 Battle of Ronceavaux Pass Allusion, Historical
4575 Battle of Second Manassas Allusion, Historical
4388 Battle of Vicksburg Allusion, Historical
5218 Bayard and the lost generation Recurring Episodes
5029 Bayard avenges Johnny Recurring Episodes
4506 Beale Street, Memphis, Tennessee Allusion, Geographical
5189 Beardsley Allusion, Historical
3433 Beauregard, P. G. T. Allusion, Historical
2667 Beelzebub Allusion, Biblical
4111 Beethoven, Ludwig van Allusion, Historical
4340 Ben-Hur Allusion, Literary
1122 Benjamin Allusion, Biblical
5034 Benjy accosts schoolgirl Recurring Episodes
5611 Benjy castrated Recurring Episodes
5204 Benjy committed Recurring Episodes
5036 Benjy's name changed Recurring Episodes
5673 Bernhardt, Sarah Allusion, Historical
4392 Bertrand du Guesclin Allusion, Historical
4085 Bestial imagery Figures of Speech
4331 Bible verse on children Allusion, Biblical
3323 Bible verse on sparrows Allusion, Biblical
3569 Biblical Language
5482 Biloxi, Mississippi Allusion, Geographical
1821 Bird Figures of Speech
4269 Birmingham, Alabama Allusion, Geographical
Vocabulary: Cultural Issues
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5449 Battle of Britain History
2522 Battle of Bull Run History
5020 Battle of Shiloh|Pittsburg Landing History
3001 Beach resort Entertainment
4185 Bear meat Food
1826 Beaver hat Clothes
2575 Beer Alcohol
4816 Behaving "white" Race
4636 Behaving/becoming "black" Race

This tag is used when a white character's appearance or behavior is associated with "blackness." Examples: when Jason Compson says in The Sound and the Fury that Miss Quentin's promiscuous behavior means she is "acting like a nigger" (181) or when Vardaman Bundren notes how his brother Cash's injured foot and his brother Jewel's burned back are turning black, "like a nigger's foot" or back (224). The trope isn't simply descriptive: it implies a loss of status, a threat to one's racial identity.

3367 Being well read / erudite Education
5169 Belt Clothes
1471 Bible Religion
303 Biblical analogy Slavery
293 Biblical curse Slavery
4888 Big Bottom Migration
288 Big house vs quarters Slavery
1142 Bill of sale Law
3040 Birth control Sexuality
4710 Birth defect Health and Illness
2209 Birthday Ritual
2210 Birthday cake Food
2338 Birthright Class
5677 Biscuits Food
3748 Bitch Gender
4397 Bivouac fires War
Vocabulary: Environment
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
5485 Beach Natural
778 Bedroom Domestic Space
4623 Bedroom Place
2685 Bees Auditory
1988 Bells Auditory
3397 Benzene Olfactory
5246 Between harvesting and planting Time of Year
5241 Between planting and harvesting Time of Year
4726 Beyond living world passim Otherworldly
2488 Birdsong Auditory
Vocabulary: Themes and Motifs
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
734 Bear Animals
2322 Beautiful/handsome Appearance
3994 Beavers Animals
3276 Bed Objects
3166 Being in time Time

Added to mark those moments when Quentin Compson explicitly refers to being "in" time -- subject to it, existing within it and unable to stop or evade its progression. This is opposite of course to those moments when he is "outside" of time and all that entails. JBP

3294 Being late / tardiness Time
3293 Being on time / punctuality Time
3167 Being outside of time Time
1982 Belatedness Recurring Tropes
4374 Belonging Home
3850 Beyond Recurring Tropes

I added this keyword to mark places where a character or text contemplates or imagines exceeding ordinary or usual boundaries. Specifically, this was added for when Quentin starts imagining "a hell beyond that" for him and Caddy. It can be used when "beyond" or a similar construction is used in figurative ways. JBP

1388 Bible Objects
4818 Bible Texts
3674 Bill Money
1393 Birds Animals
3011 Bison Animals
Vocabulary: Actions
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
715 Bear hunting Hunting

Event refers specifically to BEAR hunting. JP

3387 Beating Violent
1126 Begging Verbal
4855 Being pursued Physical
3611 Believing Mental
2736 Betrayal Emotional
3777 Betting Play
4310 Bewilderment Emotional
4422 Bicycle Movement
3709 Bidding farewell / Saying goodbye Verbal
3321 Bird flying Non-human
4011 Bird hunting Hunting
3319 Bird watching a human Non-human
3618 Birth / Being born Bodily
Vocabulary: Relationships
Term ID Termsort descending Parent Description
1168 Bigamy Marital
