
Displaying 301 - 400 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupation Ranksort ascending
Virginia Sartoris Du Pre Sanctuary Du Pre, Jenny Sartoris Secondary view
Henry Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Henry Secondary view
Manfred de Spain The Town De Spain, Manfred Administrative Secondary view
I.O. Snopes The Town Snopes, I.O. Transportation Secondary view
Nathan Bedford Forrest "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Forrest, Nathan Bedford Armed Forces Secondary view
Philadelphy "Ambuscade" Philadelphy Secondary view
(Miss) Quentin "Appendix: Compson" Quentin, (Miss) Secondary view
Caspey Strother Flags in the Dust Strother, Caspey Domestic Service Secondary view
Gerald Bland The Sound and the Fury Bland, Gerald Secondary view
Butch Lovemaiden The Reivers Lovemaiden, Butch Administrative Secondary view
Rafe MacCallum "Knight's Gambit" McCallum, Rafe Farming Secondary view
Earl The Sound and the Fury Earl Sales and Service Secondary view
Nathaniel Burden Light in August Burden, Nathaniel Secondary view
Grumby "Vendee" Grumby Criminal Secondary view
Montgomery Ward Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Montgomery Ward Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Jefferson Townsmen 2 Light in August Unnamed Jefferson Townsmen Secondary view
Matt Bowden The Unvanquished Bowden, Matt Criminal Secondary view
Ikkemotubbe "Red Leaves" Doom Secondary view
Mrs. Littlejohn The Hamlet Littlejohn, Mrs. Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Town Boy 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Town Boy(1) Secondary view
Hoake|Hoke McCarron The Mansion McCarron, Hoke Management Secondary view
Barton Kohl The Mansion Kohl, Barton Other Secondary view
Eula Varner Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, Eula Secondary view
Max Confrey Light in August Confrey, Max Criminal Secondary view
Devries "By the People" Devries Secondary view
Unnamed Negro Headman "Red Leaves" Unnamed Negro Headman Secondary view
Bayard Sartoris II The Town Sartoris, Colonel Administrative Secondary view
Miss Cayley "Knight's Gambit" Cayley, Miss Secondary view
Lemuel Stevens "Tomorrow" Stevens, Grandfather of Chick Professional Secondary view
Jason Lycurgus Compson II Absalom, Absalom! Compson, General Management Secondary view
Labove The Hamlet Labove Professional Secondary view
Chevalier Soeur-Blonde de Vitry "Red Leaves" De Vitry, Chevalier Soeur Blonde Secondary view
Unnamed Hitman "Smoke" Unnamed Hitman Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Mourners at Red's Funeral Sanctuary Unnamed Mourners at Red's Funeral Secondary view
Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 7 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Deputy Sheriff Administrative Secondary view
Ringo "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek" Ringo Secondary view
John Sartoris I "Ambuscade" Sartoris, Colonel John Armed Forces Secondary view
Jim Bond Absalom, Absalom! Bond, Jim Secondary view
Dilsey Gibson "Appendix: Compson" Dilsey Domestic Service Secondary view
(Little) Belle Mitchell Flags in the Dust Mitchell, (Little) Belle Secondary view
Benbow Sartoris "There Was a Queen" Sartoris, Benbow Secondary view
Gavin Stevens Go Down, Moses Stevens, Gavin Administrative Secondary view
Miss Atkins Light in August Atkins, Miss Professional Secondary view
Charles Mallison II "By the People" Charles Secondary view
Loosh The Unvanquished Loosh Secondary view
Dr. Schofield "The Tall Men" Schofield, Dr. Professional Secondary view
Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 8 Light in August Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople Secondary view
Will Varner The Mansion Varner, Will Management Secondary view
Moseley As I Lay Dying Moseley Professional Secondary view
Will Varner "By the People" Varner, Uncle Billy Management Secondary view
Captain Warren "Knight's Gambit" Warren, Captain Farming Secondary view
Samuel Worsham Beauchamp "Go Down, Moses" Beauchamp, Samuel Worsham Criminal Secondary view
Tobe 2 "A Rose for Emily" Tobe Domestic Service Secondary view
Percy Grimm Light in August Grimm, Percy Production Secondary view
Unnamed Son of Lena Grove Light in August Unnamed Son of Lena Grove Secondary view
Melissa Meek "Appendix: Compson" Meek, Melissa Professional Secondary view
Jim Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Gant, Jim Sales and Service Secondary view
Gowan Stevens The Town Stevens, Gowan Secondary view
Log-in-the-Creek "A Courtship" Log-in-the-Creek Secondary view
Harry Mitchell Flags in the Dust Mitchell, Harry Management Secondary view
Charley 1 Light in August Charley Professional Secondary view
Milly Jones "Wash" Jones, Milly Secondary view
Jackson MacCallum Flags in the Dust MacCallum, Jackson Farming Secondary view
Unnamed Town Boy 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Town Boy(2) Secondary view
Luster The Sound and the Fury Luster Domestic Service Secondary view
Colonel Nathaniel G. Dick The Unvanquished Dick, Colonel Nathaniel G. Armed Forces Secondary view
Redlaw|Redmond The Unvanquished Redmond, Ben Professional Secondary view
Charles Mallison II "Tomorrow" Mallison, Charles II Secondary view
Buck Hipps The Hamlet Hipps, Buck Sales and Service Secondary view
Tommy Sanctuary Tommy Criminal Secondary view
Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Bon Absalom, Absalom! Bon, Charles Etienne Saint-Valery Secondary view
Eustace Graham Sanctuary Graham, Eustace Administrative Secondary view
Sis Rachel Flags in the Dust Rachel, Sis Domestic Service Secondary view
Gavin Stevens Light in August Stevens, Gavin Administrative Secondary view
Dennison Hawk II "Raid" Hawk, Denny Secondary view
Rosa Millard "Vendee" Millard, Rosa Secondary view
Aunt Sally Wyatt Flags in the Dust Wyatt, Aunt Sally Secondary view
Isom Strother "There Was a Queen" Isom Domestic Service Secondary view
Mack Winbush The Reivers Winbush, Mack Peripheral view
Unnamed Father of Addie Bundren As I Lay Dying Unnamed Father of Addie Bundren Peripheral view
Beauchamp, Grandchildren of Lucas "A Point of Law" Beauchamp, Grandchildren of Lucas Peripheral view
George Washington The Sound and the Fury Washington, George Management Peripheral view
Mrs. Skipworth Intruder in the Dust Skipworth, Mrs. Peripheral view
Unnamed Sheriff 8 "Monk" Unnamed Sheriff Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Suratt "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Suratt Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Union Soldiers 12 The Hamlet Unnamed Union Soldiers Armed Forces Peripheral view
Thomas Sutpen's Brother 3 Absalom, Absalom! Sutpen, Brothers of Thomas(3) Peripheral view
General Grant Light in August Grant, General Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Old Man Killegrew "Shall Not Perish" Killegrew, Old Man Farming Peripheral view
General Grant The Hamlet Grant, Ulysses S. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Quentin Compson II The Mansion Compson, Governor Administrative Peripheral view
Unnamed Southern Writers Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Southern Writers Other Peripheral view
Snopes, Descendants of Ab "Barn Burning" Snopes, Descendants of Ab Peripheral view
Gene Tunney "Lion" Tunney, Gene Other Peripheral view
General Sherman "A Bear Hunt" Sherman, William T. Armed Forces Peripheral view
Unnamed Confederate Doctors Light in August Unnamed Confederate Doctors Professional Peripheral view
Unnamed Dog Aficianados, Trainers and Owners The Reivers Unnamed Dog Aficianados, Trainers and Owners Peripheral view
Jake Kilrain Go Down, Moses Kilrain, Jake Other Peripheral view
Mister Joe Butler Flags in the Dust Butler, Joe Peripheral view
Unnamed Local Casualty of War "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Local Casualty of War Armed Forces Peripheral view


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