
Displaying 1501 - 1600 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort ascending Rank
Unnamed Negro Janitor 3 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Janitor Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negroes 10 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Negroes in Delta Camp Domestic Service Minor view
T.P. Gibson The Sound and the Fury Gibson, T.P. Domestic Service Secondary view
Unnamed Extra Groom "Beyond" Unnamed Extra Groom Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver 3 The Town Unnamed Negro Carriage Driver Domestic Service Minor view
Wilkie 1 The Sound and the Fury Wilkie Domestic Service Peripheral view
Uncle Job 2 The Town Job Domestic Service Minor view
Sis Rachel Flags in the Dust Rachel, Sis Domestic Service Secondary view
Isom Strother Sanctuary Isom Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Servants at Backus Place The Mansion Unnamed Servants at Backus Place Domestic Service Minor view
Paralee|Guster The Town Guster Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro House Servant 1 "Barn Burning" Unnamed Negro House Servant Domestic Service Secondary view
Dilsey Gibson "Appendix: Compson" Dilsey Domestic Service Secondary view
Rosie "That Will Be Fine" Rosie Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Aunt in Vicksburg "Delta Autumn" Unnamed Negro Aunt in Vicksburg Domestic Service Minor view
Mrs. Hamp Worsham Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Servant Domestic Service Minor view
Uncle Ash "The Old People" Ash, Uncle Domestic Service Minor view
Aunt Callie The Reivers Aunt Callie Domestic Service Minor view
Simon Strother Flags in the Dust Strother, Simon Domestic Service Major view
Unnamed Negro Driver 4 The Town Unnamed Negro Driver(1) Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Mammy 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Mammy Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Servant 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Servant Domestic Service Minor view
Uncle Ash "The Bear" Ash, Uncle Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Two House Servants "Beyond" Unnamed Two House Servants Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Butler 2 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Butler Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Servant 2 Absalom, Absalom! Unnamed Negro Servant Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 1 Flags in the Dust Unnamed Negro Chauffeur Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Companion The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Companion Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Three Negroes 2 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Three Negroes at Edmonds Place Domestic Service Minor view
Elnora Strother "All the Dead Pilots" Elnora Domestic Service Minor view
Simon Strother The Mansion Unnamed Negro Coachman(1) Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Chauffeur 3 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Chauffeur Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Cook 6 The Town Unnamed Negro Cook(1) Domestic Service Minor view
Mandy 2 "That Will Be Fine" Mandy Domestic Service Minor view
Isaac Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Ike Domestic Service Secondary view
Meloney Harris Flags in the Dust Harris, Meloney Domestic Service Secondary view
Tennie's Jim|James Beauchamp "The Bear" Tennie's Jim Domestic Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Servants 3 "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Negro Servants(1) Domestic Service Minor view
Joby 1 "Skirmish at Sartoris" Joby Domestic Service Minor view
Minnie The Reivers Minnie Domestic Service Secondary view
Simon Strother "There Was a Queen" Strother, Simon Domestic Service Minor view
Caspey Strother "There Was a Queen" Caspey Criminal Minor view
Rodney "That Will Be Fine" Rodney Criminal Major view
Anselm Holland II "Smoke" Holland, Jr., Anselm Criminal Major view
Unnamed Bandits "A Name for the City" Unnamed Bandits Criminal Minor view
Ab Snopes The Unvanquished Snopes, Ab Criminal Secondary view
Harriss The Town Unnamed Husband of Melisandre Backus Criminal Minor view
Grumby's Gang The Unvanquished Unnamed Men in Grumby's Gang Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Vicksburg Prostitute The Mansion Unnamed Vicksburg Prostitute Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Bootlegger 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Bootlegger(1) Criminal Minor view
Vera The Reivers Vera Criminal Minor view
Harpe Brothers "A Name for the City" Harpe Brothers Criminal Peripheral view
Grumby The Unvanquished Grumby Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Burglars The Mansion Unnamed Burglars Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Men in Grotto Club Sanctuary Unnamed Men in Grotto Club Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Bootlegger 2 Sanctuary Unnamed Bootlegger(2) Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 1 The Reivers Unnamed Memphis Prostitute(1) Criminal Minor view
Jakeleg Wattman The Mansion Wattman, Jakeleg Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Bandit Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Bandit Criminal Minor view
Nub Gowrie The Mansion Gowrie, Nub Criminal Minor view
Mason's Ruffians "A Name for the City" Mason's Ruffians Criminal Peripheral view
Red Sanctuary Red Criminal Secondary view
Bobbie Allen Light in August Allen, Bobbie Criminal Secondary view
Lee Goodwin Sanctuary Goodwin, Lee Criminal Major view
Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Prostitute 2 The Reivers Unnamed Memphis Prostitute(2) Criminal Minor view
Murrell's Gang "A Name for the City" Murrell's Gang Criminal Peripheral view
John Basket "A Bear Hunt" Basket, John Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Smugglers "Knight's Gambit" Unnamed Smugglers Criminal Minor view
Joe 2 Sanctuary Joe Criminal Minor view
Reba Rivers Sanctuary Rivers, Reba Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Negro at Jakeleg Wattman's The Mansion Unnamed Negro at Jakeleg Wattman's Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 4 The Mansion Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes(2) Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Moonshiner 1 Go Down, Moses Unnamed Moonshiner Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Men Who Work with Ab Snopes The Unvanquished Unnamed Men Who Work with Ab Snopes Criminal Minor view
Nub Gowrie The Town Gowrie, Mr. Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Wilderness Outlaws "A Name for the City" Unnamed Wilderness Outlaws Criminal Peripheral view
Gene Sanctuary Gene Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes 2 Light in August Unnamed Memphis Prostitutes Criminal Peripheral view
Max Confrey Light in August Confrey, Max Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed White Man 6 The Reivers Unnamed White Man Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Craps Dealer Sanctuary Unnamed Craps Dealer Criminal Minor view
Reba Rivers Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Madam Criminal Minor view
Fraser 2 "Monk" Fraser, Mr. Criminal Minor view
Aunt Fittie The Reivers Aunt Fittie Criminal Minor view
Van Sanctuary Van Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Moonshiner 1 "Pantaloon in Black" Unnamed Moonshiner Criminal Minor view
Harriss "Knight's Gambit" Harriss, Mr. Criminal Secondary view
Calvin BookwrightBookright The Mansion Bookwright, Calvin Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Gamblers and Cutthroats "Red Leaves" Unnamed Gamblers and Cutthroats Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Grotto Club Bouncer Sanctuary Unnamed Grotto Club Bouncer Criminal Minor view
Unnamed Southern Prostitutes and Madams Light in August Unnamed Southern Prostitutes and Madams Criminal Minor view
Grumby "Vendee" Grumby Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Bandit "A Name for the City" Unnamed Bandit Criminal Minor view
Samuel Worsham Beauchamp Go Down, Moses Beauchamp, Samuel Worsham Criminal Secondary view
Tommy Sanctuary Tommy Criminal Secondary view
Unnamed Men with Gene Sanctuary Unnamed Men with Gene Criminal Minor view
Grumby's Gang "The Unvanquished" Unnamed Men in Grumby's Gang Criminal Minor view
Mr. Binford The Reivers Binford, Mr. Criminal Minor view
Thelma The Mansion Thelma Criminal Minor view


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