
Displaying 4701 - 4800 of 5013

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CharKey Text Name Occupationsort descending Rank
Earl The Mansion Triplett, Earl Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Bootblack Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Bootblack Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Post Office Employee The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Post Office Employee Sales and Service Minor view
Montgomery Ward Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Montgomery Ward Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Husband of Popeye's Grandmother Sanctuary Unnamed Husband of Popeye's Grandmother Sales and Service Minor view
Uncle Willy Christian The Town Christian, Uncle Willy Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Rouncewell The Mansion Rouncewell, Miz Sales and Service Minor view
Jason Compson IV "Appendix: Compson" Compson, Jason, IV Sales and Service Major view
Grimm, Father of Percy Light in August Grimm, Father of Percy Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Newspaper Boy The Mansion Unnamed Newspaper Boy Sales and Service Minor view
Aaron Rideout|Grover Cleveland Winbush The Town Winbush, Grover Cleveland Sales and Service Minor view
Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan Intruder in the Dust McGowan, Skeets Sales and Service Minor view
V.K. Suratt|Ratliff The Mansion Ratliff, V.K. Sales and Service Major view
Pat Stamper "Fool About a Horse" Stamper, Pat Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Whisky-Trader 1 "A Justice" Unnamed Trader Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. Winterbottom Flags in the Dust Winterbottom, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
Alexander Holston The Mansion Holston, Alexander Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro Waitress Sanctuary Unnamed Negro Waitress Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Salesman 1 "Gold Is Not Always" Unnamed Salesman Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Drugstore Clerk 2 "Smoke" Unnamed Drugstore Clerk Sales and Service Minor view
Ballenbaugh 1 The Reivers Ballenbaugh I Sales and Service Minor view
Mitch Ewing "Hair" Ewing, Mitch Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Detective Sanctuary Unnamed Detective Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Executives in St. Louis Go Down, Moses Unnamed Executives in Saint Louis Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Hardware Store Clerk The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Hardware Store Clerk Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Porter 3 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Porter(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Pat Stamper The Hamlet Stamper, Pat Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Ballott The Reivers Ballott, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed "Brassy-Haired" Woman The Reivers Unnamed "Brassy-Haired" Woman Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Suratt "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Unnamed Brother-in-Law of Suratt Sales and Service Peripheral view
Dink Quistenberry The Town Quistenberry, Dink Sales and Service Minor view
Launcelot|Lump Snopes The Mansion Snopes, Lump Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Porter 4 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Porter(2) Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Student Barber Sanctuary Unnamed Student Barber Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Store Clerks Sanctuary Unnamed Store Clerks Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Mule Drovers "Mule in the Yard" Unnamed Mule Drovers Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bank Cashier 2 Light in August Unnamed Bank Cashier Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Automobile Salesman 1 The Mansion Unnamed Automobile Salesman(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House 2 The Mansion Unnamed Negro Employees of the Holston House Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Porter 1 The Unvanquished Unnamed Negro Porter Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed People in Want "A Bear Hunt" Unnamed People in Want Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Negro Janitor 1 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Negro Janitor Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. Wallstreet Panic Snopes The Town Snopes, Mrs. Wallstreet Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bank Cashier 1 "Dry September" Unnamed Bank Cashier Sales and Service Secondary view
Buck Turpin The Sound and the Fury Turpin, Buck Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Jeweler 1 The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Jeweler Sales and Service Minor view
Jim 1 The Hamlet Unnamed Negro Hostler(1) Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Waiter 3 "Ad Astra" Unnamed Waiter Sales and Service Minor view
Gabe The Reivers Gabe Sales and Service Minor view
Jody Varner The Mansion Varner, Jody Sales and Service Minor view
I.O. Snopes "Spotted Horses" Snopes, I.O. Sales and Service Secondary view
Unnamed Groom 1 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Groom Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer Light in August Unnamed Furniture Repairer and Dealer Sales and Service Secondary view
Mrs. Littlejohn "Lizards in Jamshyd’s Courtyard" Littlejohn, Mrs. Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. Beard Light in August Beard, Mrs. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Salesgirls in Memphis Requiem for a Nun Unnamed Salesgirls in Memphis Sales and Service Minor view
Eula Varner Snopes "Centaur in Brass" Snopes, Mrs. Flem Sales and Service Minor view
Stovall "That Evening Sun" Stovall, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Barber 3 Sanctuary Unnamed Barber Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Claims Adjuster "Mule in the Yard" Unnamed Claims Adjuster Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Habersham The Unvanquished Habersham, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Bank Cashier 6 "Mule in the Yard" Unnamed Bank Teller Sales and Service Minor view
Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan The Mansion Magowan, Skeets Sales and Service Minor view
Watts 1 Flags in the Dust Watts Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Interior Decorator from Memphis The Mansion Unnamed Interior Decorator from Memphis Sales and Service Minor view
Mrs. Holston The Unvanquished Holston, Mrs. Sales and Service Peripheral view
Samson 2 The Town Samson Sales and Service Minor view
Lonzo Hait The Town Hait, Lonzo Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Shopkeepers in Jefferson "Miss Zilphia Gant" Unnamed Shopkeepers in Jefferson Sales and Service Minor view
Mink The Sound and the Fury Mink Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Soda Fountain Clerk "Dry September" Unnamed Soda Fountain Clerk Sales and Service Minor view
Bidwell "Hair" Bidwell Sales and Service Minor view
Jason Compson IV The Sound and the Fury Compson, Jason Sales and Service Major view
Unnamed Patronne "Ad Astra" Unnamed Patronne Sales and Service Minor view
Luster 2 The Reivers Luster Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed People in Mottstown Station Light in August Unnamed People in Mottstown Station Sales and Service Minor view
Jim Gant "Miss Zilphia Gant" Gant, Jim Sales and Service Secondary view
I.O. Snopes Flags in the Dust Snopes, I. O. Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Claims Adjuster The Town Unnamed Claims Adjuster Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Gas Station Clerk Sanctuary Unnamed Gas Station Clerk Sales and Service Minor view
Mr. Lilley Intruder in the Dust Lilley, Mr. Sales and Service Minor view
'Toinette "All the Dead Pilots" 'Toinette Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Whisky-Trader 2 "A Courtship" Unnamed Whisky-Trader Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Financial Advisors The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Financial Advisors Sales and Service Peripheral view
Mrs. I.O. Snopes 1 The Town Snopes, First Wife of I.O. Snopes Sales and Service Minor view
Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan The Town McGowan, Skeets Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Caddies The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Caddies Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Old Woman in Paris Sanctuary Unnamed Old Woman in Paris Sales and Service Minor view
Flem Snopes The Hamlet Snopes, Flem Sales and Service Major view
Adam Fraser Intruder in the Dust Fraser, Adam Sales and Service Minor view
Byron Snopes Flags in the Dust Snopes, Byron Sales and Service Major view
Isaac McCaslin The Town McCaslin, Ike Sales and Service Minor view
Mike The Sound and the Fury Mike Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Negro "Least Boy" The Town Unnamed Negro "Least Boy" Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Clock Repairer The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Clock Repairer Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Jefferson Merchants and Professionals 1 Sanctuary Unnamed Jefferson Merchants and Professionals Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Print Shop Worker The Sound and the Fury Unnamed Print Shop Worker Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Counterman 2 Intruder in the Dust Unnamed Counterman Sales and Service Minor view
Unnamed Blockade Runners The Unvanquished Unnamed Blockade Runners Sales and Service Peripheral view
Unnamed Drummers 5 The Mansion Unnamed Drummers Sales and Service Minor view


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