Character Keys

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Code titlesort ascending biography
2955 Unnamed Roommate of Mrs. Mallison

In Intruder in the Dust Chick's mother exchanged friendship rings with this "room-mate" when they were in college together "at Sweetbriar Virginia" (68). The woman lives in California now, and her daughter goes to Sweetbriar.

1730 Unnamed Roman Soldiers

In his sermon in The Sound and the Fury Rev. Shegog refers to the Romans who hunt for the newborn Jesus as both the "po-lice" and as "sojers" (296).

2454 Unnamed Roman Consul

A "consul" was the highest elected official in the Roman Republic. In Absalom! the "youthful Roman consul" traveling among "barbarian hordes which his grandfather conquered" is the symbolic figure with whom Mr. Compson compares Charles Bon, the urban sophisticate visiting the "isolated Puritan country household" of Thomas Sutpen (74).

1599 Unnamed Robber

One of the men Colonel Sartoris kills in Flags in the Dust is called "that robber" by Will Fall; the context suggests he was trying to rob the money Sartoris carried as he was building the railroad through Yoknapatawpha. (This character and "that other feller" Sartoris kills in this novel seem combined into the character of the unnamed "hill man" in The Unvanquished, 23.)

3188 Unnamed Riverboat Gambler

According to the history of Jackson recounted in Requiem for a Nun, as the territory became more settled, the "steamboat gambler" replaced the keelboatman as "the river hero" (83). Since the gambler is only seen being put off the steamboat and "marooned" on a small island, the term "hero" is presumably freighted with irony (83).

1900 Unnamed Rich Woman

In Sanctuary, the woman who owns the limousine in which Popeye's grandmother leaves him becomes a kind of godmother to the child, making sure Popeye gets medical attention and often bringing him "to her home in afternoons and for holidays" (308). The narrative does not explain her motives in trying to help, but does show how they come to grief when her attempt to give him a birthday party is defeated by his violent antisocial behavior. Even after Popeye is sent to "a home for incorrigible children" (309), this woman continues to help Popeye's mother support herself (309).

695 Unnamed Rich Town Lady

This is the woman in As I Lay Dying who was going to have a party for which Cora made cakes; when she calls off the party, Cora is left holding the cakes. Cora's daughter Kate describes her, with some bitterness, as one of "those rich town ladies [who] can change their minds," though we have no direct evidence about her social status (7).

1240 Unnamed Revenue Officers and Deputies

In "A Point of Law" and again in Go Down, Moses, the "revenue officers and deputies" whom Lucas remembers worked for the U.S. government (215, 61). Selling or buying alcohol was illegal by Mississippi state law, but in general the moonshiners who made and sold whiskey were prosecuted for evading federal tax regulations.

1238 Unnamed Revenue Agent 3

The "federal revenue agent" in The Reivers who went out to Ballenbaugh's to investigate the production and sale of moonshine whiskey and never returned worked for the Treasury Department (73). The presumption is that he was killed by the moonshiners. 'Revenuers' - as they were called - were charged with enforcing laws against making and distributing illegal liquor.

1239 Unnamed Revenue Agent 2

Jack Crenshaw and this man whom The Town does not name are federal officers, "revenue field agents" (182), who "are just interested in whiskey, not photography" (183). They find the moonshine whiskey in Montgomery Ward Snopes' studio. (As officials whose task it is to make sure all alcohol production is properly taxed, 'revenuers' play a prominent role in the lore of moonshine whiskey.)

666 Unnamed Revenue Agent 1

A "revenue agent" was an employee of the U. S. Treasury Department charged with enforcing the Volstead Act prohibiting the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages during the Prohibition era. In "A Bear Hunt" Uncle Ash invents such a man, telling John Basket and the other Indians (who are making moonshine) that Luke Provine was a "new revenue agent" coming to catch them making illegal whisky (78).

3187 Unnamed Returning Confederates

The group of Confederate veterans who are in Yoknapatawpha after they finish active service includes the soldiers who were wounded in "the battle of Jefferson" (183), the men who were cut off from other Confederate forces during the last year of the Civil War, and "the men of '65," the men who fought until the surrender at Appomattox ended the war and left them to "find themselves alien" in the land they had been fighting for after they make their way back to it (184).

3466 Unnamed Restaurant Manager 3

In The Mansion this figure runs the restaurant at the airport in Memphis where Gavin and Ratliff stop for a coffee while they wait for Linda.

2791 Unnamed Restaurant Manager 2

Go Down, Moses notes that it is "a woman" who manages the restaurant in Memphis where Boon and Ike stop before returning to the hunting camp (222).

2056 Unnamed Restaurant Manager 1

In "Centaur in Brass," after "eliminating" the partner with whom he co-owns the restaurant, Flem Snopes procures a "hired manager" to run it (150). More cipher than character, this man's presence solidifies the town's opinion that the source of Flem's success in Jefferson is his beautiful wife. (Elsewhere in the fictions, when Flem moves on from the restaurant he puts a relative, one of his many 'cousins,' in it, but there's no indication that this "manager" is Flem's kin.)

1236 Unnamed Restaurant Customers 4

In The Town there are "half a dozen strangers not even kin to Snopeses by marriage" who are eating in the restaurant when Eck asks about what is really in the hamburgers he's cooking (34).

1235 Unnamed Restaurant Customers 3

In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, the other customers in the Memphis restaurant where Boon Hogganbeck and Quentin eat dinner listen to the drunken Boon's stories of Lion and Old Ben.

665 Unnamed Restaurant Customers 2

Although the narrator of "Centaur in Brass" says that "we" often saw Mrs. Snopes working in her husband's restaurant, he later suggests that most of the customers there were men from the surrounding countryside. Major Hoxey eats there, but he looks out of place "among the collarless shirts and the overalls and the grave, country-eating faces" of the other diners (151).

1237 Unnamed Restaurant Customers 1

At noon in Rogers' grocery and restaurant in Flags in the Dust are two different groups of people: there are "a number of customers" in the grocery, not otherwise described, and in the restaurant "a number of men and a woman or so, mostly country people" (119).

3299 Unnamed Residents of Wyott's Crossing

None of these people are mentioned as individuals in The Town, but Gavin and Charles pay a visit to this community, where the local population was "having some kind of a squabble over a drainage tax suit" (181).

3320 Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 2

In The Town these poor people, who are housed by the county, know about Mr. Hait's death and have "heard that Mrs. Hait had got eight thousand dollars for him" (242).

1598 Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 1

In Flags in the Dust Will Falls distributes the "pint of whisky" that is always part of the Thanksgiving and Christmas gift baskets given him by the Sartorises "among his ancient and homeless cronies" (301) in the county poorhouse.

3759 Unnamed Residents of Rouncewell's Boarding House

The other residents of the boarding house where Boon lives in The Reivers are described as "juries" who were in town "during court terms," "country litigants" also in town for court, and "horse- and mule-traders" (25).

1897 Unnamed Residents of Memphis' Restricted District

Sanctuary describes the people who live in "the restricted district" of Memphis through which Red's funeral procession passes in terms of their "faces," which "peer from beneath lowered shades" as it goes by (249). While it is not absolutely clear what "restricted district" refers to, the point of this passage seems to be to juxtapose two worlds in Memphis: the underworld and the respectable (but intimidated) citizenry.

3587 Unnamed Residents of Memphis

The various residents of Memphis who are mentioned in The Mansion include the people who, "forty-four and -five and -six years ago" (i.e. around the beginning of the 20th century), stood on the levee or "along the bluff" over the river to watch the grand river steamboats being loaded and unloaded (315). This group also includes the various crowds that Mink meets throughout the city.

1597 Unnamed Residents of Horace's New Town

Flags in the Dust characterizes the residents of Horace's new 'home' town - where he is clearly in exile - negatively. They have turned a Mississippi hamlet into a prosperous but squalid town. The engine of its economy is a factory making an unspecified product from the local cypress trees, which are all being chopped down. The narrator labels this populace with a series of pejorative terms, including "brigands" and "bugs" (373).

2188 Unnamed Residents of Doane's Mill

The people of Doane's Mill in Light in August only there temporarily. A few of them, including Lucas Burch, are "young bachelors" (6), but there are also "perhaps five families" living there and working "in the mill or for it" when Lena comes to live with McKinley and his family (4). One of these people is the "foreman" who serves as Lucas Burch's pretext for abandoning Lena Grove in Doane's Mill; another may be this foreman's "cousin," or he may be a figment of Burch's imagination (19).

2587 Unnamed Residents at Mrs. Littlejohn's

These women and (mostly) men stay at Mrs. Littlejohn's "hotel" in The Hamlet. In the Ike Snopes' narrative, Faulkner refers to them as "last night's new drummer-faces" - i.e. traveling salesmen who are staying for one night (182). While they can be classified as a group, these individuals are constantly coming and going, staying in Frenchman's Bend for variable amounts of time. Typically only men stay in Yoknapatawpha boarding houses, but in this case we know that Mrs. Armstid stays at Littlejohn's while her husband recovers.

3375 Unnamed Resident of Oxford

In The Town Linda Snopes asks "someone" in Oxford to tell her who was "the nicest lawyer for her to go to" about drawing up a will (343). The novel says nothing about this "someone," but since Oxford is where Faulkner lived, and the lawyer whom this person recommends is Faulkner's close friend [Phil] Stone, to whom the novel is dedicated, it's fun to wonder if Faulkner wrote himself into the novel in the role of this "someone."

2630 Unnamed Remote Kinswoman

In The Hamlet the orphaned Lucy Pate was raised by this remote relation; she imbued Lucy with the "domestic skill" of a "country heritage" and the values of "constancy and devotion" (227).

3758 Unnamed Relatives of Young Man Sartoris Killed

In The Reivers, the "collateral descending nephews and cousins" of the young man Colonel Sartoris killed consider Sartoris a "murderer" (73).

2187 Unnamed Relatives of Mrs. Hightower

Hightower's wife in Light in August is the only child of "one of the ministers, the teachers" in the seminary he attends (479), but this icon represents the imaginary "family" that Hightower invents to explain his wife's periodical absences in Memphis. He tells the congregation she has gone to visit them "downstate somewhere" (63).

2629 Unnamed Relatives of Lump Snopes

Lump Snopes' mother in The Hamlet was one "of a moil of sisters and brothers" (218). 'Moil' is an archaic term that can mean 'confusion,' so the sense of this is that she was one of many children; this reading is confirmed when the narrator notes that her father was "a congenital failure" who "begot . . . more children whom he could not quite feed" (218).

3584 Unnamed Reformist Sheriffs

The reference to this character|these characters in The Mansion is a good example of how hard it is to create data entries for many of the inhabitants of Faulkner's imaginative world. As part of the novel's description of Jake Wattman's moonshine operation, the narrator refers to the "recurrent new reform-administration sheriff" in Yoknapatawpha who hopes to raid it (244). "Sheriff" is singular. "Recurrent," however, suggests more than one sheriff.

664 Unnamed Reconstruction Treasurer

In "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished the "scrip dollar" that replaces Confederate money in Jefferson is "drawn on the United States Resident Treasurer, Yoknapatawpha County" (66, 199). All we see of this functionary in the story is his "neat clerk's hand[writing]" (66, 199), but presumably he is one of the Northerners working in the defeated South for one of the Reconstruction agencies.

2790 Unnamed Real Estate Speculators

In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of men who, according to him, were responsible for causing the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the wildcat manipulators of mythical wilderness townsites" (273).

3186 Unnamed Reader

Near the end of the third prose section of Requiem for a Nun, the narrator looks up from the story he is telling to address the reader directly as "you" (198). He identifies the reader as "a stranger, an outlander say from the East or the North or the Far West" (198), and speculates that "you" may be college educated, or "perhaps even" have an graduate degree from "Harvard or Northwestern or Stanford" (205). This second person plays a significant if rhetorical role in the way the history of Yoknapatawpha is ultimately evoked.

663 Unnamed Re-Enslaved Negroes

In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished there is a large group of Negroes who sought freedom with the Union army but who are turned over to Rosa Millard because of a clerical error. They are part of a much larger group of self-emancipated slaves, to Bayard it "looks like a thousand" (52, 110), who are waiting beside the pile of confiscated chests and the pen full of confiscated mules when Rosa Millard presents the faulty requisition order that calls for "110 Negroes of both sexes" to be "repossessed" to her (54, 112).

2870 Unnamed Random Boys

According to "An Error in Chemistry," "generations" of these "random boys" dug into the clay-pit on Wesley Pritchel's farm, where they found "Indian and even aboriginal relics - flint arrow-heads, axes and dishes ad skulls and thigh-bones and pipes" (119).

1461 Unnamed Railroad Workmen

In The Unvanquished Bayard twice mentions the "workmen" (225) who build Colonel Sartoris' railroad line to Jefferson. He pays them on "Saturdays" (220).

3374 Unnamed Railroad Owners

In The Town, I.O. Snopes refers, resentfully, to the men who own the railroad he regularly sues as "them cold hard millionaire railroad magnits" (i.e. magnates, 260)" - because when Mannie Hait's husband was killed on the track, they awarded all of the indemnity to her.

587 Unnamed Railroad Mail Carrier

The "lank, goose-necked man with a huge pistol strapped to his thigh" to whom, at the end of Flags in the Dust, Horace gives the letter he has written to Narcissa back in Jefferson (374).

1234 Unnamed Railroad Flagman 2

This white railroad employee's haste in getting off the train that carries Bryon Snopes' children to Jefferson in The Town is an early sign of trouble - a red flag of a different kind.

662 Unnamed Railroad Flagman 1

The flagman who helps Doc and Mrs. Hines into the vestibule at the railroad station in Light in August is not described.

3757 Unnamed Railroad Engineer 3

In The Reivers Lucius notes that "two other men" are waiting with Sam and the conductor beside the train that is going to carry the horse to Parsham; this is the one that, according to him, "must have been the engineer" (161).

3602 Unnamed Railroad Engineer 2

In The Mansion Mink sees this engineer "crouched dim and high above the hissing steam" as a night train pulls into the Jefferson station (39).

3095 Unnamed Railroad Engineer 1

In "Knight's Gambit" this is the engineer of the train Charles Mallison is taking to preflight training; he "blows the whistle at" Charles because he is holding up the train's departure (257) .

1428 Unnamed Railroad Brakeman 2

This is the train brakeman in "Monk" who sees an accomplice help Bill Terrel carry a body through the bushes and "fling it under the train" (59). Although he's clearly observant, the brakeman could not tell if the victim was dead or alive at the time.

1284 Unnamed Railroad Brakeman 1

In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, the brakeman on the logging train serving Hoke's lumber mill talks with Boon about the competitive merits and abilities of the dog Lion and the bear Old Ben, as though the two animals were rivals for the boxing championship.

661 Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 3

This is the "express clerk" at the Jefferson railroad station in "Knight's Gambit" (255).

1233 Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 2

In Flags in the Dust this is the railroad employee who, once a week, delivers Belle's shrimp to Horace from "the door of the express car" (374-75). He assumes Horace must be using it for bait.

1528 Unnamed Railroad Baggage Clerk 1

In Flags in the Dust this is the employee inside the train's baggage car. His race is not specified, and his reply to Horace's concern about the fragility of his glass blowing equipment makes it hard to determine it. Linguistically he sounds 'black': "All right, colonel. . . . we ain't hurt her none, I reckon. If we have, all you got to do is sue us" (157). But his unsubmissive attitude toward the white Horace suggests he is 'white' himself.

2708 Unnamed Radio Newscaster

"The fellow in the radio talking" - this is how the narrator of "Two Soldiers" refers to the announcer who reports on the bombing of Pearl Harbor (81).

3756 Unnamed Race Marshal

The "steward and marshal" at the races in The Reivers is a local "dog trainer" and hunter who is out on bail awaiting trial for "a homicide which had occurred last winter at a neighboring whiskey still" (229).

3755 Unnamed Race Aficionados

On the morning of the first horse race in The Reivers, Lucius sees "seven or eight people, all men," in the hotel dining room (209). Lucius refers to them as "people like us except that they lived" in and around Parsham; "some were in overalls; all but one were tieless" (209-10). Later he calls them "aficionados," in reference to their passion for horse racing (220). The one wearing a tie is one of the two men who talk with Boon about the upcoming race.

2005 Unnamed R.A.F. Squadron

In "All the Dead Pilots," Sartoris and Spoomer, enemies in love, both belong to the same Royal Air Force unit, identified only as the "-- Squadron" in Kaye's letter to Aunt Jenny (530). The "whole squadron" is referred to several times by the narrator, also a member of the unit, but it is never made explicit how many men and planes this adds up to (521). (By 1918 there were 150 squadrons in the R.A.F.)

1933 Unnamed Queen

This "queen" is the protagonist of the grim fairy tale that Nancy begins to tell the Compson children (302). Like Nancy, she "has to cross a ditch to get into her house quick and bar the door," but is afraid of the "bad man" who is hiding in the ditch (303). The question of the racial identity of these characters is not definitively answerable, but given how closely Nancy's tale is drawn from her own immediate life, it seems appropriate to make both the villain and the heroine of it black. This "queen" then is the only upper class Negro character in Faulkner's fiction.

2628 Unnamed Quadroon

The owner of the logging camp where Mink works in The Hamlet "lives openly" with a quadroon woman "most of whose teeth were gold" and who superintends the kitchen (262). (The term 'quadroon' appears in a lot of American literature before the Civil Rights movement; it was used to label a person with three white and one black grandparents. Faulkner scholarship uses the term to identify the woman in Absalom, Absalom! with whom Charles Bon has a child, but we identify her in this index as Mrs. Charles Bon.)

2186 Unnamed Prostitutes in Max's Restaurant

While spending time with Bobbie in Light in August, Joe sometimes meets "another woman or two" who, like Bobbie, work for Max and Mame as both waitresses and prostitutes. The narrative says they are "sometimes from the town," but are "usually strangers who would come in from Memphis and stay a week or a month" (199).

2090 Unnamed Private Detectives

When "Miss Zilphia Gant" learns that her former husband has married again "in a neighboring state," she travels to Memphis to engage a "private detective agency" to surveil him and his new wife. The story does not describe any of the individual detectives, but the agency sends her detailed accounts in weekly letters. (The history of American private detective agencies dates back to Allen Pinkerton, who started his National Detective Agency in 1850.)

3094 Unnamed Private Detective

Although he is something of a private detective himself, Gavin Stevens hires this private detective to surveil Max Harriss in Memphis; as he puts it, "A good private man, just to keep an eye on him without him knowing it" (201).

3577 Unnamed Prisoners of War

These are the other captured U.S. and Allied servicemen in The Mansion with whom Charles Mallison is confined in a German "POW camp at Limbourg" during the Second World War (323).

3581 Unnamed Prisoner

In The Mansion this prisoner is being transported to Parchman from Greenville.

2680 Unnamed Prison Warden

In "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses, Gavin Stevens calls the warden at the penitentiary in Joliet, Illinois, to gather information about Samuel Beauchamp.

1229 Unnamed Prison Guards 3

In The Mansion the guards at Parchman penitentiary are described as "men with shotguns" at the gate, and as "men on horses with shotguns across the pommels" overseeing the inmates as they work in the field (54).

659 Unnamed Prison Guards 2

These are the prison workers in both "Go Down, Moses" and the chapter with that title in Go Down, Moses who are in charge of Samuel Beauchamp's execution: the "armed guard" who stands outside his cell and the penitentiary officials who enter the cell and prepare Beauchamp for his execution (256, 351).

1228 Unnamed Prison Guards 1

In "Monk" several guards watch over the inmates during the Governor's Pardon Board hearings.

1729 Unnamed Print Shop Worker

In The Sound and the Fury this man works in the town's printing shop. He advises Jason as to where he might find old checks from a defunct bank.

2183 Unnamed Priests

In Light in August the Catholic priests at the monastery in California teach Calvin Burden I to read the bible in Spanish and to sign his name; Nathaniel mentions other priests in the country where he and Juana met (presumably Old Mexico).

1969 Unnamed President of France

The man the American M.P. in "Ad Astra" refers to simply as "your president" when he's arguing with the French officer is Raymond Poincare, who was President of France during World War I.

3482 Unnamed President of County Board of Supervisors

In The Mansion the exasperated president of Yoknapatawpha's Board of Supervisors meets with Flem to ask for his help in ending Linda's campaign to improve the education of local Negro children.

3372 Unnamed Presbyterians and Episcopalians

According to The Town, the members of the Presbyterian and the Episcopalian churches in Jefferson constitute the two oldest congregations in the county, dating from "before the county was a County and Jefferson was Jefferson" (321).

1728 Unnamed Pregnant Slave

In the story that Versh tells in The Sound and the Fury about the "old time," this is the slave he calls "family woman" - i.e. she is pregnant; when she looks the "bluegum" man "in the eye in the full of the moon," all the "chillen" she gives birth to are "born bluegum" (69).

3578 Unnamed Preachers

The ministers in Jefferson, all of whom are Protestants, resent Eula for her open infidelity. Later in The Mansion, however, the town's "white ministers" cannot find a reason to "go on record against" Linda Snopes Kohl's work as a Sunday school teacher at "one of the Negro churches" (254).

3002 Unnamed Postmaster

In "Miss Zilphia Gant," the town's postmaster teases Zilphia every week about the letters she receives from Memphis; although the letters "bear the return address of a private detective agency," he "rallies her on her city sweetheart" (379). Behind his "insincerity" there is apparently some "pity" for her (379).

2452 Unnamed Post-War Night Riders

In the immediate aftermath of the South's surrender, according to Rosa's account in Absalom!, "men with pistols in their pockets gathered daily at secret meeting places in the towns"; a deputation from this group unsuccessfully demands that Sutpen join them (130). Rosa never gives the group a name, but when she later describes their "sheets and hoods and night-galloping horses" it seems obvious that the Ku Klux Klan is being evoked (134). (There are entries for Klansmen in other texts in this index.)

1727 Unnamed Post Office Employee

In The Sound and the Fury the unnamed post office clerk whom Quentin asks about Anse's whereabouts is wearing a "frock coat" and "reading a newspaper" (130). He suggests Quentin take the girl "past them houses by the river" (130).

1896 Unnamed Post Office Clerk

The man who works as a clerk in the university branch of the post office in Sanctuary is described as "young," with a "dull face," "horn[-rimmed] glasses" and "meticulous" hair (171). He tells Horace that Temple Drake has quit school. (Less than a decade before he wrote Sanctuary Faulkner himself had been the clerk in this post office.)

1726 Unnamed Possum Hunters

In The Sound and the Fury the "possum hunters" who find the bones of the "bluegum" man who had been eaten by "them bluegum chillen" are not explicitly identified as black in the story Versh tells Benjy (69), but given the African American folk context of the tale and the stereotypical association of possums and blacks, that seems likely. When Quentin hunts possum in his section of the novel, it is with Versh Gibson and Louis Hatcher, both black.

3810 Unnamed Poor Whites Near Sutpen's Hundred

The "clientele" of the store that Sutpen opens after returning from the Civil War in Absalom, Absalom! includes blacks and whites from the area (147). Shreve McCannon uses the derogatory term "white trash" to describe the white patrons, though his use of the term also indicates that it is one he wasn't familiar with as a Canadian: "what is it? the word? white what? - Yes, trash" (147).

2451 Unnamed Poor Whites in Tidewater

In Absalom!, among the plantations in Tidewater Virginia live "other whites like" the Sutpens, who "live in other cabins" that are shabbier than the whitewashed cabins in "the slave quarters" (185). Sutpen's sisters and "the other white women of their kind" look at slaves passing in the road "with a kind of speculative antagonism"; when these women talk, their voices are "dark and sullen" (186).

2182 Unnamed Poor Whites in Crowd

When describing the people who gather to stare at Joanna's murdered body and her burning house, the narrator of Light in August refers, briefly but very specifically, to three categories of people who are not just from the county or the "immediate neighborhood" or from town (287): one of these categories consists of "poor whites" who, like "the casual Yankees" and "the southerners who had lived for a while in the north," identify the crime as the work of "Negro" and actually "hope" that Joanna had been "ravished" as well as murdered (288).

2358 Unnamed Polynesian Chiefs

In "Lion," Quentin invokes the mystical powers of nameless Polynesian chiefs (who were looked upon as being "both more and less than men," 186) to show how absolute is Lion's rule over the other dogs in the hunting camp.

2789 Unnamed Politicians and Orators

In his conversation with Cass about human, and specifically Southern history in Go Down, Moses, Ike generalizes about a number of different kinds of men outside the South who, according to him, were part of the explanation for the Civil War. This entry refers to what he calls "the thundering cannonade of politicians earning votes and the medicine-shows of pulpiteers earning Chautauqua fees" (270) - by which he means the political men and popular orators who campaigned and spoke against slavery.

1225 Unnamed Policemen 2

These are "the police" who come to the Temples' apartment to arrest Nancy in Requiem for a Nun (153). (Elsewhere Faulkner describes the officers of the law in Jefferson and Yoknapatawpha as sheriffs and deputies and marshals, but not as 'police.')

657 Unnamed Policemen 1

In Light in August these policemen - from Little Rock or Memphis or perhaps some from each - come and get Joe Christmas and Doc Hines from the Little Rock orphanage and escort Joe by train back to the Memphis orphanage.

1968 Unnamed Poilus

The rioters at the Cloche-Clos in "Ad Astra" include these "three poilus" - i.e. French soldiers (423). "Poilu," originating in the word for "hairy," was a common name for French infantrymen in World War I, since many of them did not shave or get their hair cut.

2727 Unnamed Planters

Both "Delta Autumn" and Go Down, Moses briefly trace the process by which several generations of planters, the white men who own the land, turned the wilderness into fields, using the labor of "gangs of slaves" before the Civil War and "hired labor" ever since (270, 323).

2449 Unnamed Planter Women

The upper class women in the Tidewater are represented in Absalom! by two who never come completely into view: the carriage that almost runs down one of Sutpen's sisters contains "two parasols," and "two faces beneath the parasols" that "glare down" at the poor white girl (187).

2820 Unnamed Plantation Mistresses

According to Ab Snopes in "My Grandmother Millard," "there aint a white lady between [Yoknapatawpha] and Memphis" who doesn't copy the strategy that Mrs. Compson used to try to protect her family's "silver" from the Yankees (676).

3113 Unnamed Pioneers and Settlers

During the time covered by "A Name for the City," the white settlement that becomes Jefferson is first occupied by two men and a boy who are given names by the narrator and their own character entries in our database - see Doctor Habersham, Doctor Habersham's Son and Alexander Holston. This entry represents the next two generations or at least phases of inhabitants, the men who can called pioneers and settlers.

2180 Unnamed Photographers

Along with the "Memphis reporters taking pictures" who swarm around Hightower and his church the day after his wife's death (67), Light in August mentions "some photographers" who set up their cameras in front of the church (68), including one "cameraman" who catches Hightower grimacing behind his hymn book "as though he were smiling" (69). It's not clear if the "reporters taking pictures" and the "photographers" are two different sets of people.

2954 Unnamed Photographer

The man who photographed Lucas and Molly for the studio portrait that Chick sees in their cabin in Intruder in the Dust is not described, but at Lucas' insistence he did take Molly's headrag off.

2179 Unnamed Person Who Shot Hightower's Grandfather

Cinthy, the former slave in Light in August from whom Hightower hears the story of his grandfather's death that he in turn tells his wife, says that it was never known who fired the shot that killed him. Hightower, however, speculates that the shooter "may have been a woman, likely enough the wife of a Confederate soldier" (485). While Hightower says "I like to think so. It's fine so," the uncertainties about his grandfather's death challenge his recurrent heroic image of the man.

1224 Unnamed Person in Jefferson 2

In The Mansion this person is a voice that Mink Snopes overhears: during the night Mink spends in the waiting room at the railroad station, the telegraph operator "talks to somebody now and then," but the source of this second voice is never identified (39).

656 Unnamed Person in Jefferson 1

This is the "someone in the Square" in "My Grandmother Millard" whom the Yankee officer asks "where General Compson lives" (675).

3185 Unnamed Performers on Radio

The representation of modernity in Requiem for a Nun includes "the boom and ululance of radio," represented by the voices that are heard on it: "the patter of comedians, the baritone screams of female vocalists" (192).

2066 Unnamed People Who Watch Armstid

There's no question that Henry Armstid has driven himself mad "spading himself into the waxing twilight with the regularity of a mechanical toy" ("Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard," 137) in his "spent and unflagging fury" (The Hamlet, 404) to find buried treasure where there is none. But in both these texts there is something equally disconcerting about the fixed stare on the faces of the country people who gather from many miles around to watch him dig for "a week" (in the short story, 136) or even "two weeks" (in the novel, 404).

2248 Unnamed People Who Telephone Judge

All "Beyond" says about this group is that "they" telephoned the Judge to tell him that his son had been killed (789). "They" probably refers to a single representative of an official group, like a police officer, doctor, or hospital representative, or perhaps a concerned neighbor.

1595 Unnamed People Who Had Known Joan as a Child

In Flags in the Dust, Joan Heppleton goes back to her family's home town "from time to time" after her globe-trotting experiences, where she attracts the stares of the "neighbors, older people who had known her all her life," the younger people she had grown up with, and "newcomers to the town" (322). The narrative never says where "home" is (in Sanctuary we hear that Belle is from Kentucky), but it seems to be like Jefferson in the sense that Joan's obviously modern, emancipated behavior and appearance is something new and disconcerting.
