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3649 Aunt Callie

In The Reivers "Aunt" Callie's title is the culture's label for a black woman of her age and in her role as a 'mammy' to Lucius and his brothers. She was "born in the country and still preferred it" (49), although she lives in town with the family she works for. While black and a servant, she does not hesitate to berate white males in the line of her duty to her charges - although her frequent "yelling" has no effect on any of them (54).

2370 Aubrey Beardsley

In Absalom! Mr. Compson imagines Bon's wife as someone "Beardsley might have dressed" and Bon's child as a figure "Beardsley might not only have dressed but drawn" (157). Like Oscar Wilde, mentioned in the same passage, Aubrey Beardsley was an important artist in late 19th century England. His decadent visual style was an important influence on the early drawings of William Faulkner. Beardsley's name is also mentioned in Light in August.

3256 Ashley Holcomb

In The Town Ashley Holcomb is one the boys in the Harrykin Creek hunting party.

741 Armstid Children

The number of children born on the Armstid farm in Frenchman's Bend is either four or five. A character in "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" refers to them as "them chaps" (138), but at least one is a daughter: in "Spotted Horses," Ina May, the only one ever named, is twelve, and "big enough to take care of the little ones" while their mother is at Mrs. Littlejohn's nursing their father (178). Though unnamed, she plays the same role in The Hamlet. In Light in August there are five children, all born "in six years," and now "raised to man- and womanhood" (15).

2891 Armstead

The Confederate officer Faulkner calls "Armstead" in Intruder in the Dust (190) is undoubtedly Lewis Armistead, who commanded one of the brigades in Pickett's division that led the famous charge against the Yankee army on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg. Armistead along with some of his unit advanced further in that attack than any other rebels; he was mortally wounded just as he reached the stone wall that marked the Union lines.

735 Anselm Holland II

In "Smoke" Anselm Junior is one of the twin sons of Anselm Holland. He seems to have inherited his father's violent misanthropy along with his name, although he "was said to have been the mother’s favorite" (4). He is the first of the twins to break with their father, moving "back into the hills" of Yoknapatawpha (5). He is "a dark, silent, aquiline-faced man" whom "both neighbors and strangers let severely alone" (6).

734 Anselm Holland I

In "Smoke," the older Anselm Holland is what the people of Yoknapatawpha consider an "outlander" (4) - i.e. someone who was not only born outside the county, but who remains estranged from the community no matter how long he or she lives there. Of an unremittingly violent, misanthropic, and crass nature, he alienates his sons, desecrates the graves in the Mardis Cemetery, and allows his sons’ rightful inheritance of farm and house to go to ruin for spite.

79 Anse MacCallum II

Anse McCallum is one of Buddy McCallum's twin sons in "The Tall Men": "two absolutely identical blue-eyed youths" (49) who are mentioned together as "the twin McCallum nephews" of Rafe in "Knight's Gambit" (210). He also appears, but without any mention of his twin brother, The Town. In the first story he and his brother Lucius have identical histories. They are "wild as spikehorn bucks" as children (55). Later, they go to the agricultural college to learn how to raise whiteface cattle.

315 Anse Holland

In "Fool about a Horse" and again in The Hamlet "Old Man Anse Holland" (118, 33) is the landowner from whom "Pap" (in the short story) and Ab Snopes (in the novel) rent the farm they work on as a tenant farmer. In the novel, Ratliff lives on another tenant farm that Holland owns, "about a mile away" (33) - a distance that suggests that Holland is a large landowner, like the Sartorises or the McCaslins.

791 Anse Bundren

Anse Bundren is a farmer by vocation, but he is perhaps more accurately described with a term Faulkner's fiction regularly applies to the Snopeses: parasite. Unlike Flem, however, Anse is rendered comically rather than as a threat to the social order. He is described as a "kind of tall, gaunted man" (203). Physically his most striking feature seems to be his hair; Peabody calls it "pushed and matted up . . . like a dipped rooster" (44).

1629 Anse 2

In The Sound and the Fury Anse is the Marshal of the town near Cambridge where Quentin goes in the second half of his section. He is described by Quentin as "oldish," and he wears a vest with a badge on it and carries a "knotted, polished stick" (139). Quentin is told to find him because he could help Quentin find the lost Italian girl's home. However, Anse found Quentin first; he arrested Quentin for trying to kidnap the lost Italian girl.

385 Andrew Jackson

Andrew Jackson first achieved fame as a military leader in the War of 1812 with the British and in later conflicts with the Creek and the Seminole Indians. As commander of American forces in the 'old southwest,' which included Mississippi, he negotiated treaties with other tribes; "A Courtship" mentions the one he signed with the Chickasaw that lived in the region where Yoknapatawpha imaginatively exists. Jackson became the seventh President of the U.S.

144 Amodeus McCaslin Beauchamp

Amodeus McCaslin Beauchamp is the first child of Tomey’s Turl and Tennie Beauchamp. Named after the white son of Old Carothers McCaslin, the father and grandfather of Tomey's Turl, he dies as an infant.

134 Amodeus (Buddy) McCaslin

Amodeus (Uncle Buddy) McCaslin is the son of Old Carothers McCaslin and the twin brother of Theophilus (Uncle Buck). He is an outstanding poker player, a good cook and housekeeper, and a less significant presence in the fiction that his brother. During the Civil War present of The Unvanquished Buddy is in Virginia fighting in Tennant's brigade after beating his brother in a card game for the privilege of serving in the Confederate regiment that was raised in Yoknapatawpha.

2896 Amanda Workitt Gowrie

Mrs. Gowrie, born Amanda Workitt, is Nub's wife and the mother of his six sons in Intruder in the Dust. She is buried in the cemetery next to Caledonia chapel, and from her headstone we learn that she was born in 1878 and died in 1926 (99). That is all the novel explicitly says about her, but "Workitt" appears in the novel on the list of the most common family names in Beat Four (28).

1473 Allan

According to Aunt Jenny's story in Flags in the Dust, Allan is the Confederate officer who reminds General J.E.B. Stuart of his duty to the army in order to keep him from following Carolina Bayard on his reckless quest for anchovies.

167 Alison Lessep Priest

The most vivid detail that Lucius Priest, the narrator of The Reivers, provides about his mother, Alison, is her love for riding in her father-in-law's automobile: she sits in the back seat with her children, her "face flushed and bright and eager, like a girl's" (41). She is resourceful enough to "invent a kind of shield" to keep them all safe whenever Grandfather discharges the tobacco he chews (41).

1328 Alison Hoake McCarron

In The Hamlet the mother of Hoake McCarron, Alison McCarron, comes from wealth as her deceased mother was the daughter of a "well-to-do" landowner (149). At nineteen, she eloped with Mr. McCarron a gambler with no definite past, climbing out of a second-story window to avoid her father. Her story is omitted in The Mansion, where she is merely described as a "well-to-do" widow (139).

154 Alice Edmonds

Alice is the wife of McCaslin (Cass) Edmonds and the mother of Zack Edmonds. She is mentioned only once in Go Down, Moses: "[Cass'] wife Alice had taught Fonsiba to read and write too a little" (263). (However, in the earlier chapter titled "The Fire and the Hearth," the narrative claims that it was Ike's mother, Sophonsiba, who taught the Beauchamp children to read, 106.)

733 Alice 2

This Alice cooks for Miss Ballenbaugh in The Reivers, and very well too: after eating her food, Lucius "knows why the hunters and fishermen come back" to stay at Ballenbaugh's inn (76). Unmarried, she says she "aint studying no husband" (75).

314 Alice 1

This Alice is the twelve-year-old girl in the Memphis orphanage in Light in August who mothers three-year-old Joe Christmas until she is adopted and leaves in the middle of the night. Hence, the narrative refers to the other girls who provide help or comfort to Joe in the orphanage as "occasional Alices" (166).

171 Alexander Priest

In The Reivers Alexander is the youngest of Lucius Priest's three brothers, and still in diapers. His birth just before or during "last winter" is mentioned in the text (44).

3679 Alexander Lessep

In The Reivers Alexander Lessep is the brother of Lucius' mother, Alison, and the "great-uncle" of Lucius' grandson (45). Lucius' youngest brother is named after him.

313 Alexander Holston

One of the first white men in Yoknapatawpha, Alexander Holston established a tavern in Jefferson before the town had any name at all. The "Holston House" that survives in the town in the mid-20th century has had several remodelings, but is still run by descendants with the same last name - making them and the business the most definite point of continuity between Yoknapatawpha's past and its present.

312 Aleck Sander

Aleck Sander is not a first and last name, but the way this character's given name, Alexander, is spoken. He is the son of the woman who cooks for the Mallison|Stevens family; in Intruder in the Dust her name is Paralee, and in The Town it's Guster. In both novels Aleck Sander is the companion of Chick Mallison, though the relationship and his character are much more fully developed in the first novel.

311 Alec

In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, Rider's "Unc Alec" tells him that his aunt wants him to come home (249, 143). Alec is Rider's "aunt's husband," "an old man as tall as [Rider] was, but lean, almost frail" (245, 138).

731 Albert 2

This Albert appears in The Mansion. He is the member of Goodyhay's irregular congregation who drives the truck carrying construction materials for the church they are trying to build - and who tries to explain to Mink what unites the Goodyhay's flock across racial and other boundaries.

310 Albert 1

In As I Lay Dying Albert works at "the fountain" - that is, the counter where one can buy ice cream or a soda - in Moseley's drugstore in Mottson (199); he is also the person who tells Moseley about the altercation between the marshal and Anse in front of Grummet’s hardware store.

2369 Akers

On a nocturnal hunt for raccoons in Absalom!, "the coon-hunter Akers" discovers the primitive way Sutpen's original twenty slaves sleep while building the mansion (27).

2263 Ailanthia

Elly's grandmother - Elly's father's mother - lives in Elly's family's home in Jefferson, though she is formerly of Louisiana. Her given name is Ailanthia, as is that of the granddaughter after whom "Elly" is titled. Elly's grandmother is frequently described as cold: "cold, piercing" (209), with "that cold, fixed, immobile, inescapable gaze of the very deaf," having lost her hearing 15 years before the story takes place (212). The narrator calls her an "old woman whose hearing had long since escaped everything and whose sight nothing escaped" (223).

309 Adolph Hitler

Adolph Hitler was the infamous leader of Nazi Germany from 1933 until his death in 1945 at the end of World War II. He is first mentioned in "Delta Autumn," where Ike McCaslin calls him an "Austrian paper-hanger" (322) - repeating a term of contempt that was popular in America at the time; Hitler was born in Austria-Hungary, but there's no evidence that he was ever a "paper-hanger." In The Mansion Gavin Stevens calls him "the Nibelung maniac" (258).

248 Admiral Dewey Snopes

Ad - Admiral Dewey Snopes - is one of Eck Snopes' children. He was named after a hero of the Spanish-American War.

790 Addie Bundren

Although Addie Bundren only appears in As I Lay Dying, she is one of the most memorable women characters in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, and in her impact on her children both before and after her death a great example of the role 'absence' plays in Faulkner's world. A former school teacher who came to Frenchman's Bend from Jefferson, Addie is the matriarch of the Bundren family who is lying on her death bed when the narrative begins. Her spiteful wish to be buried in Jefferson initiates and drives the journey at the center of the novel.

2894 Adam Fraser

In Intruder in the Dust Adam Fraser owns the "crossroads store" (18) near the scene of Vinson Gowrie's murder. Apparently he helps Constable Skipworth keep Lucas safe from harm until the sheriff can arrest him; that seems to be what Gavin means when he tells Lucas he was likely to come to grief "old Skipworth and Adam Fraser or not" (222).

1283 Ad

In "Lion," Ad is the cook at Major de Spain's hunting camp and an aide-de-camp to Major de Spain and the others in the hunt for Old Ben. Like Boon, he has high regard for the dog Lion, and the two men compete for the dog's company. Ad observes and reports on Lion's and Boon's confrontation with Old Ben, and mourns the incomparable dog: "Ad stood in the door too, as Boon had done, with the tears running down his face too" (186).

308 Acey

In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, Acey is a member of Rider's mill gang who is present at Mannie's funeral. He tries to offer comfort in the form of company and “a jug in de bushes” (239, 130).

307 Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the U.S. who led the nation during the Civil War, is mentioned in 10 Yoknapatawpha fictions, almost as many as Robert E. Lee - and more than twice as many as Jefferson Davis, the President of the Confederacy. He never appears in person, and is typically represented from the perspective of one or another former Confederate. In "Wash," Colonel Thomas Sutpen longs to "shoot [Lincoln and General Sherman] down, like the dogs they are" (540).

3121 Abraham DeFrance

According to Requiem for a Nun, Abraham DeFrance advised the men who founded Jackson on how to "lay out the city" (85). Faulkner got the name "Abraham DeFrance" (along with a lot of the other names and historical details in "The Golden Dome" introduction to Act II of Requiem) from Mississippi: A Guide to the Magnolia State, a product of the Depression era's Federal Writers' Project (New York: Hastings House, 1938).

2368 Abraham

The "old Abraham full of years" to whom Shreve compares Sutpen in Absalom! is obviously the Old Testament patriarch (260). That figure is best known as the mythic father of the covenant between God and His chosen people, and as the human father whose faith was so great that he was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac in obedience to God's command. Shreve's "Abraham," however, seems entirely his own invention, who - in a quotation that sounds biblical but that Shreve makes up - "raised about me sons to bear the burden of mine iniquities and persecutions" (260).

1472 Abe

At the Sartoris Thanksgiving dinner in Flags in the Dust, Dr. Peabody mentions Abe as one of the gillies who help the gentlemen who come to fish his pond. ("Gilly" is a Scottish term for a servant who assists a fisherman.) When asked "how many [other black retainers] have you got," Peabody says "six or seven" adults, and an unspecified number of "scrubs" (i.e. children), but they are not named (303).

291 Ab Snopes' Sister

According to another character in The Hamlet, "Eustace's ma" - that is, the mother of Eustace Grimm - "was Ab Snopes' youngest sister" (399).

181 Ab Snopes

In the larger Yoknapatawpha saga, Ab Snopes is the patriarch of the Snopes family, the father of Flem, and the memorable 'barn burner' in one of Faulkner's best known stories. He first emerges in two of the Unvanquished stories, "The Unvanquished" and "Vendee," and in the same fictional context reappears in "My Grandmother Millard" - all of these are set during the Civil War, but Ab is serving himself rather than the Confederacy as a kind of hanger-on at the Sartoris plantation.

1653 Ab Russell

In The Sound and the Fury Ab Russell is a Yoknapatawpha farmer, one of the few, Jason notes, who has plowed his cotton field by April 6, 1928. Jason walks across his field chasing his niece and the man in the red tie; after they let the air out of Jason's tire, Russell lends him a pump.

369 Aaron Rideout|Grover Cleveland Winbush

This character - V.K. Ratliff's partner in the Jefferson restaurant that ultimately becomes Flem's, and then later the town's night watchman - is named Aaron Rideout when he first appears, in The Hamlet. In the next two volumes of the Snopes trilogy he appears as Grover Cleveland Winbush. (When Random House published the trilogy in one volume in 1964, they regularized his character as Winbush in all three novels.)

54 (Miss) Quentin

It's not easy to know what to call Yoknapatawpha's one female "Quentin" - of two in The Sound and the Fury and of four altogether on the Compson family tree. She's the daughter of Caddy, but even Caddy seems not to know who her father might be (many readers and even quite a few scholars assume it's Dalton Ames, the man who took Caddy's virginity in that novel, but Caddy tells the other Quentin in the novel that before she married she had "too many" lovers, 115). Caddy named her Quentin in honor of her brother, who committed suicide before his niece was born.

1330 (Little) Belle Mitchell

In Flags in the Dust Little Belle is the young daughter of Belle and Harry Mitchell who, by the end, is Horace Benbow's step-daughter - though Belle herself makes it clear to her new acquaintances in the new town she lives in "that Horace is not her real daddy" (378). When she appears again in Sanctuary she is a young woman.

682 "Mrs. Bundren"

In As I Lay Dying the second "Mrs. Bundren" is a "duck-shaped woman" (260) from whom Anse borrows shovels to bury Addie and then - to the shock of his remaining children - marries the next morning.

1998 'Toinette

Sartoris calls the French woman who leaves him for Spoomer in "All the Dead Pilots" "'Toinette," which we assume is a contracted form of Antoinette. She is a barmaid in a lower-class bar in Amiens and the second woman who has left Sartoris for Spoomer.
