Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
2389 | Unnamed County Recorder |
In Absalom! this county recorder records "the deed, patent, to the land" which Sutpen acquires from the Chickasaws (25). |
2388 | Unnamed County Medical Officer |
The "County Medical Officer" in Absalom! tells General Compson that Charles E. S-V. Bon and Judith Sutpen have yellow fever (170). |
2387 | Unnamed Congregants at Sutpen's Church |
In Absalom! Rosa's description of the way Sutpen used to race with other carriages to church mentions in passing the "women and children [who] scattered and screamed" when the teams thundered up to the church door (17), and two different sets of men: the ones who "catch at the bridles" of the "other team" (17) and the other men who join in the racing, who "aid and abet" Sutpen (16). |
2386 | Unnamed Confederate Generals |
Several real Confederate officers are mentioned by name in Absalom!. They have their own entries. This entry represents the larger, anonymous group of men who lead the Confederate Army through the Civil War. Like so many other characters in the novel, they are seen differently from different points of view. In Chapter 1, to Rosa Coldfield, who writes "poems, ode eulogy and epitaph" to many of them, they are "a few figures with the shapes of men but with the names and statures of heroes" (13). |
2385 | Unnamed Ambulance Driver 2 |
In Absalom!, this is the "driver" of the "ambulance" that Rosa takes out to the Sutpen place at the end of 1909, to bring Henry into town "where the doctors could save him" (299). |
2384 | Unnamed Someone 3 |
This is the "someone else" in Absalom! who, Rosa says, was "kind enough" to tell her Sutpen was dead (139). |
2383 | Unnamed Someone 2 |
This is the "someone (not General Compson)" in Absalom! who is in Jefferson in 1833 on the day Sutpen arrives and who looks into his covered wagon to see what or who is there (27). |
2382 | Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants 2 |
This is the second of the two sets of "half-breed servants" on the Haitian plantation in Absalom! (199). |
2381 | Unnamed "Half-Breed" Servants 1 |
This is one of the two sets of "half-breed servants" on the Haitian sugar plantation where Sutpen puts down the slave rebellion in Absalom! (199). It represents the "two women servants" (204) who are shut up inside the plantation house during the rebellion (also referred to as "a few frightened half-breed servants," 199). They help load the muskets with which Sutpen and the planter try to defend the house. |
2380 | Unnamed "Boy-Symbol" for Sutpen |
The son Sutpen wants is only one of the two boys at the heart of his "design" in Absalom!. The other is referred to as "the boy-symbol at the door," another poor white child like the boy he himself once was in Tidewater, an "amazed and desperate child" whom he will take inside the front door of his big mansion and so "rive forever free from brutehood just as his own (Sutpen's) children were" (210). |
2379 | Pettibone |
Pettibone is the only one of the characters, black or white, who appear in the Tidewater section of Absalom! who is named, and in his case the name is an adjective rather than a noun: Sutpen's father comes home one night boasting that "we" - he and other poor white men - "whupped one of Pettibone's niggers tonight" (187). The whole passage suggests that "Pettibone" himself is the owner of a plantation near the one that Sutpen works on. |
2378 | Jim Hamblett |
In Absalom! Jim Hamblett is the "justice" in the courthouse when Charles E. S-V. Bon is arraigned for fighting at the "negro ball" (164). In the middle of scolding the prisoner as "a white man" for stirring up racial ill-will at the time that the South seeks "to rise from beneath the iron heel of a tyrant oppressor," he suddenly stops to ask the prisoner: "What are you?" (165). |
2377 | Mrs. Coldfield 2 |
Rosa Coldfield's mother (and Goodhue's wife) is barely mentioned in Absalom!, though we know she was "at least forty" when she died giving birth to Rosa (46). |
2376 | Rosa Coldfield |
Of all the storytellers in Absalom!, Rosa Coldfield is the one with the most firsthand knowledge of the Sutpen family. She is Ellen's sister, Judith and Henry's aunt, and was even, for a few weeks right after the Civil War, Thomas' fiancee - until he spoke the words that caused her to begin wearing the "eternal black which she had worn for forty-three years" when the novel opens (3). And it is her version of the story, of Sutpen in particular, that is expressed first. |
2375 | Mrs. Coldfield 1 |
Goodhue Coldfield's mother is an elusive character. Absalom! several times asserts that Rosa Coldfield's childhood was spent in a household consisting of her father and her aunt, but in one passage it refers to the fact that Mr. Coldfield had to support "a dependent mother" as well as his family (32). |
2374 | Coldfield, Grandfather of Goodhue |
Goodhue Coldfield's grandfather never appears in Absalom!, but Rosa distinguishes herself and her origins from Sutpen by noting that her father knew "who his grandfather had been in Virginia" (11). |
2373 | Coldfield, Father of Goodhue |
Goodhue Coldfield's father never appears in Absalom!, but Rosa distinguishes herself and her origins from Sutpen's parvenu status by noting that "our father knew who his father was in Tennessee" (11). |
2372 | Unnamed Aunt of Rosa Coldfield |
In Absalom!, Rosa's "spinster aunt" (46) lives with the Coldfields in Jefferson and, after Rosa's mother dies, raises the girl. According to Mr. Compson, this aunt is "that strong vindictive consistent woman who seems to have been twice the man that Mr. Coldfield was and who in very truth was not only Miss Rosa's mother but her father too" (49). "A virgin at thirty-five," when Rosa is born, she brings Rosa up in a "closed masonry of females," defined by rage against "the entire male principle" in general and Thomas Sutpen in particular - at least according to Mr. |
2371 | Wilde |
According to Mr. Compson, the scene in Absalom! in the Sutpen graveyard with Bon's wife and child "must have resembled a garden scene by the Irish poet, Wilde" (157). Wilde - who died in 1900, nine years before Mr. Compson would have said this - wrote in many genres, but in particular his poetry was an important influence on the apprentice work of William Faulkner. |
2370 | Aubrey Beardsley |
In Absalom! Mr. Compson imagines Bon's wife as someone "Beardsley might have dressed" and Bon's child as a figure "Beardsley might not only have dressed but drawn" (157). Like Oscar Wilde, mentioned in the same passage, Aubrey Beardsley was an important artist in late 19th century England. His decadent visual style was an important influence on the early drawings of William Faulkner. Beardsley's name is also mentioned in Light in August. |
2369 | Akers |
On a nocturnal hunt for raccoons in Absalom!, "the coon-hunter Akers" discovers the primitive way Sutpen's original twenty slaves sleep while building the mansion (27). |
2368 | Abraham |
The "old Abraham full of years" to whom Shreve compares Sutpen in Absalom! is obviously the Old Testament patriarch (260). That figure is best known as the mythic father of the covenant between God and His chosen people, and as the human father whose faith was so great that he was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac in obedience to God's command. Shreve's "Abraham," however, seems entirely his own invention, who - in a quotation that sounds biblical but that Shreve makes up - "raised about me sons to bear the burden of mine iniquities and persecutions" (260). |
2367 | Major Beat Four Families |
Intruder in the Dust refers often to both the extended Gowrie clan and the larger white population of Beat Four as a specific sociological entity. The phrase "Gowries and Ingrums and Workitts" identifies the three largest familial groups in that area of Yoknapatawpha (28), though members of these families have intermarried repeatedly over the generations too. (Twice the novel adds "Frasers" to this list of names, 145, 146; another time it adds "McCallums," 33). |
2366 | Major Frenchman's Bend Families |
In the last decades of his career Faulkner several times creates lists of the major family names in various parts of Yoknapatawpha. In Intruder in the Dust he identifies five family names with Frenchman's Bend and its environs: Littlejohn and Greenleaf and Armstead and Millingham and Bookwright (146). |
2365 | Major Yoknapatawpha Families |
In the last decades of his career Faulkner several times includes lists of what, in "Appendix Compson," he identifies as "the oldest names in the county" (330) - or, as it puts it more grandiloquently in The Town, the "cognomens long and splendid in the annals of Yoknapatawpha County" (284). Here they are, organized chronologically by publication dates: |
2364 | Unnamed Neighbor Men |
In "Fool about a Horse" and again in The Hamlet, these "neighbor men" are in the habit of dropping by to see what kind of horse Pap (in the short story) or Ab Snopes (in the novel) has "brung home this time" (119) - or "whatever it was he had done swapped for" (34). It's likely that at least most of these men are tenant farmers on the Holland land too. |
2363 | Unnamed Listeners to "Fool about a Horse" |
Although it's a printed text, "Fool About a Horse" provides a lot of evidence that the narrator is telling rather than writing it, that Faulkner intends us to imagine it as an oral tale being performed for a live audience. Twice the narrator refers to "you," for example (123, 132), and at another point addresses his audience as "gentlemen" (128); the story's repeated use of the locutions "Yes, sir" and "No, sir" also suggests the dynamic of live performance (118, etc.). |
2362 | Unnamed Narrator 9 |
One of many of Faulkner's "boy" narrators, this twelve-year-old son of tenant farmers is more probably an adult when he tells this story about how Pat Stamper bested both his "Pap" and "Mammy." Although he is a sympathetic companion to his father, he is also a careful reporter and analyst of Pap's behavior. At least from his older perspective, he can see Pap's weaknesses for horse- and mule-trading, and for alcohol as well. |
2361 | Vynie |
The woman whom the narrator of "Fool about a Horse" calls "Mammy" is named "Vynie." She works hard and frugally to contribute to her family's farm income, so she is resentful, suspicious, and caustic about her husband's misadventures in horse-trading. When his foolishness results in the loss of the milk separator she wanted, she cries for the first time in her son's experience. Still resolute, she goes off alone to recover the separator, but in the end she is as big a fool about that machine as her husband is about the horse. |
2360 | Unnamed Wife of Doctor |
In "Lion," Boon Hogganbeck "busts past the doctor's wife when she opened the door" (196), demanding that the doctor go to the hunting camp to save the wounded Lion. |
2359 | Unnamed Secretary of De Spain |
In "Lion" Major de Spain "calls" this secretary to send a telegram to Boon (198). The secretary does not make an explicit appearance, and may be either male or female. |
2358 | Unnamed Polynesian Chiefs |
In "Lion," Quentin invokes the mystical powers of nameless Polynesian chiefs (who were looked upon as being "both more and less than men," 186) to show how absolute is Lion's rule over the other dogs in the hunting camp. |
2357 | Unnamed News Butcher |
In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, when Boon Hogganbeck boards the train to Memphis at Hoke's, he buys "three packages of molasses-covered popcorn and a bottle of soda pop from the news butch" (188, 218 - although in the novel it's a bottle of "beer"). "Butch" is short for "butcher," a term that used to be used to refer to men or boys who sold newspapers, sweets and other goods that would appeal to passengers on a train. |
2356 | Unnamed Men at Hoke's Sawmill |
Hoke's is "a sawmill and a few stores" (188), apparently populated almost entirely by men. In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses most of these "wear muddy boots and khaki," indicating their status as mill workers (188, 218). The next day some "people from Hoke's" (189), called "sawmill men from Hoke's" in the novel (224), show up at the hunting camp, to participate in the hunt for Old Ben. Afterwards, they also bear witness to Lion's passing. |
2355 | Unnamed Memphis Waitress |
The waitress at the counter in the Memphis station tells Boon "he couldn't drink [whiskey] there" (188). When this episode recurs in Go Down, Moses, the waitress is replaced by a "negro waiter," and it's a woman "manager" who speaks the line originally given to the waitress (222). |
2354 | Unnamed Man in Memphis Station |
In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses this "man in uniform" (the story, 188) or "man in a uniform cap" (the novel, 222) approaches Boon in the washroom at the station in Memphis to tell him he he can't drink there, but in both texts, after looking "at Boon's face," he decides to say nothing. The cap suggests he may be a porter, in which case he'd be a Negro, but that isn't made explicit. |
2353 | Unnamed Aztec Chiefs |
In "Lion" Quentin invokes the mystical powers of nameless Aztec chiefs in pre-Columbian Mexico (who were looked upon as being "both more and less than men," 186) to show how Lion ruled the other dogs in the hunting camp. |
2352 | Jack Dempsey |
Born William Harrison Dempsey, "Jack" Dempsey was World Heavyweight boxing champion form 1921 to 1926 when he lost his title to Gene Tunney. His name is used in "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses along with three other famous heavyweight boxers to measure how highly the hunters of Yoknapatawpha regard the dog Lion and the bear Old Ben as heavyweights and champions too. |
2351 | Gene Tunney |
Born James Joseph Tunney, "Gene" Tunney was an American professional boxer who became heavyweight champion by defeating Jack Dempsey in 1926, and again in 1927. In "Lion" and again in Go Down, Moses, his name is used along with three other famous heavyweight boxers to measure how highly the hunters of Yoknapatawpha regard the dog Lion and the bear Old Ben as heavyweights and champions too. |
2350 | Jake Kilrain |
Born John Joseph Killion in Greenpoint, New York, he took the professional name of "Jake Kilrain" to protect his parents from the embarrassment of his questionable career as a prize fighter. He lost the heavy-weight championship to John L. Sullivan in a bare-knuckle fight that went 75 rounds in Richbourg, Mississippi, on August 7, 1889. |
2349 | John L. Sullivan |
John L. Sullivan was the last heavyweight American prizefighter to win his championship without wearing gloves ('bare knuckle'). He won by defeating Jake Kilrain at Richburg, Mississippi on August 7, 1889. He was the son of Irish immigrants who became rich, which probably explains why General Compson uses him in Absalom! as a point of comparison with Thomas Sutpen, the 'immigrant' to Yoknapatawpha (34-35). |
2348 | Job Wylie |
Job Wylie was probably born a slave, owned by the man he still calls "Marse Hoke Christian" (233). He has worked in the Christian family drugstore ever since it opened "in eighteen-fifty-something," and in the present also works as Willy Christian's cook and housekeeper (226). Job is very loyal to the Christian family, though according to the narrator of "Uncle Willy" he also embodies Jefferson's "timid clinging to dull and rule-ridden-breathing" (239). |
2347 | Unnamed Texas Millionaire |
All the narrator of "Uncle Willy" says about the Texan whom Willy's sister married is that he is "an oil millionaire" (225). |
2346 | Unnamed Sister of Uncle Willy |
Willy Christian's sister in "Uncle Willy" was, like him, born in Jefferson, but she "married an oil millionaire" and now lives in Texas (225). She feels enough concern for her brother's morphine addiction to return to Jefferson on one occasion, and for her family's local reputation to pay the woman Willy marries to leave town on a subsequent occasion. |
2345 | Unnamed People between Memphis and Renfro |
These are the people - referred to simply as "they" - in the seven different places where Secretary lands the plane as he tries to fly from Memphis to Renfro (243). At each of these places, "they tell him how to get to Renfro" (243); the implication is that it is Secretary's fault that he cannot follow their directions. |
2344 | Unnamed Men in Bible Class |
These are the adult men in "Hair" who attend "Mr. Miller's men's Bible class" at Reverend Schultz's church; they do not seem to play any role in the church's campaign to reform Willy (228). |
2343 | Unnamed Government Officials |
When the title character of "Uncle Willy" is told he cannot fly until he provides "a permit from a doctor" certifying he is healthy enough, he complains about "these Republicans and Democrats and XYZ's" who are to blame for all such government regulations (241). |
2342 | Unnamed Folks at Renfro |
In "Uncle Willy" these "folks in wagons and walking" on the road in Renfro stop to watch when they reach the pasture where Secretary is trying to teach Willy how to fly the plane (244). Since Secretary is black and Willy is white, the spectators' own race presumably affects the way they see this unusual sight, but the story says nothing to indicate what that is. |
2341 | Unnamed Field Workers 1 |
These "field hands" at Renfro in "Uncle Willy" "come up out of the fields" to stare up at the spectacle of Secretary trying to teach Willy how to fly the plane (244). Their perspective as they watch a black man teach a white man this skill would presumably depend on their own race, but the story says nothing to indicate what that is. |
2340 | Unnamed Mother of Narrator 1 |
The "Mamma" of the narrator of "Uncle Willy" appears in the text only as the person Mrs. Merridew phones to complain about Willy's new wife (236). Her son does not describe her own reaction to Mrs. Merridew's rage. |
2339 | Unnamed Father of Narrator 1 |
"Papa," as the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls his father, is a "lawyer" (236). Although he does not share any of the self-righteousness of the women who want to save Willy from his vices, he does participate in Mrs. Merridew's campaign to force Willy's wife to leave town, and in Job's attempt to keep Willy from flying his airplane. He calls Willy a "lunatic" (239) and blames the old man for the narrator's various forms of truancy; the narrator himself repeatedly rejects both those interpretations. |
2338 | Unnamed Boys in Jefferson 1 |
Although the narrator of "Uncle Willy" has a particularly close relationship with Willy, he is also one of the group of twelve- to fourteen-year-old "boys" who "see a lot" of Willy, in two very different contexts (226). They stop by his drugstore after their baseball games, where he feeds them ice cream while listening to their accounts of the games, and they watch him inject morphine; he joins them in church as a member of Mr. Barbour's Sunday School class for boys. |
2337 | Unnamed "Good Women in Jefferson" |
At the beginning of "Uncle Willy" the narrator identifies "the good women in Jefferson" as the people who are to blame for "driving Uncle Willy out of town," and thus for the narrator's own choice to follow him (225). The crusade against Willy's behavior is led by two particular women, Mrs. Merridew and Mrs. Hovis, yet at points the narrative seems to see the town's "good women" and the town's 'white' women as essentially synonymous. |
2336 | Secretary |
In "Uncle Willy" Secretary is the name of the "negro boy" whom Willy hires to drive his car (235). In Faulkner's South, even adult black men are often called "boys" by white people, so although the juvenile narrator says that Secretary is "about my size" (235), he also says that Secretary is "older than me" (241) - though we have no way to know how much older. Both the narrator and Willy describe Secretary as "burr-headed," i.e. with short, bristly hair (235). |
2335 | Sister Schultz |
"Sister Schultz" in "Uncle Willy" is probably Reverend Schultz' wife (229). Like "Brother Schultz" and "Brother Miller" (229, 227), the title "Sister" most likely is a ceremonial title, indicating their fellowship as members of the same church. |
2334 | Reverend Schultz |
Reverend Schultz is "the minister" of the Protestant church that both the narrator and title character of "Uncle Willy" attend (227). Along with Mrs. Merridew, he leads the campaign to "cure" Willy of his addictions (232). The narrator, who admires Willy Christian but not the town's 'Christians,' describes Schultz in the Sunday school class for adult men this way: "sitting in the middle of them . . . like he was just a plain man like the rest of them yet kind of bulging out from among the others like he didn't have to move or speak them reminded that he wasn't a plain man" (228). |
2333 | Uncle Robert |
The man whom the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls "Uncle Robert" (239) is presumably his biological uncle, the brother of his "Papa" or "Mamma" - although given the other "Uncle" in the story (i.e. Willy, who is not related to the narrator), and the way Southern culture often uses the term ceremonially with white as well as black men, it's hard to be certain of that. |
2332 | Brother Miller |
"Brother Miller" leads the adult men's Bible study class at the Protestant church that the narrator of "Uncle Willy" attends (227). In his case, "Brother" is a ceremonial title, reflecting his place in the church fellowship. Willy reluctantly leaves the boys' class in Sunday school to sit in with the "men" (227). |
2331 | Mrs. Merridew |
Mrs. Merridew is the character whom the juvenile narrator of "Uncle Willy" casts as the story's main antagonist: when he accuses Job of telephoning "Her" about Willy's whereabouts, both he and Job know he means Mrs. Merridew (246). She is a member of Reverend Schultz's church and the determined leader of the crusade to "save" Uncle Willy from his predilections, which she sees as both beastly and sinful (238). |
2330 | Mrs. Hovis |
In "Uncle Willy" Mrs. Hovis is among the ladies who try to reform the title character. She alternates with Mrs. Merridew in staying with Willy "day and night" for three days as part of the plan to keep him away from morphine (229). It seems likely that, like Merridew, she is a member of Reverend Schultz's congregation. |
2329 | Mrs. Christian |
"Mrs. Christian" (the narrator of "Uncle Willy" gives her no other name) is a prostitute in Memphis whom Willy marries on one of his regular trips to the city, and an affront to most of Jefferson when he brings her back to his house. She is "twice as big as Uncle Willy," and visually conspicuous in her clothes - "a red hat and a pink dress" (236), "a red-and-white striped dress so that she looked like a great big stick of candy" (237), "a black lace dress" (238). |
2328 | Hoke Christian |
In "Uncle Willy" Hoke Christian first opened the drugstore that his son Willy still owns before the Civil War. He seems to have been a much more exemplary member of the community than Willy, but it's hard to determine his class. In addition to his business, he owned at least one slave, Job, and slave-owning is a characteristic of Yoknapatawpha's upper class families. Talking about Willy, Mrs. Merridew refers to "that position in the world which his family's name entitled him to" (232). But Mrs. |
2327 | Miss Callaghan |
In "Uncle Willy" Miss Callaghan is the narrator's teacher, at least for "one year" (228). |
2326 | Captain Bean |
The Memphis man whom the narrator of "Uncle Willy" identifies as "Captain Bean at the airport" refuses to teach Willy how to fly without a certificate from a doctor but is willing to teach Secretary, Willy's black driver - which seems to flaunt the rules of segregation (241). His title suggests he may be an ex-World War I aviator, like many other flyers in Faulkner's fictions, but that is conjecture. |
2325 | Sonny Barger |
Since his store is on or near the street in Jefferson that the narrator of "Uncle Willy" calls "Nigger Row," it's possible that Sonny Barger is black, but more likely that he is one of Jefferson's white small businessmen who cater to poor people of both races - like Willy in his drugstore (234). The fact that Barger sells the narrator a bottle of "Jamaica ginger" - a legal form of alcohol - suggests a seedy kind of establishment (234). |
2324 | Mr. Barbour |
In "Uncle Willy" Mr. Barbour is the narrator's Sunday school teacher at the Protestant church. He is apparently willing to let Willy sit in on the class, but he never calls on him. |
2323 | Papa George |
Georgie, the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" calls his father "Papa," but his actual name is also George. He is "in the livery-stable business" (268), and has no illusions about the dynamics of his wife's family or the character of its black sheep, his wife's brother Rodney. When his wife's sister Louisa, for example, rationalizes Rodney's promiscuous behavior by pointing to his lack of opportunities "to meet a nice girl and marry her," George says: "Marry? Rodney marry? |
2322 | Mr. Watts 2 |
The man with the badge outside Grandpa's house in Mottstown in "That Will Be Fine" reminds Georgie of "Mr. Watts at Jefferson that catches the niggers," so it seems safe to say that Watts is either the sheriff or one of the deputies or, perhaps, the town marshal (277). The fact that all the people he catches are black probably reflects the fact that most arrested people in Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha are black, not that Watts has a special commission to catch Negroes. |
2321 | Unnamed Two Mottstown Men |
In "That Will Be Fine," these two men prevent Georgie from seeing his uncle's corpse. One of them picks up Georgie and carries him away. This man has a sense of irony worthy of Faulkner himself. When Georgie naively asks if the "wrapped bundle" that other men are carrying (Rodney's corpse, "wrapped in a quilt" and laid on a shutter) is "a Christmas present for Grandpa," this man replies yes, "From all the husbands in Mottstown" (286). |
2320 | Unnamed Six Mottstown Men |
These are the Mottstown men who carry Rodney's body to his father's house in "That Will Be Fine"; Georgie says, "I could look back and see the six men in the moonlight carrying the blind with the bundle on it" (286). |
2319 | Unnamed Mottstown Women |
After Rodney's death, which the young narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is still ignorant of, he sees these "ladies with shawls over their heads" coming to offer their condolences to the family. |
2318 | Unnamed Lady in Mottstown |
This is the "other lady in Mottstown" who - according to the account of the very young narrator of "That Will Be Fine" - had "business" with Rodney, though "just one time" (268). "Business" is the term Rodney gave his young nephew; a less naive narrator would say 'sex.' "Lady" is the term that his culture taught this youngster to use for most white women; another narrator might use a different word here too. |
2317 | Mrs. Tucker |
In "That Will Be Fine," Mrs. Tucker is one of Rodney's earlier Jefferson conquests, the married woman with whom he had an affair while visiting town "last summer" (266). One one occasion, Mrs. Tucker is "sick," so Georgie doesn't get a quarter for his part in the "business" (285). |
2316 | Mr. Tucker |
He is the husband of Rodney's earlier Jefferson conquest, Mrs. Tucker. Rodney makes clear to Georgie, the very young and uncomprehending narrator of "That Will Be Fine," that Mr. Tucker is not involved in his "business" with Mrs. Tucker (266). |
2315 | Rosie |
Rosie, a servant working for the family of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine," seems to have a clear understanding of her employers' characters. In particular, she chastises young Georgie: "You and money! If you ain't rich time you twenty-one, hit will be because the law done abolished money or done abolished you" (265). Rosie, like Emmeline, has to do some of the cooking due to the absence of Grandma and Grandpa's servant, Mandy. Although she grumbles about her work, she performs it conscientiously. |
2314 | John Paul |
In "That Will Be Fine," John Paul is the servant who drives the hack for Georgie's family and is willing to speak sarcastically about Uncle Rodney's behavior. He is observant and witty: "John Paul said he bet papa would like to give Uncle Rodney a present without even waiting for Christmas . . . a job of work"; "John Paul quit laughing and said Sho, he reckoned anything a man kept at all the time, night and day both, he would call it work no matter how much fun it started out to be" (270). |
2313 | Mandy 2 |
Mandy cooks for Grandpa in "That Will Be Fine," but she seems to have disappeared the day before Christmas, missing her duties as cook and leaving her cabin mysteriously "locked on the inside" (274). |
2312 | Mrs. Jordon |
Mrs. Jordon is Grandpa's Mottstown neighbor in "That Will Be Fine"; at the end of the story, after Rodney is killed, Rosie is taking Georgie to her house for the night. |
2311 | Rodney |
The "Uncle Rodney" (266) of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is the youngest of three children. He is also guilty of theft, fraud, and embezzlement. He is also a serial philanderer. Rodney manages the latter "business" by manipulating his nephew, Georgie, with promises of future monetary rewards. "By God," he tells Georgie, "some day you will be as good a businessman as I am" (280). His attempted elopement with a married woman on Christmas Eve goes horribly wrong, and Rodney winds up "wrapped in a quilt" and carried back to his family like a "side of beef" (286). |
2310 | Grandpa |
The "grandpa" of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" is married to grandma, and the father of Louisa, Sarah, and Rodney. He knows his son is a criminal but covers for him as long as possible, apparently taking refuge or solace in anger and his "tonic," which he keeps in a bottle in his desk - a desk which Rodney knows how to "prize open" in order to sneak his own (alcoholic) "dose" (266). |
2309 | Grandma |
In "That Will Be Fine," Grandma is married to Grandpa and is mother to Aunt Louisa, Sarah, and Uncle Rodney. She is Georgie's maternal grandmother, but Georgie pays little attention to her. |
2308 | Sarah |
Sarah - Uncle Rodney's older sister, George's wife and woman whom the narrator of "That Will Be Fine" calls "mamma" (265) - is greatly upset by Rodney's behavior, mostly because gossip about it would damage "the family's good name" (267). She is very class-conscious, but also genuinely concerned about her younger brother: "mamma cried and said how Uncle Rodney was the baby and that must be why papa hated him" (268). |
2307 | Georgie |
Georgie, the seven-year-old narrator of "That Will Be Fine," tells the essentially sordid and ultimately fatal story of his uncle Rodney from a perspective that emphasizes both the ignorance and self-centeredness of childhood. He never questions or recognizes Rodney's various forms of social and criminal misbehavior, and his loyalty to Rodney has its roots less in family love than in greed. |
2306 | Unnamed Baby of Louisa |
This is the youngest child of Uncle Fred and Aunt Louisa. Georgie's narrative in "That Will Be Fine" does provide either its name or its gender. |
2305 | Louisa 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine," the narrator's cousin Louisa is the young daughter of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
2304 | Fred 2 |
In "That Will Be Fine" this is the Fred who is the young son of Aunt Louisa and Uncle Fred. |
2303 | Aunt Louisa |
In "That Will Be Fine," Aunt Louisa is married to Uncle Fred and mother to Louisa, Fred, and an unnamed baby. As Rodney's older sister, she repeatedly rationalizes her brother's behavior. She hides his misdoings from their father, and pleads for Mr. Pruitt to give him time to get the two thousand dollars he needs to cover his theft from the Compress Association. |
2302 | Fred 1 |
In "That Will Be Fine," this is the Fred who is Georgie's uncle and Aunt Louisa's husband; he lives with his wife's parents in Mottstown. Fred is aware of Rodney's crimes but unable to do much about them. |
2301 | Emmeline |
In "That Will Be Fine," Emmeline is the nursemaid for Aunt Louisa's baby. She takes Mandy's place in cooking breakfast, complaining "that she was going to waste all her Christmas doing extra work they never had the sense she give them credit for and that this looked like to her it was a good house to be away from nohow" (279). |
2300 | Mrs. Church |
In "That Will Be Fine," after Mrs. Church pays a call on Mrs. Pruitt, she gossips about her with the women of Grandpa's family, saying that she uses too much makeup, does not dress properly, and drinks. |
2299 | Yance |
In "Vendee" Bayard says that the livestock pen at Ab Snopes' cabin was "just like the one Ringo and Yance and I had built at home" (100). The reference to Yance is puzzling, since no character with that name is ever mentioned anywhere else in the fictions, and other Unvanquished stories describe in detail how Bayard, Ringo, Joby and Loosh build that pen at Sartoris. Faulkner might just have forgotten Joby's name: when he reprinted this story as a chapter in The Unvanquished, he changed the name "Yance" to "Joby." |
2298 | Benbow Family |
In Flags in the Dust the Benbows are identified as one of the oldest and most prominent Yoknapatawpha families, though they do not figure among the county's large plantation owners, and individual members of that family play major roles in that novel, Sanctuary and "There Was a Queen." In "Skirmish at Sartoris," however, as a short story and again as a chapter in The Unvanquished,the family is mentioned only as the antebellum owners of a "carriage" and the slave - "Uncle Cash," or Cassius - who drove it (66). |
2297 | Unnamed Union General 2 |
In Requiem for a Nun the carpetbagger named Redmond associates himself with this general, "the brigadier commanding the force which occupied Jefferson" (183). (Historically, the Union forces who burned (but did not occupy) Oxford in 1863 were under the command of General Andrew Jackson Smith, who is mentioned as "General Smith" in other Yoknapatawpha fictions.) |
2296 | General Joseph Mower |
Requiem for a Nun mentions the "general of the United States army" who takes charge of Jackson, Mississippi, after Union troops captured and burned it (87). Historically, this officer was named Joseph A. Mower. He served in Sherman's corps during the 1863 campaign against Vicksburg (87). |
2295 | Unnamed Town Wit 1 |
The narrator of "Mule in the Yard" singles out from 'the town' as a group this one "town wag" who sends I.O. Snopes a printed train schedule, his wry commentary on all the mules that Snopes loses in "accidents" with freight trains on the "blind curve" on the railroad tracks (252). |
2294 | Unnamed Mule Drovers |
In "Mule in the Yard" these men help I.O. Snopes 'drive' (i.e. move - no vehicle is involved) his newly purchased mules from the railroad station past the Hait house to his pasture. |
2293 | Unnamed Customers of I.O. Snopes |
In "Mule in the Yard," these "farmers and widows and orphans black and white" (252) buy mules from I.O. Snopes. |
2292 | Unnamed Claims Adjuster |
On behalf of the railroad company, this claims adjuster in "Mule in the Yard" pays Mannie Hait the sum of $8500 after her husband gets run over by one of their trains. On this occasion he also thwarts I.O. Snopes, by refusing to pay anything for the mules who were killed in the accident. |
2291 | Unnamed Bank President 1 |
Along with the cashier who works for him, this banker in "Mule in the Yard" tries to convince Mannie Hait to invest her settlement money in bonds or a savings or a checking account. (When Faulkner re-tells this event in The Town, the president of the bank is "Major de Spain himself," 244.) |
2290 | Spilmer |
Spilmer may or may not still be alive, but the property above the ravine ditch where Mannie Hait hides and shoots a mule bears his name in both "Mule in the Yard" and The Town. |