Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
711 | Unnamed Waiter 3 |
The waiter at the Cloche-Clos in "Ad Astra" is "an old man in a dirty apron"; when he notices the German prisoner in the bistro, he falls "back before us, slack-jawed, with an expression of outraged unbelief, like an atheist confronted with either Christ or the devil" (411). The last we see of him is amidst the chaos of the brawl that breaks out; at its climax, Comyn is seen carrying or dragging this "ancient waiter" "beneath his arm" (424). |
969 | Unnamed Waiter 2 |
At the "confectionery-lunchroom" called the Shack in Sanctuary, the "man in a soiled apron" who brings fixings to Gowan may be the owner as well as a waiter and cook (33). Gowan calls him "Cap" (short for captain?), but since he has never been to the Shack before that is obviously a generic name. |
968 | Unnamed Waiter 1 |
This waiter works in the Chicago night club at the end of Flags in the Dust. Described as having "a head like a monk's," he struggles with the woman who has stolen the drunken Harry Mitchell's diamond tiepin, though there is no way to know if his intention is to return it or to keep it for himself (388). |
1388 | Unnamed Wagon Drivers |
This generic 'wagon driver' is mentioned in the summary description of the fifteen years Joe Christmas spends on "the street" (223) in Light in August. Joe's long strange trip is epitomized by all the rides that he begs on "country wagons" with the "driver of the wagon not knowing who or what the passenger was and not daring to ask" (224). |
2566 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 4 |
This "driver" who passes Ike Snopes on the side of the road in The Hamlet knows Ike well enough to call him by "his name," but is not otherwise described (197). |
1385 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 3 |
In The Hamlet this man passes by Varner's store on his wagon and greets the men there. |
1387 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 2 |
This is the man in Light in August whom Byron meets on the road coming from Jefferson. Complaining about his "luck" because the "excitement" kept him in town longer than he wanted, he tells Byron that that "'they killed'" Christmas (442). |
1386 | Unnamed Wagon Driver 1 |
In Light in August this good-natured man gives Lena Grove a ride from Varner's Store to Jefferson; on the outskirts of the town, they see the smoke from Joanna Burden's burning house. |
3715 | Unnamed Voyeurs |
This is the group that Lucius contemptuously refers in The Reivers as the "brutal and shameless men" (155) who pay Otis a dime to watch his aunt, Miss Corrie, "pugnuckling," having sex, with paying customers (154). |
3576 | Unnamed Voters at Picnic |
Will Varner's picnic is attended by "every voter and candidate in forty miles that owned a pickup or could bum a ride in one or even a span of mules" (348). The Mansion takes for granted the fact that "every voter" is white. |
3203 | Unnamed Visitors |
In Requiem for a Nun, these people are the "kin or friends or acquaintances" of the "outlanders" who move to Jefferson after World War II; they are described as visiting "from the East or North or California" on their way "to New Orleans or Florida" (196). |
2771 | Unnamed Victims of the Ku Klux Klan |
During Reconstruction, according to the Cass Edmonds' account of it in Go Down, Moses, the lynched "bodies of white and black both" hung "from lonely limbs" along the road and black men were "shot dead in polling-booths" while trying to vote - victims, still according to Cass' representation, "not so much of hate as of desperation and despair" (277). |
3607 | Unnamed Vicksburg Prostitute |
In The Mansion Stillwell is in Parchman Penitentiary for murdering this "Vicksburg prostitute" (107). |
3616 | Unnamed Veterans of World War II |
Veterans who have returned from fighting in the Second World War are a major element of the social landscape in the second half of The Mansion. Goodyhay's unconventional congregation is made up mainly of vets, or their surviving parents and spouses; one of them wears a "barracks cap still showing where the officer's badge had been" to the church service (305). Because they know what "Devries's medal meant," veterans form an important element in the anti-Snopes coalition during the 1946 Congressional election (346). |
3615 | Unnamed Veterans of World War I 2 |
In The Mansion Charles Mallison remembers the "war heroes" who returned to Jefferson after World War I, both the "wounded" and the "unscratched ones" who wore their "divisional shoulder patches and wound- and service-stripes and medal ribbons" around town (200). |
3385 | Unnamed Veterans of World War I 1 |
In The Town these veterans who served in McLendon's company in the first World War return to Jefferson early in 1919, "except two dead from flu and a few in hospital," "all home again to wear their uniforms too around the Square for a while" (123). |
2770 | Unnamed Veteran Klansman |
Only one member of the Ku Klux Klan has any individual existence in "By the People" or The Mansion: a "veteran ranking Klansman" who seems to accept defeat at the hands of the "schoolteachers and editors and Sunday School superintendents" who elected Clarence Snopes as their champion (131, 333). |
1614 | Unnamed Venetian Glassmakers |
Horace Benbow's description in Flags in the Dust of the glass-making craftsmen he saw in the caves of Venice is suitably picturesque: "At first they're just shapeless things . . . shadows on the bloody walls . . . And then a face comes out, blowing . . ." (165). |
1921 | Unnamed Vaudeville Singers |
In Sanctuary the "male quartet" hired for Red's funeral from "a vaudeville house" brings "the older women" to tears "singing mother songs" and "Sonny Boy" "in close harmony" (247). |
2641 | Unnamed University of Mississippi Students 2 |
The University of Mississippi opened in 1848, and became co-educational in 1882. According to The Hamlet, the male and female students who are there with Labove generally ignore him. |
2470 | Unnamed University of Mississippi Students 1 |
According to Absalom!, when Bon and Henry enroll at the University of Mississippi in 1859, the entire student body "numbered in two figures" (81). Included in that number are the "five or six" students, all like Henry "planters' sons," with whom Bon associates (76). It is also this small clique, presumably, who follow Bon's example and switch to the Law School. |
1920 | Unnamed University Men |
Sanctuary provides a generic description of the male "students in the University" who date Temple on the weekends. They are characterized almost entirely in terms of their clothes - "hatless" even when outside, wearing "knickers and bright pull-overs," or at dances the formally clad "black collegiate arms" and pairs of "black sleeves" (29). |
1919 | Unnamed University Dean |
The administrator in Sanctuary who puts Temple on academic probation "for slipping out at night," i.e. for dating on weeknights, is referred to simply as "the Dean" (57) - perhaps the Dean of Women Students. |
1317 | Unnamed United States Attorney |
In "A Point of Law" and again in Go Down, Moses the "United States Attorney" who is present during Judge Gowan's hearing on the case against Lucas and George is an outsider who "moved to Jefferson only after the administration changed eight years ago" (222, 70). This probably makes him an appointee of President Franklin Roosevelt, though that is not said explicitly. He is described as both "angry-looking" (221, 70) and "angry" (222, 71). Secure in his local knowledge and authority, Judge Gowan ignores his one exasperated but uncompleted remark. |
1423 | Unnamed Unitarian Trader |
This "trader" may be the American who buys the protagonist of "Red Leaves" after he reaches America, though that isn't specifically said (330). The narrative identifies him as "a deacon in the Unitarian church" (330). Historically there were no deacons in the Unitarian church. |
1465 | Unnamed Union Trainmen |
In an event added to "Raid" in the novel The Unvanquished, Drusilla Hawk recounts a dramatic contest, "like a meeting between two iron knights of the old time," between two trains, one manned by Confederates and the other in pursuit, manned by these Union forces (98). Drusilla labels the train itself "the Yankee one," does not describe the men who are driving it (96). |
952 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 9 |
The Union Army in Absalom! is an unseen but important force. When "Yankee troops" pass near Yoknapatawpha at some point in the Civil War (66), for example, Coldfield's two Negro servants and "all of Sutpen's" slaves "follow the Yankee troops away" (67). |
961 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 8 |
While no Union troops appear directly in "Skirmish at Sartoris," either as a story or as a chapter in The Unvanquished, they are referred to at different points by Bayard, his father John, Drusilla and Ringo. Bayard notes that northeastern Mississippi "had been full of Yankees" for three years before they "burned Jefferson" and left the area at the end of 1864 (58, 188). John seems to think that if they returned they would help him and the other white men of Yoknapatawpha restore the order that had been disrupted by the War (65, 198). |
965 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 7 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished the group of Union soldiers who help Ringo and Bayard drag Rosa Millard and the wagon on shore after they cross the river are identified as a "Yankee patrol" (51, 108). |
966 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 6 |
In both the short story "Raid" and again in the chapter in The Unvanquished titled "Raid," these "Yankees" are not seen, but their actions are represented in the text by the ruins they have left behind them. They have been destroying railroads and burning plantations across Mississippi and Alabama, including the Sartoris place and Hawkhurst. |
2224 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 5 |
According to "There Was a Queen," both Miss Jenny's father and her husband were killed during the Civil War, by the men whom she refers to as "them goddamn Yankees" (733). |
2221 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 4 |
Although Yankee soldiers do not appear directly in Light in August, according to the account of Van Dorn's cavalry raid that Hightower tells his wife Jefferson was "a garrisoned town," meaning that Union soldiers were stationed there, and to attack it the troop with which his grandfather rode had to travel "for a hundred miles through a country where every grove and hamlet had its Yankee bivouac" (483). |
957 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 3 |
Specific Union troops who appear in the various stories that Will Falls and Aunt Jenny tell in Flags in the Dust have their own separate entries in the data. This entry represents the unspecified groups of Union soldiers and officers who are mentioned - often with extreme bias - in the novel. For example, the "drunken Yankee generals [who] set fire to the house your great-great-great-grandfather built" that Aunt Jenny refers to (50). |
955 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 |
In Flags in the Dust and again in "Retreat" both as a short story and as a chapter in The Unvanquished, this company of Union soldiers is captured by Colonel Sartoris. In the first novel he does so single-handedly, but in the next to he has some (involuntary) help from Bayard and Ringo. In those two texts we assume this group is the "column of Yankee infantry" that earlier passes by Bayard and his father's troop hiding in the woods (30, 67). |
953 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 18 |
This is the "United States military force" referred to in Requiem for a Nun that "burned the Square and the business district" in Jefferson during the Civil War (37). |
960 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 17 |
As recounted in Intruder in the Dust, in 1864 these Union troops took control of Jefferson by force and "burned to rubble" the "courthouse and everything else on or in the Square" (48-49). When Requiem for a Nun refers to this same event, it calls the Union troops who did the burning a "United States military force" (37). |
710 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 16 |
These are the Union forces serving under General Smith in "My Grandmother Millard" who retreat ignobly in the face of a charge by a much smaller Confederate unit led by Lieutenant Backhouse. It's not clear how large Smith's unit is, but it includes the "outpost" that Backhouse attacks, a "main unit," and a troop of "cavalry" who screen the retreat (692). |
709 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 15 |
These are the first Union troops to appear in Jefferson, according to "My Grandmother Millard": a "Yankee scouting patrol" that was apparently looking for General Compson "over a year ago" (675). That would have been before April, 1861 - implausibly early in the Civil War for Union troops to be moving through Mississippi. |
708 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 14 |
This second set of Yankees described in "My Grandmother Millard" seems to be an irregular, possibly even a renegade group: the "six men in blue" who charge on horseback onto the Sartoris property (676). They are armed with a battering ram because their mission is pillage rather than combat (674). Bayard describes their "faces" as "unshaven and wan" and their demeanor as "frantically gleeful"; their slovenliness suggests a lower class background and their glee an undisciplined lust for plunder (676). |
707 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 13 |
This is the first of the Union units engaged by the narrative of "My Grandmother Millard": the "whole regiment of Yankee cavalry" that, according to Ab Snopes, is "half a mile down the road" from the Sartoris place (674). (A Union regiment could be as large as 1000 men.) |
954 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 12 |
The Union Army is only mentioned in The Hamlet, in the novel's reference to the groups of Union soldiers who patrolled the roads of Frenchman's Bend during the Civil War. |
951 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 11 |
Two of the Unvanquished stories - "The Unvanquished" (titled "Riposte in Tertio" in the novel) and "Vendee" - refer generically to the Yankee troops after they have left Mississippi: "there ain't a Yankee regiment left," says Ab Snopes in "The Unvanquished" (87, 139). He is wrong, but by the next story they have in fact all moved away to continue fighting elsewhere in the South. In "Vendee," in their absence, Uncle Buck says Grumby's viciousness makes "even the Yankees" look good in comparison (105, 169). |
963 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 10 |
In both the short story and the novel titled "The Unvanquished," these are the unnamed Union soldiers attempt to intercept Rosa Millard after she takes the mules from Colonel Newberry's Union camp. |
1613 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 1 |
In the story Aunt Jenny tells in Flags in the Dust about her brother Bayard's death on a cavalry raid with J.E.B. Stuart in Virginia, they ride back and forth several times through hundreds if not thousands of Union soldiers. These soldiers include "astonished picket-parties returning placidly to camp" and "fatigue parties setting forth with picks and axes and shovels" (13); they are described most vividly as "blue-clad pigmy shapes" that "plunge scattering before and beneath" the force of twenty Confederates (14). |
3713 | Unnamed Union Soldier 4 |
This Union soldier in The Reivers is the "picket of Fitz-John Porter's" - i.e. a man on look-out duty as part of Porter's Union division at Gaines's Mill, Virginia - who shot and killed Grandfather Priest's father during the CIvil War (278). |
1426 | Unnamed Union Soldier 3 |
This is the unnamed Union soldier who annoys his superior officer by laughing at Ringo's evasion of the Union lieutenant's questioning in both "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter in The Unvanquished titled "Riposte in Tertio." |
1254 | Unnamed Union Soldier 2 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this is the Union soldier among the group at the tent where Rosa Millard is taken after she almost drowns in the river who suggests taking her "to the hospital" (51, 108). |
705 | Unnamed Union Soldier 1 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this is the soldier in the Union unit that raids and burns Hawkhurst who tries, unsuccessfully, to take Drusilla's horse away from her. |
704 | Unnamed Union Sergeant 2 |
In both "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this sergeant serving in the Union cavalry unit Rosa Millard encounters in Alabama objects to his young Lieutenant's decision to honor the requisition she carries. |
703 | Unnamed Union Sergeant 1 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this sergeant is in charge of the depot at the Union camp where the confiscated silver and mules, along with the self-emancipated Negroes who managed to cross the river, are held. |
671 | Unnamed Union Sentry 2 |
In both "The Unvanquished" and the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished Granny passes this unnamed sentry en route to her encounter with Colonel Newberry. |
1252 | Unnamed Union Sentry 1 |
In "Raid" and again in the chapter with that title in The Unvanquished this sentry stands outside the tent to which Rosa Millard, Bayard and Ringo are taken after they cross the river. |
1459 | Unnamed Union Quartermaster |
In "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished the Yankee lieutenant whose men have damaged the mule pen fence while re-possessing the livestock Rosa stole gives her a voucher worth $10 drawn "on the quartermaster at Memphis" (91, 145). A military quartermaster is in charge of providing supplies to the forces. |
702 | Unnamed Union Prisoner |
In "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the Union soldier who was captured by the Confederate unit camped outside Jefferson; according to its captain, this prisoner was sure that Sartoris had more than a thousand men in his troop. |
700 | Unnamed Union Orderly |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the orderly or clerk who writes out the requisition for Rosa Millard's silver, mules and Negroes. Apparently he has a hard time understanding her southern accent. |
2804 | Unnamed Union Officers |
According to "the tale told" in Go Down, Moses, this group of Union officers were sitting "in the leather chairs spitting into the tall bright cuspidors" in the lobby of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis when they were surprised by a party of Confederate cavalry (221). (See Unnamed Union General 3 elsewhere in this index.) |
697 | Unnamed Union Officer 6 |
The officer in "My Grandmother Millard" who leads the "first Yankee scouting party" to appear in Jefferson is obviously a gentleman: when told by Aunt Roxanne, one of the Compson's slaves, that a woman is in the privy behind the Compson house, he begs Roxanne's pardon, "raises his hat and even backs [his] horse a few steps" before turning away and ordering his men to leave (675). |
1271 | Unnamed Union Officer 5 |
The officer in command of the cavalry troop Rosa Millard encounters at the river ford in "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished is not named, but is clearly identified as "a heavy-built man with a red face" (54, 113). We get a good idea why he looks choleric when he reads the Rosa's requisition order and swears - behavior that suggests a lower class origin than the officers, Yankee as well as Confederate, elsewhere in the fictions. |
1270 | Unnamed Union Officer 4 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this man is identified only as an "officer," but he is distinguishable by the "stubble of beard and long streak of blood" on his "little white face"; he warns Rosa Millard that the army is preparing to blow up the bridge (49, 105). |
1269 | Unnamed Union Officer 3 |
This is the leader of the sixty Yankees whom Sartoris captures in "Retreat" and again in The Unvanquished. The officer ruefully says, "Colonel, by God I believe you have fooled us" (31, 68). |
2220 | Unnamed Union Officer 2 |
According to the report that reaches the Hightower's house during the Civil War in Light in August, this "Yankee officer" shoots and kills Pomp, Gail Hightower's father's personal slave, "to protect his own life" when Pomp attacks him "with a shovel" (477). |
1433 | Unnamed Union Officer 1 |
The commander of the Union troop that comes to Sartoris hoping to capture Colonel John Sartoris appears first in Will Falls' account of the event in Flags in the Dust, and then again in Louvinia's slightly different account of the same event in both "Retreat" and The Unvanquished. |
1268 | Unnamed Union Major 2 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this is the Union officer who asks Drusilla to convince the Negroes camped out at the river to return to their former owners. |
696 | Unnamed Union Major 1 |
The "fat staff-major" in Flags in the Dust whom Jeb Stuart and Carolina Bayard capture when they raid General Pope's headquarters (13). He takes his bad fortune stoically, but it is his assertion that "there is no place" for a gentleman in the war that provokes Sartoris into the act of bravado that results in his death (17). |
1275 | Unnamed Union Lieutenant 3 |
In "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished this unnamed Union officer berates Rosa for managing to get away with more Yankee mules. Later, looking "about forty and kind of mad and gleeful both at the same time" (87, 140), he comes to the Sartoris plantation to reclaim some of the stolen animals and then, ironically, gives Rosa a voucher to cover the damage he men to the plantation in the process, while pleading with her not to use this new voucher as a means to continue her campaign against the Yankees. |
1274 | Unnamed Union Lieutenant 2 |
As Rosa Millard and her group return through Alabama in "Raid" and The Unvanquished, they encounter a Union cavalry unit led by this lieutenant who, Bayard says, "didn't look much older than Ringo and me," sounds "like a girl" when he swears, and looks as if he's "fixing to cry" when forced to turn over his troop's horses to her (56, 116-17). |
1273 | Unnamed Union Lieutenant 1 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished, this anonymous Lieutenant executes the erroneous order of the General authorizing Rosa Millard to receive 10 chests, 110 mules and 110 "Negroes of both sexes" (54); he adds an "another hundred" Negroes with the "compliments" of the commanding general (53, 112). |
2803 | Unnamed Union Intelligence Officer |
In Go Down, Moses Faulkner (or Cass) invents this "Yankee Intelligence officer" who finds Lee's "battle-order . . . on the floor of a saloon" (272). (The losing and finding of Lee's order actually happened during the Civil War, but in fact it was found by a Union corporal lying in the grass.) |
3712 | Unnamed Union General 3 |
In The Reivers this is the "Yankee general" whom the party of Confederate cavalrymen that included Theophilius McCaslin "almost captured" when they rode "at a gallop into the lobby" of the Gayoso Hotel in Memphis (94). Both he and the event may be apocryphal, though to the Priest family, Lucius says, it is all "historical fact" (94). (See Unnamed Union Officers elsewhere in this index.) |
2297 | Unnamed Union General 2 |
In Requiem for a Nun the carpetbagger named Redmond associates himself with this general, "the brigadier commanding the force which occupied Jefferson" (183). (Historically, the Union forces who burned (but did not occupy) Oxford in 1863 were under the command of General Andrew Jackson Smith, who is mentioned as "General Smith" in other Yoknapatawpha fictions.) |
1280 | Unnamed Union General 1 |
Two of The Unvanquished stories refer to but don't name a Union general in command of the forces in the area of Yoknapatawpha. In "Ambuscade" this general is mentioned by Sergeant Harrison, who heard "the general" in command of the larger unit to which his cavalry troop belongs say that "if he had enough horses, he wouldn’t always care whether there was anybody to ride them or not" (13, 30). |
1612 | Unnamed Union Cook |
In Flags in the Dust this cook is hiding inside General Pope's "wrecked commissary tent" when Carolina Bayard returns for the anchovies (18); the derringer shot he fires into Sartoris' back from his hiding place into Sartoris' back is fatal. |
1263 | Unnamed Union Cavalryman 2 |
In "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished the first "Yankee" Bayard and Ringo ever see is the Union soldier they shoot at. They don't get a close enough look at him first to describe him in any detail, but Bayard does remember thinking - with some surprise - that "he looks just like a man" (10). When he passes the site of the shooting in "Retreat," the next story in the series, Bayard remembers him briefly. |
1264 | Unnamed Union Cavalryman 1 |
In the story Will Falls tells Old Bayard in Flags in the Dust about the Yankees arriving at Sartoris hoping to capture Colonel John, this is "that 'ere other Yankee" who goes around the house looking for him at the barn (21); John fools him long enough to get around the corner before the man starts shooting at him. When this story is told again in "Retreat" and The Unvanquished this Union soldier, perhaps frustrated by not capturing John Sartoris in the barn, points his "carbine" directly at the two boys, Bayard and Ringo, "and shot at us pointblank" (34, 73). |
2691 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 8 |
As Gombault notes in "The Tall Men," as the last military act of the Civil War "Sheridan's cavalry" blocked the road from "Appomattox to the [Shenandoah] Valley" in April, 1865, forcing Lee to surrender (54). |
1267 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 7 |
In Go Down, Moses, this is the "body of raiding Federal horse" - i.e. a Union cavalry unit - that arrives at the McCaslin plantation sometime in 1862, causing the flight of Percival Brownlee (278). |
956 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 6 |
In both the story and the novel "The Unvanquished," this appears to be the last Union troop that Bayard sees in Yoknapatawpha during the War; it tracks Rosa Millard down to the Sartoris plantation to recover at least some of the dozens of stolen Yankee mules who remain in the county. |
1266 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 5 |
In "Raid" and again in the chapter titled "Raid" in The Unvanquished, this is the outfit of Union soldiers who are riding through the countryside in Alabama when Ringo stops them in order to requisition additional property. |
1265 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 4 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this troop of Yankee cavalry is camped out at the river ford about twenty miles from the narrative's central river crossing site. |
967 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 3 |
These are the Union troops, identified by Drusilla as "a brigade of cavalry" (45, 91), whom Bayard describes at the bridge over the river in "Raid" as both a short story and a chapter in The Unvanquished. Some of them are holding the crowd of self-emancipated slaves away from the bridge, others are preparing to blow it up, still others are described as "riding up and down the cliff" above the water or bivouacked "down at the water" (51, 108). |
706 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 2 |
In "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished, this is the first group of Yankee soldiers to appear in Yoknapatawpha. In "Raid" Louvinia remembers their arrival, and Rosa's note to their colonel identifies them as a regiment from Ohio. To Ringo they look like "the whole [Union] army" (10), but it's more likely they comprise a single regiment of cavalry - or less. |
498 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 1 |
In both Flags in the Dust and "Retreat" as a short story and again as a chapter in The Unvanquished, this company of Union cavalry rides up to the Sartoris plantation hoping to capture Colonel John Sartoris. In all three texts he is able to fool them long enough to escape, but in the last two the Yankees then dig up the family's buried silver and set fire to the mansion. |
1444 | Unnamed Union Auditor |
In "The Unvanquished" and then in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, this auditor is mentioned by the Union lieutenant whose men take down a mule pen fence while re-taking stolen Union livestock. The lieutenant gives Rosa a voucher worth $10 to pay for the damaged fence, then asks her not to forge a higher amount because, as he says, "if in about four months the auditor should find a warrant in the records for a thousand dollars to Mrs Rosa Millard, I would have to make it good" (91, 147). |
2802 | Unnamed Union Army Paymaster |
In Go Down, Moses, as part of the Federal force occupying Mississippi after the South surrendered in 1865, this "travelling Army paymaster" passes through Jefferson with Percival Brownlee as part of his "encourage" (278). |
2522 | Unnamed Unidentified Voice |
In "Hand upon the Waters" someone informs Stevens about both Lonnie's funeral and Joe's whereabouts on the day he was buried. There is good reason to think this person is someone from Frenchman's Bend, and it may even be the coroner whose telephone call first brought Stevens into the story, but all the text provides is a voice which speaks in correct (i.e. not vernacular) English and with unmistakable if unsentimental sympathy for Joe's loss. |
2965 | Unnamed Undertaker's Employees |
In Intruder in the Dust these "four or five men" take Jake Montgomery's body from the truck that brings it into town and through the back door into the funeral parlor (178). |
3605 | Unnamed Undertaker |
The undertaker at Flem Snopes's funeral appears briefly in The Mansion, directing the people at the end. |
2211 | Unnamed Undercover Revenue Agent |
One of the hypothetical characters in Light in August, this "undercover man" does not actually appear in Jefferson, but he is fairly vividly conjured up in the imagination of "the town," which is "just waiting" this man to arrest Brown for selling moonshine whiskey (46). At the time the novel takes place, Prohibition made it illegal to sell alcohol anywhere in the U.S. But Yoknapatawpha is 'dry' throughout its imaginative history, meaning that it was always illegal to sell alcohol there. The federal agents who enforced this law were colloquially called 'revenuers.' |
117 | Unnamed Uncles of Issetibbeha |
The head of the tribe in "Red Leaves" is a single chief, "the Man." But the narrative notes that the larger political structure includes "a hierarchy of cousins and uncles who ruled the clan," and who meet as a group to discuss tribal issues like "the Negro question" (319). The narrative refers to them in the "conclave" as "one," "a third," "a second," and so on, but does not give them names or individualities or distinguish the generation of "uncles" from the generation of "cousins" (319). |
3770 | Unnamed Uncle of Sam Caldwell |
In The Reivers Sam Caldwell's uncle is a "division superintendent" on the railroad line Same works for (130). A typical division superintendent is in charge of a fairly large section of a railroad company's track. |
2269 | Unnamed Uncle of Paul |
According to a story that Elly's friend "just heard," Paul de Montigny has an uncle who "killed a man once that accused him of having nigger blood" (209). In the friend's mind, this story 'proves' that Paul himself is black, but while believing in 'black blood' as a kind of curse tells us something about the friend and the culture she grew up in, "Elly" does not allow us to say whether Paul even has an uncle, much less whether any of the friend's other assumptions and implications are true. |
2885 | Unnamed Uncle of Herman Basket |
"Dead" before "A Courtship" begins, this man is mentioned as the original owner of the "shotgun" that Herman Basket's aunt threatens to use on her niece's suitors (368). |
2262 | Unnamed Uncle of Elly |
The uncle of the title character of "Elly" is the son of her grandmother Ailanthia; he lives in Mills City with his wife and daughter. |
249 | Unnamed Uncle of Doom |
In Faulkner's first two stories about the Indians who inhabit Yoknapatawpha in its early history, he does not name the man who is "The Man," the hereditary chief of the tribe. His sister is the mother of Doom. In "Red Leaves," The Man and his son both die shortly after Doom returns from a sojourn in New Orleans - presumably at Doom's hands, but that part of the story is left untold here. |
2471 | Unnamed U.S. Marshals |
There were thousands of uniformed "United States marshals" in the South during Reconstruction as part of the federal government's efforts to enfranchise and protect the rights of emancipated slaves and to enforce the punishments Congress imposed on former Confederate leaders and soldiers. Their role is Absalom! is described (by Shreve) as only punitive: he refers to the "taxes and levies and penalties" with which they encumber Sutpen's property (146). |
3202 | Unnamed U.D.C. Ladies |
"The U.D.C. ladies" who "instigated and bought" the Confederate statue that stands at the center of Jefferson in Requiem for a Nun are members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, an organization of Southern women that was founded in 1894 in Nashville, Tennessee (188). Members actively served the 'Lost Cause' of the Old South and the Confederacy by sponsoring the construction of monuments, lobbying boards of education, and so on. |
3383 | Unnamed Two Witnesses |
In his hypothetical account in The Town of the deal Flem made with Eula that allowed Linda to leave home, Gavin assumes the presence of "two witnesses waiting" outside the room until she is ready to sign the agreement he has drawn up (304). |
2640 | Unnamed Two Officers |
The "two officers" mentioned in The Hamlet as accompanying Mink in his courtroom appearances are probably deputy sheriffs, but the novel uses the term "officers" to name them (287, 367). |
2321 | Unnamed Two Mottstown Men |
In "That Will Be Fine," these two men prevent Georgie from seeing his uncle's corpse. One of them picks up Georgie and carries him away. This man has a sense of irony worthy of Faulkner himself. When Georgie naively asks if the "wrapped bundle" that other men are carrying (Rodney's corpse, "wrapped in a quilt" and laid on a shutter) is "a Christmas present for Grandpa," this man replies yes, "From all the husbands in Mottstown" (286). |
3382 | Unnamed Two Men at the Cotillion Ball |
In The Town these two men attempt to help Gavin Stevens stand up after Manfred de Spain strikes him down (79). |