Character Keys
Code |
title![]() |
biography | |
196 | Mink Snopes' Daughter 1 |
In The Hamlet Mink and his wife have two "towheaded" daughters (81), born two years apart (264). This is the older one, though the novel does not distinguish between them when it depicts them, for example, hiding behind their mother's "skirts as if they were deaf or as if they lived in another world" (82). They were conceived two years apart, in the first five years of their parents' marriage (264). In The Mansion, the "two daughters" are mentioned, briefly; this older one disappears after her father goes to prison and her mother dies (10). |
197 | Mink Snopes' Daughter 2 |
This is the younger of Mink and Yetti's two "towheaded" daughters who are briefly mentioned in The Hamlet (81) and The Mansion. They are two years apart in age, but the first novel does not distinguish between them. The second does: unlike the older sister, this "younger daughter" becomes "the madam" of a Memphis whorehouse (320) - though that detail is mentioned only when the narrative notes that Mink unknowingly walks past the place on his way to buy a pistol. |
198 | Mink Snopes' Father |
The brief description of Mink's father in The Hamlet could make him seem sympathetic: he's a lifelong sharecropper who "moved from farm to farm, without himself having been more than fifteen or twenty miles away from any one of them" (261). |
199 | Mink Snopes' Mother |
In The Mansion Mink Snopes's mother died before he got to know her - or even what she called him. |
279 | Mink Snopes' Step-Mother |
In The Mansion Mink Snopes describes "the lady that raised me" as "jest" the wife of his father, and "no kin a-tall" to Mink himself (110). "Because she was a Christian" - a phrase that is meant to convey her self-righteousness - she regularly took him to church services and prayer meetings (117). She "always failed" Mink as a surrogate mother, but the novel has some sympathy for her as a battered wife: "a gaunt harried slattern of a woman . . . always either with a black eye or holding a dirty rag to her bleeding" (117). |
423 | Minnie |
The Negro maid who works in Miss Reba's Memphis brothel appears in four novels. In Sanctuary, where she is named Minnie, she is a kind of confidant and guardian to Temple - either because Popeye pays her, or because she is afraid of him. This role is made explicit in her next appearance, in Requiem for a Nun, where she is not named: Temple describes her as both her guard and the one person with whom she could "talk" (111-12). |
1747 | Minnie Cooper |
Minnie Cooper, the central character in "Dry September," is a Jefferson woman, "thirty-eight or thirty-nine" years of age (173); although the story is vague on this point, it is apparently her accusation of assault against Will Mayes the precipitates the lynching. She is described as "still on the slender side of ordinary looking, with a bright, faintly haggard manner and dress" (174). Never married, she lives with her mother and aunt, and has received local derision for her romantic travails and, more recently, her drinking. |
947 | Minnie Sue Turpin |
In Flags in the Dust Minnie Sue is a young woman in Frenchman's Bend whom Byron Snopes has courted in the past, and whom he "paws" in a sordid attempt at sex on his flight from town after robbing the bank (281). She seems unfazed by his behavior, though she is also unaccommodating, ordering him to "come back tomorrer, when you git over this" (281). |
3407 | Miss Allison |
In The Mansion Miss Allison is the spinster daughter of Old Major de Spain's sister and "the retired principal of a suburban Los Angeles grammar school" (463). She is deeded the old De Spain mansion - 'the mansion' of the novel's title - by Linda Snopes Kohl. |
3008 | Miss Atkins |
In Light in August, Miss Atkins is the dietitian - "young, a little fullbodied, smooth, pink-and-white" - believes the five-year-old Joe Christmas is "going to tell" of her sexual episode with the young intern (120, 124). She calls Joe a "little nigger bastard" and raises questions with the matron about his racial identity so that he will be removed from the orphanage before exposing her (122). |
3654 | Miss Ballenbaugh |
In The Reivers Ballenbaugh's is currently owned by the "only child" of the second Ballenbaugh, a "fifty-year-old maiden" (74). She is described as a "prim fleshless severe iron-gray woman" who makes her living farming the land, and "running a small store" that has a loft which accommodates overnight guests (74). She may be "fleshless," but the food on "the table Miss Ballenbaugh sets" is well known for the pleasure it provides (74). |
2327 | Miss Callaghan |
In "Uncle Willy" Miss Callaghan is the narrator's teacher, at least for "one year" (228). |
3014 | Miss Carruthers |
In Light in August, Miss Carruthers was the organist in Hightower's church when he preached there, but has now "been dead for almost twenty years" (366). |
2969 | Miss Cayley |
In "Knight's Gambit" Miss Cayley is the "farmer's daughter" who is engaged to Max Harriss, and also one of Sebastian Gualdres’ dalliances (191). She is "about the same age as the Harriss girl [that is, about 20 years old] but not quite as tall, slender yet solid too, as country-bred girls can look, with dark hair and black eyes" (192–93). |
857 | Miss Corrie |
A major character in The Reivers. "Miss Corrie," as she is called when Lucius first meets her (99) - or "Everbe," as he calls her after learning later in the narrative that her given names are "Everbe Corinthia" (153) - was born in Kiblett, Arkansas. After her mother's death, her foster-mother put her to work as a prostitute "as soon as she was big enough" (154). She is, Lucius notes when he first meets her at Miss Reba's, "a big girl," "still a girl, young too, with dark hair and blue eyes and at first I thought her face was plain" (99). |
1633 | Miss Daingerfield |
In The Sound and the Fury, Miss Daingerfield is one of two young women on a pleasure outing with Mrs. Bland, Gerald, Spoade and Shreve when Quentin is arrested for kidnapping the unnamed Italian girl. Quentin notes that she and Miss Holmes, the other young woman, have "little white noses" (145) and look at him "through veils, with a kind of delicate horror" (141). |
3247 | Miss Elma |
Despite her title, "Miss Elma" in The Town is the widow of the previous county sheriff who now works as the "office deputy" for Sheriff Hub Hampton (183). |
269 | Miss Harriss |
Like her mother, the 20-year-old daughter of "Mrs. Harriss" never gets a first name in "Knight's Gambit," the only text in which she has a significant presence. In other respects too she takes after her mother: "looking not wan so much as delicate and fragile and not even fragile so much as cold, evanescent, like one of the stalked white early spring flowers bloomed ahead of its time into the snow and the ice and doomed before your eyes without even knowing that it was dying, feeling not even any pain" (190–91). |
1638 | Miss Holmes |
In The Sound and the Fury Miss Holmes is one of two young women on a pleasure outing with Mrs. Bland, Gerald, Spoade and Shreve when Quentin is arrested for kidnapping the unnamed Italian girl. Quentin notes that she and Miss Daingerfield, the other young woman, have "little white noses" (145) and look at him "through veils, with a kind of delicate horror" (141). |
3261 | Miss Killebrew |
The teller at the Sartoris bank in The Town, Miss Killebrew receives one of the four "coca colas" that are regularly delivered from the drugstore at the end of the business day (323). |
1647 | Miss Laura |
In The Sound and the Fury Miss Laura is Quentin's elementary school teacher. She disconcerts Quentin when she asks him "who discovered the Mississippi River" (88), but she may also be the teacher Quentin refers to in Benjy's section, when he tells his father about trying to protect her from a boy who "said he would put a frog in her desk" (68). |
691 | Miss Lawington |
In As I Lay Dying Miss Lawington is the lady in Jefferson who tells Cora Tull about another lady who needs cakes for a party. The fact that the Tulls put "Miss" in front of her name suggests her higher class status (7). |
1777 | Miss Lorraine |
Miss Lorraine is one of the two women in Sanctuary who come back to the brothel with Miss Reba after Red's funeral. (The context suggests they might be madams at other Memphis brothels, but that is not made explicit in the text.) Lorraine is the "thin woman in sober, severe clothes and gold nose-glasses" (250). The narrator refers to her "flat spinster's breast" (256) and several times compares her appearance to that of "a school-teacher" (251, 258). |
3698 | Miss Rhodes |
At the end of The Reivers Lucius notes that "Miss Rhodes was going to let me make up the [school] work" he missed while having his adventure in Tennessee (296). She is obviously his teacher - and a very understanding one too. |
3280 | Miss Vaiden Wyott |
In The Town Miss Vaiden Wyott is the second grade teacher who encourages and advises Wallstreet Panic Snopes throughout his public school education and beyond. She is a descendant of an old Yoknapatawpha family, but after teaching in Jefferson for a decade she decides "to accept a position in a school in Bristol, Virginia" (154). It would seem likely that she and the Doctor Wyott who runs the Academy that his grandfather founded must be related. Both these descendants of generations in Yoknapatawpha share a common interest in eduction. |
1517 | Miss Wyatt |
The youngest of the three unmarried Wyatt sisters who live next door to the Benbows in Flags in the Dust. She is not named, nor does she appear directly in the narrative. |
1441 | Missy Lena |
In The Unvanquished - in a passage added to the original story "Raid" - Ringo sleeps in "Missy Lena's cabin" at Hawkhurst; she is undoubtedly a slave on the plantation, but does not appear in the novel herself (99). If her name was given her by the whites who owned her, as was probably the case, Missy Lena is likely a corruption of "Messalina," the wife of the Roman emperor Claudius; in Faulkner's fiction as in southern history, slave names were often a mock-heroic version of classical ones. |
3209 | Mister Ernest |
According to the twelve-year-old narrator of "Race at Morning" Mister Ernest "wasn't jest a planter; he was a farmer" too - which means he worked on his land along with "his hands and tenants" (308). He raises "cotton and oats and beans and hay" (309) at Van Dorn, his estate somewhere close to the wilderness in which the hunt takes place. A widower, he adopts the unnamed narrator when the child's parents - tenant farmers on his land - abandon him. Mister Ernest goes deer hunting each November with a party of men from Yoknapatawpha. |
1476 | Mister Joe Butler |
"Mister Joe Butler" is one of the two characters whom Byron Snopes invents in Flags in the Dust in his attempt to deceive Virgil Beard about the nature of the anonymous letters he is sending Narcissa (108). He is supposed to live in St. Louis. |
1494 | Mitch |
One of the two "young" white men (the other is Hub) in Flags in the Dust who spend an evening with Young Bayard, along with Reno and two other young black men, drinking, driving and serenading ladies out of and in Jefferson. Mitch sings "Goodnight, Ladies" in a "true, oversweet tenor" voice (143). He is a "freight agent" (140), and may be the same character as Mitch Ewing in "Hair." |
1977 | Mitch Ewing |
In "Hair" Mitch Ewing is one of the narrator's sources of information about Hawkshaw. Because of his job at the railroad station, Ewing knows that Hawkshaw buys a ticket every year to a "junction-point," a station from which "he can go to Memphis or Birmingham or New Orleans" (143). (He may be the same character as the young man named "Mitch" who drinks with Bayard Sartoris in Flags in the Dust.) |
425 | Mitchell |
In "Hand upon Waters" Ike tells Stevens that Lonnie Grinnup had saved his "burying money" with Mitchell "at the store" (73). It's clear that the money is for his funeral expenses, but not clear who "Mitchell" is in this context. He could be the store owner (though in all the other fictions where the Frenchman's Bend store occurs, it is owned by the Varners), or - as seems more likely - Mitchell is a local undertaker, whose clients put money away for him at the store, which thus functions as a kind of bank for the people who live outside the town. |
111 | Mohataha |
In the first five texts that mention this character, she is referred to as either "The Man's|Issetibbeha's sister" or "Ikkemotubbe's|Doom's mother." She is a member of the family of chiefs in the tribe of Indians who lived in Yoknapatawpha when the white settlers began arriving, but Faulkner defines the tribe (variously called Choctaw or Chickasaw) as patriarchal, and so as a woman neither she nor her son is in the direct line of succession. |
113 | Moketubbe |
In five texts Moketubbe is the son of Issetibbeha, and so, according to Faulkner's representation of Indian society, the heir to the title of 'The Man,' or chief of the tribe that lives in Yoknapatawpha when the white settlers begin arriving. The only one that shows him as the chief is "Red Leaves," Faulkner's first 'Indian story,' which begins after the death of his father. |
151 | Molly Worsham Beauchamp |
The wife of Lucas Beauchamp figures in five different texts. In the first two ("A Point of Law" and "Gold Is Not Always") she is unnamed. In the first one she speaks a thick, essentially mistrelish dialect ("Yawl and your Gawge Wilkins!" 223), in the second she is only mentioned, once. |
1941 | Monaghan, Father of Buck |
An immigrant to the U.S., Monaghan's father brags about his "Shanty Irish" origins, but at the time of "Ad Astra," he is a self-made millionaire who began his rise to wealth by collecting refuse and finally by building municipal sewage systems. Monaghan quotes him: "When you're with your fine friends, the fathers and mothers and sisters of them you met at Yale, ye might just remind them that every man is the slave of his own refuse and so your old dad they would be sending around to the forty-story back doors of their kitchens is the king of them all" (415). |
1940 | Monaghan, Grandfather of Buck |
This is one of Faulkner's characters who are defined by absence and indeterminacy. In "Ad Astra," when the aviator Monaghan explains his "Shanty Irish" origins, he gives a memorable description of his father, but he cannot trace his ancestry before that: other than saying his father came "out of a peat bog," which suggests the Irish peasantry, Monaghan claims, "I don’t know what my grandfather was. I don’t know if I had one. My father don’t remember one. Likely it could have been one of several" (415). |
2479 | Monk Odlethrop |
In "Monk," the mentally challenged title character is a mystery. Initially known only as "Monk," the narrator characterizes him as a "moron, perhaps even a cretin" (41), using terms offensive to modern readers but common and acceptable during the era of the story's composition. Near the end readers learn that his given name is actually Stonewall Jackson Odlethrop - though it is not clear exactly who gave him any of these names. He is born in the hill country east of Jefferson, presumably the unwanted child of Mrs. Odelethrop's son and a "hard" woman from somewhere else (43). |
233 | Montgomery Ward Snopes |
Montgomery Ward was named for a national retailer (Montgomery Ward) that specialized in selling by mail to rural customers. The son of I.O. and his first wife, he is among the first Snopeses Faulkner ever created. He doesn't appear in Flags in the Dust but is mentioned there when Horace Benbow's neighbor asks him about "your Snopes" (166). After faking a heart condition to evade the draft, Monty had accompanied Horace Benbow to World War I as a non-combatant working with the Y.M.C.A. |
3043 | Mooney |
Mooney is the foreman at the planing mill where, for varying lengths of time, Bryon Bunch, Joe Christmas and 'Joe Brown' (i.e. Lucas Burch) all work in Light in August. |
693 | Moseley |
Moseley is the Mottson pharmacist who lectures Dewey Dell when she comes to his drug store seeking an abortion. He narrates one chapter in the novel and tells us that he is "a respectable druggist, that’s kept store and raised a family and been a church-member for fifty-six years" (202). |
210 | Mother of Lucius Priest I |
In The Reivers "Grandfather's mother" is mentioned twice: when Lucius Priest assumes that she taught her son to "make his manners" to a lady in the same way that the males in the family always do (200); and when Lucius notes that his Grandfather, "an only child," stayed with his mother in Carolina while his father was away fighting during the Civil War (285). She died in 1864. |
60 | Mother of Quentin MacLachan Compson |
In the "Appendix" to The Sound and the Fury that Faulkner published in 1946, the mother of Quentin MacLachan Compson I apparently dies early in his life. He is an "orphan" who is raised by her family in "the Perth highlands" (326). |
2232 | Mothershed |
In "Beyond" Allison meets Mothershed: a self-proclaimed nihilist in life, who is in Beyond after committing suicide. Of him the Judge says, "for the last fifteen years my one intellectual companion has been a rabid atheist, almost an illiterate, who not only scorns all logic and science, but who has a distinct body odor as well" (789). The Judge's characterization of Mothershed is odd, since they spent their afternoons discussing thinkers like Ingersoll, Voltaire, and Paine (786, 787). |
3237 | Mr. Adams |
In The Town Adams is the Jefferson mayor who precedes Manfred de Spain in the office: "the mayor with a long patriarchal white beard, who probably seemed to young people like Cousin Gowan older than God Himself, until he might actually have been the first man" (11). |
428 | Mr. Backus |
The father of Melisandre Backus Harriss Stevens appears in three fictions. The description of him is remarkably the same in all three; here's the way it's worded in "Knight's Gambit," the first of the three: he's a "widower-owner who stayed at home and farmed his heritage" while sitting "through the long summer afternoons in a home-made chair on the front gallery, reading in Latin the Roman poets" with "a constant tumbler of thin whiskey-and-water at his elbow and the aged setter bitch dozing at his feet" (150). |
3655 | Mr. Ballott |
Mr. Ballott is "the white stable foreman" at the Priest livery stable in The Reivers (7). He runs the business and keeps track of the black employees during the day. The novel's reference to his "first wife" makes it clear that he has been married at least twice (8). |
2324 | Mr. Barbour |
In "Uncle Willy" Mr. Barbour is the narrator's Sunday school teacher at the Protestant church. He is apparently willing to let Willy sit in on the class, but he never calls on him. |
429 | Mr. Binford |
Lucius Binford - or as he's called in two of the three novels in which he is mentioned or appears, Mr. Binford - is the business and romantic partner of Reba Rivers, the madame of a Memphis brothel. In The Mansion he is referred to as a "pimp" (80). In The Reivers, the one novel he actually appears in, Lucius Priest says his "official" title is "landlord" (110). He is a little man, but there is something menancing about him; the first thing you notice about him, Lucius says, is "his eyes . . . |
2042 | Mr. Black |
The narrator of "Death Drag" refers to him only as "the driver" and "the driver of the car," but we learn his name when one of the boys whom he lets ride with him by standing on the car's running boards calls him "Mr. Black" (189). He gives the three barnstormers a lift from the airfield to town. |
1973 | Mr. Burchett |
Mr. Burchett is the guardian of Susan Reed in "Hair." The story's narrator repeats the local rumors that Susan may be Mr. Burchett's illegitmate child, but this is never confirmed. |
1630 | Mr. Burgess |
In The Sound and the Fury Mr. Burgess is the neighbor of the Compsons who sees Benjy grabbing at his daughter and rushes to "knock him out with a fence picket" (263). |
2693 | Mr. Foote |
The boy narrator of "Two Soldiers" calls him "the Law" (89). The employee at the bus depot calls him "Mr. Foote" (89). He's probably the night marshal in Jefferson. He finds the boy alone at dawn in the empty town square, takes him to the depot, and turns him over to the town's informal social service system - "two ladies in fur coats" (90). |
3250 | Mr. Garraway |
In The Town Mr. Garraway owns the store at Seminary Hill. Gavin Stevens describes him physically as "an old man with an old man's dim cloudy eyes magnified and enormous behind the thick lenses of his iron-framed spectacles" (328). |
687 | Mr. Gillespie |
In As I Lay Dying Gillespie is a farmer who lives between Mottson and Jefferson. He agrees to let the Bundrens stop for the night on his property, but when his barn burns down as a result he threatens to sue the family unless they have Darl committed to Jackson - the Mississippi state mental institution. |
3024 | Mr. Gillman |
Gillman owns the Arkansas sawmill where Hine works as foreman in Light in August. |
868 | Mr. Gombault |
In both "The Tall Men" and The Town, Gombault is a federal marshal in the district that includes Yoknapatawpha. He is only mentioned in the later novel, but in the earlier story he plays a major role. One of Faulkner's most palatable lawmen, Mr. Gombault is repeatedly described as old, yet he moves "quickly, easily" (61). He displays a deep understanding of human behavior as he deals shrewdly with both Mr. Pearson and the McCallum family, and is perhaps one of the "Tall Men" of the story's title as the final line identifies him as a "tall, lean old man" (61). |
1484 | Mr. Gratton |
In Flags in the Dust Gratton is a short-tempered veteran of World War I, introduced by Eustace Graham as a man who was "up on the British front last spring" (125). The narrator refers to him as "the stranger," meaning that he is not from Yoknapatawpha (125).. |
317 | Mr. Grierson |
In "A Rose for Emily," Mr. Grierson has been dead for some time when he is first referred to in the story. Alive he was an old-fashioned, over-bearing patriarch who did not allow his daughter to mingle with any men, keeping all possible suitors at bay. Nonetheless Emily keeps "a crayon portrait" of him displayed in the parlor "on a tarnished gilt easel before the fireplace" (120). |
1439 | Mr. Habersham |
In The Unvanquished Mr. Habersham works in a "little dim hole" in a bank (220). He obeys his wife's command and signs John Sartoris' peace bond. (The Habersham family figures in Faulkner's fiction among the founders of Yoknapatawpha, but the married couple in this novel are not specifically associated with that larger narrative.) |
2050 | Mr. Harker |
Harker is the night engineer of the municipal power plant in Jefferson in both "Centaur in Brass" and The Town. In both the story and the novel he serves as a source of the story of Flem Snopes' effort to embezzle by turning the plant's two Negro firemen against each other. His attitude toward the events is mostly that of a bemused spectator, though in the novel's re-telling of the episode he actively intervenes to help the two Negroes recognize that their real antagonist is the white Snopes. |
738 | Mr. Holland 1 |
In "Tomorrow," Mr. Holland is the foreman of the jury that cannot reach a verdict in the Bookwright murder trial; Chick recognizes him as the man arguing in exasperation with Mr. Fentry. |
739 | Mr. Holland 2 |
In The Mansion, Mr. Holland is the President of the Bank of Jefferson, the rival of the bank founded by Bayard Sartoris. Holland creates a scholarship in honor of his "only son," who died fighting in World War II (361). |
3257 | Mr. Hovis |
In The Town, Mr. Hovis is the Sartoris bank cashier who receives a "coca cola" at the bank's closing time (323). (If in Faulkner's imagination he's related to the Mrs. Hovis who appears in the earlier short story "Uncle Willy," the novel doesn't mention the connection.) |
3258 | Mr. Kneeland |
In The Town, Mr. Kneeland owns the tailor shop in Jefferson, where he makes men's clothes and rents out formal menswear, such as the tuxedos worn to the Cotillion Club ball. |
2908 | Mr. Lilley |
A "countryman" who only moved to Jefferson within the year, Mr. Lilley owns "a small shabby side street grocery whose customers were mostly Negroes" (46). In Intruder in the Dust he tells Gavin that if a lynch party needs any help, to let him know. |
1931 | Mr. Lovelady |
In "That Evening Sun," Nancy tells the Compson children that "I got my coffin money saved up with Mr. Lovelady" - or as Quentin's narrative explains, Mr. Lovelady is "a short, dirty man who collected the Negro insurance, coming around to the cabins or the kitchens every Saturday morning, to collect fifteen cents" toward a fund to pay for their funerals (308). He lives at the hotel with his wife and only daughter. Though he and his family occupy only part of a paragraph, the details of their story are provocative: Mrs. Lovelady commits suicide, and after leaving town with his daughter, Mr. |
2072 | Mr. Mardis |
Mr. Mardis is the father Cornelia Mardis. He owns two thousand acres of the finest farming land in Yoknapatawpha. The "five generations" of Mardises in the family cemetery suggest how long his people have been in Yoknapatawpha (8), though the family doesn't appear elsewhere in the fictions. On his death, Mr. Mardis leaves his property to his daughter, rather than to her husband, Anselm Holland. |
3687 | Mr. McDiarmid |
Mr. McDiarmid is one of the two judges at the horse race in The Reivers. Lucius describes him, memorably, as the operator of "the depot eating room, who . . . could slice a ham so thin that his entire family made a summer trip to Chicago on the profits from one of them" (229). |
2978 | Mr. McWilliams |
In "Knight's Gambit" Charles Mallison refers by name to the conductor of the train that takes him from training through Jefferson on his way to Texas: "Mr McWilliams, the conductor, was standing at the vestibule steps with his watch in his hand" (255). |
3445 | Mr. Nightingale |
Mr. Nightingale in The Mansion is "a little scrawny man who wouldn't weigh a hundred pounds" even holding all the tools of his trade (201). His trade is shoe repair, "cobbling" (201). He is also a "Hardshell Baptist" who believes the earth is flat, and an ex-Confederate and unreconstructed Southerner who was "seventeen years old" at Appomattox when Lee surrendered. He gets very upset when his son joins the "Yankee" army to fight in World War I (202). |
1651 | Mr. Patterson |
In The Sound and the Fury the Pattersons live next door to the Compsons. Mr. Patterson beats up Maury Bascomb when he learns that his wife is having an affair with him. |
2681 | Mr. Pearson |
Pearson is the "state draft investigator" in "The Tall Men" (45). A man of "better than average intelligence," he has developed an arrogant, stereotypical way of thinking about country people (48). His previous relief agency work has taught him to expect the worst from such groups, but his encounter with Mr. Gombault and the McCallum family is "different from what he had expected" (48). Over the course of the story, he learns how wrong his assumptions can be. |
3691 | Mr. Poleymus |
As Ned puts it in The Reivers, the Parsham constable, Mr. Poleymus, "may be little, and he may be old; but he's a man, mon" (251). Ned admires the way he takes care of his wife, who has had a stroke, washing and feeding her. He also sorts out the various characters and their doings with a clear sense of humanity and justice. |
3693 | Mr. Powell |
Mr. Powell is John Powell's father in The Reivers. John works for him "on the farm" to earn the money with which he buys "a .41 caliber snub-nosed revolver" from him (6). |
3269 | Mr. Riddell |
Mr. Riddell is a highway engineer who moves to Jefferson in The Town, where it is discovered that his son has polio. |
3450 | Mr. Rouncewell 1 |
This is the "paw" in The Mansion who "ought" to have "burned" his son's "britches off" for being out in the early morning hours to witness the robbery of the Christian's Drugstore (61). |
3699 | Mr. Rouncewell 2 |
In The Reivers Mr. Rouncewell is an agent for a company that "supplies all the stores in Yoknapatawpha County" with oil (48). Either he or the oil company is also far-sighted enough recently to have added "a special tank of gasoline" to the tanks holding oil (48). His name suggests a connection to "Mrs. Rouncewell's boarding house" (26), where Boon lives, and there are men named Rouncewell in both The Town and The Mansion he could be, or be related to, but the novel does not make any of those connections explicit. |
2746 | Mr. Semmes |
In Go Down, Moses Semmes is a distiller in Memphis to whom Boon and Ike are sent by Major de Spain for whisky during the annual hunting trip. |
2034 | Mr. Stokes |
In "A Justice" Mr. Stokes is referred to as "the manager" (343) of the Compson family farm, overseeing the Negro workers who live in the farm's quarters. |
3282 | Mr. Stone|Oxford Lawyer |
The Oxford, Mississippi, lawyer with whom Linda consults while attending the University of Mississippi is named Stone in The Town. At her request, he devises a "contingency" by which Linda stipulates that Flem Snopes should receive any inheritance she is left by her mother. "He was very nice," Linda says (342). (He is mentioned but not named in The Mansion.) The real person behind this character is unquestionably Oxford resident Phil Stone, a lawyer and a descendant of a prominent local family. |
3285 | Mr. Thorndyke |
In The Town Mr. Thorndyke is the Episcopalian pastor who appears at the Mallisons' house with three other (unnamed) pastors - a Methodist, a Baptist, and a Presbyterian - to ask Gavin about the plans for Eula's memorial service. Gavin accuses them of having been "sent by a lot of damned old women of both sexes, including none," people in the town who are anxious about burying Eula's story as well as her body; Gavin calls them all "Doctor" (359). |
2316 | Mr. Tucker |
He is the husband of Rodney's earlier Jefferson conquest, Mrs. Tucker. Rodney makes clear to Georgie, the very young and uncomprehending narrator of "That Will Be Fine," that Mr. Tucker is not involved in his "business" with Mrs. Tucker (266). |
3701 | Mr. van Tosch |
In The Reivers the man who owns Coppermine (i.e. Lightning) is named van Tosch. He is originally from Chicago, but on a trip to Memphis decided he liked it so much that he moved to Tennessee and became a breeder of race horses. It is because he is "a foreigner" (281) - i.e. from the North - that he does not behave correctly when his black employee, Bobo, asks for money to help him out of trouble. But the narrative treats him favorably as a friend of both Colonel Linscomb and Grandfather. |
2322 | Mr. Watts 2 |
The man with the badge outside Grandpa's house in Mottstown in "That Will Be Fine" reminds Georgie of "Mr. Watts at Jefferson that catches the niggers," so it seems safe to say that Watts is either the sheriff or one of the deputies or, perhaps, the town marshal (277). The fact that all the people he catches are black probably reflects the fact that most arrested people in Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha are black, not that Watts has a special commission to catch Negroes. |
2084 | Mr. West |
In "Smoke" the man who owns and runs the Jefferson drug store is named West. He is instrumental in providing county attorney Gavin Stevens with information concerning the stranger with the taste for "city cigarettes" (28). |
3274 | Mr. Widrington |
In The Town Mr. Widrington is a newcomer to Jefferson who drives his wife and her pedigree dog around town in a Cadillac. |
3276 | Mr. Wildermark |
In The Town Mr. Wildermark owns a store on Courthouse Square and orders "men's shoes which buttoned, with toes like small tulip bulbs, of an archaic and obsolete pattern," for Miss Mannie Hait once a year (244). |
3707 | Mr. Wordwin |
Mr. Wordwin, a cashier at the Bank of Jefferson, plays his small part in The Reivers when he accompanies Boon to Memphis to fetch Grandfather's new car, but the narrative adds that he is "a bachelor, one of our most prominent clubmen or men about town" who has been "a groomsman in thirteen weddings" (30). |
2872 | Mr. Workman |
In "An Error in Chemistry" Mr. Workman is an insurance adjuster from the Memphis office of the company that wrote a life insurance policy on Ellie. He is dressed in "neat city clothes" (126), and speaks with a "cold" voice, yet is described as being in "a sort of seething boil" about the shooting (126). Suspecting something after meeting with "Old Man Pritchel" in person (126), he goes out of his way to tell the sheriff about the imminent sale of the Pritchel farm. |
3408 | Mrs. Allison |
"The only sister of old Major de Spain," Mrs. Allison in The Mansion is "a bed-ridden old woman living in Los Angeles" (463). She and her daughter end up owning 'the mansion' after which the novel is named. (If in Faulkner's imagination she is related to the Allison family that appears in the earlier short story "Beyond," the text doesn't say so.) |
384 | Mrs. Andrew Jackson |
President Andrew Jackson's wife, born Rachel Donelson, had been married before meeting him, and there was a legal question about the validity of their marriages - marriages plural, because they had marry a second time after her divorce was finalized. During the presidential campaign of 1828 Jackson's political opponents repeatedly (and unfairly) attacked her along with him. She died between the election and his inauguration, and so was never a First Lady. |
436 | Mrs. Armstid |
The wife of the farmer named Armstid appears or is mentioned in seven texts; she is unnamed in five of them, but her name is Lula in As I Lay Dying, the first one, and Martha in Light in August. That is not the only inconsistency in her character. In both these novels she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind to her husband; in "Spotted Horses," however, she is extremely self-effacing, submitting without complaint to her husband's abusive behavior. |
3656 | Mrs. Ballott |
"Mr Ballott's first wife" was the daughter of Dan Grinnup (8). Ballott's other wife or wives are not mentioned, and The Reivers does not explain why he is no longer married to this woman, but divorce is so rare in Faulkner's Yoknapatawpha that it seems likely she has died. |
21 | Mrs. Bayard Sartoris |
Old Bayard's wife, the grandmother of Young Bayard and Young John Sartoris, is never named, and mentioned only in passing in Flags in the Dust, when that novel sums up the history of the parlor in the Sartoris mansion over the decades. We're told that she and her daughter-in-law and Miss Jenny clean the room "thoroughly" twice a year. There are exactly two words devoted to her: "his wife" (55). |
437 | Mrs. Beard |
In Flags in the Dust she manages the boarding house where Byron Snopes stays, until he moves in order to escape the persistence of her son Virgil. In Light in August, it is another Byron who lives in her hotel - Bryon Bunch. |
744 | Mrs. Ben Quick |
Mrs. Ben Quick makes a very brief appearance in "Tomorrow" when Isham Quick refers to "the dishes and skillet [that] mammy" let Fentry have while he lived in the boiler room at the sawmill (105). |
3412 | Mrs. Biglin |
Luther Biglin's wife in The Mansion has some political clout because she is the "niece of the husband of the Sheriff, Ephraim Bishop's wife's sister" (448); this connection helps explain how he got the job as county jailer. |
438 | Mrs. Bland 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Bland is the mother of Quentin's Harvard classmate Gerald; she has moved from Kentucky to Cambridge to be close to her son. She lays claim to an aristocratic heritage, and in person is both formal and insistent. Shreve calls her "fate in eight yards of apricot silk" (106). |
877 | Mrs. Bland 2 |
The Mrs. Bland mentioned in "Ad Astra" probably doesn't exist. Bland has apparently invented an imaginary wife for his own neurotic reasons. The narrator reports "when [Bland] was tight he would talk about his wife, though we all knew that he was not married" (408). In the story's last line, he refers to her as his "poor little wife" (429). |