Character Keys

Displaying 2901 - 3000 of 3748

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Code titlesort descending biography
3367 Unnamed Oil Company Executives

Only referred to generically in The Town as "the oil company," these faceless men "cuss Mr [Eck] Snopes" for his foolishness in blowing himself and one of their tanks up, but also give his widow $1000, "even if she had married a fool" (117).

2242 Unnamed Old Gentleman

This "old gentleman" gave the toy soldiers to the boy that the Judge meets in Beyond (793). He himself does not appear, but the boy's mother describes him as having "lived here a long time, they say," and being "quite wealthy," "with a white mustache and that kind of popping eyes that old people have who eat too much" (793). He often sits with the woman and her child, "talking and breathing hard" (793).

1393 Unnamed Old Indian

Shortly after Issetibbeha dies in "Red Leaves," this unnamed man speaks with two Indian women about the old days, before "the world" was "ruined by white men" and slavery (323).

1217 Unnamed Old Indian Men

In "Red Leaves" the group that pursues the runaway servant does not include the tribe's old men - or its women and children.

1591 Unnamed Old Jefferson Lady

Mentioned only in passing in Flags in the Dust, she is the charitable "old lady of the town" in whose automobile the wife and children of the "family of country people" (also unnamed) take their husband and father to the train station, where he leaves for the War (72).

648 Unnamed Old Man 1

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin sees this "old man eating something out of a paper bag" (112) when he gets off the interurban car in the town near Cambridge. When he passes the same spot later he notes that the man is gone.

1394 Unnamed Old Man 2

Sanctuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "an old man in a shabby brown overcoat" sailing a toy boat beside the children (316).

649 Unnamed Old Men

In both "The Unvanquished" and the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished, this group of "old men" once captured Grumby, but released him after he showed them what he claimed was a commission from General Forrest (150, 93).

2441 Unnamed Old Men at Holston House

In Absalom!, as Sutpen moves across the Square after talking with General Compson, the General sees "old Mr McCaslin and two other old men hobble out and stop him" to talk (221). McCaslin has his own entry. The fact that all three are "old" is an indication of how the Civil War has emptied Jefferson of most of its other male residents.

650 Unnamed Old Men, Women and Children

In both "The Unvanquished" and again in the chapter titled "Riposte in Tertio" in The Unvanquished these unnamed people, from various places and social ranks in the county, make up the white portion of the 'congregation' that assembles in the Episcopal Church to hear Rosa confess her sins - her campaign of stealing from the Yankees - and to enjoy the fruits of those sins, the mules and money she disperses into the community.

3566 Unnamed Old People

While some "old people" are included in the group in The Mansion that goes to the movie in Jefferson ("couples, young men and girls and old people," 36), this entry represents the "old people" that the narrative specifically identifies, who "didn't go to the picture show" but instead sit in their rocking chairs (38).

2830 Unnamed Old Testament Prophets

The narrator of "Shall Not Perish" mentions "the old fathers in Genesis and Exodus that talked face to face with God" (111), the patriarchs like Abraham and Moses, as a reference point for the age of his father's Grandfather.

2022 Unnamed Old Woman 1

This woman runs and probably owns the "estaminet, a 'bit of a pub,'" in a back street of Amiens where 'Toinette works in "All the Dead Pilots" (516). She and the girl are not related to one another, which raises the question of the exact nature of their business arrangement; she apparently knows of 'Toinette's affairs with Sartoris and Spoomer but does not object to them.

2023 Unnamed Old Woman 2

In "All the Dead Pilots" this "old woman working in a field" works on through the shelling of the French countryside by the Germans, "stooping stubbornly among the green rows" as Sartoris passes her twice going to and from Amiens (521).

2622 Unnamed Old Woman 3

According to Varner in The Hamlet, this "old woman" told his "mammy" that if "a woman showed her belly to the full moon," she would have "a gal" (339).

1883 Unnamed Old Woman in Paris

In Sanctuary, when Temple and her father sit down "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris, this "old woman" comes to them "with decrepit promptitude" to collect the money - four sous - for the seats (316).

3368 Unnamed Older Bondsman

This man, the senior of the two representatives from the company that bonds De Spain in The Town, has "gray hair" and comes to town wearing "striped britches and a gold watch chain big enough to boom logs with and gold eyeglasses and even a gold toothpick and the pigeon-tailed coat and the plug hat" (88).

2623 Unnamed Oldest Nephew of Ratliff

In The Hamlet Ratliff shares a bed with his oldest nephew while Mink Snopes' family stays at his house in Jefferson. Ratliff "had given up his room to them" (288).

2024 Unnamed Operations Officer

This senior officer in the R.A.F. squadron in "All the Dead Pilots" seems like a by-the-book kind of soldier; he won't release Sartoris from duty just because Sartoris asks. He does have a sense of humor, though, and at least a working knowledge of history and geography: "the operations officer told him that La Fayette awaited him on the Santerre plateau" (522) - in other words, "get back to work."

3092 Unnamed Operators

Passing through Jefferson from preflight to basic training in "Knight's Gambit," Charles Mallison sees "the five- and ten-ton trucks of the bottomland planters and operators" (251). "Operators" here seems to mean 'managers.'

1841 Unnamed Orchestra at the Grotto Club 1

Musicians play at the Grotto club at two different points in Sanctuary. The first time, this regular club "orchestra" provides the soundtrack to the scene in which Popeye and Red compete fatally for Temple. The dance music they play "swirls slowly about her in a bright myriad wave" (238). But the narrative never describes either the musicians or the music more particularly; given the history of music in Memphis, they may be black.

1842 Unnamed Orchestra at the Grotto Club 2

Musicians play at the Grotto club at two different points in Sanctuary. A second "orchestra," "from a downtown hotel," is hired to provide music at Red's funeral. A dispute arises about what kind of music they should play. "The leader" proposes "the Blue Danube" by "Strauss" (a detail which suggests these musicians are white, 244), another man proposes "jazz." But at the suggestion of the proprietor of the Grotto they first play "Nearer My God, To Thee," and then the "cornetist" plays a solo version of "In That Haven of Rest" (245).

2950 Unnamed Original Inhabitants of Jefferson

According to Gavin Stevens in Intruder in the Dust, "all the men" who first came to Jefferson worked together to build it, "to shape a land for their posterity" (49); according to this account, "the jailer then" or the "innkeeper or farrier or vegetable peddler" could be "what the lawyer and planter and doctor and parson called a gentleman" (49). This definition of "all the men" leaves out the ones who were enslaved.

3093 Unnamed Original Owner of Dangerous Horse

In "Knight's Gambit" Rafe McCallum acquires the horse that Max Harriss buys from "some owner" who may have "ruined" it by trying "to break its spirit by fear or violence"; it is rumored that McCallum bought the horse "because its owner wanted to destroy it" (210-11).

3568 Unnamed Original Settlers of Yoknapatawpha

The Mansion refers to "Yoknapatawpha County's three original settlers" (421) but only gives one of them a name: Alexander Holston (he has his own Character entry). In other Yoknapatawpha fictions this group always includes Samuel Habersham, sometimes along with his (unnamed) son; in "Hand Upon the Waters," the group includes an ancestor of Gavin Stevens as one of the three.

2166 Unnamed Orphanage Workers

The women who work at the Memphis orphanage where Christmas lives in Light in August include the ones who find him "on that doorstep that Christmas night" and so decide to give him the last name of "Christmas" (383-84). Five years later two young women clean and dress Joe Christmas before he leaves the orphanage with Simon McEachern.

2167 Unnamed Orphans

In Light in August these children in the Memphis orphanage wear "identical and uniform blue denim" (119). Joe seems to live apart from most of them, except a few of the older girls who show him some maternal kindess. According to Hines and the dietitian, at least some of these children call Joe "Nigger" (127).

2247 Unnamed Other Children

These "other children" in "Beyond" are the ones who gave the young mother's son the scars he bears "one day when they were playing" (794). It isn't clear if this happened in a previous life, or in Beyond, but what the mother says - "they didn't know they were going to hurt him" (794) - adds to the details in the story that suggest a connection between this anonymous mother and son and Mary and Jesus in the New Testament.

3771 Unnamed Outlanders

In Intruder in the Dust both Chick Mallison and Gavin Stevens at different points imagine a group they identify as "outlanders" (149, 199). In the second instance Gavin describes them to Chick as the people of "the North and East and West" who are currently seeking to "force on us [the South] laws based on the idea that man's injustice to man can be abolished overnight" (199).

2444 Unnamed Overseer 1

The "overseer" Sutpen hires in Absalom! is credited with helping the plantation "run smoothly" (57). He is identified only as the son of the county sheriff.

2951 Unnamed Overseer 2

In Intruder in the Dust the "overseer" at the Mallison farm helps Mrs. Mallison look for her missing ring (70).

2469 Unnamed Overseers on Virginia Plantations

As the young Thomas Sutpen moves east across Virginia in Absalom!, he notes these "white men" on "fine horses" (182), the "white men who superintend the work" of the field slaves (184).

3071 Unnamed Owner of Circus

He owns the circus at which Milly Hines meets the father of her baby in Light in August. He appears in the novel during Milly's father's murder trial, to testify that the man Hines murders "was a part nigger instead of Mexican" (377).

1744 Unnamed Owner of the Traveling Show

In The Sound and the Fury, the man who saves Jason from the furious old man who attacks him is the owner the traveling show that just played in Jefferson. He tells Jason that he "runs a respectable show, with a respectable troupe," and has already fired the man Jason is looking for (312).

2595 Unnamed Oxford Landlady

While at the University in Oxford in The Hamlet, Labove lives in a "boarding house" owned by this landlady (129).

1884 Unnamed Oxford Town Boys

The three "town boys" who appear as individuals in Chapter 4 of Sanctuary have separate entries. This entry refers to the aggregate group of young men mentioned in the novel who do not go to the University but do have access to cars which make them desirable dates for Temple on "week nights," between the dances and other weekend social activities on the campus (29). Excluded at those times, these "boys" can only watch Temple from a distance that is socio-economic as well as physical.

3000 Unnamed Painter

The man who makes "Miss Zilphia Gant" a Missus is introduced as "a tramp painter," an itinerant whom her mother hires to repaint the dressmaking shop. His last name is never given, so we cannot know Zilphia's married name. Her husband is described as "a young man with black hair and eyes like wood ashes" (375). Despite his own prejudice against any "woman that wore glasses" (377), he falls in love with Zilphia, and vows to her to "get you out of" the miserable life her mother forces her to live (376).

3569 Unnamed Painters

As a symptom of the post-war building- and baby-boom, these house painters can barely finish up their job before eager veterans move into Eula Acres in The Mansion.

1722 Unnamed Parade Marchers

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin and Deacon discuss the time the black man marched in the parade "on Decoration Day" (82). Decoration Day was the southern name for Memorial Day, originally created to honor the veterans of the Civil War and in 1910 it would have been celebrated on the last Monday of May. Deacon mentions both "the old vet'runs" and the "ladies" who organize the celebration (98). Deacon was was wearing a "G.A.R. uniform," i.e. the uniform of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Union army (82).

1432 Unnamed Parchman Chain Gang

The specific chain gang that Mink works on while at Parchman's in The Mansion consists of eleven men altogether, who go to and from the "mess hall to eat" and the cotton field where they are forced to work "shackled to the same chain" (105). The three who are named - Mink himself, Stillwell and Barron - are all white, and they live inside the penitentiary in "a detached wire-and-canvas-and-plank hut," so it seems safe to assume that in the segregrated South, all eleven are white, but that is an assumption. The gang tries to kill Mink after he objects to their plan to escape.

3579 Unnamed Parchman Doctor

In The Mansion Mink turns to "the prison doctor" for an explanation of how deafness works (454).

3580 Unnamed Parchman Guard

"Turnkey" is a colloquial term for jailor; this "turnkey" is the official at Parchman in The Mansion who opens the gate for Mink's release (423).

2506 Unnamed Parchman Inmates 1

"Monk" includes two separate visits to the state penitentiary, but the only specific reference it makes to the inmate population is when, during an "abortive jailbreak," Monk shoots the warden. "Fifty men" see him do that, and "some of the other convicts" overpower him afterwards (50). One of these men is later identified as Bill Terrel, and some of them, like Bill Terrel, are considered by the Governor's Pardon Board for release.

3570 Unnamed Parchman Inmates 2

"They were picking the cotton now" (100) - after Mink has been released from the penitentiary, this is how in The Mansion he thinks about the inmates who remain in Parchman's, most of whom work as field hands on the farm around the prison.

3572 Unnamed Parchman Trusties

These "dozen trusties" in the Parchman penitentiary are not described in any detail in The Mansion (74), but "trusty" is the generic term for prison inmates who can be trusted to help the authorities administer the institution. They are typically given (minor) privileges and allowed (limited) freedoms that other inmates aren't. Montgomery Ward Snopes assumes Flem could bribe one of them to kill Mink for "ten grand" - ten thousand dollars (74).

3571 Unnamed Parchman Trusty

This is the "trusty" who leads Mink out of the state penitentiary in The Mansion; he is in Parchman as a "lifer" who "killed his wife with a ball peen hammer" but according to the Warden "was converted and received salvation in jail" (423) - which explains why he would have been made a trusty, that is, a prisoner entrusted by the authorities with various kinds of responsibilities.

3610 Unnamed Parchman Warden 1

The warden at Parchman when Mink first arrives there in The Mansion is remarkably kind to his prisoner, helping Mink with his correspondence to his wife.

3611 Unnamed Parchman Warden 2

During Mink's long confinement at Parchman in The Mansion there is a turnover of wardens. It is not clear when the old warden leaves and this new one arrives. Nevertheless, like his predecessor, this second warden is remarkably kind and sympathetic towards Mink.

2505 Unnamed Pardon Board Members

The narrator of "Monk" presents the Pardon Board as a "puppet Board" which remains "completely under" the thumb of the Governor (54-55). They are apparently appointed to the Board based on their ability to deliver votes for him.

2168 Unnamed Parents of Hightower's Mother

Light in August never gives Reverend Hightower's mother a first name, much less a maiden one. But it does tell us that "she was one of many children of a genteel couple who had never got ahead and who seemed to find in the church some substitute for that which lacked upon the dinnertable" (472).

3082 Unnamed Parents of Local War Casualty

When Charles Mallison passes through Jefferson at the start of World War II in "Knight's Gambit," he has a kind of prevision of the local young men who will soon be killed in the fighting, and the grief of "those who had created" them, without realizing that the day would come when their child "might die in agony" in a foreign place they "had never even heard of before" and didn't even know how to pronounce (251).

2785 Unnamed Parents of Rider

This couple appears in "Pantaloon in Black" as a story and again as a chapter in Go Down, Moses only negatively: Rider "could not remember his parents at all" (130). He was raised by his aunt.

3702 Unnamed Parents of Vera

The "folks" whom Vera is visiting in The Reivers are presumably her parents (99).

1886 Unnamed Parisian Band

The musicians that Temple and her father listen to in the Luxembourg Gardens in Sanctuary are dressed "in the horizon blue of the army" - suggesting they may be a military band, but that is not stated - and play Massenet, Scriabin and Berlioz (316).

1887 Unnamed Parisian Beggars

During Horace's first conversation with Lee Goodwin in his jail cell, the child that Ruby is holding is compared by the narrator of Sanctuary to "the children which beggars on Paris streets carry" (116). Horace has been to France, and is carrying a French novel when the novel begins. The novel's final scene is set in Paris. Still, in the immediate context of the narrow cell that confines Goodwin, the narrative's sudden evocation of life half a world away from Yoknapatawpha comes as a surprise.

1888 Unnamed Parisian Children

The final scene of Sanctuary "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to children "shouting" and "sailing toy boats" (316).

1889 Unnamed Parisian Men

Sanctuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "men playing croquet . . . in coats and capes" (316).

1890 Unnamed Parisian Women

Santuary's final scene "in the Luxembourg Gardens" in Paris includes a brief reference to "women [who] sit knitting in shawls" (316).

3728 Unnamed Parsham Deputy

In The Reivers the driver of the Stanley Steamer that arrives in Parsham to carry Boon and the others back to jail in Hardwick is driven by "another deputy," or at least someone "in a badge" (253).

3182 Unnamed Participants in Nancy's Trial

In the play's first scene in Requiem for a Nun, "a section of the court" is represented on stage, and the stage directions list "the judge, officers, the opposing lawyers, the jury" (39). The "judge" and one of the officers - the bailiff - speak in the scene, and so have their own Character entries. This entry represents the other men referred to, though it's unlikely that any production of the play would cast actors to represent the "opposing lawyers" or "the jury" on stage.

2055 Unnamed Partner in Restaurant

In "Centaur in Brass" the man who owned the other half of the "small back-street restaurant" in Jefferson that Flem Snopes acquired from Suratt is not named (149). Soon after moving to town, Flem "eliminated" him, presumably by buying him out (150). In The Hamlet Suratt's partner is named Aaron Rideout, Suratt's brother-in law, whereas in the The Town he's Grover Cleveland Winbush. Whether Faulkner had either in mind when he created this "partner" the first time in this story cannot be determined.

2713 Unnamed Partner of Ike McCaslin

Although the man who becomes Ike's partner in the carpentry business is never named in Go Down, Moses, the description of him is very vivid: he is a "blasphemous profane clever dipsomaniac who had built blockade-runners in Charleston in '62 and '3," who "appeared in Jefferson two years ago nobody knew from where" (295). Ike takes care of him when he succombs to drink, and the man helps to build a "bungalow" in town (297) as a wedding present for Ike.

3001 Unnamed Partner of Zilphia

In "Miss Zilphia Gant" this woman becomes Zilphia's "partner" in the dressmaking shop less than a year after Mrs. Gant's death (378).

3573 Unnamed Pascagoula Lawyer

In The Mansion Gavin Stevens knows the lawyer in Pascagoula who sets Linda up with an apartment.

3609 Unnamed Pascagoula Waitress

This waitress works at the "joint" in Pascagoula where Linda takes Gavin in The Mansion (276).

652 Unnamed Passerby 1

In Light in August, when Hightower walks home after learning that the Sheriff is closing in on Christmas, he is so shaken that when "someone speaks to him in passing," he "does not even know" that he has been addressed (310). There's no indication of the gender of this passerby, but it's unlikely that a black would speak first in passing a white man, so we identify 'him' as white.

1220 Unnamed Passerby 2

In The Mansion this man on the Square is mistaken by Linda for Willy Christian, but "old man Christian" had died while she was away (224).

1222 Unnamed Passersby 1

In "That Evening Sun" these people witness Nancy's confrontation with Stovall and "tell about" it; the "ones that passed the jail" later that night hear Nancy singing and yelling and the jailer trying to make her stop (291).

653 Unnamed Passersby 2

This entry represents the "passers" - i.e. people passing by - in "three different parts of town" whom Mrs. Gant questions in "Miss Zilphia Gant" about the families of the girls that Zilphia told her she "would like to visit" (373).

1223 Unnamed Passersby 3

In Absalom!, "whenever anyone white or black stops in the road" to speak to Charles E. S-V. Bon (162), Clytemnestra "drives the passerby on" with a "murmur of vituperation" (162).

1592 Unnamed Patients of Doctor Peabody

As part of the description of Doctor Peabody in Flags in the Dust, the narrative mentions his willingness to travel any distance "to visit anyone, white or black, who sent for him" (95). Later in the description a few of his patients are particularized when a "countryman" - that is, someone from outside the town of Jefferson - visits Peabody in his office to pay the doctor's bill "incurred by his father or grandfather" (95).

3395 Unnamed Patients of Dr. Brandt

In Flags in the Dust the other people in the waiting room where Dr. Alford, Jenny and Old Bayard wait to see the Memphis specialist are described as "quiet" (246).

3778 Unnamed Patrol-riders

In The Unvanquished, when Buck and Buddy McCaslin allow their slaves to live in the plantation big house and leave the place at night by the back door, the white inhabitants of the area share stories or rumors of "McCaslin slaves dodging the moonlit roads and the Patrol-riders to visit other plantations" (249).

1458 Unnamed Patroller

In The Unvanquished Bayard describes "the Patroller (sitting in one of the straight hard chairs and smoking one of Father's cigars too but with his hat off)" having caught some of the Satoris slaves away from the plantation (16). In the antebellum South patrollers watched at night to capture any slaves who were out of their quarters without authorization from their owners, and pursued fugitive slaves.

1967 Unnamed Patronne

The patronne in "Ad Astra" is the manager and owner of the Cloche-Clos. An old woman who wears steel spectacles and knits, she thoroughly understands the threat posed to her business by the Allied aviators and their German prisoner. She loudly expresses her outrage that this German - whom she calls a "Boche!" (422) - has been brought into her bistro: "Eight months since the obus I have kept them in a box against this day: plates, cups, saucers, glasses, all that I have had since thirty years, all gone, broken at one time!

1891 Unnamed Patrons at the Grotto Club

These are the various dancers and gamblers "at the crap table" (237) who are at the Grotto club the night Popeye takes Temple there in Sanctuary. The dancers are summed up in the phrase about the "movement of feet, the voluptuous hysteria of muscles warming the scent of flesh, of the blood" (233).

3574 Unnamed Pawnbrokers

These two men run the pawn shop that sells Mink a gun in The Mansion. They are described as being "blue-jowled as pirates" (320).

1755 Unnamed Peeping Tom

This man may exist, or be a figment of Minnie Cooper's imagination, or even an invention of the customer in the barber shop who refers to him, obliquely, as the "man scare" that Minnie reportedly had "about a year" before "Dry September" begins; the customer describes him as "a man on the kitchen roof" who was looking at Minnie "undress" (171). We have labeled him 'white' because from the larger story it seems clear that if the reported voyeur had been identified as 'black,' the white men of the town would have had to punish someone.

1892 Unnamed Pensacola Policeman

The policeman in Sanctuary from whom Popeye's grandmother asks for a match thinks her irrational statements (including the ominous "I bring down the house") are a deliberate effort at humor (307). He tells her three times that she "ought to be in vaudeville."

2169 Unnamed People along Lena's Way

These are the people in Light in August who, Lena says, "have been right kind" to her during her travels on foot from Alabama to Yoknapatawpha. The narrative implies a difference between the way men and women judge Lena when it describes Mrs. Beard looking at her "once, completely, as strange women had been doing for four weeks now" (85). Nonetheless the narrative does confirm Lena's assertion that everyone is "kind." When she inquires for Lucas Burch, people send her along to the next town, often finding her a ride in the process.

3749 Unnamed People at Ballenbaugh's

After Ballenbaugh takes over Wyott's store in The Reivers, it becomes a stop-over place for the "hard-mouthed hard-souled" men who carry merchandise to and from Memphis (72). But until the 1870s the people at Ballenbaugh's were "just tough men," i.e. no women (72). When the railroad took over the freight traffic in the 1880s, however, Ballenbaugh's becomes a destination point.

2170 Unnamed People at Church Revival

One story that is told in Light in August about the first Gail Hightower concerns the time he invaded an "al fresco church revival" and "turned it into a week of amateur horse racing" while a "dwindling congregation" listened to the "gaunt, fanaticfaced country preachers" (472) condemn him.

2952 Unnamed People at Fraser's Store

In Intruder in the Dust, "every tenant and renter and freeholder white or black in the neighborhood" would find a reason to go to the crossroads store on Saturdays, "quite often to buy something" but also often just to visit with each other (18).

1723 Unnamed People at Mr. Compson's Funeral

When Jason remembers his father's funeral in The Sound and the Fury, he mentions the people who "were holding umbrellas" (201) and who filled in the grave, "throwing dirt into it" (202). Presumably some of these people are from the community, and presumably some are paid cemetery workers, but "they" are not described in any detail.

2171 Unnamed People at Prayer Meeting

In Light in August, when Doc Hines disrupts a prayer meeting by "yelling" for "white folks to turn out and kill" all the blacks, the "folks in the church" make him come down from the pulpit (378). When he threatens them with a pistol, they call the law.

2445 Unnamed People at Sutpen's Wedding

Although Ellen and her aunt "write out a hundred invitations" to the Coldfield-Sutpen wedding in Absalom!, when it happens "there were just ten people in the church, including the wedding party" (39). Two of the witnesses are General and Mrs. Compson. The text does not say who the others were, and why they chose to defy public opinion by being there.

2172 Unnamed People at the Dance

The country people at what Bobbie calls "the clodhopper dance" in Light in August (218) are described as "girls in stiff offcolors and mailorder stockings and heels" and "young men in illcut and boardlike garments" (206). Among this group are the two men who restrain Bobbie after Joe strikes McEachern down.

2953 Unnamed People at the Football Game

In Intruder in the Dust the crowd of spectators at the football game in the Mottstown high school stadium is divided between the people who "sit in the grandstand" and "the ones trotting and even running up and down the sideline following each play" (122).

1865 Unnamed People at Train Station 1

In Sanctuary the men lounging at the Taylor station who watch Temple as she gets off the train are "chewing slowly" (presumably tobacco) and wearing overalls (36).

2624 Unnamed People at Train Station 2

This is the crowd at the "bleak" railroad station in The Hamlet where Labove sees a white man shoot a black man; it "scatters" as the shooting occurs, then forms a "crowd" around the Negro so dense that Labove has to "use his football tactics" to move through it. Some of them also "overpower and disarm" the white man (138).

3603 Unnamed People at Train Station 3

According to The Mansion, this group of "men and boys" come repeatedly each day to the shed by the depot to see the trains pass (38).

2345 Unnamed People between Memphis and Renfro

These are the people - referred to simply as "they" - in the seven different places where Secretary lands the plane as he tries to fly from Memphis to Renfro (243). At each of these places, "they tell him how to get to Renfro" (243); the implication is that it is Secretary's fault that he cannot follow their directions.

2707 Unnamed People in Bus Depot

The narrator of "Two Soldiers" notes that "more folks" arrive at the Jefferson bus depot and buy tickets for the bus to Memphis that he is waiting to take (92).

3724 Unnamed People in Carriages and Wagons

This entry represents the people in The Reivers who are in a "carriage or wagon" when the automobile being driven by Boon moves through the Square (39). Some of these horse- and mule-drawn vehicles have "women and children" in them, and some are being driven by women (39). Grandfather Priest's behavior changes, depending on the gender of the driver, but in either case, both the animals and the people are often startled by the presence of the car.

2786 Unnamed People in Chancellor's Office

"There were a few people going in and out of the office; a few inside, not many" on the day that Roth Edmonds takes Molly Beauchamp to seek a divorce from Lucas Beauchamp in Go Down, Moses (122).

3750 Unnamed People in Crowd at Races

In The Reivers Lucius describes the men who crowd around the race track and bet on the races as "the same overalls, tieless, the sweated hats, the chewing tobacco" that he associated with the men in the hotel dining room that morning (227). But a major difference is that this crowd is racially unsegregated: "people, black and white" (228). One member of this crowd leads Lightning to the starting line after Ned is disqualified. "People" could imply women, of course, but until Minnie arrives at the end of the third race, there is no evidence of them at the track.

1898 Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 1

Chapter 21 of Sanctuary describes the various people whom Virgil and Fonzo see in the train station and on the streets of Memphis when they arrive in the city. None are given any individuality, but they are identified as "a stream of people" who "jostle" the newcomers in the depot, where they are also beset by cabmen and a redcap, and, in the Hotel Gayoso and another, unnamed hotel, a porter, bellboys, and "people sitting among the potted plants" in hotel lobbies (188-90).

2787 Unnamed People in Downtown Memphis 2

The people that Ike sees on the streets of Memphis in Go Down, Moses are well-dressed, "men in starched collars and neckties" and "in fine overcoats" (219), "and the ladies rosy in furs" (221).

1278 Unnamed People in Heaven

In "Vendee" and again in The Unvanquished Brother Fortinbride's eulogy for Rosa Millard expresses his faith that in heaven "there are men, women and children, black, white, yellow or red, waiting for her to tend and worry over" (98, 158). This unseen group is perhaps the most racially inclusive group in all the Yoknapatawpha fictions.

2625 Unnamed People in Jefferson Alley

These people in The Hamlet watch Ab struggle with his mules behind McCaslin's hardware store (42-43).
