Character Keys
Code | title | biography | |
928 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 10 |
In "By The People" the "People" are seen through several different lenses. For example, Gavin Stevens and his nephew, the narrator, divide them generationally: Gavin refers to "the ones of my age and generation" (133), and the narrator, to "the ones of my age and time" (134). In either case, however, the "people" evoked are white. |
929 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 6 |
The narrator of "Tomorrow" refers once to "all the people in our country - the Negroes, the hill people, the rich flatland plantation owners" (91). He is explaining that, despite his Uncle Gavin's formal education at Harvard and Heidelberg, he knows how to talk to "all the people" so that they understand him. This is a rare passage in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, in which the population of the county is aggregated across racial and class lines, though the intent of the passage is apparently to praise Gavin rather than the county's shared community. |
930 | Unnamed Salesman 2 |
In The Mansion this "Four-F potato chip salesman" ran off with Mrs. Goodyhay while Goodyhay himself was serving in World War II (294). |
931 | Samson 2 |
The Samson who appears in The Town is a porter at the Snopes Hotel. |
932 | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 3 |
The story "Skirmish at Sartoris" briefly acknowledges the many enslaved people who sought freedom by emancipating themselves as the Union Army passed through Mississippi. Groups of these people, and a few of them as individuals, are described in some detail in the earlier story "Raid." The chapter "Skirmish at Sartoris" in the novel The Unvanquished revises the reference in "Skirmish" to the "Negroes" who "passed in the road [beside Hawkhurst] all night long" (59) as "the niggers passing in the road" at night (189). |
933 | Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury this telegram delivery boy brings Jason news of about his investment on the commodities market. |
934 | Unnamed Chickasaws 12 |
In "A Justice," "the People" is the collective term for Doom's tribal members, and they are differentiated from "the black people" (351, 355). The People as a tribe are also often segregated by gender, as when "all the men sleep in the House" (350), or when on the way to the steamboat, the women walk while the men ride in wagons (351). In this early story the Indians are identified as Choctaws; later Faulkner will consistently refer to the Indians who lived in the land that became Yoknapatawpha as Chickasaws. |
935 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 5 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. In "Miss Zilphia Gant" the neighbors of the Gant family are, like many other groups of people in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, a nosy, gossipy bunch. When Gant's assistant goes to the local store to complain about his treatment, he finds them "gathered at the store" already talking about "the pistol incident" - that is, about Mrs. |
937 | Pettigrew |
The "Pettigrew" in the short story "Beyond" is Judge Allison's attorney and the executor of his will, responsible for making sure that the Judge's last wishes are implemented - though he doesn't seem to do so. In Requiem for a Nun - published almost two decades after "Beyond" - a man named 'Thomas Jefferson Pettigrew' is the source of the name of the town that is the seat of Yoknapatawpha county, but it's not likely Faulkner is consciously thinking of a connection between the characters. |
938 | Tobe 1 |
This "Tobe" appears in Flags in the Dust as the hostler working for the white horse trader who owns the stallion Young Bayard tries to ride; according to the trader, Tobe is the only person the horse allows to handle him. |
939 | Tom 2 |
The "Tom" in The Town is a customer at the Sartoris bank who cannot read Colonel Sartoris' handwriting on the loan he is trying to take out (147-148). |
940 | Unnamed Train Passengers 2 |
In As I Lay Dying, Darl notes "the heads turning like the heads of owls" as he is taken down the aisle of the train car, laughing (253). These other passengers have an obvious reason to stare at him. (Under the Jim Crow laws, railroad cars were racially segregated, so all these passengers would have been white.) |
941 | Unnamed Train Passengers 7 |
In both "Lion" and Go Down, Moses, the passengers on the train from Memphis to Hoke’s are “buttonholed” by Boon (188, 222), forced to listen to him talk about Lion, and too intimidated to tell him that he is not allowed to drink on the train. (Under the Jim Crow laws, railroad cars were racially segregated, so all these passengers would have been white.) |
942 | Unnamed Train Passengers 8 |
When in The Mansion Mink watches people getting off and on the train at the Jefferson station, he thinks of them as "rich men and women"; when he thinks of the people on the train itself, he thinks of them as "the other rich ones" (38). They certainly have more money than Mink, but are probably mostly middle-class; under the Jim Crow laws, railroad cars were racially segregated, so all these passengers would have been white. (Near he end of the novel he remembers these people forty years later, 445.) |
943 | Unnamed Train Passengers 6 |
According to Gail Hightower's wife in Light in August, the other passengers on the train bringing them to Jefferson look curiously at him as his voice rises while he tells her the story of his grandfather's death (485). (Under the Jim Crow laws, railroad cars were racially segregated, so all these passengers would have been white.) |
944 | Unnamed Train Passengers 9 |
In The Reivers Lucius describes the (white) passengers who ride on the "Special," the major train that runs between Memphis and New York, as "the rich women in diamonds and the men with dollar cigars" (194). He also mentions the "Negroes" in the "Jimcrow" half of the train's smoking car (194); see Unnamed Negro Train Passengers 1. ("Jimcrow," usually written Jim Crow, is a synonym for the Southern system of racial segregation.) |
945 | Unnamed Train Passengers 4 |
In the "white only" cars of three trains that Horace takes during his journey to Oxford in Sanctuary he sees sleeping travelers who lie with throats turned upward "as though waiting the stroke of knives"; when some awaken their "puffy faces" and "dead eyes" evoke "the paling ultimate stain of a holocaust" (168). A crying child is said to be "wailing hopelessly" (168). And the man beside whom Horace finds a seat immediately "leans forward and spits tobacco juice between his knees" (168). |
946 | Turpin 3 |
This is the younger of the two Turpins mentioned in The Mansion. Like the older one, he is associated with Frenchman's Bend, where he lives in the hill country. Gavin Stevens recalls that he failed to "answer his draft call" during World War II (459). He is presumably related to the older Turpin, and perhaps to the Turpin family that appears in Flags in the Dust, but the novel does not say how. |
947 | Minnie Sue Turpin |
In Flags in the Dust Minnie Sue is a young woman in Frenchman's Bend whom Byron Snopes has courted in the past, and whom he "paws" in a sordid attempt at sex on his flight from town after robbing the bank (281). She seems unfazed by his behavior, though she is also unaccommodating, ordering him to "come back tomorrer, when you git over this" (281). |
948 | Buck Turpin |
Buck Turpin is probably a merchant or businessman in Jefferson. In The Sound and the Fury he owns the lot in which the traveling show that performs in town over the Easter weekend sets up its tent, being paid $10 for that. |
949 | Unnamed Men Who Find Treasure |
In "Gold Is Not Always" and again in Go Down, Moses, these are the "two strange white men" whom Lucas believes "came in here after dark one night three years ago and dug up twenty-two thousand dollars and got out again before anybody even seed um" (227, 78). |
950 | Uncle Job 1 |
The "Uncle Job" in The Sound and the Fury works at the hardware store where Jason Compson also works. In one of his racist rants, Jason calls him "an old doddering nigger" (251), but while Jason also complains about Job's laziness, during the course of the day April 6, 1928, he is shown assembling new cultivators and delivering merchandise. Earl, the man both Job and Jason work for, says "I can depend on him" (248). |
951 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 11 |
Two of the Unvanquished stories - "The Unvanquished" (titled "Riposte in Tertio" in the novel) and "Vendee" - refer generically to the Yankee troops after they have left Mississippi: "there ain't a Yankee regiment left," says Ab Snopes in "The Unvanquished" (87, 139). He is wrong, but by the next story they have in fact all moved away to continue fighting elsewhere in the South. In "Vendee," in their absence, Uncle Buck says Grumby's viciousness makes "even the Yankees" look good in comparison (105, 169). |
952 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 9 |
The Union Army in Absalom! is an unseen but important force. When "Yankee troops" pass near Yoknapatawpha at some point in the Civil War (66), for example, Coldfield's two Negro servants and "all of Sutpen's" slaves "follow the Yankee troops away" (67). |
953 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 18 |
This is the "United States military force" referred to in Requiem for a Nun that "burned the Square and the business district" in Jefferson during the Civil War (37). |
954 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 12 |
The Union Army is only mentioned in The Hamlet, in the novel's reference to the groups of Union soldiers who patrolled the roads of Frenchman's Bend during the Civil War. |
955 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 2 |
In Flags in the Dust and again in "Retreat" both as a short story and as a chapter in The Unvanquished, this company of Union soldiers is captured by Colonel Sartoris. In the first novel he does so single-handedly, but in the next to he has some (involuntary) help from Bayard and Ringo. In those two texts we assume this group is the "column of Yankee infantry" that earlier passes by Bayard and his father's troop hiding in the woods (30, 67). |
956 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 6 |
In both the story and the novel "The Unvanquished," this appears to be the last Union troop that Bayard sees in Yoknapatawpha during the War; it tracks Rosa Millard down to the Sartoris plantation to recover at least some of the dozens of stolen Yankee mules who remain in the county. |
957 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 3 |
Specific Union troops who appear in the various stories that Will Falls and Aunt Jenny tell in Flags in the Dust have their own separate entries in the data. This entry represents the unspecified groups of Union soldiers and officers who are mentioned - often with extreme bias - in the novel. For example, the "drunken Yankee generals [who] set fire to the house your great-great-great-grandfather built" that Aunt Jenny refers to (50). |
958 | Vernon Tull's Siblings |
In As I Lay Dying, Vernon Tull mentions the "last chap" his mother had as he recounts his mother's long life and death (30). That wording implies he had more than one sibling, but there is no way to say how many more. |
959 | Vernon Tull's Father |
In As I Lay Dying Vernon Tull mentions his father as he recounts his mother's long life and death. |
960 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 17 |
As recounted in Intruder in the Dust, in 1864 these Union troops took control of Jefferson by force and "burned to rubble" the "courthouse and everything else on or in the Square" (48-49). When Requiem for a Nun refers to this same event, it calls the Union troops who did the burning a "United States military force" (37). |
961 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 8 |
While no Union troops appear directly in "Skirmish at Sartoris," either as a story or as a chapter in The Unvanquished, they are referred to at different points by Bayard, his father John, Drusilla and Ringo. Bayard notes that northeastern Mississippi "had been full of Yankees" for three years before they "burned Jefferson" and left the area at the end of 1864 (58, 188). John seems to think that if they returned they would help him and the other white men of Yoknapatawpha restore the order that had been disrupted by the War (65, 198). |
963 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 10 |
In both the short story and the novel titled "The Unvanquished," these are the unnamed Union soldiers attempt to intercept Rosa Millard after she takes the mules from Colonel Newberry's Union camp. |
965 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 7 |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished the group of Union soldiers who help Ringo and Bayard drag Rosa Millard and the wagon on shore after they cross the river are identified as a "Yankee patrol" (51, 108). |
966 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 6 |
In both the short story "Raid" and again in the chapter in The Unvanquished titled "Raid," these "Yankees" are not seen, but their actions are represented in the text by the ruins they have left behind them. They have been destroying railroads and burning plantations across Mississippi and Alabama, including the Sartoris place and Hawkhurst. |
967 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 3 |
These are the Union troops, identified by Drusilla as "a brigade of cavalry" (45, 91), whom Bayard describes at the bridge over the river in "Raid" as both a short story and a chapter in The Unvanquished. Some of them are holding the crowd of self-emancipated slaves away from the bridge, others are preparing to blow it up, still others are described as "riding up and down the cliff" above the water or bivouacked "down at the water" (51, 108). |
968 | Unnamed Waiter 1 |
This waiter works in the Chicago night club at the end of Flags in the Dust. Described as having "a head like a monk's," he struggles with the woman who has stolen the drunken Harry Mitchell's diamond tiepin, though there is no way to know if his intention is to return it or to keep it for himself (388). |
969 | Unnamed Waiter 2 |
At the "confectionery-lunchroom" called the Shack in Sanctuary, the "man in a soiled apron" who brings fixings to Gowan may be the owner as well as a waiter and cook (33). Gowan calls him "Cap" (short for captain?), but since he has never been to the Shack before that is obviously a generic name. |
970 | Unnamed Negro Waiter 2 |
The young vernacular narrator of "Two Soldiers" refers to the Negro who brings food to the McKellogg apartment on "a kind of wheelbarrer" as "a nigger . . . in a short kind of shirttail coat" (98). |
971 | Unnamed Negro Waiter 3 |
In Go Down, Moses this waiter works in the Memphis restaurant where Ike and Boon stop before returning to the hunting camp. |
972 | Unnamed White Boy 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury the boy who carries suitcases as part of Deacon's ritual way of greeting new Harvard students from the South is white. When Quentin remembers being met this way, he describes "a moving mountain of luggage" that was being carried by "a white boy of about fifteen" (97). |
973 | Unnamed White Man 3 |
In "Death Drag" this is one of the first people to arrive at the airfield after the plane appears over town. The fact that he arrives in a wagon and not a car suggests that he might be a farmer. |
974 | Unnamed White Man 2 |
"Red Leaves" says that "a white man" taught Issetibbeha how to take snuff (321). It does not say anything about the man. |
975 | Unnamed White Man 4 |
In Absalom! Wash Jones recruits this person - identified only as "another white man" (121) - to help with Charles Bon's burial. |
976 | Unnamed White Man 6 |
In The Reivers, this "white man" is the "blackguard" who takes advantage of Bobo's "country-bred" naivete to get him in debt, and then forces him to steal the horse named Coppermine (281). |
977 | Unnamed White Men 1 |
These characters are created by an implication in "That Evening Sun." When Mr. Compson tells Nancy that she should "just let white men alone" (295), he suggests that Mr. Stovall may not be the only white man with whom she has had sex. So by that implication, these are the other men who buy sex from Nancy. |
978 | Vernon 1 |
The "Vernon" who appears briefly in The Sound and the Fury is not Vernon Tull. This one is the husband of Myrtle, the Sheriff's daughter. He and Myrtle are in the Sheriff's house when Jason comes to report that he has been robbed. |
979 | Wilkie 1 |
Wilkie is mentioned by Mrs. Bland in The Sound and the Fury, when she tells the young people in her car about Gerald's grandfather back in Kentucky who insisted on picking "his own mint" for his juleps: "He wouldn't even let old Wilkie touch it" (148). It seems safe to say that Wilkie was a servant in the Bland family. |
980 | Unnamed Birmingham Policeman |
This is "the officer" in Sanctuary who brings Popeye from Birmingham, where he is arrested, to the "small Alabama town" where he will be tried and convicted (310). |
981 | Unnamed French Architect |
The architect who designs the mansion and grounds at Sutpen's Hundred is identified in Absalom! as "French," but in this novel he comes to Yoknapatawpha from the French Caribbean: "all the way from Martinique" (26). When he is mentioned again in Requiem for a Nun he is identified as the "tame Parisian architect" (30). |
982 | Unnamed Architect 2 |
Intruder in the Dust includes the story of this architect, a "city man" who drives into Jefferson and crashes his expensive car into one of the stores on the Square (53). He treats his time in jail as an adventure, and tries to get the town to sell him the jail's antique "handhewn" door and hardware (53). |
983 | Unnamed Architect 3 |
In Requiem for a Nun the "architect who designed" the Confederate monument that sits at the center of Jefferson is referred to but not described (189). |
984 | Unnamed English Architect 2 |
"Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard" and also The Hamlet refer briefly to the "imported English architect" who designed the "huge house" and the "formal grounds and gardens" at the Old Frenchman's place (136). In Flags in the Dust the Benbow house in Jefferson was also designed in the 1840s by an English architect, though not necessarily the same one. |
985 | Unnamed English Architect 1 |
The narrator of Flags in the Dust notes that the Benbow house in Jefferson, and its large lawn and drive, were designed by "an English architect of the '40s" (e.g. the 1840s, 163). In other texts, the Old Frenchman place in the county was designed by an English architect at about the same time, but there's no indication that it was the same man. |
986 | Unnamed Bank Auditors |
When The Town retells the story of Byron Snopes' robbery at the Sartoris bank, it adds these two auditors to the account; they quickly discover the crime. |
987 | Unnamed Bailiff 5 |
In Requiem for a Nun, the "Bailiff" who commands "Order in the court!" in the play's brief first scene is not described at all (41). Our assumptions about his gender, race and class are based on the bailiffs who appear in courtrooms in other Yoknapatawpha fictions. We also assume that the "MAN'S VOICE" that opens the play, telling "the prisoner" from behind the theatrical curtain to "stand," also belongs to this Bailiff (38). |
988 | Unnamed Bailiff 1 |
In Sanctuary, the bailiff in Lee Goodwin's trial calls the court into session and swears in Temple Drake before she testifies. |
989 | Unnamed Bailiff 2 |
In The Hamlet this bailiff tries to serve Flem his papers for a court appearance and is baffled when Flem refuses to acknowledge the suit against him (355). |
990 | Unnamed Bailiff 6 |
In The Town this bailiff "hollers 'Order! Order in the court!'" at Mink Snopes' murder trial when Mink calls for Flem instead of paying attention to the proceedings (86). |
991 | Unnamed Bandit |
In "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun, this bandit is part of the gang that is brought to the settlement; he claims that the sergeant who commanded the militia unit that captured him was "a former follower of his, the bandit's, trade" (5, 201). |
992 | Unnamed Bandits |
The bandits in "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun are "a gang - three or four - of Natchez Trace bandits" captured in the woods and confined in the settlement jail just long enough to stage an escape that adds a kind of shine to their image (201, 4-5). Local rumor suggests they may be associated with such historically famous bandits as the Harpes or Mason or Murrell, but the narrator seems to believe they were simply part of the "fraternity of rapine" that was a common element on the frontier (201). |
993 | Stovall |
In "That Evening Sun," Mr. Stovall, the cashier in the Jefferson bank and "a deacon in the Baptist church," knocks Nancy to the ground and "kicks her in the mouth" when she accuses him of having failed to pay her for sex (291). In Requem for a Nun, where Nancy reappears as a major character, Temple Drake re-tells this event; she does not name the man, but refers to him as a "pillar of the church" (96). |
994 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 3 |
In "Mule in the Yard" and again in The Town, this cashier tries to convince Mannie Hait to invest her settlement from the insurance company in bonds. |
995 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 2 |
In Light in August, this cashier brings the sheriff the envelope that Joanna Burden deposited at the bank, addressed by her "To to be opened at my death" (294). |
996 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 4 |
In The Mansion, the presence in the Snopes bank of this "professional cashier" - "imported from Memphis" - is a sign of post-World War II progress, the "industrial renascence and rejuvenation" that has reached "even rural Mississippi banks" (400). |
997 | Unnamed Bank Customers 1 |
In Requiem for a Nun, Temple Drake's account of the confrontation between Nancy and the cashier mentions that "fifty people" were waiting to get into the bank when it happened (96). |
998 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 6 |
In "Mule in the Yard" and again in The Town, the "teller" at the bank hands Mannie Hait her money when she cashes out her insurance settlement (253, 244). (There is also a "cashier" on hand at the time, so we create two characters - though usually the terms "teller" and "cashier" are synonymous.) |
999 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 5 |
The "teller" at the Bank of Jefferson assists Ike McCaslin and Lucas Beauchamp when Lucas collects his inheritance from Lucius Quintus Carothers McCaslin in Go Down, Moses (106). |
1001 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 3 |
According to the account in Requiem for a Nun, this minister offers a prayer as part of the ceremony commissioning Sartoris' regiment at the beginning of the Civil War. |
1002 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 2 |
In Sanctuary the local Baptist minister uses Lee Goodwin's evil ways as the occasion for a sermon. According to the report Horace heard, Lee was condemned "not only as a murderer" but for having a child "begot in sin" (128). |
1003 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 5 |
In The Mansion the Baptist minister marries Essie Meadowfill and McKinley Smith (after "washing his hands and putting on his coat and tie," 383), and later performs his "glib and rapid office" when officiates at Flem's funeral (462). |
1004 | Unnamed Barber 5 |
In "Knight's Gambit," the Jefferson barber who joins the conversation about Gualdres' blind horse is "a neat dapper man with a weary satiated face and skin the color of a mushroom’s belly" (178). |
1005 | Unnamed Barber 3 |
The town barber in Sanctuary listens silently while Clarence Snopes complains about the "Memphis jew lawyer" who wouldn't pay full price for the information he was trying to sell, then slyly lets Clarence know how little of his story he accepts at face value (266). His open-mindedness identifies this barber with Henry Hawkshaw, the man who owns the Jefferson barber shop in Faulkner's short story "Dry September," published a month before Sanctuary appeared - but the barber in the novel is not named. |
1006 | Unnamed Barber 1 |
One of the two other barbers in Hawkshaw's shop in "Dry September"; he asks, "You reckon [Will Mayes] really done it to her?" (173). |
1007 | Unnamed Barber 2 |
One of the two other barbers in Hawkshaw's shop in "Dry September"; he repeatedly says, "Jees Christ" (1973). |
1008 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 1 |
In "Hair" these customers gossip about Hawkshaw and Susan Reed as they are shaved by Mr. Maxey and Matt. |
1009 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 2 |
The "crowd" of "folks" in the barbershop in Light in August to whom Burch brags about hijacking whiskey includes Mr. Maxey and Captain McLendon as well as an unspecified number of customers - and because Christmas facetiously tells his partner that he is "keeping these folks from working," it must also include the barbers (80). |
1010 | Unnamed Men in Barber Shop 3 |
When Tug Nightingale attacks Skeets Magowan in the barbershop in The Mansion, "it takes all the barbers and customers and loafers" to subdue him (209). As the term "loafers" here indicates, the barbershop was one of the places in Jefferson where idling males congregated. |
1011 | Unnamed Town Wit 3 |
This is the local humorist in "Knight's Gambit" who comments on Sebastian Gualdres and Gualdres’s mare: “teaching it what, nobody knew, unless as a barber-shop wit said, since it was going to be blind, how to dodge traffic on the way to town to collect its pension” (178). |
1012 | Unnamed Blacksmith |
In "Barn Burning," Ab Snopes has his wagon worked on at the blacksmith shop across the road from the story's second general store. However, all we see the smith himself doing is "talking or listening" with Snopes and "a third man," about "crops and animals" and Snopes' earlier life as a horsetrader (19). |
1013 | Unnamed Carolina Blacksmith |
In ""A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun the "blacksmith back in Cal'lina" who made the lock for Holston comes into the story when Ratcliffe proposes that the settlement pay him to make another lock to replace the one that is lost; he goes out of the story when Ratcliffe's idea is exploded by Pettigrew's intervention (212, 18). |
1014 | Unnamed Boarders at Snopes' Hotel |
In The Town the all-male transient residents of the Snopes Hotel are described by Gavin as "itinerant cattle drovers and horse- and mule-traders" who are in Jefferson on business and "juries and important witnesses" who stay there "during court term" (41). According to Gavin, these patrons are "incarcerated, boarded and fed" (41). |
1015 | Unnamed Bondsmen 2 |
In The Town, when Sheriff Hampton slaps Montgomery Ward, Montgomery Ward threatens to sue the Sheriff's "bondsmen"; as readers learned during the controversy over the missing brass from the power plant, public officials in Yoknapatawpha were 'bonded,' or required to have insurance against complaints of malfeasance in office (172). |
1016 | Unnamed Bookkeeper 2 |
In The Mansion this man, "one of the book-keepers" at Snopes's bank, lets Gavin Stevens in when he goes there after hours to warn Flem about Mink (416). |
1017 | Unnamed Bookkeepers 1 |
In The Town, to find out "how a bank was run," Flem Snopes watches the men who "kept the books" at work (147). |
1018 | Unnamed Bookkeepers 2 |
The second set of "book-keepers" mentioned in The Town are women: two "girl book-keepers" employed by the Sartoris bank. Like the others on the staff, they receive "coca colas" at the bank's three o'clock closing hour (323). |
1019 | Unnamed Boy 5 |
This boy is one of Zilphia's schoolmates in "Miss Zilphia Gant." Sometime after she turns thirteen, she and this boy lie together for "a month" beneath a blanket in the woods, "in the mutual, dreamlike mesmeric throes of puberty," "rigid, side by side," and apparently without any intimate contact (374). He disappears from the story after Zilphia's mother discovers them together. |
1020 | Unnamed Boy 7 |
In "Vendee" and then again in The Unvanquished this boy, along with his mother, is a victim of Grumby. Described by Bayard as "almost as big as Ringo and me," the boy is "unconscious in the stable with even his shirt cut to pieces" after he was brutally whipped by Grumby and his men (102, 164). |
1021 | Unnamed Boy 6 |
In Light in August, this is the friend who upsets Christmas when he tells him and the other boys who hunt and fish together on Saturday afternoons about sexual intercourse, female desire, and menstruation. He also arranges the meeting in the shed with the Negro girl. |
1022 | Unnamed Boy 8 |
In The Hamlet this fourteen-year-old boy has a "habit" of spying on Will Varner's affair with a tenant's wife; he reveals that "Varner would not even remove his hat" during their trysts (157). |
1023 | Unnamed Boy 9 |
In The Town, as the meeting of aldermen breaks up, this boy "come burrowing through and up to the table and handed Lawyer something and Lawyer taken it" (92). "Laywer" is Ratliff's name for Gavin Stevens. The note is from Eula Varner Snopes. |
1024 | Unnamed British Officers 2 |
These are the British officers whom Chick refers to in Intruder in the Dust when he reminds his uncle Gavin what he once told him, "about the English boys not much older than me leading troops and flying scout aeroplanes in France in 1918" (200). |
1025 | Unnamed Butcher 2 |
In The Town Mrs. Widrington's dog eats meat "that Mr Wall Snopes's butcher ordered special from Kansas City" (380-81). |
1026 | Unnamed Bystanders 2 |
These are the "two or three bystanders" on the street in The Reivers who help the sheriff subdue Boon after he shoots at Ludus (14). |
1027 | Unnamed Car Owner 2 |
The Reivers says little about the "owner of the car" that was the first automobile ever seen in Jefferson, other than that he drove down from Memphis and that he trusts Buffaloe with the car for two weeks (26). |
1028 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 3 |
In its brief summation of the experience of Jackson, Mississippi, during Reconstruction Requiem for a Nun evokes the stereotypical bogeyman of the Yankee carpetbagger. According to this account, during the Civil War these men made profits from selling the Union military "spoiled grain and tainted meat and spavined mules"; after the surrender they came South carrying "carpet bags stuffed with ballot-forms" to exploit the freedmen (87). During Reconstruction they "cover the South like a migration of locusts" (187). |
1029 | Unnamed Carpetbaggers 4 |
According to The Town, when Major de Spain returns from the Spanish-American War determined to modernize Jefferson, "nothing had happened in [the town] since the last carpetbagger had given up and gone home or been assimilated into another renegade Mississippian" (11). The derisive term "carpetbagger" (derived from the material used to make cheap luggage) refers to Northerners who came into the South after the Civil War; depending on one's politics, they came either to reconstruct or to prey on the defeated South. |
1030 | Unnamed Indian Children |
Like the women and old men in "Red Leaves," the tribe's children do not go out in pursuit of the fugitive slave. |
1031 | Unnamed Churchgoers 2 |
In Intruder in the Dust Chick sees the white people who go to the churches in Jefferson on Sunday morning as "men in their dark suits and women in silks and parasols and girls and young men two and two, flowing and decorous" (41). |