Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
411 | Lucius Hogganbeck |
First introduced into the canon as Lucius (Luke) Provine in the short story "A Bear Hunt" (1934), where he is a major character, he recurs in the last two novels in the Snopes trilogy and The Reivers as Lucius Hogganbeck. As Provine, he is forty years old and almost toothless, a hanger-on at the hunting camp, a "tall, apparently strong and healthy man . . . who makes no effort whatever to support his wife and three children" (64), as well as violent, shiftless and boozy. |
412 | Unnamed Mayor 1 |
One of the three town mayors in "A Rose for Emily," and the only one without a name, this man takes office in the early 20th century, and seems much less chivalrous than his 19th-century predecessor, Colonel Sartoris, who treats Emily as a lady who should not be bothered about financial matters . This new mayor sees her first and foremost as a tax-payer, though he is chivalrous enough to offer "to send his car" to bring her to the town's offices to pay her long-overdue property tax (120). |
413 | Manfred de Spain |
Two characters referred to as "Major de Spain" appear in fifteen different fictions. Only one was a real Confederate "Major" during the Civil War; the other is his son, Manfred, who fought in the Spanish-American War as a Lieutenant but is called "Major" as a courtesy, and as a sign of the family's high status in Yoknapatawpha. They never appear together, but in four texts - "Shall Not Perish," The Town, The Mansion and The Reivers - both are referred to, and in those cases, it is easy to tell which "De Spain" Faulkner has in mind. |
414 | Major de Spain |
Two characters referred to as "Major de Spain" appear in fifteen different fictions. Only one was a real Confederate "Major" during the Civil War; the other is his son, Manfred, who fought in the Spanish-American War as a Lieutenant but is called "Major" as a courtesy, and as a sign of the family's high status in Yoknapatawpha. They never appear together, but in four texts - "Shall Not Perish," The Town, The Mansion and The Reivers - both are referred to, and in those cases, it is easy to tell which "De Spain" Faulkner has in mind. |
415 | Mannie |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, Mannie has been married to Rider for half a year when her sudden death (of unspecified causes) becomes the traumatic loss, the powerful absence, that generates the story. She is described as having a "narrow back" and "narrow" hand (241, 133). Rider indicates that she is far slighter than her powerfully built husband, but her spirit is strong: "You’s de onliest least thing whut ever kep up wid me one day, leff alone for weeks" (241, 133). |
416 | Martha Habersham |
The Habersham family figures in Faulkner's fiction as one of the founders of Yoknapatawpha. Martha Habersham figures in "Skirmish at Sartoris" and again in The Unvanquished as the most determined among the Jefferson ladies who pressure Drusilla to behave like a woman. Convinced that Drusilla and John Sartoris' relationship is sexual, Mrs. Habersham takes the lead in planning the wedding between them. Her relationship to the other Habershams in the fictions is not explained. |
417 | Mary |
The biblical mother of Jesus is mentioned in two fictions. In The Sound and the Fury Rev. Shegog mentions Mary in his Easter sermon, emphasizing her sufferings as a mother, "de pangs" of childbirth, her "weeping en lamentation" as she fears for the life of her newborn child and her grief at the scene of the crucifixion (296). |
418 | Mason's Ruffians |
Led by Samuel Ross Mason, a militia captain during the Revolutionary War, "Mason's ruffians" were a gang of river pirates and highwaymen who operated in the Mississippi Valley frontier in the late 18th century. Both the first-person narrator of "A Name for the City" and the omniscient third-person narrator of Requiem for a Nun reject the idea that the unnamed bandits who were briefly held in the settlement jail were part of this gang, because - as Requiem puts it - "even the last of Mason's ruffians were dead or scattered by this time" (5). |
419 | Matt Bowden |
Matt Bowden is described in both "Vendee" and The Unvanquished in the same words. A criminal accomplice of Grumby whose name is not mentioned until after he himself has departed for Texas, Bowden is described with unusual detail. His clothes - "neat little fine made boots," "linen shirt," and "coat that had been good once, too" (103, 166) - and even his "small" hands and feet (104, 168) suggest an upper class background. When he first appears he is posing as a planter from Tennessee chasing Grumby himself. |
420 | McAndrews |
In "Pantaloon in Black" and again in Go Down, Moses, McAndrews is the first identified white character to appear. He is "the white foreman" at the sawmill where Rider works (244). Only in the deputy sheriff’s retelling of events is McAndrews referred to by name. |
421 | Unnamed Memphis Police 3 |
In the short story "Gold Is Not Always," and also in the revised version of the story in Go Down, Moses, Roth Edmonds expects to find evidence that his missing mule has been loaded into a truck and taken to Memphis, an so intends to report her as stolen to the Jefferson sheriff and the Memphis police. |
422 | Unnamed Men at Varner's Store 4 |
In "Fool about a Horse" the "other men" who have gathered at Varner's store are more small farmers from the Frenchman's Bend area (122). |
423 | Minnie |
The Negro maid who works in Miss Reba's Memphis brothel appears in four novels. In Sanctuary, where she is named Minnie, she is a kind of confidant and guardian to Temple - either because Popeye pays her, or because she is afraid of him. This role is made explicit in her next appearance, in Requiem for a Nun, where she is not named: Temple describes her as both her guard and the one person with whom she could "talk" (111-12). |
424 | Unnamed Mayor 2 |
The mayor of Jefferson is mentioned in "Uncle Willy," though not named or seen, when the women who live in Willy's neighborhood march with their children toward his office to complain about the woman whom Willy has married and brought home from a brothel in Memphis. |
425 | Mitchell |
In "Hand upon Waters" Ike tells Stevens that Lonnie Grinnup had saved his "burying money" with Mitchell "at the store" (73). It's clear that the money is for his funeral expenses, but not clear who "Mitchell" is in this context. He could be the store owner (though in all the other fictions where the Frenchman's Bend store occurs, it is owned by the Varners), or - as seems more likely - Mitchell is a local undertaker, whose clients put money away for him at the store, which thus functions as a kind of bank for the people who live outside the town. |
426 | Unnamed Jefferson Ministers 1 |
In "A Rose for Emily," these "ministers" (123) show up at Emily's house with a group of doctors after her father's death to urge her to let go of her father's corpse. The story doesn't say how many ministers there are, nor what churches they represent, but Jefferson's main denominations are Episcopalian, Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian. |
427 | Buck Monaghan |
In Flags in the Dust the man "with an army pilot's wings on his breast" drinking with Bayard in the Chicago nightclub flew with the Sartoris twins in the British air corps during World War I (384). In the later short story "Ad Astra," set at the front during that war, Monaghan describes himself as "shanty Irish," because his late father made "a million dollars digging sewers in the ground" (414). He is also a former student at Yale. Monaghan seems uncomfortable with his complex social status, and there is "something of the crucified" about him after three years of war (414). |
428 | Mr. Backus |
The father of Melisandre Backus Harriss Stevens appears in three fictions. The description of him is remarkably the same in all three; here's the way it's worded in "Knight's Gambit," the first of the three: he's a "widower-owner who stayed at home and farmed his heritage" while sitting "through the long summer afternoons in a home-made chair on the front gallery, reading in Latin the Roman poets" with "a constant tumbler of thin whiskey-and-water at his elbow and the aged setter bitch dozing at his feet" (150). |
429 | Mr. Binford |
Lucius Binford - or as he's called in two of the three novels in which he is mentioned or appears, Mr. Binford - is the business and romantic partner of Reba Rivers, the madame of a Memphis brothel. In The Mansion he is referred to as a "pimp" (80). In The Reivers, the one novel he actually appears in, Lucius Priest says his "official" title is "landlord" (110). He is a little man, but there is something menancing about him; the first thing you notice about him, Lucius says, is "his eyes . . . |
430 | Uncle Pete Gombault |
Called "Mulberry" as well as "Uncle Pete," Gombault is "a lean clean tobacco-chewing old man" who was enslaved before the Civil War, and became a U.S. "marshal" during Reconstruction (190-91). A salesman of illegal whiskey before, during and after that appointment, as late as 1925 he was still "fire-maker, sweeper, janitor and furnace-attendant to five or six lawyers and doctors and one of the banks" (191-192). He is contemptuous of the various Federal agencies with abbreviated names that came into being in the 1930's, calling them "XYZ and etc. . . ." (190). |
431 | Harris 3 |
In both "Barn Burning" and The Hamlet this Mr. Harris is the farmer who brings Ab Snopes to trial after a dispute between them over a hog leads to the burning of Harris' barn. He is only mentioned in the novel. In the short story he is shown as both furious with Ab, and - when he decides against forcing Sarty Snopes to testify against his own father - compassionate for Ab's son . |
432 | Unnamed Negro Paving Crew 2 |
In "A Rose for Emily," this crew of Negro men come from out of town to pave the town's sidewalks; the "singing" they do "in time to the rise and fall of the picks" [pick-axes] they swing is a source of entertainment to the town boys (124). |
433 | Maxey |
Maxey owns the town barber shop in both "Hair" (1931) and Light in August (1932). He is a minor character in both texts, but plays a more central role in "Hair," where the narrator relies on Maxey for information about the story's major characters. (The Jefferson barber shop is a location in eight fictions. It's possible that Faulkner imagined Maxey as its owner in one or more other stories.) |
434 | Pruitt 1 |
Pruitts appear in two different texts - "That Will Be Fine" (1935) and "Tomorrow" (1940) - but there seems to be no connection between the group in each text. This Pruitt and his wife appear in "That Will Be Fine." He is President of the Compress Association and a recent arrival in Mottstown. |
435 | Wilmoth |
In both the story "Go Down, Moses," and the story as Faulkner published it in Go Down, Moses, Mr. Wilmoth is the editor the Jefferson newspaper. He is described as "an older man, though with hair less white than [Gavin] Stevens', in a black string tie and an old-fashioned boiled shirt and tremendously fat" (259, 355). |
436 | Mrs. Armstid |
The wife of the farmer named Armstid appears or is mentioned in seven texts; she is unnamed in five of them, but her name is Lula in As I Lay Dying, the first one, and Martha in Light in August. That is not the only inconsistency in her character. In both these novels she doesn't hesitate to speak her mind to her husband; in "Spotted Horses," however, she is extremely self-effacing, submitting without complaint to her husband's abusive behavior. |
437 | Mrs. Beard |
In Flags in the Dust she manages the boarding house where Byron Snopes stays, until he moves in order to escape the persistence of her son Virgil. In Light in August, it is another Byron who lives in her hotel - Bryon Bunch. |
438 | Mrs. Bland 1 |
In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Bland is the mother of Quentin's Harvard classmate Gerald; she has moved from Kentucky to Cambridge to be close to her son. She lays claim to an aristocratic heritage, and in person is both formal and insistent. Shreve calls her "fate in eight yards of apricot silk" (106). |
439 | Mrs. de Spain |
The wife of Major de Spain is mentioned in "A Bear Hunt," when Ratliff wonders if she already owns a sewing machine - or may have given it to "one of her married daughters" (63). These daughters are never mentioned again, but Mrs. de Spain herself appears briefly but vividly in "Barn Burning" when Ab Snopes tracks manure onto the expensive "blond rug" inside the front door of her mansion (12). |
440 | Unnamed Mother of Mrs. Grier |
Mrs. Res Grier mentions her mother in both "Two Soldiers" and "Shall Not Perish." Like her mother, she says, whose son was wounded in France in the first World War, she cannot understand why the sons of mothers (including her own Pete) have to fight in wars. |
441 | Mrs. Holston |
The name Holston is one of the oldest in Yoknapatawpha, but in both "Skirmish at Sartoris" and the reprinting of the story in The Unvanquished this character appears only as a name in the phrase "Mrs. Holston's porter" (71, 207). He is a hotel porter, and presumably works at the Holston House, one of the oldest buildings in Jefferson. As we know from other fictions, it was established by Alexander Holston; it seems to be owned now by this Mrs. Porter, who may be his daughter. |
442 | Mrs. Killegrew |
Mrs. Killegrew and her husband are neighbors of the Griers in "Two Soldiers" and "Shingles for the Lord." In the second story she is described by the vernacular narrator as "worser deaf than even Killegrew" (28). In the first story that disability explains why the Grier sons can go to the Killegrews' to find out what's going on in the world beyond Frenchman's Bend: because she is "deaf" (that is, presumably, very hard of hearing), her husband "runs the radio as loud as it would run," and so the boys can "hear it plain . . . even standing outside with the window closed" (81). |
443 | Mrs. Littlejohn |
The two-story Frenchman's Bend boarding house that Mrs. Littlejohn owns appears in five different texts. She herself appears in three of them - "Spotted Horses," The Hamlet and The Town - as a witness to the hapless efforts of "them fool men," as she puts it in the first story, to buy the Texas ponies (174). And she is not simply a spectator: when one of the horses invades her house, she breaks a washboard over its head. She plays her largest role in The Hamlet. Described there as a "man-tall, man-grim woman" wearing a "faded wrapper" (219), Mrs. |
444 | Mrs. Provine 2 |
The woman who is married to Wilbur Provine in The Town is mentioned during her husband's trial for making and selling illegal liquor. Judge Long tells Provine, "I'm going to send you to the penitentiary, not for making whiskey but for letting your wife carry water a mile and a half from that spring" (178). |
445 | Mrs. Pruitt 1 |
Pruitts appear in two different texts - "That Will Be Fine" (1935) and "Tomorrow" (1940) - but there seems to be no connection between the group in each text. This Mrs. Pruitt is the wife of the President of the Compress Association in Mottstown is having an affair with the uncle of the narrator of "That Will Be Fine." |
446 | Mrs. Res Grier |
In "Two Soldiers," the first of the three stories about the Grier family that Faulkner published in 1942 and 1943, the mother of the 'soldiers' is called "Maw." Unlike her shiftless husband, although she wishes her son Pete wasn't determined to enlist, she accepts his decision to do so. Through her tears, she sends him off with mended and clean clothes and "a shoe box of vittles" (85). She also functions as something of a bridge between the World Wars, as her brother served in World War I. |
447 | Mrs. Tubbs|Tubb |
In Intruder in the Dust, the wife of the county jailer is only mentioned when the jailer, a man named "Tubbs," says "I got a wife and two children" (52). She appears in both the prose and the dramatic sections of Act III in Requiem for a Nun, though she is only named when in the latter jailer Tubbs mentions "Mrs Tubbs" (208). The prose section describes her as a woman "engaged in something as intimate as cooking a meal" (200). |
449 | Myrtle 1 |
The Myrtle in Flags in the Dust is a "young woman" who works for Doctors Alford and Peabody as a receptionist. In her exchanges with Miss Jenny, she is alternately a trained professional and a deferential southern girl. |
450 | Unnamed Negro Women |
The "Negro women" in "A Rose for Emily" appear only in a negative phrase identifying Colonel Sartoris as the Jefferson mayor who "fathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron" (119-20). We hear nothing else about these women or this edict, whether they complied or it was enforced or when it might have been rescinded. The "apron" would have typified, not to say stereo-typified, all black women as domestic servants. |
451 | Nub Gowrie |
Nub Lowrie's appearance in Intruder in the Dust is memorable. His name - Nathan Bedford Forrest Gowrie - comes from a former slave-dealer who was also one of the Confederacy's most effective generals and a founder of the Ku Klux Klan; his nickname - "Nub" - combines the initials of his first names with the fact of his missing left arm. How he became handicapped is not explained, but the loss doesn't diminish the force of his character. He is "a short lean old man with [pale] eyes . . . and a red weathered face"; his voice is "high thin strong [and] uncracked" (156). |
452 | Odum Bookwright |
Described in The Hamlet as "sturdy short-legged black-browed ready-faced man" (63), Bookwright is one of several characters in Frenchman's Bend who keep Ratliff apprised of the goings on about the hamlet when he is gone. At the end of that novel, he and Ratliff and Armstid are swindled by Flem Snopes into purchasing the Old Frenchman’s Place - an event that is referred to again in The Mansion. |
453 | Old Het |
The black woman who serves in "Mule in the Yard" and The Town as both partner in and witness to Mannie Hait's ongoing feud against mules and a man named I.O. Snopes remains a kind of enigma. No one in the town knows how old she is: as the story puts it, "she was about seventy probably, though by her own counting . . . she would have to be around a hundred" (249). Even at the younger age, she would have been born into slavery, though that story remains untold. |
454 | Oscar |
In "Gold Is Not Always" and again in Go Down, Moses, Oscar works for Roth Edmonds as a stableman, and along with Dan, the head stableman on the McCaslin-Edmonds place, he helps Edmonds search for the missing mule. Like Dan, he recognizes the human as well as the animal footprints they are following; the fact that Edmonds doesn't "realise" until "later" that "both the negroes" withheld the name of the man, another Negro, subtly calls attention to the racial dynamics in play in Faulkner's world (229, 81). |
455 | Pap 1 |
"Blind and deaf," with eyes that "look like two clots of phlegm" and apparently voiceless and toothless as well (12), Pap is one of the most grotesque characters in Faulkner's fiction. Lee and Ruby make sure he gets fed, but despite his name, Sanctuary gives no hint about "who he was kin to," as Horace puts it (110), or how he came to be at the Old Frenchman place. Horace facetiously speculates that he may have been there as long as the house itself. In his grotesqueness he does fit the Gothic atmosphere of the place. |
456 | Pat Stamper |
The legendary Pat Stamper, master of "the science and pastime of horse trading in Yoknapatawph county," makes a fool of Pap, who tries to trade with him in "Fool about a Horse," and of Ab Snopes, when that story is revised and interpolated into The Hamlet. With the help of his Negro hostler, he can even get not only the better of each trade but "actual Yoknapatawpha County cash dollars" - as it's put in the novel (37) - out of the farmers who try to take him on. |
457 | Unnamed People of Frenchman's Bend 4 |
The rural and poor hamlet of Frenchman's Bend appears or is referred to in 18 different Yoknapatawpha fictions; this entry focuses on one of the texts that characterizes the people who live there as a group. |
458 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 15 |
One of the narrative devices that Faulkner regularly deploys is using the larger population of Jefferson as a kind of chorus to provide commentary on the characters or events of a specific story. In almost every instance it seems fair to say that the "townspeople" he uses this way are implicitly the white people, but it seems more accurate to create a separate "Character=Jefferson Townspeople" for each text in which the device occurs. In Absalom! the inhabitants of Jefferson span several generations. |
459 | Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 7 |
Faulkner's "Appendix" to The Sound and the Fury refers at different moments to the "whole town and county" (329), the "living fellowtownsmen" during Jason's time (330), and "the town" (340) - terms which almost always refer exclusively to Jefferson's white population. This generic group and the Compsons seem to have an estranged, at times even antagonistic relationship to each other. |
460 | Pete Grier |
In "Two Soldiers" Pete Grier, the oldest of the two Grier sons, enlists in the Army after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. "I got to go," he says; "I jest ain't going to put up with no folks treating the United States that way" (83). Before December 7, 1941, he worked on his family's farm in Frenchman's Bend. The "ten acres" of land he himself owns was given to him by his father "when he graduated from the Consolidated" (82). According to his younger brother, who idolizes him, Pete was a very hard worker: "He never got behind like Pap, let alone stayed behind" (82). |
461 | General Pickett |
Born into an old Virginia family, General George Pickett was 38 years old when, as a division commander in Lee's Army of Northern Virginia, he led the disastrous charge on the last day of the battle of Gettysburg in which thousands of Confederate soldiers were killed or wounded. In Absalom! the Canadian Shreve gets the battle wrong, and is quickly corrected by Quentin (289). According to Gavin Stevens in Intruder in the Dust, "every Southern boy" can conjure up the moment before the charge began and it still was possible for the South to win the war (190). |
462 | V.K. Ratcliffe III |
This man, the grandson of a Russian immigrant, is the first Yoknapatawphan member of the family that culminates in the V.K. Ratliff who appears in ten fictions. He arrives early enough in the county's history to be one of the men who "started Jefferson," as The Town puts it (338). He appears fairly late in the Faulkner's career, first appearing in "A Name for the City" and again in Requiem for a Nun as the nascent settlement's "post trader" - i.e. the person in charge of the Indian agency's trading post (206). |
463 | V.K. Suratt|Ratliff |
This is one of Faulkner's favorite characters. He appears under two different last names, first as V.K. Suratt (in his first four appearances, in texts published through early 1932), then - apparently after someone named 'Suratt' complained to Faulkner - as V.K. Ratliff in six more texts, beginning in early 1934. Under either name he is an itinerant sewing machine salesman who travels throughout Yoknapatawpha at first on a wagon drawn by a sturdy mismatched team of horses, and then in a small, specially outfitted truck. |
464 | Reba Rivers |
"Miss Reba" Rivers - whom Temple in Requiem for a Nun calls "the madam of [a] cat house" in Memphis (111) - appears by name in Sanctuary, The Mansion and The Reivers. She is a colorful character: fat, asthmatic, church-going and hard-drinking, with some pretensions to gentility but no illusions about life. When readers first meet her she is carrying a "rosary" in one hand and a "tankard" of beer in the other (144). In Sanctuary the great love of her life, someone named Mr. |
465 | Redlaw|Redmond |
Named Redlaw in Flags in the Dust and Redmond in The Unvanquished, this man was Colonel Sartoris' partner in building the railroad through Yoknapatawpha until the two men fell out; after Sartoris defeated him in an election, Redlaw shot and killed him. His name changes to "Ben Redmond" in The Unvanquished, where he also plays a larger role. The second novel adds the detail that he did not fight in the Civil War, one of the things Sartoris taunts him about during the political campaign - though many people in Jefferson know that "he aint no coward" (226). |
466 | Unnamed Neighbor of Emily 1 |
This man is the character in "A Rose for Emily" who protests, "in diffident deprecation" (122), that the town must do something about the smell coming from the Grierson house. |
467 | Reverend Whitfield |
Reverend Whitfield is the local preacher in Frenchman's Bend, and in four of the fictions set there. His character varies dramatically across those texts. He appears first in As I Lay Dying, in the part of a minister who has had an unconfessed affair with a married woman and is the father of an illegitimate child; many readers are reminded of Hawthorne's Dimmesdale, Hester and Pearl, not least because Addie Bundren, Whitfield's lover, names her son Jewel. |
468 | Rider |
Rider, the protagonist of "Pantaloon in Black" as both a short story and a chapter in Go Down, Moses, is one of Faulkner's most memorable black characters. We never learn his real name; "Rider" is a nickname, given to him by "the men he worked with and the bright dark nameless women he had taken" before he became the devoted husband of Mannie (249, 144). He is depicted from two different perspectives in both texts. |
469 | Unnamed Aunt of Rider |
This deeply devout and caring woman is a constant presence both in Rider's life and the story "Pantaloon in Black" in both its publications, as a short story and as a chapter in Go Down, Moses: "She was his aunt. She had raised him. He could not remember his parents at all" (238, 130). Several other characters, including her husband and members of Rider's mill gang, are referred to as her messengers, as she makes repeated efforts to rein in Rider's self-destructive bent by encouraging him to turn to family and to religion. |
470 | Unnamed Sister of Rosa Millard |
Readers meet Granny's sister Louisa Hawk, who lives in Alabama, but both "Retreat" and The Unvanquished refer to another sister, who is neither named nor described but only mentioned: Granny explains the trip she's taking by saying that "My sister lives in Memphis, we are going there" (24, 56). Since "Millard" is Granny's married name, we have no way of knowing the name of her sister; however, she may be the mother of Cousin Melisandre who appears in "My Grandmother Millard and General Bedford Forrest and the Battle of Harrykin Creek." |
471 | Unnamed Salesman 1 |
In "Gold Is Not Always" and again in Go Down, Moses, the man who attempts to sell Lucas Beauchamp a metal detector is "young, not yet thirty, with the assurance, the slightly soiled snap and dash, of his calling" (226, 76). When he falls for Lucas' story about buried treasure he ends up renting the machine from Lucas to search for the money on his own. |
472 | Samson 1 |
There is a Frenchman's Bend character named "Samson" in both As I Lay Dying, where he narrates a section of the narrative, and Light in August, where only his name appears. In the first novel, he lets the Bundren family spend a night in his barn on their trek to Jefferson. The barn suggests he is farmer, but when his section begins he is sitting with a group of men at "the store" (112), which may mean he also owns a country store. |
473 | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Mother |
In "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished this character is carrying "a baby, a few months old" when the party from Sartoris meets her on the road. She is escaping the plantation where she had been enslaved, hoping to reach the Union Army as it moves through Mississippi, and has fallen behind the others in group of former slaves she had been traveling with (Raid, 41). |
474 | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 1 |
The first set of former slaves who appear in "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished are on the road, trying to catch up with the Union Army as it moves across Mississippi. During the day these groups are 'seen' only as "a big dust cloud" on the road (39); at night they can be heard passing by, "the feet hurrying and a kind of panting murmur" (40). |
475 | Unnamed Self-Emancipated Negroes 2 |
The second group of former slaves who appear in "Raid" and again in The Unvanquished are encountered at the river in Alabama; Drusilla, Rosa, Bayard and Ringo have to move through a huge crowd that is trying to reach the Union army on the other side. It consists of "men carrying babies, women dragging children by the hand, and women with babies, and old ones pulling themselves along with sticks" (48). They are being held away from the bridge by the Union cavalry. |
476 | Sergeant Harrison |
In "Ambuscade" and again in The Unvanquished, the top sergeant in the Union troop that arrives at Sartoris is named Harrison. He may be the Yankee who is first spotted by Ringo and Bayard looking at the plantation through field glasses; if so, it is his horse that they kill attempting to shoot him. He was clearly angered by that shooting, which cost the regiment "the best horse in the whole army" (29). Much more hostile to Rosa Millard than his commanding officer, he orders other soldiers to search the house in search of the "little devils" who did the shooting (29). |
477 | Unnamed Sheriff 11 |
The unnamed county sheriff who appears in "A Point of Law" is not described in any detail. In the companion short story "Gold Is Not Always," the sheriff is only mentioned. When Faulkner combined these stories into the chapter in Go Down, Moses called "The Fire and the Hearth," he describes the sheriff who plays the same roles as "a tremendous man, fat" (62). We assume these are all the same character in Faulkner's imagination. |
478 | Unnamed Deputy Sheriff 7 |
This unnamed deputy recounts the second and last section of "Pantaloon in Black" as both a short story and a chapter in Go Down, Moses, although much of the language used to characterize him serves to undermine his authority as a narrator. He is "spent" and "a little hysterical too" after both the manhunt for Rider and the lynching (252), and his wife shows no sympathy at all for him or for the story he's trying to tell her. Instead, she offers the narrative’s only portrait of the deputy sheriff: "You sheriffs! Sitting around that courthouse all day long talking. |
479 | Unnamed Neighbor of Emily 2 |
In "A Rose for Emily," this unnamed woman, a neighbor of Emily Grierson, calls on the mayor to complain about the smell emanating from Emily's house. |
480 | Skeet MacGowan|Skeets Magowan |
He is Skeet MacGowan in his first appearance, in As I Lay Dying. He is Skeets McGowan in Intruder in the Dust and The Town. He is Skeets Magowan in The Mansion. But in all four he is a the kind of drugstore clerk that used to be called a 'soda jerk' or, as Faulkner writes it in the last two novels, a "soda-jerker" (42, 208) - the clerk who served sodas and ice cream at the lunch counters that used to be found in most drugstores. Defined another way, 'jerk' seems to describe his character too, especially in As I Lay Dying. |
481 | Unnamed Men Who Work with Ab Snopes |
In the short story "The Unvanquished" and again in the novel The Unvanquished, where the short story is re-titled "Riposte in Tertio," these two men help Ab Snopes as part of Granny Millard's campaign against the Union troops in Mississippi - which is to say, they help Ab take the mules Granny steals to Memphis, where they can be sold back to the Union Army. |
482 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 2 |
One of the narrative devices that Faulkner regularly deploys is using the larger population of Jefferson as a kind of chorus to provide commentary on the characters or events of a specific story. In each case it seems fair to say that the "townspeople" he uses this way are implicitly the white people, but it seems more accurate to create a separate "Character=Jefferson Townspeople" for each text in which the device occurs. "A Rose for Emily" brings the townspeople as a collection onstage in the story's very first sentence, where the narrator refers to "our whole town" (119). |
483 | Unnamed Telegram Delivery Boy 2 |
In Light in August Percy Grimm commandeers the bicycle of a "hulking youth in the uniform of the Western Union" (459). |
484 | Unnamed Chickasaws 11 |
The narrator of "A Courtship" uses the phrase "the People" to describe the tribe to which he and the other Indian characters in the story belong, as in this sentence: "The People all lived in the Plantation now" (361). He does not explicitly say they are Chickasaws, the Indians who inhabit Yoknapatawpha in most of Faulkner's references to the indigenous population, but that they are part of the Chickasaw nation can be inferred from his reference to David Colbert as "the chief Man of all the Chickasaws in our section" (365). |
485 | Thomas Jefferson Pettigrew |
In both "A Name for the City" and Requiem for a Nun, the name of the "special rider" who carries the U.S. mail from Nashville to the Mississippi settlement - Thomas Jefferson Pettigrew - is the source for the name the county seat of Yoknapatawpha. In both texts he is small but stubborn, loyal to the regulations of the federal government but susceptible to the right kind of bribery. |
486 | Tobe 2 |
The narrator of "A Rose for Emily" describes Tobe as "an old man-servant - a combined gardener and cook" (119), and never refers to him except as "the Negro" or "the Negro man" (120, 122, etc.). The only time we hear his name is when Emily uses it to summon him (121). He appears to have been in her employ since he was "young man" (122), and at least since the time her father died. Earlier drafts of "A Rose for Emily" include an extended conversation between him and Emily. His role in the published version of the story is entirely silent and elusive. |
487 | Tom 1 |
In "A Point of Law" and again in Go Down, Moses, the deputy who helps arrest Lucas and George is named Tom - though he is unnamed until the sheriff gently rebukes him by name (218, 64). In both texts he is described as with the words "plump" and "voluble" (217, 62); he does most of the talking during the arraignment, and displays some racial pride in the way he explains how easy it was to discover where the black men had hidden the still. |
488 | Unnamed Jefferson Townspeople 5 |
Both "The Hound" and Book 3, Chapter Two, Section 2 of The Hamlet - where the story of "The Hound" is re-told as part of the Snopes saga - briefly describe the townspeople whom Cotton|Mink Snopes sees while being driven through Jefferson to jail as "children" at play who are wearing "small bright garments," and "men and women" heading home at suppertime "to plates of food and cups of coffee" (163, 285). |
489 | Unnamed Train Passengers 1 |
These are the people who ride on the passenger trains that several of the major characters in Flags in the Dust travel on: for example, the train that brings Horace back to Jefferson or the one that takes Jenny and Old Bayard to Memphis. In the second instance we are told that some of the people "in the car" knew the Sartorises, but otherwise they are not individuated (245). (Under the Jim Crow laws, railroad cars were racially segregated, so all these passengers would have been white.) |
490 | Trumbull |
Trumbull first appears in The Hamlet as the man who has been the blacksmith of Frenchman's Bend for "almost twenty years" (69). An elderly man who is "hale, morose and efficient," his character "invites no curiosity" until he is displaced by two of Flem Snopes' cousins, I.O. and Eck (73). Immediately afterward he disappears from Frenchman's Bend, driving "through the village with his wife, in a wagon loaded with household goods," and is never seen again (72). |
491 | Vernon Tull |
Vernon Tull is a farmer in Frenchman's Bend who appears in ten different Yoknapatawpha fictions. In As I Lay Dying he narrates six of the novel's sections, which gives readers a particularly intimate connection to him; in these chapters he is one of the novel's more reliable commentators, particularly when he suggests that it might be a mistake for a person "to spend too much time thinking" (71). |
492 | Turpin 1 |
In Flags in the Dust Turpin is the Frenchman's Bend farmer (or tenant farmer) at whose "low, broken backed log house" Byron Snopes stops on his flight from Jefferson after robbing the bank (279). Two Frenchman's Bend 'Turpins' appear in The Mansion at the other end of Faulkner's career, but how they are related to this one is never explained. |
493 | Unnamed White Men 2 |
In "Death Drag," these two men arrive at the airfield with Mr. Black, in his car. |
494 | Uncle Ash |
Ash, or Uncle Ash, is an old Negro who works for Major de Spain. In the five fictions in which he appears, he is most often seen in the woods, as the cook and chief servant on the Major's annual hunting trips, "a-helping around camp," as Ratliff puts it in "A Bear Hunt," where Ash first appears (67) - though in the last section of "The Bear" in the novel Go Down, Moses he sits in the corner of De Spain's office in Jefferson, pulling the cord on the "bamboo-and-paper punkah" that provides the Major with a breeze in the heat of Mississippi (301). |
495 | Uncle Dick Bolivar |
"Uncle Dick" is white, so the honorific "Uncle" in his case has a different connotation than it does for the Negro 'uncles' in Yoknapatawpha. In "Lizards in Jamshyd's Courtyard," and again in The Hamlet, where the story of hidden treasure at the Old Frenchman's place is re-told, he is "a shriveled little old man . . . with a long white beard" (144, 379). He wears "a filthy frock coat," lives in "a mud-daubed hut" in a swamp, and is reputed to eat "frogs and snakes [and] bugs as well" (144, 381). |
496 | Uncle Job 2 |
Called "Uncle Job" in "Smoke" and "Old Man Job" in The Town, he is the elderly Negro janitor and factotum to Judge Dukinfield. |
497 | Uncle Willy Christian |
"Uncle Willy" is the title character in a 1935 short story. His last name is Christian, his first name is probably William, and as the narrator says, "he wasn't anybody's uncle" (225). His story is briefly recapitulated in two later novels, The Town and The Mansion. His story is very un-Faulknerian in its refusal to provide many details about Willy's past. He was born in Jefferson soon after the end of the Civil War, the son of a man who opened a drugstore in town in the 1850s; Willy himself adds the fact that he "graduated from a university" (245). |
498 | Unnamed Union Cavalry 1 |
In both Flags in the Dust and "Retreat" as a short story and again as a chapter in The Unvanquished, this company of Union cavalry rides up to the Sartoris plantation hoping to capture Colonel John Sartoris. In all three texts he is able to fool them long enough to escape, but in the last two the Yankees then dig up the family's buried silver and set fire to the mansion. |
499 | Unnamed Negroes in Episcopalian Church |
In both the short story and the novel titled "The Unvanquished," these Negroes are among the people in attendance at the secular service in the Episcopal Church when Rosa distributes money and mules to the needy people of Yoknapatawpha. In his narrative, Bayard indicates that at the beginning of the Civil War they were enslaved, but now, presumably because their former masters are gone because of the War, Bayard calls them "the dozen niggers that had got free by accident and didn't know what to do about it" (84). |
500 | Unnamed Alabama Lawyer |
Popeye's lawyer at his trial for murder in Sanctuary is "a young man just out of law school," with "an ugly, eager, earnest face" (311). He tries to defend his client, who is himself indifferent to the trial, with "a gaunt mixture of uncouth enthusiasm and earnest ill-judgment" (311-12). |
501 | Unnamed Alabama Policeman |
One of the three people in Sanctuary who testify against Popeye at his trial for a murder he did not commit is "a fellow policeman" of the murdered officer (311). We learn nothing about his testimony, or whether he is sincerely mistaken. |
502 | Unnamed Architect 1 |
In the "Appendix" that Faulkner wrote in 1945, this architect lays out both the Compson grounds and the Compson home. He shares the predilections of Faulkner's other architect characters for French furnishings, but there is no direct evidence that (like the architect at Sutpen's Hundred in Absalom!) he is from France. |
503 | Unnamed Confederate Veterans 1 |
In "A Rose for Emily," there are an unspecified number of these "very old men," at least some of whom fought for the Confederacy during the Civil War, at Emily Grierson's funeral (129). |
504 | Unnamed Auditors |
In the three texts that tell the story of Flem Snopes' attempted embezzlement - "Centaur in Brass," The Town and The Mansion - these are the accountants employed by the state, or perhaps the company that bonds local officials, to audit the books at the Jefferson power plant. The third text revises the account to add that their figures are incorrect. |
505 | Unnamed Bailiff 3 |
The bailiff who appears in the trial scene in "Tomorrow" is not described, except by the actions he performs in the courtroom. |
506 | Unnamed Wife of Baptist Minister |
In "A Rose for Emily," the wife of the Baptist minister takes it upon herself to write to summon Emily's Alabama kin. |
507 | Old Lady Wyatt |
Miss Wyatt is Emily Grierson's great-aunt in "A Rose for Emily," and reputed to have been insane: she went "completely crazy at last" (123), the narrator says, but provides no further details, about either her or her illness. Emily's father and her other "kin in Alabama" have a falling out "over the estate of old lady Wyatt" after she dies (125). (There are six other characters named Wyatt in the Yoknapatawpha fictions, but whether or how this woman is related to any of them is not established.) |
508 | Unnamed Bank Cashier 1 |
In "Dry September" this cashier is a "widower of about forty - a high-colored man, smelling always of the barber shop or of whisky" - who takes up with Minnie Cooper in "Dry September" (174). He owns "the first automobile" in Jefferson, in which he and Minnie take drives, scandalizing the town (174). About four years after their relationship begins, he moves to Memphis, where he works in another bank and, according to Jefferson gossip, is "prospering" (175). |
509 | Unnamed Bank Customers 2 |
These are the bank "clients coming and going to leave their money or draw it out" that Flem watches in The Town (146). In class they range from the old county families with "ponderable deposits" in the bank (293) to "one-gallused share-croppers" whose typical net worth is a single bale of cotton (291). |
510 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 1 |
Although Emily herself is an Episcopalian, this Baptist minister is "forced" by the "ladies" of Jefferson to pay her a pastoral visit rebuking her and Homer's public behavior; he "never divulges" what happened in when he confronted Emily, but he "refuses to go back" to her house again (126). |
511 | Unnamed Baptist Minister 4 |
In The Town, this Baptist preacher presides over Eck Snopes' funeral service. |