Character Keys

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1639 Hopkins

In The Sound and the Fury Hopkins is one of the men in Jefferson who trade on the cotton commodities market in New York by means of the telegraph. He is in the telegraph office when Jason drops in, and with Jason he discusses trading strategy.

1640 Julio

In The Sound and the Fury Julio is the older brother of the unnamed Italian girl whom Quentin tries to escort safely home from the bakery. Julio attacks Quentin, thinking that Quentin has tried to kidnap his sister, or as Julio himself puts it: "I killa heem . . . [he] steala my seester" (139). At the Squire's office Julio wants to press kidnapping charges, but instead accepts money from Quentin as compensation for the time he lost at work while chasing after him.

1641 Professor Junkin

In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Compson names "Professor Junkin" as the person at the Jefferson school who called to tell her that her granddaughter Quentin has been truant. He is either Quentin's teacher or the school principal or, since it is a fairly small school, perhaps both.

1642 Kenny

In The Sound and the Fury Kenny is one of the "three boys with fishing poles" Quentin first encounters on the bridge where he hides the flat irons (122). This may be the one that the narrative consistently refers to as "the first boy" (122). He wears a "broken hat" (123) and seems to hold himself a bit apart from the other two boys. Quentin tries talking with him after they leave him, but "he paid me no attention" (123). He seems to have rejoined his friends by the time Quentin sees them again, swimming in the river.

1643 Louis

In The Sound and the Fury Mrs. Compson tells Quentin that "Louis has been giving [Caddy] lessons every morning" in driving a car (93). It is very unlikely that "Louis" here is the "Louis Hatcher" with whom Quentin goes hunting twenty years earlier, because that "Louis" is an old black man who carries but won't even use a hunting horn. Who Mrs. Compson's "Louis" is, however, or how he learned to drive an automobile in 1910 is never made any clearer.

1644 Mac

In The Sound and the Fury Mac is a baseball fan who is at the drugstore in Jefferson when Jason goes there to buy cigars. He has his money on the New York Yankees.

1645 Mike

Mike is presumably the owner of the Boston gym where Gerald Bland has been learning to box. In The Sound and the Fury Shreve tells Spoade that Bland has "been going to Mike's every day, over in town" (166).

1646 Mink

In The Sound and the Fury Mink works at the livery stable in Jefferson. Based on characters with similar jobs in the other fictions, he is most likely black, but that is not specified. He drives the hack, the rented carriage, that the Compsons rent for Mr. Compson's funeral, and then, in exchange for a couple of cigars, drives it again so that Jason can show Caddy's child to her.

1647 Miss Laura

In The Sound and the Fury Miss Laura is Quentin's elementary school teacher. She disconcerts Quentin when she asks him "who discovered the Mississippi River" (88), but she may also be the teacher Quentin refers to in Benjy's section, when he tells his father about trying to protect her from a boy who "said he would put a frog in her desk" (68).

1648 Natalie

In The Sound and the Fury Natalie is a girl about Quentin and Caddy's age who lives near their house. Caddy calls her "a dirty girl" (134) after catching her and Quentin naively exploring their sexualities together in the barn, but their behavior would probably seem natural enough to anyone but Quentin. Natalie does, however, take the lead in this exploration, and given the contemptuous way Caddy treats her (calling her "Cowface," for example, 136), the novel might be suggesting she is lower class.

1649 New York Yankees

In Faulkner's fictions "Yankees" typically refers to the Union soldiers during the Civil War or people from the North in general; in The Sound and the Fury, however, it refers to the New York Yankees baseball team. The 1927 Yankees, which featured Babe Ruth as part of a lineup called 'Murderers' Row,' is often cited as the greatest team in baseball history. Despite this, in his April 1928 conversation with Mac, Jason Compson insists "They're shot" (252), adding that he'd never bet on them.

1650 Patterson Boy

In The Sound and the Fury the Pattersons' house is adjacent to the Compsons'. Quentin remembers that when Jason was younger, he and "the Patterson boy . . . made kites on the back porch and sold them for a nickel a piece" (94). Jason parted ways with him, apparently when the boy complained about not getting his share of the profits.

1651 Mr. Patterson

In The Sound and the Fury the Pattersons live next door to the Compsons. Mr. Patterson beats up Maury Bascomb when he learns that his wife is having an affair with him.

1652 Mrs. Patterson

In The Sound and the Fury the Pattersons live next door to the Compsons. Maury Bascomb has an affair with Mrs. Patterson when the Compson children are young. At least once Caddy takes her a letter from "Uncle Maury," and sometime later Benjy tries to deliver another. On that occasion we hear Mrs. Patterson call Benjy "you idiot" as she tries to grab the letter before her husband can reach him (13).

1653 Ab Russell

In The Sound and the Fury Ab Russell is a Yoknapatawpha farmer, one of the few, Jason notes, who has plowed his cotton field by April 6, 1928. Jason walks across his field chasing his niece and the man in the red tie; after they let the air out of Jason's tire, Russell lends him a pump.

1654 Reverend Shegog

In The Sound and the Fury Shegog is the visiting clergyman from St. Louis who gives the Easter sermon at the Negro church in Jefferson. Physically he is unimpressive: "The visitor was undersized, in a shabby alpaca coat. He had a wizened black face like a small, aged monkey" (293). But he possesses a powerful voice: the congregation soon forgets "his insignificant appearance in the virtuosity" of his voice (293).

1655 Simmons

In The Sound and the Fury Mr. Simmons (whom Jason calls "old man Simmons," 216) possesses the key to the old opera house that Jason borrows.

1656 Spoade I

In The Sound and the Fury Spoade is the last name of a senior at Harvard College with Quentin in 1910. He jokingly calls Shreve Quentin's "husband" (78). Quentin says Spoade has "five names, including that of a present English ducal house" (91-92), but he never thinks of him except as "Spoade" - his first name is never given. He is from South Carolina, and lives up to the image of a southern aristocrat in a number of ways besides his name, including the fact that he goes to chapel every day in dishabille.

1657 Squire

In The Sound and the Fury the local justice of the peace or magistrate who hears the complaint against Quentin involving Julio's sister is referred to only as "Squire" (139). His courtroom is "a bare room smelling of stale tobacco" and "a scarred littered table," the book in which he enters Quentin's name is a "huge dusty" one, and he himself has "a fierce roach of iron gray hair" and wears "steel spectacles" (142). He fines Quentin but releases him without a formal charge.

1658 Parson Walthall

The minister of the Methodist Church in Jefferson in The Sound and the Fury is named Parson Walthall; he protests the slaughter of the town's pigeons to prevent them from fouling the town clock.

1659 Doc Wright

In The Sound and the Fury Doc Wright trades on the commodities market at the telegraph office, where he can keep tabs on the price of cotton. He and Jason discuss trading strategy. (In other texts there are characters nicknamed 'Doc' who are not medical doctors, but whether Wright is or isn't a 'real' doctor is not made clear.)

1660 Unnamed Caddie

In The Sound and the Fury the invisible "caddie" who is called by the golfers while Luster looks for the quarter never specifically appears. In a sense he exists in Benjy's section in name only, whenever the golfers on the course beside the Compson yard call "caddie" (3). The fact that whenever this name is called Benjy instead hears "Caddy" makes this and the book's other "caddies" major characters in his mind.

1661 Unnamed Caddies

In The Sound and the Fury the golfers who play on the course that has been built on what used to be the Compsons' pasture are accompanied by caddies who carry their clubs, look for mishit balls, and so on. Perhaps ahistorically, in their speech and treatment of the black characters like Luster these caddies are depicted as white rather than black.

1662 Unnamed Bakery Employee

In The Sound and the Fury this woman waits on Quentin in the bakery shop. According to Quentin, she looks "like a librarian" (125). She is very hostile to "them foreigners" in her neighborhood, and suspects that the little girl in her store may be shoplifting: "She'll hide it under her dress and a body'd never know it" (126).

1663 Unnamed Bluegum Children

According to dictionaries of American and African American slang, a 'bluegum' is a black person whose lips and/or gums look blue. The word appears in The Sound and the Fury in the folklore story Versh tells Benjamin about the Compsons before the Civil War. After one of their slaves becomes a "bluegum," the pregnant women he looks at deliver children who are "bluegum chillen," and after "about a dozen" of these children are born, they eat him (69).

1664 Unnamed Boston Folks

In The Sound and the Fury the bridge over the Charles where Quentin decides to commit suicide is also a place, he learns from the boys he meets there, where "Boston folks" come to fish for the renowned trout who swims under it (119).

1665 Unnamed Boy 2

One of the three boys carrying fishing poles whom Quentin encounters in The Sound and the Fury is named "Kenny" (122). This is one of the two who are not; Quentin thinks of them as "the first," "the second" and "the third" (117 etc.) and they can be distinguished from each other. This "second" boy, for example, imagines catching the trout and exchanging it for a "horse and wagon" (117) - Quentin refers to him as "the one that thought the horse and wagon back there at the bridge" (137), and he is consistently the most contrary of the three.

1666 Unnamed Boy 3

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin thinks of the three boys carrying fishing poles whom he meets at the bridge as "the first," "the second" and "the third" (117 etc.), but they can also be distinguished from each other by their actions (and the fact that one is called "Kenny" by another, 122). This is the "third" boy, who seems the most agreeable and least interesting of the three, although like his friends, he is upset when Quentin comes along later with the unnamed little girl and watches them swimming - because they are swimming naked.

1667 Unnamed Cigar Seller 1

Referred to simply as "the girl" (83), this employee at Parker's Restaurant in The Sound and the Fury recommends the fifty-cent cigar to Quentin as the best - he buys one, lights it, and then quickly gives it away.

1668 Unnamed Boy with Frog

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin gets in a fight with this boy when he threatened to put a frog in a girl's desk - or possibly the teacher's desk; she is female too. Quentin tells Mr. Compson, though, that "He was as big as me" (67).

1669 Unnamed Clock Repairer

In The Sound and the Fury Jason mentions that because of the pigeons roosting in the courthouse clock, the town "had to pay a man forty-five dollars to clean it" (247).

1670 Unnamed Crew of Schooner

In The Sound and the Fury these two men operate the schooner Quentin watches going under the drawbridge over the Charles: one is "naked to the waist . . . coiling down a line on the fo'c's'le head" and the other is "in a straw hat without any crown . . . at the wheel" (89).

1671 Unnamed Crucified Murderer

In the Easter sermon Rev. Shegog preaches in The Sound and the Fury he refers to the two men who were crucified alongside Jesus as "de thief and de murderer" (296). By the "murderer" he presumably means the thief who killed the men he robbed. In the Gospels this man taunts Jesus even as they are crucified, which may explain Shegog's "I hears de boastin en de braggin" (296).

1672 Unnamed Crucified Thief

In his Easter sermon in The Sound and the Fury Rev. Shegog mentions the two men who were crucified on either side of Jesus. He refers to "de thief and de murderer" (296). The "thief" is presumably the man mentioned in the Gospels who rebukes the other criminal for mocking Jesus and asks Jesus to remember him when he reaches heaven.

1673 Unnamed Dentist

While there would probably be a dentist in Jefferson, "the dentist" in The Sound and the Fury whom Jason tells Earl he had to see over the lunch break is Jason's invention (227). And it may be worth noting that, although there are over a dozen doctors in the fictions, the only dentist is this imaginary one.

1674 Unnamed Female Classmate

This is the "she" in The Sound and the Fury whose innocence or honor Quentin tries to protect by fighting the male classmate who is threatening to "put a frog in her desk" (68). She is probably another student, but may be the teacher - in any case, Mr. Compson, who knows his son Quentin, says "Oh. . . . She" when Quentin tells him about the fight (68).

1675 Unnamed Financial Advisors

In The Sound and the Fury Jason refers to the people whom he pays to advise him on his cotton speculations in several different ways: "some people who're right there on the ground" in New York (192), "those rich New York jews" (193), and so on. Included in this group, according to him, is "one of the biggest manipulators in New York" (192). The labels he uses say much more about his own antisemitism than they do about Wall Street analysts.

1676 Unnamed Negro Gas Station Attendant

At the gas station where Jason stops after leaving the Sheriff's house in The Sound and the Fury, this Negro employee fills Jason's tank with gas and his tires with air.

1677 Unnamed Golfer

This particular golfer in The Sound and the Fury is the one to whom Luster tries to sell the golf ball he claims to have "found" in the yard. When Luster gives him the ball to look at, the "white man" puts it in his own pocket and tells Luster to "find yourself another one" (53).

1679 Unnamed Grandfather of Gerald Bland

The man Mrs. Bland refers to as "Gerald's grandfather" in The Sound and the Fury is almost certainly her father, so we don't know his last name (148). In her account, he is a very traditional southern aristocrat, and very fussy about the ingredients in his mint julep.

1680 Unnamed Hardware Store Clerk

In The Sound and the Fury this "clerk" in the hardware store in Boston sells Quentin two six-pound flat-irons (85).

1681 Unnamed Hardware Store Customer

Jason describes the customer to whom he sells a "twenty-cent hame string" in The Sound and the Fury as a "dam redneck" (194-95).

1682 Unnamed Hardware Store Customers

In The Sound and the Fury the customers come to Earl's hardware store on Friday are mostly country folks who are in town for the visiting show. Jason describes his job waiting on them bitterly as running "to sell some redneck a dime's worth of nails or something" (211).

1683 Unnamed Harvard Crew Team

In The Sound and the Fury the annual Harvard-Yale crew race is scheduled to take place a few days after June 2, 1910. Perhaps because Quentin is about use a river to drown himself, he thinks about the race, and the team - "them down at New London" - several times in his section of the novel (77, 105, etc.).

1684 Unnamed Harvard Freshmen

Deacon appears in The Sound and the Fury walking "along between a couple of freshmen" (97). They disappear after Quentin asks to speak with him, but not before Deacon tells the pair that he was glad to have chatted with them.

1685 Unnamed Harvard Proctor

Harvard's "proctor" appears in Quentin's section of The Sound and the Fury when he remembers the way Mrs. Bland tried to have Shreve moved out of the suite he and Quentin share - because he didn't strike her as a suitable roommate for a Mississippi Compson. "The proctor reveals enough low stubbornness to insist on consulting Shreve first," and the change is never made (106). (This is an unusual use of 'proctor' - who is usually someone monitoring students taking an exam; perhaps Faulkner meant 'dean' or 'registrar.')

1686 Unnamed Harvard Students

In addition to the ones who are named (Shreve, Bland, Spoade), a number of unnamed Harvard students appear at different points in Quentin's section of The Sound and the Fury. He thinks about the crew team - "them down at New London" getting ready to race Yale - almost as soon as he wakes up (77). Looking out his dorm room window, he watches the undergraduates "running for chapel": "the same ones fighting the same heaving coat-sleeves, the same books and flapping collars" (78).

1687 Unnamed Mule Team Owner

While chasing his niece and his money in the last section of The Sound and the Fury, Jason imagines a scene in which he commandeers someone's team of mules to pull his car from the imagined mud that is trying to stop his pursuit. The team's "owner" whom he strikes down is, of course, like the whole episode, his own invention (306).

1688 Unnamed Squad of Soldiers

In one of the fantasies he has while driving to Mottson Jason in The Sound and the Fury imagines leading "a file of soldiers" to capture the sheriff who would not help him (306). While Jason's grandfather was a General in the Confederate Army, he himself never led troops, or served in any army.

1689 Unnamed Immigrant Woman

This unnamed Italian immigrant in The Sound and the Fury does not speak English. When Quentin knocks at her door hoping to find the home of the little girl who has been accompanying him since he left the bakery, the woman seems to understand his question, but her answer is undecipherable: "'Si, si,' she said, holding back, showing me whatever it was" (132).

1690 Unnamed Italian-American Girl

The unnamed "secretive" little girl (126) who somehow becomes attached to Quentin in The Sound and the Fury is the child of Italian immigrants, though it is possible that she herself - unlike her older brother Julio - was born in the U.S. Quentin describes her complexion as "like a cup of milk dashed with coffee," implying she is not exactly 'white' (125). She apparently can speak English, but when she meets Quentin at the bakery, she does not tell him who she is or where she lives, and she remains mysteriously silent while he travels with her in search of her home.

1691 Unnamed Jealous Husband

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin recalls a story that Mrs. Bland tells about Gerald, involving "a sawmill husband" - the lower-class husband of a woman with whom Gerald has had sexual relations - who confronts him with a shotgun (107). According to Quentin's remembered version, Gerald is supposed to have bitten the gun in two. It's not clear how much of the exaggeration here is Mrs. Bland's and how much Quentin's.

1692 Unnamed Boy 1

In The Sound and the Fury, after the Patterson boy stops selling kites with him, Jason finds a new partner, presumably another child about his own age (and presumably more lackadaisical than the Patterson boy about who ends up with the money they make).

1693 Unnamed Negro Servant of Bland

In The Sound and the Fury this man seems more a product of Mrs. Bland's imagination than a real person. One of the stories she tells about her son Gerald focuses on the loyalty of "his nigger," who pleads to be allowed to accompany his "marster" to Harvard (107).

1695 Unnamed Jeweler 1

The jeweler in The Sound and the Fury to whom Quentin shows his broken watch appears only briefly, but is described in a few vivid details. He is "going bald," his hair is "parted in the center," and "the part runs up into the bald spot, like a drained marsh in December" (83, 85). He wears a jeweler's loupe that "left a red circle around his eye" (84). He seems familiar with the customs of Harvard students; Quentin's behavior makes him think he has been drinking, perhaps to celebrate the crew meet in New London.

1696 Unnamed Man in Livery Stable

This man in The Sound and the Fury tells Quentin that the marshal is not there, and that he doesn't recognize the little girl with Quentin: "Them furriners. I cant tell one from another" (130). But he does point Quentin toward the district where those 'foreigners' live.

1697 Unnamed Man at Pump

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin notices this man "filling a pail" with water from the pump where Shreve is helping him wash his face (165).

1698 Unnamed Girl in Bland's Story

In The Sound and the Fury Shreve's account of Quentin's fight with Bland includes the "wench that he made a date with to meet at a dance hall in Atlantic city" (166); Bland boasts about standing her up, so she doesn't appear even in his story, and Shreve's account seems skeptical about Bland's whole story - but in his own mind Quentin's attack on Bland seems to be an attempt to defend this young woman's honor

1699 Unnamed Man at Compson House

In The Sound and the Fury Benjy remembers seeing "a head come out" of the room where "Father was sick" (34). "It wasn't Father," he knows - though he doesn't know his father has just died - but someone Benjy has not seen before. He seems to be taking charge when he tells T.P. to take Benjy "out of the house," which suggests he might be a doctor (34).

1700 Unnamed Man in Mottson

In The Sound and the Fury, when this man "comes along" the sidewalk outside the closed Mottson drugstore, Jason asks him if there's a "drugstore open anywhere" and when "the northbound train" runs (312).

1701 Unnamed Carnival Worker

The man with whom Caddy's daughter Quentin runs away from home works for the "show" that performs in Jefferson over the Easter weekend. In The Sound and the Fury, he is identified in both Benjy's and Jason's sections by his "red tie" (49, 232). He is only mentioned in the "Appendix" that Faulkner wrote in 1945, as a "pitchman in a travelling streetshow" (330), but this text adds a detail to his biography: when he left with Miss Quentin, he "was already under sentence for bigamy" (342).

1702 Unnamed Trolley Passengers

When Quentin boards the first of the Boston streetcars he rides during the day in The Sound and the Fury, he notes that it full of "mostly prosperous looking people reading newspapers" (86). Specific passengers in the car include a Negro who is wearing "a derby and shined shoes" and holding "a dead cigar stub" - having to sit next to him prompts Quentin to reflect on the relationship between blacks and whites (86). Other passengers are "women with market baskets" and a man in "a stained hat with a pipe stuck in the band" (89).

1703 Unnamed Interurban Train Passengers

On the interurban that carries him back to Cambridge in The Sound and the Fury, Quentin self-consciously notices how the other passengers in the car are all "looking at my [black] eye" (170). One passenger is individualized: looking at his reflection in the window of the car, Quentin sees superimposed on his own face the reflection of this woman sitting across the aisle from him, wearing a hat "with a broken feather in it" (169).

1704 Unnamed Maid in Memphis

In The Sound and the Fury this woman is mentioned by Jason when he remembers the last time he saw Lorraine in Memphis. He gives "the maid" five dollars (194). It is likely that Lorraine herself is a prostitute, and that the maid works for the brothel, not Lorraine personally. And while Jason does not specifically say the maid is black, based on the other maids in and out of brothels in Faulkner's world it is safe to assume she is.

1705 Unnamed Men at Boathouse

In The Sound and the Fury these two men carry the rowing "shell" that Gerald Bland uses from the boat house to the water (90).

1706 Unnamed Men in Front of Store

In The Sound and the Fury these two men sitting in front of a store talk to Quentin during his attempt to find the home of the little girl he met in the bakery.

1707 Unnamed Men Who Assist Anse

In The Sound and the Fury these two men help break up Julio's attack on Quentin, and then keep an eye on Julio during the walk to the Squire who will decide Quentin's case. They may be the marshal's assistants, or simply two bystanders who are pulled into the story by Julio's attack on and accusation against Quentin.

1708 Unnamed Missionary to China

In The Sound and the Fury Jason mentions this "Chinese missionary" whom the rich Jefferson merchant "bought" for "five thousand dollars a year," in order to ease his conscience (194). The reference is ambiguous enough to possibly mean the missionary himself is 'Chinese' or perhaps Chinese-American, but it is far more likely that he is a white American on a religious mission to China.

1709 Unnamed Negroes in Mottson

In The Sound and the Fury these "two negro lads" tell Jason they can drive a car, but are not willing to take him to Jefferson for two dollars (312).

1710 Unnamed Men at Mottson Gas Station

In The Sound and the Fury, at "a filling station" in Mottson, "they" tell Jason where the traveling show can be found (308). The novel provides no evidence about who "they" are - whether customers or attendants at the gas station, or both.

1711 Unnamed Mottson Pedestrians

While Jason waits in his car outside the locked Mottson drug store in The Sound and the Fury, he watches passerbys and reflects on their perspectives about him: "Some looked at him as they passed, at the man sitting quietly behind the wheel of a small car, with his invisible life raveled out about him like a wornout sock, and went on" (313).

1712 Unnamed Musical Saw Player

While never seen nor (unlike the band the traveling show brings to Jefferson) even heard, the performer who "can play a tune on a saw" (15) is mentioned or (when Luster spends so much of Easter trying to imitate him) alluded to in all four sections of The Sound and the Fury. He is perhaps the novel's figure of the artist.

1713 Unnamed Slaves at Compsons'

While chasing his niece across the Yoknapatawpha countryside Jason thinks about the "slaves" that "my people" used to own; in his mind slave-owning is a source of pride, a symbol of the Compsons' high social standing (239).

1714 Unnamed People of Yoknapatawpha 2

Many different people from Yoknapatawpha appear in The Sound and the Fury. This is a group that exists only in Jason Compson's head, the "you" he is arguing with as he sits alone in his car while chasing his niece through the county: he compares his family to this hypothetical "you," as in "you all were running little shirt tail country stores" and farming poor soil while his "people" owned slaves (239).

1715 Unnamed Negro at the Forks

In The Sound and the Fury Jason questions this man he encounters at "the forks" where two roads diverge about which way the Ford carrying Quentin and the man in the red tie went (238).

1716 Unnamed Negro Choir

In The Sound and the Fury the choir at the black church in Jefferson begins the Easter service with song.

1717 Unnamed Negro Church Procession

The procession at the Negro church in Jefferson in The Sound and the Fury consists of "six small children: four girls with tight pigtails bound with small scraps of cloth like butterflies, and two boys with close napped heads" (292). At the start of the service on Easter Sunday, the children "entered and marched up the aisle, strung together in a harness of white ribbons and flowers" (292). Later they sing with the choir "in thin, frightened, tuneless whispers" (293).

1718 Unnamed Negro in Virginia

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin sees this man in Virginia, from the window of the train carrying him back to Yoknapatawpha from Harvard for the holidays. He is sitting patiently on a mule without a saddle, "waiting for the train to move" (86). When Quentin calls out "Christmas gift!" to him, he replies, "Sho comin, boss. You done caught me, aint you" (87). To Quentin, he seems "like a sign put there saying You are home again" in the South (87).

1719 Unnamed Negro Preacher 1

In The Sound and the Fury this man is the regular preacher at the Negro church in Jefferson. Though he does not give the Easter sermon, he enters the church with Reverend Shegog and is described in sharp contrast to the "undersized" visiting clergyman: he is "huge, of a light coffee color, imposing in a frock coat. His head is magisterial and profound, his neck rolled above his collar in rich folds" (293).

1720 Unnamed Negro Laundresses 1

In The Sound and the Fury these women are washing clothes in the creek that runs besides the golf course and the Compson place; "one of them is singing" (14).

1721 Unnamed Negroes in Memphis Brothel

While reflecting on 'Negroes' and how "they" behave in The Sound and the Fury, Quentin remembers hearing or reading about the "brothel full of them in Memphis" who ran naked into the street during "a religious trance" (170).

1722 Unnamed Parade Marchers

In The Sound and the Fury Quentin and Deacon discuss the time the black man marched in the parade "on Decoration Day" (82). Decoration Day was the southern name for Memorial Day, originally created to honor the veterans of the Civil War and in 1910 it would have been celebrated on the last Monday of May. Deacon mentions both "the old vet'runs" and the "ladies" who organize the celebration (98). Deacon was was wearing a "G.A.R. uniform," i.e. the uniform of the Grand Army of the Republic, the Union army (82).

1723 Unnamed People at Mr. Compson's Funeral

When Jason remembers his father's funeral in The Sound and the Fury, he mentions the people who "were holding umbrellas" (201) and who filled in the grave, "throwing dirt into it" (202). Presumably some of these people are from the community, and presumably some are paid cemetery workers, but "they" are not described in any detail.

1724 Unnamed People of Cambridge

These are the people in The Sound and the Fury who pass along the streets in Cambridge outside the window of Quentin's streetcar - he sees, for example, "the crowns of people's heads passing beneath new straw hats not yet unbleached" (89).

1725 Unnamed People of Massachusetts Town

In The Sound and the Fury when Quentin is taken by Anse across the river and the railroad tracks and up "the main street" of the town outside of Cambridge where he has been wandering, the "procession" also includes two men, Julio and his sister, and the boys who had been swimming (141). This motley parade attracts the attention of the local residents. "People" come their doors "to look at us," and "more boys" join the procession (141). All the novel allows us to say for sure about these townspeople is that they are obviously curious.

1726 Unnamed Possum Hunters

In The Sound and the Fury the "possum hunters" who find the bones of the "bluegum" man who had been eaten by "them bluegum chillen" are not explicitly identified as black in the story Versh tells Benjy (69), but given the African American folk context of the tale and the stereotypical association of possums and blacks, that seems likely. When Quentin hunts possum in his section of the novel, it is with Versh Gibson and Louis Hatcher, both black.

1727 Unnamed Post Office Employee

In The Sound and the Fury the unnamed post office clerk whom Quentin asks about Anse's whereabouts is wearing a "frock coat" and "reading a newspaper" (130). He suggests Quentin take the girl "past them houses by the river" (130).

1728 Unnamed Pregnant Slave

In the story that Versh tells in The Sound and the Fury about the "old time," this is the slave he calls "family woman" - i.e. she is pregnant; when she looks the "bluegum" man "in the eye in the full of the moon," all the "chillen" she gives birth to are "born bluegum" (69).

1729 Unnamed Print Shop Worker

In The Sound and the Fury this man works in the town's printing shop. He advises Jason as to where he might find old checks from a defunct bank.

1730 Unnamed Roman Soldiers

In his sermon in The Sound and the Fury Rev. Shegog refers to the Romans who hunt for the newborn Jesus as both the "po-lice" and as "sojers" (296).

1731 Unnamed Self-Mutilator

In The Sound and the Fury this "man who mutilated himself" by cutting off his genitals with a "broken razor" is known to readers only through Quentin's recollection of a story Versh tells him (116).

1732 Unnamed Sexual Partners of Miss Quentin

In The Sound and the Fury Miss Quentin, like her mother Caddy, is sexually active as a teenager (and also seems to be pregnant, as Caddy was with her, out of wedlock). Jason is sure that his niece makes herself available not only to all the "slick-headed jellybeans" (184) and "dam squirts" (188) in Jefferson but to "every dam drummer and cheap show [man] that comes to town" (239).

1733 Unnamed Negro Bootblacks in Boston

After leaving Parker's in The Sound and the Fury, Quentin notes that "two bootblacks caught me, one on either side, shrill and raucous, like blackbirds. I gave the cigar to one of them, and the other one a nickel" (83). Though the text does not make their race explicit, the "blackbird" image suggests that these two individuals are African American.

1734 Unnamed Show Cook

In The Sound and the Fury the old "man in a dirty apron" Jason spots at the train carrying the traveling show in Mottson is probably a cook. Though smaller than Jason, he becomes a "puny fury" when he feels Jason has insulted him, driving to get to his "butcher knife" and then attacking Jason with a "rusty hatchet" (309-10). As the owner of the show later tells Jason, warning him to stay away from the show, "That damn little wasp'll kill you" (312).

1735 Unnamed Band Members 1

Readers of The Sound and the Fury never see the band that plays in the traveling show visiting Jefferson, but several of the novel's black characters talk about it, and in Jason's section both he and Uncle Job hear the music they are making. "That's a good band," Job says (248); "Dem folks sho do play dem horns" (230). Jason refers to the show's performers as "a bunch of Yankees" (230), but there's no clear evidence that they come from the North.

1736 Unnamed Showman

In The Sound and the Fury to refute his niece's accusation that he has been following her, Jason invents a story about the "showman" who borrows his car to chase after his "sister's husband" (258).

1737 Unnamed Showman's Brother-in-Law

As part of his fiction about loaning his car to a showman in The Sound and the Fury, Jason invents an adulterous "brother-in-law" involved with "some town woman" (258).

1738 Unnamed Showman's Sister

In The Sound and the Fury, as part of his fictional alibi, Jason invents this "sister" of the fictional "showman" who borrows his car; her equally invented husband is supposedly involved with "some town woman" (258).

1739 Unnamed Jefferson Students

In The Sound and the Fury, when Jason drops his niece off at school he notes that "the bell had rung, and the last of them" - the other students - are going inside the building (188).

1740 Unnamed Jefferson Teachers

In The Sound and the Fury, according to what Quentin tells his father, these "teachers" break up the fight at school between him and another boy (67).
