Character Keys
Code![]() |
title | biography | |
1539 | Unnamed Yoknapatawpha Cotton Growers |
Cotton is the main crop of Yoknapatawpha, and as Flags in the Dust points out, it is raised by two very different kinds of growers - planters or croppers - on two very different kinds of land: the "other planters further up the valley" from the Sartorises own the county's rich bottom land, while the "smaller croppers" have to manage "with their tilted fields among the hills" (289). |
1540 | Unnamed Country Children |
In Flags in the Dust, these are the two "infant children" - sex not specified - in the "family of country people" that moves into Jefferson during the First World War (72). Since their mother is pregnant again, "infant" presumably means something like "less than three years old." |
1541 | Unnamed Countryman 1 |
In Flags in the Dust this "young man" moves from the country into Jefferson during World War I; he is identified as "steady" and "exemplary," poor but with "a desire to get on" (72). He he is drafted and sent overseas as "a company cook in the S.O.S." - that is, the Supply Service (72). In his absence the Red Cross and Narcissa Benbow take care of his wife and children. |
1542 | Unnamed Carolina Indians |
When in Flags in the Dust Old Bayard finds his ancestor's rapier in the chest of family relics, he thinks of the first Sartoris in the new world, raising tobacco and fighting "his stealthy and simple neighbors" (88). That ancestor lived in Carolina (whether North or more probably South is never specified), and the adjectives "stealthy and simple" make it almost certain that he is thinking about the Indians who were ab-originally on that scene. |
1543 | Unnamed English Lover of Joan Heppleton |
In Flags in the Dust this is the man for whom Joan Heppleton leaves her husband and goes to Australia. While living there she assumed his name, but since she married again later that name might not have been Heppleton. The narrator sums his character up by saying "no Englishman out of his native island has any honor about women" (321); at some point the pair went to India, where he deserted Joan in Bombay. |
1544 | Unnamed English Servant |
The "servant" in Flags in the Dust who "methodically" packs up Horace Benbow's possessions as he is getting ready to leave Oxford to return to America (178). |
1545 | Unnamed Enslaved Musicians |
As part of its account of the history of the parlor in the Sartoris mansion, Flags in the Dust mentions "three negroes with stringed instruments on the stairway" inside the house who provided the music at the many antebellum dinners and occasional balls that Colonel John held in the room (55). |
1546 | Unnamed Expelled Undergraduate |
Although Flags in the Dust does not describe this "youth" in any detail, it does specify the "practical joke" for which he was expelled "from the state university": "he had removed the red lantern from the barrier about a street excavation and hung it above the door of the girls' dormitory" (186). |
1547 | Unnamed Express Agent |
This is the non-descript employee at the "new, ugly yellow station" in the town Horace and Belle are living in at the end of Flags in the Dust (373). |
1548 | Unnamed Father of Belle and Joan |
Mentioned only briefly in Flags in the Dust, while the narrative is summing up Joan Heppleton's life, the man who is both her and Belle Mitchell's father is identified with the quality of "bitter reserve" (322). The reference to him in Sanctuary adds the detail that he lives "in Kentucky"; Belle stays there with him, offstage, more most of the novel (260). |
1549 | Unnamed "Feller" 1 |
He is mentioned in Flags in the Dust by Old Man Falls simply as "that other feller" Colonel John Sartoris killed sometime after the Civil War, "when he had to start killin' folks" (23). (He may be the same character as the "hill man Sartoris kills in The Unvanquished [221], but that is not clear.) |
1550 | Unnamed First Husband of Joan Heppleton |
Mentioned a couple times in Flags in the Dust, briefly, in the history of her "lovers" that Joan Heppleton provides for Horace Benbow, this man (probably not named "Heppleton," but not otherwise named) was in his fifties when she married him at eighteen. Together they went to Hawaii just before or during the First World I; after she left him for another man, they divorced and he "made a settlement on her" (322). |
1551 | Unnamed Man Driving Ford |
More a symbol of modernity than a character in Flags in the Dust, this man is driving badly and wearing "a woman's stocking wrapped about his head and tied beneath his hat" when he swerves into the path of Young Bayard's car, causing the accident in which Old Bayard dies (326). |
1552 | Unnamed Governor of South Carolina |
In Flags in the Dust, the "governor" of South Carolina at the start of the Civil War - when the state became the first to secede from the Union, occupied Fort Moultrie and "refused to surrender it" (11), and then began hostilities by attacking Fort Sumter - was Frances Pickens; descended from a famous Carolina family, he strongly supported the creation and the cause of the Confederacy. |
1553 | Unnamed Grandmother of Will Falls |
This unnamed woman in Flags in the Dust is, according to Will Falls, his source for the ointment with which he is treating Old Bayard's wen: "My granny got that 'ere from a Choctaw woman nigh a hundred and thutty year ago" (227). |
1554 | Unnamed Group of Negroes 1 |
In Flags in the Dust this "group of negroes" scatters when Bayard and the runaway stallion race down the lane from the livery stable (129). |
1555 | Unnamed Guests at Belle's Recital |
"The group of Belle's more intimate familiars" who attend Little Belle's recital in Flags in the Dust seem a bit older than the young set that gathers at the Mitchells' tennis court (198), but the narrator does not characterize them with any more sympathy. The group is dominated by the voices of the "ladies," "sibilantly crescendic," "an hysterical tideflux" (198). The "occasional soberly clad male" remains at the periphery of this "chattering" (198) and "gabbling" (202). |
1556 | Unnamed Half-Grown Negro Boy |
One of the three black males who are present in the MacCallum household when Young Bayard arrives there near the end of Flags in the Dust. His role in the family or on the family's land is not clear. |
1557 | Unnamed Hill Man 1 |
The house that the Mitchells live in was built, the narrator of Flags in the Dust notes, by "a hillman who moved in [to Jefferson] from a small settlement called Frenchman's Bend" (24). Unlike the houses of the town's older families, the house he builds is conspicuously close to the street, which leads Miss Jenny to say he "built the handsomest house in Frenchman's Bend on the most beautiful lot in Jefferson" (24). |
1558 | Unnamed Countrywomen from Frenchman's Bend |
The anonymous hillman in Flags in the Dust who moves into Jefferson and builds the house Belle Mitchell lives in came to town with his unnamed and unenumerated "women-folks" (24). In their new lives these women obviously attempt to live like 'ladies': they spend the mornings sitting on the veranda and the afternoons riding about wearing "colored silks" (24). But after two years, they return to Frenchman's Bend and, the narrator speculates, their original 'poor white' identities. |
1559 | Unnamed Mother of Belle and Joan |
Mentioned only briefly in Flags in the Dust, in the summary account of Joan Heppleton's life, the woman who is both her and Belle Mitchell's mother is identified by her "ready tearful uncomplaint" (322). |
1560 | Unnamed Horse Trader |
This "horse trader by profession" in Flags in the Dust has the usual unscrupulousness of that profession (127). The fact that "he was usually engaged in litigation with the railroad company over the violent demise of some of his stock by its agency" makes him very similar to I.O. Snopes in "Mule in the Yard." (In Flags in the Dust I.O. runs Flem's restaurant.) |
1561 | Unnamed Leicester Women |
These "two ladies" appear in Flags in the Dust in one of the stories young Bayard brings back from the War. Apparently these women were the occasion for a fight in a bar between Bayard and an "Australian major" (124). "Ladies" is certainly being used ironically, but whether the women are simply lower class, or working prostitutes, cannot be established from the text or the context. (See also the entry in this index for Unnamed London Girl.) |
1562 | Unnamed Little Girls |
These are "the little girls next door" with whom Little Belle plays in Flags in the Dust; they listen "with respect coldly concealed" when she tells them about the "prettier town" in which she used to live with "her real daddy" (378). |
1563 | Unnamed London Girl |
In the story Monaghan tells in Flags in the Dust about the War, this "girl" accompanies Bayard Sartoris to a "dive" in London while he is in England training as an aviator. She becomes the occasion for one of Bayard's barroom fights when an Australian captain "just tries to speak to" her (385). (See also the entry in this index for Unnamed Leicester Women.) |
1564 | Unnamed Marine Private |
In Flags in the Dust the insignia on this marine's uniform identifies him as belonging to the Second Marine Division, which saw heavy combat during World War I; he expresses his contempt for Horace's Y.M.C.A. uniform, which marks him as a non-combatant, by "making a vulgar sound of derogation" and spitting, "not exactly at Horace's feet, and not exactly anywhere else" (158-59). |
1565 | Unnamed Memphis Friends of Young Bayard |
In Miss Jenny's account in Flags in the Dust of the wedding and newlywed life that Bayard and Caroline live in Memphis, she mentions "the [aviation] pupils of Bayard's" and his "soldier friends" whom she sees. Like their wives, whom Jenny calls "young women who ought to have been at home," these are all obviously members of the same "lost" generation as Bayard (51). |
1566 | Unnamed Memphis Recruiting Officer |
This is the serviceman in Flags in the Dust whom Montgomery Ward Snopes cons into declaring him medically unfit for military service by holding "a plug of chewing tobacco beneath his left armpit" all the way from Jefferson to Memphis (167). |
1567 | Unnamed Memphis Specialist |
In Flags in the Dust Dr. Brandt shares his Memphis office with at least one other medical "specialist," who is described as "large," "with a majestic, surreptitious air like a royal undertaker" (246). |
1568 | Unnamed Men at Livery Stable |
At the livery stable where Rafe takes Bayard in Flags in the Dust are a number of "onlookers" (129) sitting "on top of the gate" or "leaning with crossed arms upon it" (126). Presumably they are admiring the stallion in the lot, though when its runs away with Bayard by crashing right through the gate they "hurl themselves to safety" (129). |
1569 | Unnamed Music Teacher |
In Flags in the Dust Little Belle Mitchell's piano teacher, who assists her during her recital, runs closely to type: "a thin, passionate spinster with cold thwarted eyes behind nose glasses" (200). |
1570 | Unnamed Negress |
"Negress" is not a term the narrator of Flags in the Dust uses for any other female Negro, so it's not clear why he uses it the one time he mentions the black maid at the Beard boarding house. She is helping Mrs. Beard serve breakfast at the boarding house. She is also described as "slatternly" (324). |
1571 | Unnamed Negro Brother-in-Law |
In Flags in the Dust the black man in whose barn Bayard spends Christmas eve tells him that his "brudder-in-law" borrowed his mules, and so Bayard will have to wait for a ride to the next town (365). When the mules "miraculously" appear later on Christmas day, the narrator refers to the "yet uncorporeal brother-in-law" (366) - seeming to imply that the Negro invented him. |
1572 | Unnamed Negro at MacCallums |
One of the three black men in Flags in the Dust (the others are Richard, and an unnamed "half-grown negro boy") who live with the MacCallums, presumably as servants or tenant farmers, or he may be the "negro who assists" Henry make moonshine whiskey (335). |
1573 | Unnamed Negro Child 1 |
In Flags in the Dust this is the "small negro child clutching a stick of striped candy" that Bayard has to jump the stallion over as it bolts away from the livery stable (129-30). |
1574 | Unnamed Negro Child 2 |
The middle child in the family of black sharecroppers in Flags in the Dust who let Young Bayard sleep in their barn and share their Christmas dinner; of the gender of this child the narrative says only, and strangely, "The second one might have been either or anything" (364). |
1575 | Unnamed Negro Child 3 |
The youngest of the three children of the black sharecroppers in Flags in the Dust who let Young Bayard sleep in their barn and share their Christmas dinner; "too small to walk . . . it crawl[s] about the floor in a sort of intense purposelessness" (364). |
1576 | Unnamed Negro Churchmember 1 |
One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church who call at the Sartoris plantation in Flags in the Dust seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund. |
1577 | Unnamed Negro Churchmember 2 |
One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church in Flags in the Dust who call at the Sartoris plantation seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund. |
1578 | Unnamed Negro Churchmember 3 |
One of the six members of the Second Baptist Church who call at the Sartoris plantation in Flags in the Dust seeking restitution of the $67.40 that Simon has embezzled from the building fund. |
1579 | Unnamed Negro at Mitchells |
Flags in the Dust describes this man as "the combination gardener-stableman-chauffeur" at the Mitchells and once as "the house-yard-stable boy," but does not otherwise describe him (189). He takes over some of Meloney Harris' tasks after she quits as Belle's maid. |
1580 | Unnamed Negro Musician 1 |
One of the "three negroes" in Flags in the Dust who accompany Young Bayard on his drunken trip to the neighboring college town to serenade the co-eds. He plays either the bass viol or the guitar. |
1581 | Unnamed Negro Musician 2 |
One of the "three negroes" in Flags in the Dust who accompany Young Bayard on his drunken trip to the neighboring college town to serenade the co-eds. He plays either the bass viol or the guitar. |
1582 | Unnamed Negro Parson |
This is the imposing-looking Pastor of the Second Baptist Church in Flags in the Dust who leads the delegation that calls on Old Bayard Sartoris, requesting him to pay back to the church the $67.40 that Simon embezzled from the building fund. The narrator describes him as "a huge, neckless negro in a Prince Albert coat . . . with an orotund air and a wild, compelling eye" (282). |
1583 | Unnamed Negro Paving Crew 1 |
Perhaps as another symptom of the "newness" of the town Horace and Belle move to in Flags in the Dust after her divorce, on his way back from the railroad station he notes that the street is "uptorn . . . in the throes of being paved" (376). The "lines of negroes" doing the work "swing their tools in a languid rhythm," singing "snatches of plaintive minor chanting punctuated by short grunting ejaculations" (376). Since they explicitly work in "lines," this may be a chain gang, and the men may be convict laborers, but that is not said explicitly. |
1584 | Unnamed Negro Section Hand |
In Flags in the Dust, this railroad worker - referred to by Simon simply as a "section hand" (7) - is apparently the only witness to Young Bayard's 1919 return to Jefferson from World War I. It seems that he told Simon about it, and Simon in turn tells Old Bayard. |
1585 | Unnamed Negro Soldiers |
These are the other black soldiers whom Caspey Strother mentions in Flags in the Dust in the stories he brings home from World War I. He never mentions any of their names, usually referring to them as "boys," but he does refer specifically to two: "de Captain's dog-robber" and "a school boy" (59). (It's unclear what Caspey means by "dog-robber," but he may be mangling the term 'dogsbody' - a British term for a person who does minor tasks; as an officer, the "Captain" in the phrase would be likely to have someone in such a menial role. |
1586 | Unnamed Negro Trainhand |
This is one of "two negroes" in Flags in the Dust - the other is Sol - who help Horace unload his baggage from the train on which he returns to Jefferson (157). |
1587 | Unnamed Negro Yardmen 1 |
These are the two unnamed black men in Flags in the Dust whom Bayard, trying to avoid a white child, swerves toward on his wild stallion ride through Jefferson. Since one is "playing a hose on the sidewalk" and the other is holding "a pitchfork," it seems safe to identify them as yardmen working for one of the white families who live on this "quiet" street (130). They are not injured, though Bayard is when the horse slips on the wet concrete; the "negro with the pitchfork" drives the stallion away from Bayard's fallen body (131). |
1588 | Unnamed Negroes in Wagons |
At several different points in Flags in the Dust Young Bayard is described frightening these men, women and children - country Negroes whose slow-moving, mule-drawn wagons he threatens and sometimes overturns by rushing up to them in the powerful car he speeds around the county in. The people in the wagons are never named or individualized, except by their alarmed faces and rolling eyes. |
1589 | Unnamed New York Police Chief |
According to Miss Jenny's account in Flags in the Dust, it is "the chief of police in New York" who writes to Bayard and John's college instructors to complain about the young men's misbehavior in the city (381). |
1590 | Unnamed Baby of Countryman |
The child (neither name nor gender is mentioned) who is born into the "family of country people" who are living in Jefferson and being looked after by the Red Cross and Narcissa Benbow in Flags in the Dust (72). |
1591 | Unnamed Old Jefferson Lady |
Mentioned only in passing in Flags in the Dust, she is the charitable "old lady of the town" in whose automobile the wife and children of the "family of country people" (also unnamed) take their husband and father to the train station, where he leaves for the War (72). |
1592 | Unnamed Patients of Doctor Peabody |
As part of the description of Doctor Peabody in Flags in the Dust, the narrative mentions his willingness to travel any distance "to visit anyone, white or black, who sent for him" (95). Later in the description a few of his patients are particularized when a "countryman" - that is, someone from outside the town of Jefferson - visits Peabody in his office to pay the doctor's bill "incurred by his father or grandfather" (95). |
1593 | Unnamed People in Oxford 1 |
In Flags in the Dust, when Bayard drives north to the university town where his passengers will serenade the women students, they go through the "streets identical with those at home" (142) - which may be Faulkner's covert way of acknowledging that Jefferson is based closely on Oxford, where he is writing the novel. When Bayard reaches "an identical square," "people on the square" turn to look at the car, with three young white men in front and three black musicians in back, "curiously" (142). That reaction, however, is all that we learn about the people who live in Oxford. |
1594 | Unnamed People in Unnamed Town |
These are the various inhabitants of the town in Flags in the Dust from which Young Bayard catches the train that takes him into exile. When he looks at them at the end of Christmas day, he sees various "cheerful groups," including children playing with new presents, youths exploding fireworks, and travelers waiting with friends in the racially segregated "waiting rooms" at the station (369). |
1595 | Unnamed People Who Had Known Joan as a Child |
In Flags in the Dust, Joan Heppleton goes back to her family's home town "from time to time" after her globe-trotting experiences, where she attracts the stares of the "neighbors, older people who had known her all her life," the younger people she had grown up with, and "newcomers to the town" (322). The narrative never says where "home" is (in Sanctuary we hear that Belle is from Kentucky), but it seems to be like Jefferson in the sense that Joan's obviously modern, emancipated behavior and appearance is something new and disconcerting. |
1596 | Unnamed Children at Play |
This represents four different groups of children in Flags in the Dust: (1) The children playing in the street whom Bayard, riding the wild stallion, swerves to avoid running into; only one is individualized: "a small figure in a white shirt and diminutive pale blue pants" (130). (2) The "neighbors' children" who play "quietly" among the flowers and trees on the lawn at the Benbow house (164). (3) The children playing "quietly and a little stiffly" in the cemetery that Jenny and Isom visit at the end of the novel (399). All these groups appear in Jefferson. |
1597 | Unnamed Residents of Horace's New Town |
Flags in the Dust characterizes the residents of Horace's new 'home' town - where he is clearly in exile - negatively. They have turned a Mississippi hamlet into a prosperous but squalid town. The engine of its economy is a factory making an unspecified product from the local cypress trees, which are all being chopped down. The narrator labels this populace with a series of pejorative terms, including "brigands" and "bugs" (373). |
1598 | Unnamed Residents of the Poorhouse 1 |
In Flags in the Dust Will Falls distributes the "pint of whisky" that is always part of the Thanksgiving and Christmas gift baskets given him by the Sartorises "among his ancient and homeless cronies" (301) in the county poorhouse. |
1599 | Unnamed Robber |
One of the men Colonel Sartoris kills in Flags in the Dust is called "that robber" by Will Fall; the context suggests he was trying to rob the money Sartoris carried as he was building the railroad through Yoknapatawpha. (This character and "that other feller" Sartoris kills in this novel seem combined into the character of the unnamed "hill man" in The Unvanquished, 23.) |
1600 | Unnamed Scottish Engineer |
In Flags in the Dust this man and Colonel Sartoris met while they were both servng in the Mexican War. After the Civil War, Sartoris brings him to Yoknapatawpha to help with the building of the railroad. He seems bemused by Jenny Du Pre's story about "Carolina" Bayard in the one scene in which he appears. |
1601 | Unnamed Second Husband of Joan Heppleton |
Identified in Flags in the Dust only as "young," "American," and an "employee of the Standard oil company," he and Joan Heppleton are married for one year, presumably living in Calcutta where she meets him (321). At the end of that time they are divorced. |
1602 | Unnamed Select Young Girls |
According to the narrator of Flags in the Dust, "each spring" a "certain few young girls" are allowed to pick flowers from the lawn at the Benbow house (164). Since they "ask permission" we can infer that they are polite (164). Their class status can be inferred from the first two adjectives that the narrator uses to describe them. |
1603 | Unnamed Ship Captain 1 |
The captain of the ship that carries Horace back to the U.S. in Flags in the Dust seems fairly phlegmatic: when Horace's glass-blowing starts a fire in his cabin on board, at least according to Horace's account, he "decides that I'd better not try it again" until the reach land (138). |
1604 | Unnamed Slave of J.E.B. Stuart |
Described by the narrator of Flags in the Dust as "the General's body servant," this unnamed slave provides a kind of sound track to Aunt Jenny's story of Stuart and Carolina Bayard as "two angels valiantly fallen": he strums a "guitar in lingering random chords" at the Confederate unit's camp (12). |
1605 | Unnamed Young Writer |
Identified as the "son of a carpenter," this "youth" in Flags in the Dust occupies only half a paragraph of text, but his story contains a number of intriguing details (181). Despite his blue-collar origin, Belle Mitchell decides to "make a poet" of him, and sends him to New Orleans presumably as part of that process (181). Faulkner also wanted to be a poet, and went to New Orleans at the start of his writing career. |
1606 | Unnamed Carpenter 1 |
This man appears in Flags in the Dust only when the novel identifies the "youth" who is Belle Mitchell's protege as the "son of a carpenter" (181). |
1607 | Unnamed Spirits of the Old South |
These 'characters' are the ghostly presences that, according to the narrator of Flags in the Dust, still haunt the darkened and seldom-used parlor at the Sartoris plantation house: "figures in crinoline and hooped muslin and silk," and "in gray too, with crimson sashes and sabres" (56). They seem to be conjured up by Narcissa Benbow's piano playing. |
1608 | Unnamed Station Agent 1 |
In Flags in the Dust, he greets Horace Benbow warmly upon his return to Jefferson from World War I. |
1609 | Unnamed Telegraph Operator 1 |
This is the diffident "young man" (according to Miss Jenny, at least) works as the Jefferson telegraph operator in Flags in the Dust (392). Because he knows, as Jenny does not, that Bayard has died, he doesn't know what to do after she hands him a telegram to send to Bayard. |
1610 | Unnamed Telegraph Operator 2 |
Jefferson's telegraph operator in The Sound and the Fury not only dispenses telegrams but provides updates on the cotton market. Jason Compson berates him several times for not providing him with information quickly enough - though of course it is Jason's fault. |
1611 | Unnamed Texas Journalist |
As part of the biographical sketch in Flags in the Dust of the "son of a carpenter" whom Belle Mitchell "makes a poet" (181), we learn that he got his job "on a Texas newspaper" when the "besotted young man" who held the position resigned it to "enlist in the Marine Corps early in '17" - i.e. 1917, when the U.S. entered the First World War (182). |
1612 | Unnamed Union Cook |
In Flags in the Dust this cook is hiding inside General Pope's "wrecked commissary tent" when Carolina Bayard returns for the anchovies (18); the derringer shot he fires into Sartoris' back from his hiding place into Sartoris' back is fatal. |
1613 | Unnamed Union Soldiers 1 |
In the story Aunt Jenny tells in Flags in the Dust about her brother Bayard's death on a cavalry raid with J.E.B. Stuart in Virginia, they ride back and forth several times through hundreds if not thousands of Union soldiers. These soldiers include "astonished picket-parties returning placidly to camp" and "fatigue parties setting forth with picks and axes and shovels" (13); they are described most vividly as "blue-clad pigmy shapes" that "plunge scattering before and beneath" the force of twenty Confederates (14). |
1614 | Unnamed Venetian Glassmakers |
Horace Benbow's description in Flags in the Dust of the glass-making craftsmen he saw in the caves of Venice is suitably picturesque: "At first they're just shapeless things . . . shadows on the bloody walls . . . And then a face comes out, blowing . . ." (165). |
1615 | Unnamed New Yorker |
In Flags in the Dust, as an example of the trouble her great-great-nephews used to get into as college students visiting New York, Jenny mentions "a policeman or a waiter or something" to whom Old Bayard paid fifteen hundred dollars in compensation for "something they did" (381). |
1616 | Unnamed White Soldiers |
This entry represents the various unnamed white soldiers whom Caspey mentions in Flags in the Dust in his highly fictionalized account of his experiences in France during World War I. Many of them are "M.P"s, but he also refers to "white officers" and the "white boys" with whom he shares a trench about four miles behind the front lines (60). |
1617 | Unnamed Man Driving Wagon |
In Flags in the Dust this "white man" has just turned his mule-drawn wagon into the lane that leads to the livery stable when Bryon and the stallion rush toward him (130). |
1618 | Unnamed Women College Students 1 |
These are the young women in Flags in the Dust who are in college in the neighboring town (obviously Oxford) whom Young Bayard (along with Mitch and Suratt and three Negro musicians) serenades. They are only seen as shapes leaning out of the windows of the co-ed dorm, "aureoled against the lighted rooms behind," "feminine and delicately and divinely young" (143). |
1619 | Unnamed Women College Students 2 |
Lying in the dark at Miss Reba's in Sanctuary, Temple remembers being in her dorm in college, talking with other women students as they all dressed for a dance. One of them is accused by the others of knowing too much about sex and another, "the youngest one," is made sick by the conversation (152). |
1620 | Unnamed Women College Students 3 |
On the train that Horace takes to Oxford in Sanctuary he sees "two girls with painted small faces and scant bright dresses" (169). |
1621 | Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub 1 |
This young woman in Flags in the Dust is described as "a slim, long thing, mostly legs apparently, with a bold red mouth and cold eyes" (384). She is Bayard's companion at the Chicago night club where he agrees to fly the experimental plane; her mouth may be bold, but she says she is afraid of him: "He'll do anything" (386). |
1622 | Unnamed Woman in Chicago Nightclub 2 |
In Flags in the Dust this young woman wears an expression of "harried desperation" as she sits with Harry Mitchell at the Chicago nightclub. It seems that after getting Harry drunk, she steals his diamond tiepin; when the waiter apparently tries to stop her, her voice rises "with a burst of filthy rage into a shrill hysterical scream" (388). |
1623 | Unnamed Morale Worker |
This is the woman whom Caspey calls "one of dese army upliftin' ladies" when he describes meeting her on an abandoned battle field in Flags in the Dust (61). During the War, women volunteered to give aid and comfort to the American doughboys through a variety of organizations, including the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and the YMCA. All we are told about this woman is that she was looking for souvenirs, "German bayonets and belt-buckles" (61). |
1624 | Unnamed Young Man at Belle's 1 |
This "youth in a battered ford" drives by the Mitchell house to pick up "the girl Frankie" (193) in Flags in the Dust. He is probably part of the young set that congregates around Belle Mitchell, and that her husband Harry describes as "a bunch of young girls and jelly-beans" (193). They seem to be just a few years younger than Horace or Bayard. (In the 1920s "jellybean" was a slang term for a young man who wore stylish clothes.) |
1625 | Unnamed Young Man at Belle's 2 |
This is the person referred to simply as "another young man" by the narrator of Flags in the Dust; he comes by the Mitchell house to play tennis. Harry Mitchell describes the set who congregate around his wife as "a bunch of young girls and jelly-beans" (193). (In the 1920s "jellybean" was a slang term for a young man who wore stylish clothes.) |
1626 | Unnamed Woman in Mount Vernon |
This "young woman" is only mentioned once in Flags in the Dust, as the person with whom Lee MacCallum is "keeping company" (i.e. courting, 350). |
1627 | Unnamed Youth |
In Flags in the Dust, while Bayard recovers from his first accident, this "youth who hung around one of the garages in town" drives his car to Memphis for repairs (267). |
1628 | Dalton Ames |
In The Sound and the Fury Dalton Ames - a new arrival in Jefferson in the summer of 1909 - is the first man Caddy Compson has sex with, and may be the father of Caddy's daughter. Caddy tells Quentin that Ames has "been in the army had killed men" (148) and "crossed all the oceans all around the world" (150). Quentin discovers for himself how good Ames is with a pistol when he tries ordering him to leave town. For more than one reason Quentin feels that Ames is not a proper suitor for Caddy, including the issue of class; his name, Quentin thinks, "just missed gentility" (92). |
1629 | Anse 2 |
In The Sound and the Fury Anse is the Marshal of the town near Cambridge where Quentin goes in the second half of his section. He is described by Quentin as "oldish," and he wears a vest with a badge on it and carries a "knotted, polished stick" (139). Quentin is told to find him because he could help Quentin find the lost Italian girl's home. However, Anse found Quentin first; he arrested Quentin for trying to kidnap the lost Italian girl. |
1630 | Mr. Burgess |
In The Sound and the Fury Mr. Burgess is the neighbor of the Compsons who sees Benjy grabbing at his daughter and rushes to "knock him out with a fence picket" (263). |
1631 | Charlie |
In The Sound and the Fury Charlie is one of the boys with whom Caddy explores her sexual desires in adolescence, the only named one before Dalton Ames. Charlie and Caddy are being intimate on the swing in the Compson backyard when Benjy interrupts them. Charlie's reaction to Benjy's anguish is very callous: noting that her brother "cant talk," he continues to "put his hands on Caddy" (47) and gets angry when Caddy leaves with Benjy. |
1632 | Sis Beulah Clay |
Frony mentions "Sis Beulah Clay" to Caddy and her brothers in The Sound and the Fury when she tries to explain what a "funeral" is (33). When Sis Beulah Clay died, "they moaned two days" (33). "Sis" implies this woman belonged to the same church as Dilsey's family. |
1633 | Miss Daingerfield |
In The Sound and the Fury, Miss Daingerfield is one of two young women on a pleasure outing with Mrs. Bland, Gerald, Spoade and Shreve when Quentin is arrested for kidnapping the unnamed Italian girl. Quentin notes that she and Miss Holmes, the other young woman, have "little white noses" (145) and look at him "through veils, with a kind of delicate horror" (141). |
1634 | Deacon |
In The Sound and the Fury Deacon is a fixture among the students at Harvard in 1910, especially the ones who come from the south. Black and, according to Quentin, a "natural psychologist" (97), he meets these southerners when they first arrive in Cambridge, "in a sort of Uncle Tom's cabin outfit, patches and all" (97) and proceeds to manipulate their prejudices to his own benefit. He tells Quentin that "you and me's the same folks, come long and short," and that Southerners are "fine folks. But you can't live with them" (99). |
1635 | Earl |
In The Sound and the Fury Earl owns the hardware store on the Square in Jefferson where Jason Compson works. He tells Jason that Mrs. Compson is "a lady I've got a lot of sympathy for" (227), and apparently for her sake, he puts up with Jason's inadequacies as his employee. When Earl re-appears in The Mansion he gains a last name but loses possession of the store: he manages it for Ike McCaslin, though since Ike "spends most of his time" fishing and hunting he essentially runs it until Jason "eliminates Triplett in his turn" (355). |
1636 | Louis Hatcher |
In The Sound and the Fury Louis Hatcher is an elderly black man who goes possum hunting with Quentin and Versh on a windless October night. Thinking of him, Quentin notes that he "never even used his [hunting] horn carrying it" (114). He does use the lantern he carries, but the last time he cleaned it, he tells Quentin, was during the 1889 flood in Johnstown, Pennsylvania; he and his wife Martha were afraid the flood waters would reach Yoknapatawpha. It is possible but very unlikely that he is the "Louis" who teaches Caddy how to drive a car (93). |
1637 | Martha Hatcher |
Martha is the wife of Louis Hatcher in The Sound and the Fury. He tells Quentin that his wife was afraid the Johnstown flood in Pennsylvania could reach Mississippi. |
1638 | Miss Holmes |
In The Sound and the Fury Miss Holmes is one of two young women on a pleasure outing with Mrs. Bland, Gerald, Spoade and Shreve when Quentin is arrested for kidnapping the unnamed Italian girl. Quentin notes that she and Miss Daingerfield, the other young woman, have "little white noses" (145) and look at him "through veils, with a kind of delicate horror" (141). |